The Vibe

By Adriana666

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Elizabeth Clark is a girl who recently lost her mother and is living in the big city with her aunt, but for h... More

The Vibe
Chapter Two- Summer night, with you!
Chapter Three-You Make me!
Chapter Four- Best Day Of My Life
Chapter Five- Cruel Love!
Chapter Six-Counting Stars!
Chapter Seven-REALITY check
Chapter Eight-Round and Round
Chapter Nine-Guess who?
Chapter Ten- Warrior's Love
Chapter Eleven- Date night?
Chapter Twelve-All lies
Chapter Thirteen-Welcome Back Fight!
Chapter Fourteen-Good...Better...The Best GOODBYE
Chapter Fifteen-BAD idea
Chapter Sixteen-A Ride back!
Chapter Seventeen-Ten feet off the ground.
Chapter Eighteen-Trouble and Confusion!
Chapter Nineteen-Right choice?
Chapter Twenty-The New Beginning...
Chapter Twenty One-Where have you been?
Chapter Twenty Two-Bad Intention -1pt.
Chapter Twenty Three-Bad Intention-2pt.
Chapter Twenty Four-Reunited?!
Chapter Twenty Five-The Vibe.
Chapter Twenty Seven-Forget me...Or should i?
Chapter Twenty Eight-Kiss or kill...
Chapter Twenty Nine-Your's truly!
Chapter Thirty -You and I

Chapter Twenty Six-I know what you did in the dark!

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By Adriana666

Where do i begin? Do i start of the heart attacks i had when i realized that the guy who made my life adventures was...dead or that was just a stupid conclusion and he was still alive.Dancing with me on our dance floor.

Or should i start with what happened after the dance was over for us.

School dances were always awful and made me hate the people in my school even more.So me and Alex,half drunk decided that we shouldn't stay anymore and just go somewhere.We got in to his car and we drove to an old abandon building and we sat in the rooftop.

I never saw him that comfortable with me or anyone before.He was always rude to me or to other people.He was never that kind boy who knows how to treat a lady.I never thought possible until i realized he was all of the above...He was something no one can figure out and someone no one can have.

-Okay,okay...What about that presentation?You must think im a hero for that?!-he said smiling.-I saved your ass.

-You...saved me from getting grounded and my ass was fine either way.-i said and looked at him.

-At least i did saved you!-he said.-Im a..half a hero?

-Hmm.No,no your not.-i said smiling at him even though i tried not to.

-Oh..i forgot.-Alex said and stood up.-I had some drinks in the car.Wait here I'll grab them.-he said and went to the car while i stayed at the roof.

In mean time Blair sent me a photo of her and Bryan making out which was awfully weird in so many ways,but i get it,she was drunk.

I saw a lot of photos from the dance that made me feel glad i left.

-Hey,Where did i left my keys?-Alex said.-Liz!-he searched for me.-Liz!where are you?-he yelled.

-Oh!Hi,Alexander...What was your surname..Rider,right?

While Alex went down stairs and i got distracted by the photos on my phone,the guy,Dimitar Tasarov,he came behind me back and put a gun behind me.

-Wh..-Alex made a weird face and i could have seen his eyes start to glow from the moon light and light up like sparks.He was ready to kill.

-You don't think im that easy to screw up,do ya?-Tasarov asked while was holding me and a gun behind my back. you want!-Alex asked.

-What..Do i want?-Tasarov smiled at Alexander and that slowly let his hand trough my hair.

-I want to know the answer too...Why did you got involved,Alexito?Wasn't our first fight enough?I thought you are now trying to be a better man..sorry kid.?

-What do you want?-Alex asked again.

-Oh..nothing... I just wanted to,pay you a visit and ask you the same question. -Tasarov said and looked at me.-But i bet you are busy...Screwing up this girl...-He said and smiled like a physio. -I bet you really like this guy?-he asked me.-Well,I'll  tell you something..-he said and smiled but Alex interrupted him.

-Enough!!-Alex yelled and Tasarov smiled and looked at Alex as that was his plan he wantes Alex to expload.Alex had so many secrets that people knew and he still kept them inside.He locked them and never let them out.But he had a problem,the people who knew the secrets,they were just trying to sell them.

-Why so angry,Alexito?-he asked him and smiled.-Don't you want her to know the truth?Maybe he will be...

-I said enough,you son of a bitch!-Alex yelled and ran towards Tasarov,but one of the guys,his security,shot him in the hand and he slowed down.

-Why not,Alexito?Why!?-Tasarov said.-Alexito...-he smiled.-Isnt that how she called you?-he asked him and walked towards him.

-Just..shut up..-Alex tried to hide the pain he had.

-I wish i could...But..You see when you meet the guy who killed your daughters...You just can't... -said Tasarov and my eyes opened as much as they could.

Was that right what i heard..Was i just imaging things?

-You know...When i saw you with Bryan.I didn't realized you were him,but when we got in to the car...Your stupid,mother fucking face flashed trough my eyes and i knew i had to get back to you....And when i did you were both gone...So i knew i can find you.-he said anx kicked Alex so hard he collapsed on the floor.-There is no way im going to forget what you did,you fucking idiot!-he yelled and kicked Alex as hard as he could.

I didn't get it...I didn't believe it...I was shocked and i was going to pass away but then i saw Alex lying on the floor covered in blood and i saw my phone beside my leg and i tried to think of something so fall on my knees and started crying so he would stop and i quickly reached my phone and called Bryan,but his security guards grabbed me and made me stood up and i left my phone on the ground.

-How do you feel,Alexito?-Tasarov asked Alex after he tried to murder him.

-Pretty...much alive..-said Alex slowly and smiled,but he was not fine or alive.

-Shut up!!-Tasarov yelled and kicked him again this time as hard as he could. -How...can you lead them to that?-Tasarov asked Alex and got to the floor so he can hear Alex.

-How can you kill them,both of them?Was that kind of payback to me?-He said and grabbed Alex and wanted to choke him.

-Was....i..not.-Alex tried to say something with his bleeding mouth. -Not..clear the first time...

-No you weren't!-Yelled Tasarov and banged Alex's head from the floor  and this time i felt it i felt it like it was the end.

-You are just a schmuck that is no better than..

-You..-said Alex..-You were like me,Tasarov... Don't denie it.

-Shut  your fucking mouth!-Tasarov kicked Alex and turned him on the other side.And in that time i heard a loud shot and when i turned around i saw one of the quards fall and u turned around to see who it was,but instead of that i saw the guards fall and some if them trying to find who was the shooter.

After just two guards were left from the darkness i saw Bryan coming out with a gun and the guards targeted him and waited for Tasarov to give them an order.

-Hello..You didn't invite me to your little meet up?-Bryan said and stood next to me.

-Bryan..I never knew that you'll group up...-said Tasarov.-But this is between me and your precious Alex.

-I don't care..His fight is mine...-said Bryan and i saw a knife in his pocket.

-Thats so awesome...Maybe you can have one grave for both of you!-said Tasarov and looked at his men.-Now shot him!

And i grabbed his knife and i tried to concentrate on Tasarov's head but instead of him i stabbed one of the security men in the eye.

While Bryan was shooting at Tasarov and his one security men who were running away  i ran towards Alexander and i helped him to stood up.

-Are you okay?-i asked Alex and he smiled at me with his purple face.-I bet your not..

-Is he okay?-Bryan asked.-What happened?


-I wonder the same...What did he meant by that...You killed his daughters?-i asked and Bryan looked at me weirdly.

It was all so messed up.It was all so crazy..It was everything,but it wasn't normal.

We drove far away from the building and got near my house and we sat in the park,where Alex tried to explain to us what happened.

-I..can't  tell you..-Alex said as i was holding ice against his face.

-Look,dude!I..Just say it!... -said Bryan.

-I...If i tell you..You'll think of me..even less than you do and i know you think im shit...-he said and looked at me.-I can't...

-You need to!-said Bryan. -You need to te her...-said Bryan.

-Just tell us what happened with Tasarov...-i said.

-I...-Alex said and looked at the grass.-I was a little boy..I really liked action movies and...i always wanted to be a fighter...So when my dad got his job as a CEO and we moved to our new big house i started going to kick-box fighting and after years of training i was ready for a match where none of my mother or father came because they were always busy....-he said.-So i saw this guy sitting on the chair and next to him i saw this girl...She was verry pretty and my coach told me that Mr.Tasarov was the sponsor that sponosred the school.So he told me that i should impress him,that he will take me to the top...That i will be a big star...And so i did...The other day he came and saw me practice and asked me if i wanted to compete in other matches and i do wanted, a lot.But boy i wish i never said yes...My father just signed the note about me going to matches and that was the end of me.I had such a fun time untill one day when Tasarov took me to his home...His big mansion and i was so amused and excited.I was trying to follow the rules he had for me and i danced as he sang...I mean what ever he said i listend because he was like an idol of mine..a rolemodel...But that day i met his daughter,the girl who i kind of liked and her name was Aleksandra...We had such a fun time,but then her dad called me in the study and i saw a lot of people in there and i mean a lot...because all of them are now my enemies...Like Azgar and his brother...And a lot of people that want to kill me...-Alex stopped but i was so ready to know what happened  next!

-And...-i said

-I walked in and when i saw them i got a little bit shy, but Tasarov sat me in his big chair and they all smiled at me.

He introduced me to them...He was the reason..he is the reason why i suffer... He is the reason i have all these problems...He introduced me to the best people in the underground world and they all looked pretty amused to see me and i didn't  knew why..But they all wanted kids like me,security like me...They wanted to train children to become professional at killing...someone who will do everything for them...Someone like me that Tasarov had.They offered him money,but he denied it he wanted to make sure that they follow him and also finance him and his company,but that all went in to burning hell...once i figured everything  out...Once i did what i had to do...-He said and looked at me...-Im sorry but that's  all i can say now...I'll  go now.-Alex said and stood up leaving me and Bryan in the park.

-I dont get it...He was made in to a killer..-i said..

-We all were..-said Bryan looking at the floor and then he looked at me.-He was not the only one..who got trained...

-N...You..No..-i couldn't say a word.

-Yes me too...But once i become a fighter Tasarov sold me to his best man...And that brother..He sold me to my brother..Because my brother was the reason i got kidnapped and destined to work as a killer...I always saw,Alexander next to him.Whever he went,Alex was by his side.-said Bryan.-Alex is the greatest fighter,but...He can never face Tasarov alone.

-So you wanna tell me and Alex knew eachother all this time?-i asked.-And what happened to his daughters??

-We never really became friends,but from the moment i saw you two i knew you were not normal and..about his daughters i can't  tell you that... You'll either wait for Alex to tell you or never know anything about it..-he said and left.

I stayed in the park for an hour untill i realized that it was almost morning and i hurried to get home,before my aunt freaks out.

But it was too late anyways.When i got back she was laying on the sofa waiting for me to come home.

-Where have you been?-Aunt Susan asked and stood up.-Do you know what time is it?

-Yeah..i..-she didn't let me finish.

-And why are you not answering you phone?-she asked and i went back in my memory and realized i left it at the rooftop.

-I...i lost it..-i said.

-This is your second phone this month!-she yelled.-Do you even try...

-What's  with the yelling Susan?-uncle Ben walked in and so me and aunt Susan.

-I'm sorry if i woke you up,Ben..-she said and looked at me.-But i just lost it..Look what time she comes home!-Susan said and looked at me.

-Weren't they at the dance... with Veronica? -he asked.

-Yes,they should have been together,but Veronica came home three hours ago.-said aunt Susan.

-Okay,go to sleep,Liz!-Ben said and i walked towards my room.-We'll talk about this in the morning..

I knew i really messed up everything this time and i really hope it wasn't  this hard to get it.

But it was hard it was so hard to understand it was hard to make it all normal...It was even hard for me to think that my best night turned in to a killer night.All the fun i had it was all gone,i could have concentrated only  on the question WHY?...Why did Alexander killed his daughters? 

My mind was messed up and i had no idea what should i do.Should i push ALex in to telling me,should i back down and act like im out of the game that may  kill them all and i'll be the one to know their secret. Should i even go on? Should i even try to breath again? Will it be worth it...That was the last of me i didn't blinked because i finally fall asleep to the sound of gun shots and me yelling as i run towards ALex and Bryan...Their bodies were cold as ice,they were both dead.My eyes closed and tears came rushing down my cheeks. I turned around and i saw all of the people Alex has problems with and they all pointed their guns towards me and i stood up.I wanted to run,but i was on top of a bulding so the only way away,was down...So i jumped....

-Liz!-Veronica yelled.-Are you okay?-she asked me and wanted to touch me,but i stood up and went to the bathroom.

-I'm fine..-i said and i closed the door.

-Okay...Be ready in 10 min we are going to school with mum and dad today.-she said and went to the livingroom.

I looked at the mirror and i saw my face all bleeding out with thousands scars.I saw Alex standing next to me and his whole body was with scars and his face was purple.I touched the mirror and when i closed my eyes i cried. I cried and i cried untill i realized that i will never let this go.I will need to know the truth so i can really know what am i in.What am i really doing here..


I walked to the living room and i saw aunt Susan and uncle Ben ready to head out and i walked trough the door as fast as i could with my eyes looking at the floor.

When we got to the school aunt Susan told Veronica that she wants us both to be home at the same time and not be late for lunch this time.Because it was her's birthday and we were going to have a lot of familly people over.We walked to the school and i saw all our friends sitting on the steps.They were all talking about the dance,but most importantly how much fun will they have when we go on our winter holdiday in just a month.

After a minute or two i saw Alex coming down the stairs and when i looked up he smiled at me.When he came close to me he kissed my cheek and whispered in my ear:"-After classes behinde your building"-he said and i took a deep breath and his perfume killed me inside.I nodded,but then i forgot about the lunch that we were going to have at home. After he stood next to me i saw Blair smirking at me and so as Emily.They wanted to just laugh and scream at me about how right they were.

-Hey,How about this friday?-Nick said.-Can we have a party?

-Im totaly in!-agreed Ethan and Mike,but the others just made weird faces.

-Trow it if you want,but i bet no one will come...-said Blair.-We have finals this week and i bet the whole school will be studying.

-C'mon i bet they wont!-Ricky said.-I think..Firday is for parties!

-Party?-asked Bryan behind me and put his hand on my shoulder.-What party?-he asked again.

-Nick wants to trow a party this firday..-said Emily.-And we said he cant because it'll be disster and no one wll come.

-C'mon...Friday is for parties!-said Bryan and looked at Blair,but she just iced him off and he made a sad frown.-Isn't that right,Blair?-he asked,but she didn't answer.

-I..Bet...-i wanted to break the awkwardness,but Alex grabbed my hands and pulled me away and we walked down the hall.-Hey!-i yelled at Alex.-Why are you pulling me..-i argued with my self because i didn't got the answer.-Where are we going?

-You'll see..-he said and he opened a door that i havent seen before.We went up some stairs and he opened another door and than we got on the rooftop of the school.

-Why did you brought me here?-i asked and he sat down.-Alex..I'm talking to you-i said as i sat next to him and he looked at me.

-Because i don't feel like we can have other dramas in our life..-he said and smiled at me.

-Yeah..but..-i got intterupted.

-No but..just enyjoy...-he said and put a finger on my mouth to shut me up.He looked at me and the wind blew my hair so much and i tried to calm it down and when i opened my eyes i saw him closer to me.My hert beated again as hard as it could and my arms were shaking.I took a deep breath and i felt his perfume going to my lungs.-Why are you so hard for me to understand?-he asked as he slowly put his hand under my chin.-Why are you so different?-he said and i blushed a little bit.

-I'm..not...-i said and i looked down.-You are the hard one and you are so so different,i  bet that you'll figure me out before i even try to learn your favourite colour.

-Easy..Pale mouth pink..-he said and kissed me,but when he did i felt like this time it was right,but i tried to feel alright and u couldn't. I only thought about the girls,his daughters,the girls Alex "killed"...

-I...-i looked down and i didn't know what to say.I took a deep breath and when i was ready to say something i looked at Alex and he smiled so softly and made me blush.He made me think that i was wrong,that i was wrong for thinking that he killed them.

-What?-he said softly and smiled and that killed me inside.It burned my heart but i had to know. know..-he intterupted me.

-You want to know about the girls,right?-he asked and frowned.

-I..yes!-i said and i really wanted to know and i was sure he is going to tell me,but he stood up and started walking down towards the door.

I stood up and followed him and i didn't say a thing.

-I...know you are just trying to help,but i...You need to understand that it's hard for me to talk about it...-He said and walked down the stairs and in seconds i was surrounded by thousands of teenage kids.

I was trying to help and he knew it, but he wasn't ready to face the fact that he killed or not killed,maybe they were killed and he got blamed.


After school i basically run home because Veronica went home with Ricky and i was late as always. When i got home  i just saw my grandma who was helping my mother at up the table.

I walked towards her and i hugged her, but her smell, her perfume reminded me of my summer.My stupid, idiotic summer who i really wished i could shuve it in a corner and just leave it in the past yo rot.

-Honey,i missed you so much!-she said and put her hands on my shoulders.-Oh you have grown!..Seriously you are very taller than me now.Oh of course you will,you are kid now and im old...Anyway let me..just show you what i brought you.-she said and we went to our bedroom and i saw Veronica and Lessie on the floor going trough the bags that our grandma brought us.

-Here Liz,this is for you!-said Lessie and gave me a box that was very big.

-What's this?-i asked and smiled and Veronica sat next to me.

-Open it and see..-she said and grandma set next to me.

-I...think now it's the best time for me to give it you..She was your age when she had this box and she really kept it and cared about it,because it was her life..-Grandma said and tears run down their face.

-I...-i couldn't say a word.-I really don't know if i can..

-It's okay..We'll leave you alone..C'mon Lessie..-said grandma and they all left me in the room.

I tried to open the box and i closed my eyes,but the box won't open. I opened my eyes and i saw that it had a lock and i tried to open it but it didn't open again.I looked under and i found a key taped to the bottom.I slowly opened it and first thing i saw was a picture of me on the lit.I was very small and i really looked happy back then.

I looked down and i saw a big black notebook and i opened it.

It was her diary and it had everything that happened to her in her teenage years.

I was about to read, but i heard a loud knock on the window and i saw Alex outside.

-What are you doing here?-i yelled and i opened the window.

-I..I'm waiting for you.-he said and had a blank face.-I told you. After school,behind your building.

-Yeah,yeah,but you can't be here!-i said because i knew my aunt will be so mad when she sees Alex or even if i leave the flat today.

She really started hating on him because Veronica told her i always hangout with him and i always get in trouble in school because of him,but i bet i won't be having anymore school touble because we are having a winter holiday.

-Why not?-he asked and someone knocked on the door.

-Its my aunts birthday and she will be really pissed if i leave or if she sees you...-i said and i turned around.-I'll  be out in a minute!-i yelled when i heard the loud knock.

-Why?-he asked.-Your aunt doesn't like me?-he asked again.

-She..well..I have a lot of trouble...i mean..Look i need to go now!-i said and my grandma walked in the room.

-Liz,are you okay?-she asked and when she saw Alex she smiled.-Well,hello.What are you doing there hanging on the window?-she asked and closed the door behind her.

-I..-Alex didn't  know what to answer.

-He...He was just leaving! -i yelled and i wanted to close the window but Alex didn't move and my grandma didn't let me.

-No,i didn't meant that's wrong,Liz..I wanted to say,let him in,he might fall.-she said.

-That won't be the first!-i said quietly and Alex smiled and went inside.

-Now,Liz put on something nice and you young man come with me.I'll give you my homemade crackers,Liz loves them.-she said and Alex smiled mockingly at me.


I looked trough the clothes and i finally found a nice dress.I got undressed and i heard my phone ringing in the room so i ran from the bathroom and i saw Alex answering it.

-Alexander! -i yelled.-Give me my phone!-i said and when he turned around he smiled at me and in a second he laugh and it hit me that i was in my underwear.I run back to the bathroom and i yelled as much as i could and i put on the dress.

-Nice bra!-he said smirking at me as i opened the door and went outside.

-Shut up..-i said and i blushed. -Now give me my phone!

-I...Your phone?-he asked.-This is my phone...

-Noo,it's mine!-i yelled and i came closer and grabbed the phone,but i took a good look at it and it wasn't mine...I didn't had a phone because my two phones were lost all because of Alex.-it's not my phone..-i said and i gave it back to him.

-Told ya..-he said and ate the cracker.-So,all those people are your family?-he asked.

-Yes,wait..All those?-i asked.-How many people are there?

-Well..A lot.-he said and leaned back on his hand and from under his shirt peaked his perfect body,so i started to stare and i got weirdly obsessed with staring and when he smirked i understood i started for too long.So he stood up and he took of his shirt and i tried to swollow,but i couldn't.

-Wha..What are you doing?-i asked and i tried not to look.

-You could've just asked...-he smirked,but when i looked deeply i saw the scars he had on his chest,they were all stitched.

-Ugh!No!-i yelled.-You are such a p..

-Pretty?Im pretty, am i?-he asked and came closer to me.

-No!You are such a pervert and self centered!-i yelled.

-Self centered?-he asked.-No,no,no.I'm  not because i took of my shirt so you can have a better view.-he said and smirked.

-You make me feel like I'm less than a whore!-i said and i turned around but he spined me and we came so close i could feel him breathing in my neck as he kissed me.

-I..don't know what do you want me to be like,but...I'm sure you like me..-he whispered and than smirked in my face.

-And..I really enjoy that you like messing with my mind because I'm more than glad to play this game of...

-game of what? -he asked and smiled.

-Game of who will make the one fall so deep that they won't know which way they are headed! -i said and this time i smirked at him because i finally wasn't blushing and i wasn't the one falling so damn hard,that i lost track of me staring at his perfection.

-Deal! -he said and he came closer again.-So..we are going to be like..Friends with benefits? -he asked and i raised my eyebrow high up.

-You wish!-i smiled and i wanted to walk out but he grabbed my hand.

-Maybe i do wish...What are you going to do about it?-he smirked.

-I'll definitely...DENIE IT!-I said and i walked in to the living room that was full of people.I never knew that my aunt will invite all of our family to come and visit for her birthday, but i guess she did.I walked and said hi to everyone and i almost ran out of breath.

After ten minutes of me saying hello i finally stopped and i saw Alex sitting on the counter eating my crackers and talking to my grandma and her friend.And when i walked there my grandma smiled and stood up to get me some crackers.

-Liz!You've grown so much!-said Elka my grandma's polish friend.

-Yes,thank you.-i said and Alex smiled at me so i punched him in the shoulder.

-Is this young man your boyfriend? -she asked and me and Alexander looked at eachother weirdly.

-No,no!-i said.

-We are just friends..-Alex said and took a cracker.-Friends with ben..-He wanted to say benefits so i punched him as hard as i could and he started to choke on his cracker.Fisrt i though he was kidding but then i realized he is not faking it so i gave him water but he didn't stopped choking and we made a big scene where he was choking and i was going insanely mad and stressed because he could've died.

-Step away,Liz.-said uncle George,he was a doctor and he just squeezed Alex and he spit out the cracker.

-He is alive!-Elka yelled and i finally came to my senses.

-Yeah,give him some water and Liz...Next time,Dont choke your boyfriend. -he said and everyone looked at us.

-He is not..He is..-i wanted to say that he is not my boyfriend, but uncle Geroge walked away.-Here you go water!-i said and gave him water.

-Thanks...or should i choke on this too.-he said and drank the water.

-Oh shut it!-i said.-You deserve it!-i said and Elka gave me a bottle of champagne to open it for her.

-Give me it!-said Alex.-Give me the bottle,before you make a mess.-he said and wanted to take my bottle.

-No,i can open it! -i said and we were arguing in the kitchen and than i gave him the bottle. After a second he took off his shirt and tried to open the bottle with it.

-Oh,god!-i said.-Give!You don't know how to open a stupid bottle!-i said and i wanted to take his bottle in which i succeeded and i kind of ran towards the livingroom so he doesn't take it back,but he followed me and we were standing there in the hallway,infront of the door that was separating the kitchen and the livingroom trying to open the bottle,but fight in the same time.

We walked in to the livingroom and we were still fighting and we had no idea that we actually walked in and everyone was looking at us, but we didn't really saw them till the bottle cap got lose and we got spraid by champagne and we made a bigger mess than we did with the choking.

We stood there, i had my eyes closed and when i opened them i saw all of them looking at us and i really felt embarrassed and when i looked at Alex i saw him smiling and that made me smile and laugh and soon everyone started to laugh at us, but my aunt Susan was really pissed off.She could've killed us if she was allowed.She came closer to me and whispered in my ear to clean this mess up and say goodbye to Alex.But when i went to the kitchen she was talking to my grandma and they were talking about me and Alex and how much trouble we caused today.

-I told you, i told you! -Aunt Susan yelled.

-Relax, Susan, she is just a kid. -my  grandma said and smiled at Susan.

-I get that, but i don't get why does she hangs out that much with that boy, he is bad for her. She was such a great student and now I'm almost every third day in school because she is misbehaving. -Aunt Susan said  and i walked in.

-Liz! -Grandma said and my aunt turned around.

-Did you asked him to leave? -she asked.

-He... He is in the bathroom. -i said.

-Good... Why did you even invited him here, this is a family party?-she asked.

-I...i- i had nothing to say.

-She... It wasn't her fault, i asked him to come. -said grandma.

-What? -Aunt Susan freaked out.

-Yeah, i saw the boy and i asked him to come... -Grandma got intterupted by aunt Susan.

-Saw him where? -Aunt Susan asked. -Is there something i don't know about?

-He...-I didn't know what to say.

-He came by to ask if Liz wanted to...go out so i asked him to stay... -said grandma.

-Really?-aunt Susan asked.-So is he your boyfriend?

-Oh,hell no!-i said and made a weird face.

-So you don't like him? -she asked. -He is just your friend?

-Yeah..-i said.

-Oh,i see..-said grandma and made a weird face. -Maybe I'm old but this brain all works, you were afraid that she was saying him.?

-No.. Okay yes! -Aunt Susan said. -But only because i promised you mother i won't let you marrie some idiot!

-Wow! -i said.-I knew...I knew him since i was one year old,but i never ever thought about that!-i smiled and they laughed.

-Well,I'm very sorry! -she apologised and we hugged and behind me stood Alex.

-Oh, young man come. We were just talking about you! -said grandma and took Alex by his hand.

-Im sorry for what i did and i shouldn't have come in the first place.I'll leave now.-he said but aunt Susan intterupted him.

-It's okay...I'm sorry i over reacted and I'm sorry i didn't liked you,you are such a sweat boy...And you dont have to go now,i think Lessie  be mad at you because you did promised her a dance.-Aunt Susan said and smiled at Alexander.

They turn up the volume and auny Susan and uncle Ben danced and next to them Ricky and Veronica and on the other side Lessie and Alex.

They looked so cute and so weird,Alex was this tall, hot,perfect boy that i could've only imagine him dancing with me.And that brought me the memory when Alex asked what i think about him and i just said that he is a devilish guy,but i never told him this.

-After the song was over Alex came closer to me and stood by my side as i watched people dancing and singing.My grandma stood next to us and Alex asked her if she would like to dance and they did,but after two minutes Alex came behind me and hugged me tight and pushed me in to the crowd so we can dance.

-I never thought you can be this festive!-i said.

-You have a lot to learn...FB..-he said and smiled, but i didn't really got it.

-What? -i asked.

-Friend with benefit -he said as he came closer to me and kissed me on the cheek so slowly that made me feel goosebumps all over my body.

-I...Can you not,just not say that for today!-i asked him.

-Deal..-he said but he wasn't done i felt it.-If! You try to help me a little bit more about Tasarov with Bryan.. -he said and i again thought about the girls and i just wanted to kill him till he told me.

-Y..yah..-i said and i felt very woozy.The cologne he was wearing took my sense and made me a floating paraid because everything along me spin as fast as it could and when i closed my eyes i fell down on the floor and my eyes closed slowly and the last face i saw was Alex's and he looked so scared.


-I want to know what did you do to those girls, Alex!-i yelled at Alex as he slowly looked at me and smirked.

-I'll never tell you... Because you'll just try to run away from me, like they did... So i had to kill them. -he smirked.

-What? -i screamed and i turned around and i saw Bryan.

-Hi, Liz! Did he told you? -he asked and came closer.-I told you he is a bad dude and that's why i wanted to tell you that i like you.... i love you! -he said and got down on one knee.-Elizabeth Rider will you marrie me? -he asked and i ran out of breath and everything around us became white,like we were traped in a box.

-Rider? -i asked.-Wait...What is going on? -i asked and when i opened my eyes i was at my wedding i was wearing a big white dress and everyone were sitting and waiting for me and Bryan to get married, but than i saw Blair in the corner crying and cursing me that i stole Bryan from her and in the first rule i saw Alex with the girl who he killed, exactly as he described her. Tall, blonde and so beautiful.

So i ran towards her and i sat next to her.

-Excuse me,Are you Aleksandra? -i asked.

-Yes,I'm. -she said and looked at me.

-Can...Can you tell me how he killed you? -i asked and i pointed to Alex.

-Oh,he!... He is such a sweet guy he is the love of my life, he is my everything i can't breath without him around me. His cologne and perfume are killing me inside, he is the reason why i love my life, he is the reason why i still believe in love.... -she said and looked at me with a creepy,horror smile that scared the shit out of me.

-Is that what you wanted to hear!!! -she yelled and i fell from the stool.-It's it?! Do you believe in that inisant smile he fakes, do you trust him. Do you love him like i did? Do you? -she yelled and came closer to me.-I bet that he will kill you just like he killed me and my sister, like he kills all the girls... Just remember...Don't you ever fall because boys's colognes are girls greatest weakness....-she said and i didn't got it. -Just don't smell him he has a cologne that is poisonous.-she said and disappeared.

-But, wait!! -i yelled but she was gone. -Alex? -i said when i saw a shadow behind me.

-Yeah... Do you doubt me?-he asked and helped me stood up. -Do you feel like I'm lying to you?

-No, no. I just want to know something about you more about you...

-How come you don't think that what I'm telling you is enough? -he asked and looked at me so sweetly that made me cry and left my lungs without a breath.

-I...just want to know if you like me and the reasons you killed those girls! -i said but when i looked up i didn't saw Alex so i turned around and i found my self in a hotel room and i saw Alex opening the door and a tall, blonde girl walking in. They said hello and she walked in and Alex was just wearing a rural wrapped around his  lower body.

-Why did you came? -he asked the girl.

-I need a favour.. -she said and sat on the bed and took of her big black hat. She was the girl he killed, she was Aleksandra.

-What kind of favour? -he asked. -And last time i checked you said we are not working together anymore?!

-Look, Alexito.. -she said and it reminded me of Tasarov when he said that she used to call him that.

-Hi!-someone said next to me and when i turned around i saw a girl.

-Aaaaaaa!-i yelled. -Who.. Who are you?

-Don't worry, I'm here to help you... -she said.

-Help me with what? -i asked.

-Figure it out.... Your dream! -she said.-You are now in you dream world and you are seeking for the answers.

-What? -i yelled.

-The first thing you saw was Alex telling you that he killed them, but then the girl told you that she didn't, but then she said he did... She first told everything to you like you feel about him and than she asked you everything about how you feel about him and in the end she told you how and why you hate him...And she also is the girl who got killed by him...and thats me-the girl said and i looked shocked.

-Wha..What? I don't get it!-i said.

-You want to know weather he killed me or no...-she said and everything around us paused.

-I do,i really do..-i said.

-I can't tell you that,but have this in you mind...Will he or anyone kill the  girl he loves the most?-she said and disappeared.

She either wanted to tell that she loved him very much and he did too or that he didn't killed her and her sister...


All i heard was beep beep.... beep and people standing around me. Even if i tried to open my eyes i just couldn't, they were shut and they couldn't open.

I heard the door open and someone walked in.

-The doctor said that she'll be fine,she is in a small comma and she'll be awake in less than 24 hours,but not now.She just needs to rest and she is going to have to drink some pills to regain her straight. -uncle Ben said.

-But did he say why this happened?-grandma asked.

-It's because she had weak blood and she didn't drink her pis they gave her.-He said and i heard the door open again.

-Dad,Can you leave Alex with Liz for just a second? -asked Veronica and i heard all of them go out and Alex sat next to me.

-I...Don't know what to say..-said Alex and i thought that he was all alone.

-Maybe if we leave you alone!-said Bryan and i heard the door close again.

After a long time of silence,he tried to speak but he couldn't.

-I promised my self that i won't hurt anybody anymore... But i guess it was all for nothing. I hurt you and that means i lost i became the monster i was before... -he said. -I just let people down, i bet you want me out of your life, i bet you hate me for ever coming in your life again... I know you hate me and i tried i really tried to let you go, i tried to forget you i tried to let you be happy with a guy you actually like, but i think i faild...-he said and i heard him getting closer.-I dont want me to hurry you no more, i don't want you to live a life where you need to lie and kill to survive at least that's my life and i'll do the best i can to keep you away from it... Even though i want you in my life because you are the best thing that happened in my life... You helped me and you are so helping me even though my life is a giant mess... -he said such nice things and i couldn't hold it anymore so i let tears fall down my cheeks.

I opened my eyes and i saw Alex next to me and he was surprised to see me awake.

-Alex...-i tried to speak.

-I'll call the nurse..-he said and everyone came.

But i stil had no idea what happened and i really wanted to know about my dream and the questions.

But i want them all to be answered by him...

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