The forgotten one

By nanatoofly

212K 3.7K 423

Niall is the middle child. The one no one remembers. The one who everyone forgot exist. (Read for more inf... More

A day in the life of Niall
Someone finally notices
Is this messed up?
How could this happen
What the hell happened to Niall?
Author Note
Im here for you
What is going on?
We will do this
Author Note
Helping Ni
Were sorry!
A New Friend
I like her/him
Can you try for me?
Here we go
What the funny exclusives!
What's wrong?
What I Think?
Help please?
It starting
Almost there
I'm so sorry
Its going down!!!!
Never thought about it
Can we start over?
How can I help??
I hate you
Poor Harry
I'm Here
The Suprise

Because I'm Happy

2.8K 61 5
By nanatoofly

(Please listen to the song just go listen to it. )
*Niall P.O.V*
I walked to my classroom and heard El call for me. "Niall!!" She yelled and ran my way.  I huffed and kept walking. She ran up in front of me to stop me. "Niall? Are you ignoring me?" She asked. "Just forget it. It was dumb for me to even ask you out. Just forget it." I said walking away. She grabbed my arm. "Niall. Where are you getting this from?" She asked. "You're with Luke." I said. "No." She said. "Yeah. You were talking to him and I can't interfere with what's his." I said and tried to walk about but she pulled my back and kissed my cheek. "I don't like Luke. His dad is friends with my dad and I wanted to throw my dad a suprise party but need his dad's help. So I asked him to help me. If you would have stopped to talk to me you would have known as well." She said. I sighed stupidly. "I'm so stupid. " I said laughing a little. She giggled and hugged me. "It's fine." She said smiling. "Now. Do you want to go to class?" She asked. I cleared my throat and stuck out my arm. "I'll lead the way your highness. " I said in a fake british accent. "I'll follow you my lord." She said in a funny way. We laughed and went to class. We got to class and I went to the back as always but not before giving El a note telling her to meet me after school cause my brothers and I are bounding and I  want her to come. I was on my phone for most of the class until Mr.Payne called on me. "Yes?" I asked. "What is 12 to the second power?" He asked. "144." I said. "Ok. 13 to the 5 power. " He asked. "Why are they so easy?!" I exclaimed. Everyone looked shocked. "Answer please. You guys can use your calculators." He said to the class.  I groaned. "371,293. So easy." I said. The class gasped. "He got it right on the dot." Someone said. "Now I know why he does no work. Because he's a big nerd." Luke said laughing afterward. "Okay Luke. You think you can do better?" Mr. Payne asked. "No sir. I frankly don't care. He's a nerd and now he's even more nerdy then before." He said laughing along with the class. I just shrunk in my seat. Mr.Payne didn't call on my after that just told me to go to the guidance office. I sighed and walked there. This is gonna be an awful day.
(Sorry don't kill me. Finally I am able to update. I'm on spring break so expect some more updates from me. Thanks for being patient. )

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