YEARS {Glee/Klaine} ✓

By boxed-klaine

193K 6.8K 10.7K

Kurt Hummel's life had led up to the very moment he took the chance to escape to the big city, New York. Blai... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four

Chapter Nine

6.3K 212 345
By boxed-klaine


I depend on my friend called the bend and snap!

The bend and snap, the bend and snap, the bend and snap...

Everyone clapped and cheered as Santana and Kitty finished with the powerful riffs of "Bend and Snap" and dancing (somewhat inappropriately) around the stage.

Today Glee Club had been set in the auditorium for a bigger space. Everyone was seated together in the auditorium to watch the songs, but I was alone, almost distant from everyone else. Tina had chosen to sit next to her ex-boyfriend Mike, and that's when I knew that things just weren't right.

"Give it up for Kitty and our special guest, Santana!" Mr. Schue said as he applauded. "What made you girls choose this song from 'Legally Blonde'?"

"It's a song for bitchin' girls like us. I choose the song myself, as a fellow hot blonde," Kitty announced as she and Santana stepped down the stairs off the stage to join everyone who was watching in the auditorium seats.

"Trust me, I tried to argue the song choice, but there's no winning with this girl," Santana rolled her eyes. "I see that McKinley is in safe hands with Kitty as the new Santana," she suddenly said in a lighter tone.

"Alright..." Mr. Schue said uncofortably. "And also, a great job to Sam and Brittany, who had an, um, interesting song choice from 'Xanadu'..." he said cautiously. "Who's next?"

Suddenly I felt someone taking a seat next to me. "Kurt!" I whispered once I saw him.

"Sorry I'm late," he whispered back, putting his phone in his pocket. "What have I missed?"

"Nothing much. Just Sam and Brittany singing an awkward version of 'I'm Alive' and Kitty and Santana doing the 'Bend and Snap' around the stage for three straight minutes. How was your meetup?" I asked.

"Good," he smiled. "We just wanted to plan something really special for you guys by the end of the week. Which reminds me, are you free tonight? I wanted to make a phone call schedule over salad or something."

I glanced around the room, looking at everyone else who's attention was on Mr. Schue. Sighing, I said, "I don't think tonight is good, Kurt. Maybe it's best if we had a little space."

"But, Blaine, I can't-" his hand flew to the pocket holding his phone. "Nevermind. That's fine. We agreed that you should give your friends a little time."

I shrugged. "Maybe not even that. I have a load of homework to catch up on and my parents are having friends from work coming over for dinner tonight... Wow, I didn't realize how horrible that sounded until I said it out loud!"

Kurt chuckled. "Well, call me when your thing gets boring, if you want."

"Can I talk to you about something?" I asked.

"Sure, what is it?" he replied.

"It's Tina." My eyes darted over to her and back. "I know she isn't over me yet. She still likes me, and I want to be as nice as possible about it, but it's hard."

His eyes widened. "Tina likes you?"

"Yeah, and it's even worse because she is jealous of you! Today I accidently forgot about her, and she hates when we're together. I'm starting to think that most of my friends are thinking the same thing these days..." I said.

"Blaine..." he sighed, taking my hand below the seats and out of view. "I'm really sorry. I never meant to mess things up like this. I feel horrible for coming between you and your friends."

"It's not your fault!" I told him. "I just wish they understood what it feels like, you know? I met you on Monday, but it feels like I've known you my whole life."

He smiled warmly, and we looked into each other's eyes for a moment. His bright blue eyes captivated me, and I never wanted to look away from his beauty. I could tell that we both wanted strongly to wrap our arms around each other in a tight hug, but decided against it at this time.

The sound of applause broke our trance as we looked around to see Ryder and Mercedes bowing on the stage. We hadn't even realized they had sung their song, but maybe it was just the fact that Kurt made me feel like we were the only two people in the world.

"That is one of the best versions of 'You Can't Stop the Beat' I have ever seen," Mr. Schuester smiled. "Great job, guys."

Everyone in the Glee Club stood up to leave when the bell rang. "Wait, Kurt!" I said as he stood up. I reached into my satchel and pulled out the folder from Tina. "I found our song."

He took the folder and opened it. "Wow, this one? Did you pick it out?"

"Tina found it. And I have an idea," I said. "Just be ready by our slot tomorrow."

"Blaine, I have to tell you something--"

"Hey, Blaine!" Sam waved. "Did you want to come over to work on the math homework?"

I looked back to Kurt, who was waiting by the door. "You better take that offer," he said to me and laughed. "You don't have a car here, remember?"

"Sure, Sam," I chuckled. "Do you mind if Tina comes, too? I think she needed some help on that homework as well."

"That's cool," Sam replied. "Artie wanted to come over, also. I'll put a pizza in the oven or something for dinner. Everyone to my house- I'll drive!"

I grinned widely at the plans that were forming nicely. I looked back again towards Kurt, who had now disappeared. I exhaled in content as I began walking with my friends out of the auditorium and into the halls.

* * *

"I'm officially done," Sam declared, tossing his pencil down on top of his binder. "My brain feels like it's about to explode."

"Me too," Tina agreed while she rolled over from her sprawled out position on the floor of the Evans' living room. "How long have we been at this?"

"About an hour," Artie responded as he looked at his watch. "We finished our math and studied for the chemistry test tomorrow. I think we could use a break."

I stood up from my spot on the old recliner, seeing pieces of notebook paper flutter to the floor in the process. "We haven't really talked much about stuff besides homework since we got here," I said as I took a spot on the floor next to Tina. "What's up guys?"

"Can you believe this is our senior year?" Tina sighed as she sat upright to lean against the couch and set her head on my shoulder. "Everything is going by so fast."

Sam stood up from the table and joined Artie on the sofa next to him. "I know. I can't help but get really freaked about next year. What am I going to do?"

"I'm wondering the same thing," I said. "Between Chicago and Columbus, I don't know what I'll do. And I'm still waiting to hear from New York. I'm not sure if I ever will, though."

"Hey, you can come to New York with me!" Artie exclaimed, lighting up. "I'll be going to film school there, and if you get accepted, we can both find a place to live. It'll be great."

Tina smiled. "I'm really happy for you that you got accepted to that New York film school, by the way."

"Thanks, Tina. It's going to be such an amazing opportunity. Sam, we could even be roommates and Tina could even come to New York with us too! And Blaine can finally be together with Kurt once we get there," Artie grinned.

Sam and Tina's smiles instantly faded. I looked between the three of them, waiting for someone to say something. My own friends were doubting me and my decisions.

"Guys... I haven't even made a choice yet. I don't know if I'll be going to New York, even if I did get accepted. Artie, I'm really happy for you and I love your ideas. You have no idea how much your support means to me." I looked in between each of their eyes.

He shrugged and said softly, "It's cool. I'll always support my friends, no matter how unexpected. I was there for Rachel and Finn when they announced their engagement, and who knows, maybe I'll do the same for you. I'm not saying that you and Kurt are going to get married, I just mean that I understand anything you're willing to take a chance on!" he chuckled.

"Blaine, you've got it wrong. We don't dislike your friendship with Kurt, it's just--" Sam began.

"We haven't been crazy about your friendship with us," Tina finished.

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked. "Sam, you're the one who was just asking me to go on a date with Kurt. You're supposed to be my best friend. And Tina, you have been so mad at me lately for what I've been doing, as if I was doing something wrong. I don't know what's right anymore!"

"I just needed help with Brittany," Sam replied. "You didn't have to go. And you aren't."

Tina was shocked. "Blaine! I can't believe you would say that when I'm the one who has been here to love and accept you even when you make mistakes. One day you're going to fall, and I'll be the only one here to catch you, even if you don't deserve it."

"Why do you think I'm going to 'fall'?" I asked critically.

"Because Kurt is going to be the one pushing you off the ledge..." she said quietly.

"You all think I've gone insane for making a friend. It's not like I'm going to fall in love with him or chase him to New York or even get married to him! What happened to the friends that were here to support me, or whatever?" I asked them all.

"We're just talking about the future, like Artie was saying," Sam defended.

Artie held his hands up. "Don't look at me. I didn't mean for you guys to start fighting!"

"WE'RE NOT FIGHTING!" Sam, Tina and I all snapped in unison.

The room got deadly quiet afterwards. Finally I decided to get up and start putting together my papers and books.

"What are you doing?" asked Sam.

"I'm going home. I think I'm done studying for today," I replied, sliding into my jacket.

"Blaine, wait. We can't just end it like this," Artie said.

Sam agreed. "Yeah, dude. Look, I didn't mean to start arguing. Let me at least drive you home."

"That's okay, I'll walk from here since it's not too far. Thanks for letting me come over, though. I'll see you guys tomorrow."

I closed the front door behind me, with my last sight being a silent Tina, still seated on the living room floor. I began to walk down the driveway and sidewalk, realizing it was chillier than I expected. Maybe I would call Mom or Dad to pick me up.

Just then I remembered someone who lived in this neighborhood, only a block away. Yet I hated myself for thinking it. Kurt was going to begin to think I was too clingy if I kept finding chances to see him every minute.

It was too embarrassing to go back inside to ask Sam for a ride, and I knew Dad would be leaving from work and Mom busy with her television program. I finally gave in and headed in the direction of Kurt's house.

The directions were fuzzy, but by memory I thought I had been heading the right way. I knew the neighborhood looked familiar the day Kurt pulled onto his street after coffee. I was eager to head up the road and turn the corner. Relief washed over me when I saw Kurt's beautiful house on the other side.

Hesitantly, I walked up the driveway and onto the front porch. My fist hovered over the door when I looked to the side to see the living room through the blinds. His father, Burt, was seated at the couch watching TV with a can of soda.

I took a deep breath before finally knocking three times on the door.

"Hello..." the door swung open a minute later. "Blaine, right?"

"Yes, hello Mr. Hummel," I smiled. "It's me, Blaine Anderson."

A confused look crossed his face. "Did Kurt happen to invite you here? Because he's been gone for the past hour. He was meeting Santana and Brittany at the Lima Diner, if you wanted to go see them."

"Um, that's alright. I was just in the neighborhood and thought I'd stop by to see him, that's all. Thanks anyway," I said.

He glanced behind me. "Where's your car? Did you walk here or something?"

"Yeah, I did. But my house isn't too far from here, I don't think," I replied.

"Well I'll drive you over if you'd like!" Burt offered. Before I could say anything, he opened the door wider. "Come on in. I'll grab my coat."

I stepped inside to the warm Hummel-Hudson house. "So, Kurt seems to be pretty social since he's come home, huh?" I asked.

Burt opened a coat closet and searched the hangers. "I assumed you knew that," he replied and put on a brown jacket. "He's always making time to spend with you! And when he's got to go somewhere else, that's when he starts talking about you!"

"Really? I didn't know that. But I apologize if I've been taking time away from your son or intruding in your home. I didn't mean to offend you in any way," I told him.

He grabbed his keys and led me back out the door. "Don't worry about it. Kurt made me realize that he's just not a kid anymore. He makes his own decisions, and if he wants to be with you, that's his choice."

I cleared my throat. "Uh, well, he's a really cool... dude."

"Blaine," Burt said as we hopped into the car. "I know you're gay. Kurt's not the only one who has made decisions."

"You do?" I asked.

"Yes," he replied. "And I just want to say that I'm really glad he's found someone in his life like you. He's been riding this rollercoaster for a long time, and yet I've never seen him quite as bright as he is now. I really think you're someone he admires."

"Mr. Hummel, I'm flattered, but I'm in no way some sort of 'role model' for Kurt. He is amazingly confident all on his own," I replied. "He doesn't need me to show that."

Burt shook his head with his eyes on the road. "I tell ya, Blaine, if only you two had met while he was in high school. That's when he could have used this confidence he has now."

I gulped. I could only assume that Burt didn't know about the suicidal thoughts. There was still a sharp pain in my heart from just imagining Kurt a few years back.

"H-how did he?" I asked hesitantly. "You know, find the... courage?"

A long sigh escaped him. "I'm not completely sure. For all three years he was bullied, and I did my best to try and protect him but there was only so much a parent could do in a school. Things began to change his senior year, though. I got less and less reports from the office. The bullying slowed down, and I think it might have been because of his mother. She always used to teach him to follow his dreams, so I think that was the year he focused all his attention on his performance instead of attackers. Maybe it was college, though, where it didn't hold the danger and judgement of high school. Maybe it was the death of his step-brother. That just made everyone think a little harder. But I can't say I'm completely sure."

I was nearly speechless. "Wow... that's really something."

"Look, Blaine. I don't mind if you want to get to know my son. I don't care if you're a high school student, or two years younger than him. All I know is that you help him in ways that no one else can. You two have got something special, and I think you could really bring a light back into Kurt's life."

I let the moment sink in. I had never expected him to be so deep and understanding.

I almost missed my street. "Oh, my house is coming up right here," I pointed out.

He pulled up to my house, and sure enough, my car was parked on the left side of the driveway. "Thank you for the ride, Mr. Hummel," I said, hopping out. "And for so much more."

Burt rolled down the window when I had shut the door. "No problem. You're always welcome at our house. I hope you get to see Kurt again before he leaves!"

I stepped right up to the window. "I plan on it. Mr. Hummel, I plan on being in Kurt's life as long as I can be, for as long as he wants. I will do everything I can to make him happy until the day he decides he needs to be free without me."

A soft smile appeared on his face. "That's really nice. And hey, even when Kurt isn't home and in school, don't be shy to come and visit every once in a while, alright?"

"Yes, sir," I grinned and waved one last time. "Thank you for the ride!"

I stood outside on the stone pathway until his car finally disappeared down the road. Then I turned back and went inside through the front door.

I could smell the dinner brewing as I closed the door behind me. Mom caught me right before I was about to head up the stairs. "Hi, Blaine! Did you get your studying done?"

"Yes," I sighed happily. "And it's good to be home."

She raised an eyebrow at me. "What are you so happy about?"

"Nothing," I smiled. "I'll be in my room."

I caught her off guard at first when I suddenly wrapped her up in a large hug before going up the staircase to my room, only to fall onto my bed and watch the ceiling for what seemed like forever.

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