Darkness Remains ( Vampire Ac...

By maggiesings24

10.5K 362 90

31 in #vampireacademy - 28.06.18 My best friend is the Queen, My lover is an ex-Strigoi, My friends w... More

01 - Connection
02 - Next time, remind me to say NO
03 - Just dreams
04 - Wait, are you serious right now?
05 - Deep thoughts
06 - Homecoming
07 - It isn't real.
08 - I'm okay
09 - There are still side affects
10 - Next destination
11 - It's my fault
12 - Why?
13 - Out of moves
14 - What more can I expect?
16 - Safety first
17 - I have my reasons
18 - Buria
19 - Would you break my fall?
20 - Where are you?
21 - Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me

15 - Unhealthy relationship

376 14 8
By maggiesings24

Warning: Self Harm scene!! Well technically it isn't self harm, it's more of possession.. But anyway if you don't want to read this chapter because of it please tell me so so I can write one that will tell the story without it.

"What?!" What the fuck did I just hear? At that moment I wasn't sure if I was still awake or was it all a dream. Anger once again build itself in my chest making me shiver.

My mind was spinning. This isn't real...

I looked around, was it really his voice that said that?

This can not be real. He wouldn't, would he?

Why? I ask. No answer.

My heart is hurting so bad. It broke n a million pieces. This is so unrealistic. Is he trying to make me loose it? Is it his goal to make me lose my mind?

What happened? You ask?

Well my "best friend" just told me that he sold me out and our gang almost died that night, one ended up badly hurt. He told me that he sold me out to the Strigoi. Out of everyone, the Strigoi.

"Why?" I looked at him with disgust on my face. I was so angry, so frustrated, all it needed was one slip out and the darkness would take over. I don't know if Eddie would survive that fight.

"I wasn't aware..." His voice was so innocent , it made me crack even more. This isn't real, something must've happened. But right now, my mind isn't working. I don't know what to do.

"You weren't awake?! Really? You weren't aware that you stabbed all your friend in the back, even me." But what good would it do now? What good would this do right now? The damage was already done, I couldn't stop it.

"Yes because I couldn't stop them."

"Stop them from what? You told them everything about that mission and that's why we failed. The only thing I don't understand is why would you do that." I pinched my arm trying to calm myself.

"Rose please let me explain." Explain what? What can he explain?

"No. I won't because, Edison I don't know what to believe you anymore, the only thing I know is that every word that comes out of your mouth is a lie." I ran to my dorm before I hit him. I was holding back so hard, but I couldn't hit him. He did that but he's still Eddie.

When I got to the room I punched the wall leaving a big hole. Didn't help at all. My heart was beating so fast that I thought that it's going to come out any second now, feeling the beating in my head.

I sat down and then the door flung open. It must be Dimitri, he must have heard when I broke the freaking wall.

I can't think straight, I'm so numb, yet so pained. How can he do this to me? How? Why? I've always been there for him, I've always done anything in my power when he needed me, why repay me like this?

Am I that bad of a person to deserve this?

"Roza, what happened?" He didn't ask about the hole in the wall, he knew that something's wrong. Well obviously there's something wrong when there's a freaking hole in the wall.

 His scent got stronger as he came near me. My hands were shaking from all that anger inside me. I was freaking out. "Get away from me."

"What? Why?" Pure confusion written on his face. I couldn't turn and look at him. My eyes were closed. I know that my vision will go red, that I won't recognize him. That I'll be that monster again. I won't be able to stop this time. "Roza, please talk to me."

But that voice, that sweet sweet voice, made me crack. I let my head turn to him, my eyes still closed and I'm getting myself ready for what I'm going to see. I slowly open my eyes and they watered when I saw him. My vision was normal.

Thank God.

I hugged him so tight, I felt if I ever let go that I'd be left alone in this cruel world. His strong yet sensitive and loving arms wrapped around me making me feel like I was home.

He was my home.

He will always be my way back home.

I calmed down a little and let go of him. Looking into those chocolate brown eyes and drowning myself into them. "Why?" My voice cracked as I once again asked the same fucking question.

"Why what? What happened?"

"He was the one. He sold us out that night. I can't believe it, it must be a dream." I pinched my hand making myself aware I was wide awake. Damn it.

"Who Roza? Who?"

"Eddie." Saying his name made my heart ache as my voice cracked.

"There must be a good explanation why he did what he did." And there was my breaking point.

This won't go down good.

"Are you fucking serious? He sold us out and It almost killed all of us. Merideth was in the hospital for a fucking week and he played the victim all along." Once again all those things Rhonda said made its way back in my mind.

Don't play the victim to the circumstances you created.

"Now you're being stubborn."

"I'm going out of my mind because of him and I'm the one whose stubborn." I was so angry. I turned around holding my head in my hands truing to calm down. Not fucking working.

And then, it took over.

Raising my head up I was about to punch the person who put a hand on my shoulder, but he caught my hand. and my other hand holding them so tight so I won't move. My mind was dark and all those depressed and dumb thoughts went away replaced by dark ones. The monster inside was exploding for the hundredth time.

Trying to get out of his hold and miserably failing. And the next thing I know I'm tied to the bed. This made me go madder than I've ever been.

I was really angry. I couldn't control myself. My body was acting on its own and my soul felt like it was locked inside of me. I was literally soulless.

Soulless and TIED to the BED!

I was so angry. My vision was black and red. Like I had blood in my eyes. But meanwhile, Dimitri was sitting on a chair in front not of the bed. His face was heavily guarded and he was so calm, it made me lose it even more than I already had, if that's even possible..

"Rose. Calm yourself, down." He said as calmly as he could but that didn't work one bit. I was literally trashing and screaming at him to let me go. What has happened to me?

"Don't. Tell. Me. What. To. Do." I roared at him but he didn't even flinch. He still had that stupid mask of his. He opened his mouth and I was sure he was going to say the same thing, so I warned him in a low voice. "If you say that one more time, when I get out of these ropes I'm going to kill you. You're going to die so slowly that you'll be beginning me to kill you."

Now he did flinch and if I was me again I'd flinch too. Damn I just told my boyfriend that I'd kill him. We do not have a healthy relationship...

Then there was a knock at the door. He stood up and gave me a death glare. "Don't move."

"Fuck off." Then he left. I was all alone with my stake under my pillow. No... no.

I was trying so hard to get back in my head but it was too hard. I took the stake and cut the ropes and freed myself. Damn. This is bad.

I took the stake and went to the bathroom, looking at my reflection in the mirror. Who was this person? This could not be me. It was horrifying.

I was seeing myself, my real self in the mirror and looking back at the darkness possessing another me. It was very creepy. Like I was sucked in some kind of a horror movie. Did I really looked like this when I'm possessed?

"You're nothing but a worthless piece of shit. No wonder everyone hates you. You should go and kill yourself blood whore." Then her smile turned into a smirk. "Or I'm gonna do it for you."

She tightened the grip on my stake and dig it into my veins. This time I felt the pain, it was unbearable. From every new line blood came out like a river. One by one making little deep lines on my hand. "You bitch!"

But then I felt myself again. Pain makes you human! Well not human in this case, but yourself again. I dropped the stake and was about to scream, but then it took over again. Shit.

She made a hole in the wall using my fist again and it let me be myself again. It's so stupid, pain makes me, me again. Then Dimitri came it rushing. "Roza. Don't."

Now I saw him clearly, he was so worried, scared but most of all he felt useless. Like he couldn't do anything to make this stop. Well he is having a shadow-kissed girlfriend that has darkness and spirit problems.

We most definitely not a healthy relationship.

Before I could realize, my stake was once again in my hands and it took over again. "Roza please. Don't."

But this I did fight, and I fought back good. I threw the stake on the ground while my other hand was still controlled. My hand went to my neck and my nails dug into the back of my neck just like last time ,making my other hand reach to the back of my neck. My hands were literally battling with each other. One was trying to make me feel pain, the other trying to stop something like that from happening. I felt hot, sticky liquid stating to trace down my neck and I looked at Dimitri. He was shocked, so shocked he was paralyzed.

I let go of my neck and whispered to him that I love him but I know that he didn't hear it. My body gave up. I lost my steadiness and fell to the floor, my eyes slowly closing and once again, everything was black.

Hello darkness, my old friend.

Hello there...it's me.

Here's the new chapter. I hope you all like it, even tho it's horrifing. Sorry for not updating I'm literally STUdying in school.

Hope you enjoy.

Leave a comment and vote if you did.

Kisses to all!💋💘 


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