Wanted | Niam AU

Por romancestorygirl

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Verbally abused by his mother for years, 18 year old Niall Horan always believed he would never be loved or w... Más

Prologue: Niall
Chapter 1: Niall
Chapter 2: Liam
Chapter 3: Niall
Chapter 4: Liam
Chapter 5: Niall
Chapter 6: Liam
Chapter 7: Niall
Chapter 8: Liam
Chapter 9: Niall
Chapter 10: Liam
Chapter 11: Niall
Chapter 12: Liam
Chapter 13: Niall
Chapter 14: Liam
Chapter 15: Niall
Chapter 16: Liam
Chapter 17: Niall
Chapter 18: Liam
Chapter 19: Niall
Chapter 20: Liam
Chapter 21: Niall
Chapter 22: Liam
Chapter 23: Niall
Chapter 24: Liam
Chapter 25: Niall
Chapter 26: Liam
Chapter 27: Niall
Chapter 28: Liam
Chapter 29: Niall
Chapter 30: Greg
Chapter 31: Louis
Chapter 32: Liam
Chapter 33: Niall
Chapter 34: Liam
Chapter 35: Niall
Chapter 36: Liam
Chapter 37: Niall
Chapter 38: Liam
Chapter 39: Niall
Chapter 40: Liam
Chapter 41: Niall
Chapter 42: Liam
Chapter 43: Niall
Chapter 44: Greg
Chapter 45: Louis
Chapter 46: Liam
Chapter 47: Niall
Chapter 49: Niall
Chapter 50: Liam
Chapter 51: Greg
Chapter 52: Niall
Chapter 53: Liam
Chapter 54: Liam
Chapter 55: Niall
Chapter 56: Liam
Chapter 57: Niall
Chapter 58: Liam
Chapter 59: Niall
Chapter 60: Niall
Chapter 61: Niall
Chapter 62: Liam
Chapter 63: Greg
Chapter 64: Louis
Epilogue: Niall

Chapter 48: Liam

2.1K 80 17
Por romancestorygirl

"Come on, dude. We never fucking see you anymore, Liam, except at football practice and games. Let's just go get one beer, just one fucking beer," Josh said as he followed me out to my truck.

Football season started two months ago and between school, practice, games and everything in between, I had hardly spent any time with Niall. I could tell it was starting to get to him. Especially on the away games and home games he always seemed nervous. Greg said he was probably just worried about me getting hurt. I didn't think that was it.

When we did spend time together it was fucking magnificent. I loved being able to make him fall apart with my touch. Although, it was getting harder and harder for me to keep control, and I found myself dreaming about him and waking up jacking myself off in my sleep. I ran my hand through my hair and tried to tune Josh out.

I thought about 3 months ago when I took Niall out for his birthday. It was just the two of us. We went to Judges' Hill Restaurant and Bar downtown and it was a perfect evening. I had to smile when I remembered how excited he got when I gave him the present I bought for him. It was a white gold bracelet with a single charm of two hearts on it. He felt his daisy necklace while I put the bracelet on his left wrist. God I loved him.

I threw my bags in the back seat and turned to get into the truck.

"Liam, just one fucking beer dude, that's all I'm asking. Spend some time with the team, dude."

I let out a sigh. "Is Greg going?"

"I'm sure he is. What the fuck happened to him this summer? He sure has been drinking a lot and going out to Rebels almost every night. Coach finds out and his ass is grass, Liam. Plus, that fucker has banged more guys the last two months then I have this whole goddamn year. You need to sit down and have a come to Jesus moment with him Li."

"Yeah, tell me about it. I've tried talking to him. He won't listen to me or Niall."

"Is this over Niall's friend Louis?"

"Yep, and tonight his douchebag boyfriend is throwing him a birthday party that I'm required to be at so I'll only be having one beer."

Josh slapped me on the back and smiled. "Hell to the yes my brother, make sure you tell Niall I said hey!"

"Where we meeting?"

"Fado's, dude. Thirty minutes"

I jumped in my truck and called Greg.

"What's up dude?"

"Hey you going to Fado's to meet some of the guys for a beer?" I asked as I heard some hoe in the background trying to get Greg's attention.

"Fuck yeah I'm going. Pick me up?"

"Ah, yeah, but right after I need to go straight over to Niall's place; it's Louis's birthday and they're having a party for him."

Greg didn't say anything for a few seconds.

"Fine by me. I haven't seen my baby brother in awhile."

"Where are you?"
"Sitting in the parking lot of the stadium still. Where the fuck are you?"

"Same fucking place, dick. Where are you parked, 'cause I only see a few of the guys' cars and not your truck."

I heard the boy start laughing and I thought I heard that motherfucker moan.

"Yeah, around the back...give me two minutes."

Motherfucker, this had to stop.

I called Niall while I waited for the bastard to get his fucking blow job.


"Hey back, sweetheart. How was your day?"

"Long and tiring and Jason is driving me fucking nuts with this party! He is freaking out about every detail. I want to punch him in the throat and give him a good kick in the balls and watch his face while he lies there in pain."

I had to laugh. God how I loved this boy.

"Listen Ni, Josh is giving me hell about not spending any time with the team. Do you mind if I go to Fado's for a quick beer and then I'll head over to your place? I'm picking up Greg and he wants to come along to see you."

"Of course I don't mind Liam. Just please make sure Greg has not been drinking too much. It's Louis's birthday and I don't think he has seen him since September."

"I will make sure, baby, and no...he sees him at every home game sitting next to you. I watch him look for him."

Niall let out a sigh. "My heart aches for him, Liam. Will you please try to talk to him again?"

I didn't want to tell him I was waiting that very moment for the bastard to get done getting blown and that I thought he was a lost cause, so I agreed to talk to him again.

"Thank you, Liam. I love you and please be careful driving."

"I love you too, and always, baby....."

I looked at the clock. I just gave him more than two minutes, so the fucker better have the bitch gone. I pulled around the stadium and saw him leaning against his truck as some guy was pressed all up against him. I just shook my head. He was going to end up fucking up and getting someone pregnant or getting an STD if he didn't stop this bullshit."

I pulled up and honked the horn. He waved goodbye and jogged over to the truck and jumped in.

"Thanks for the extra few minutes," he said as he gave me a wink.

"Greg, this is getting out of hand. I mean, come on, dude, did you know him name?"


"You heard me. Did you even know that guy's name?"

"Of course I did. He's a bartender at Rebels and his name is Shane. There, are you happy, fuckwad?"

I shook my head as we made our way downtown to Fado's. I had my one drink and surprisingly enough Greg only ordered a coke. We talked for a few more minutes with some of the guys and then Greg and I took off for Louis's birthday party.

By the time we got to the party and pulled down their driveway, there were already about fifteen cars parked all around.

"Motherfucker. What the fuck is Jon Baker doing here?"

Greg looked around until he saw him leaning against a BMW talking to some bleached blonde.

"Hell if I know. Louis wouldn't have invited him, so that means douchebag Jason must know him."

I parked my truck around the side of the cottage. By the time we got around to the front door, Jon and the blonde must have already gone inside. I opened the door and was not surprised to see him standing there talking to Niall. Fucking dick.

"Li, just take it easy. He's only talking to him."

"Yeah and that's all he's ever going to do with him."

I started making my way over to Niall. He smiled that big beautiful smile he saves only for me. He stepped away from Jon and started to walk towards me. I picked him up and kissed the fuck out of him.

"Wow! Was that because Jon was talking to me or are you just that happy to see me?"

Shit I loved this boy. I laughed as I kissed him quickly again. "Both!"

"I'll take both then, anytime!" I slid Niall down against me and made sure he felt my already hard dick. Just looking at him turned me on. He gave me a wink and smiled. I needed to let him know how much I always wanted him.

"Hey bro..." Greg said as he leaned down to give Niall a kiss on the cheek and a quick hug.

"Thanks for coming, Greg. I'm sure Louis will be happy to see you."

Greg just shrugged as he scanned the room. His head stopped and his eyes lit up for the first time in two months. I looked over to where he was looking and there was Louis. He was laughing at something Amanda and Heather were saying and he had not noticed Greg yet. Just then he looked over and I could tell he sucked in his breath at the sight of Greg standing in his living room. I looked down at Niall and noticed he was holding his breath.
When I looked back at Louis, he smiled at Greg. I swear it was the first time I'd seen that smile of his since the day he was riding horses at the ranch. I turned to look at Greg and he was smiling back at him. He then nodded and waved. He waved back and his face turned as red as a rose.

Huh...interesting. Niall leaned up and asked if I wanted a beer and I shook my head no. I mouthed water to him; he smiled and turned to walk into the kitchen. I looked up just in time to see Jon watching Niall walk into the kitchen. I think I was going to have to beat his ass, and soon.

Just then I heard Louis.

"Hey Liam, hi Greg. Um, long time no see. How've you been?"

Greg cleared his throat after his first attempt to talk to him failed.

"Um, I've been good. Busy with football and senior year and all. How about you? You look beautiful, and um, happy birthday, squirt!"

Louis blushed again. I looked over his shoulder and saw douchebag Jason watching his every move. Fuck, I couldn't stand that guy. Something about him made me uneasy.

"Thank you for both the compliment and the birthday wishes. I've been okay...busy. I miss hanging out with y'all. I'm thinking of going to the ranch with Niall for Thanksgiving weekend since my parents are going on a cruise. Are you, um, you planning on being there?"

Greg must have felt the daggers being thrown his way by Jason, because he looked up and smiled at the prick before looking back down to Louis.

"Yeah, I'm planning on heading there with Liam."

Louis smiled a big satisfying smile. "Cool! Maybe we can have a rematch of that horse race you clearly cheated at," Louis said with a wink.

Greg let out a laugh.

"You bet Louis, a rematch sounds great," Greg said as they both just stood there and stared at each other.

Just then douchebag Jason hit a spoon on the side of a wine glass. What a fuckhead. Niall walked back up and Louis gave Niall a questioning look. Niall just shrugged his shoulders.

"Can I have everyone's attention please, quiet down please. Louis baby, please come stand next to me."

Niall leaned up and whispered to me, "What the hell is this all about? He never calls him baby!" Greg must have heard Niall, because he snapped his head back over to where Louis was now standing next to Jason.

Jason turned Louis around so he was facing directly in front of us. Next thing I know, he stepped in front of him and got down on one knee.

"Oh shit!" Niall and I both said at the same time.

"Louis, my sweet Louis. These last few months have been nothing but magical for me."

Louis was looking down at this jackass with a shocked look on his face. I wonder if he was more shocked that he was about to ask him to marry him or that he just described their last few months together as being magical. Douchebag. All they ever did was fight!

"It would be my greatest honor if you were to take this ring and say you will marry me."
Louis looked up and looked directly at Greg. He almost had a pleading look in his eyes. Greg just stood there staring back at him.

"Greg! Do something, say something for Christ's sake!" Niall whispered.

"Louis, I know this might seem sudden, but, baby, will you be my husband?" Douchebag had to ask him again because he was still staring at Greg. Oh this was going to be good.
Louis looked down at Jason and then back up at Greg again.

"I need some fresh air," Greg said as he walked towards the front door.

"Shit!" Niall and I both said again at the same time. I started to go after him as Niall pushed me from behind trying to get me to walk faster. I looked over at Louis who now had his eyes closed with a single tear rolling down his cheek. He opened his eyes and looked down at Jason but I never got to hear what he said because Niall was pushing me out the goddamn front door.

Greg was throwing up by the BMW that Jon had been leaning against earlier. Damn, I sure hope that was the asshole's car.

"Oh my God Greg! Are you okay?" Niall said as he ran over to him.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, you motherfucking idiot! You just let the best fucking thing that will ever happen to you go. You just walked away from him, you goddamn stupid motherfucker," I said as Greg kept throwing up.

"Liam! Stop!" Niall shouted at me.

"Why Niall? Because he just let the only boy he has ever loved end up with some fucking dickhead who is going to end up cheating on him with some country club plastic Barbie? You fucked up again Greg!"

Greg was still throwing up and Niall was just standing there rubbing his hand on his back.

"Shut the fuck up, Liam! You don't think I know what the fuck just happened. You don't think I lay in bed every fucking night and pray to God that Louis was mine and that I could turn back the clock and do it the right way? I'm getting what I fucking deserve. I don't deserve him, I never have!"

"Greg that's not true. Louis loves you..."

Greg was still leaning with his hands on his knees looking at the ground. He let his head drop even more.

"You mean he used to love me Niall. He's marrying another man." He threw up again. Then he stood up and looked up as he threw his head back and yelled out.

"Fucking son of a bitch! I just fucking walked away from the only goddamn person I ever loved." Then he started to cry as Niall took him in his arms. I heard a sharp intake of air and turned around to see Louis standing right behind me. How much of that did he hear?
He looked at me as he started to back up, then turned and went into the house. What a fucking mess.

"Liam, I think you should take Greg home," Niall said as Greg stood up and tried to calm down.

Fuck. I started to panic, because if I left to take Greg home that meant Niall would be left here with Jon.

"Ni, please will you come with us?" Greg asked as he started to walk toward the side of the house.

"Of course Greg. Um, let me go grab my wallet." He walked by me and reached up to give me a kiss.

"We're around the side of the house by your bedroom window," I said as he gave me a sad smile.

I walked back to my truck and got in. Greg was in the back seat already.

"You owe me, and don't ever call me all those mean names again, you fucking bastard," Greg said as he took a drink of water that was in the back seat.

"First off, that water has been back there forever and I have no clue who even drank from it last, and second, what the fuck do I owe you for?"

"For asking Niall to come along. You didn't really want him to stay here with Jonathon Barker hot on his tail did you?"

I stared at Greg in shock. "You really are a smart motherfucker aren't you? I just hope that was the prick's car you were puking on."

We both laughed, and when Niall got in the truck, he asked what we were laughing at.

"Nothing, sweetheart. Just wondering who that BMW belongs to. They're going to be in for a rude awaking when they step in Greg's puke."

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