Wanted | Niam AU

By romancestorygirl

176K 6.8K 1.9K

Verbally abused by his mother for years, 18 year old Niall Horan always believed he would never be loved or w... More

Prologue: Niall
Chapter 1: Niall
Chapter 2: Liam
Chapter 3: Niall
Chapter 4: Liam
Chapter 5: Niall
Chapter 6: Liam
Chapter 7: Niall
Chapter 8: Liam
Chapter 9: Niall
Chapter 10: Liam
Chapter 11: Niall
Chapter 12: Liam
Chapter 13: Niall
Chapter 14: Liam
Chapter 15: Niall
Chapter 16: Liam
Chapter 17: Niall
Chapter 18: Liam
Chapter 19: Niall
Chapter 20: Liam
Chapter 21: Niall
Chapter 22: Liam
Chapter 23: Niall
Chapter 24: Liam
Chapter 25: Niall
Chapter 26: Liam
Chapter 27: Niall
Chapter 28: Liam
Chapter 29: Niall
Chapter 30: Greg
Chapter 31: Louis
Chapter 32: Liam
Chapter 33: Niall
Chapter 34: Liam
Chapter 35: Niall
Chapter 36: Liam
Chapter 38: Liam
Chapter 39: Niall
Chapter 40: Liam
Chapter 41: Niall
Chapter 42: Liam
Chapter 43: Niall
Chapter 44: Greg
Chapter 45: Louis
Chapter 46: Liam
Chapter 47: Niall
Chapter 48: Liam
Chapter 49: Niall
Chapter 50: Liam
Chapter 51: Greg
Chapter 52: Niall
Chapter 53: Liam
Chapter 54: Liam
Chapter 55: Niall
Chapter 56: Liam
Chapter 57: Niall
Chapter 58: Liam
Chapter 59: Niall
Chapter 60: Niall
Chapter 61: Niall
Chapter 62: Liam
Chapter 63: Greg
Chapter 64: Louis
Epilogue: Niall

Chapter 37: Niall

2.7K 97 28
By romancestorygirl

Today was the day! I jumped up out of bed and made a beeline to my bathroom. It was working out perfectly, living in the guesthouse on Louis's parents' property. We both had our own bedroom and our own bathroom and best of all, we didn't have to pay rent to live here!

I had spent the night before last over at Liam's again. That made three nights I'd spent over there now. I don't think Greg was too happy about it, but I assured him nothing was going on. Louis finally got over the whole thing with waking up with Greg. He did tell me how for one brief moment he was thrilled to feel his hard on pressed into him and I had to stop him from speaking any further. Last thing I wanted to hear about was my brother's hard on.


I heard Louis grinding coffee beans and hurried up getting dressed. I put on a pair of shorts and a UT football t-shirt. Adidas were going to be my choice for the ride out to the ranch. I was so incredibly nervous about meeting Liam's grandparents. I noticed he hardly ever talked about his parents. He would mention his mom every now and then, but never talked about his father.

Just then my phone rang. I ran over and picked it up off the nightstand. Right on time!

"Good morning Liam! How did you sleep?"

"Good morning sweetheart! I slept like shit without you here. How did you sleep?"

I let out a laugh. "I slept okay, but just sleeping with you for a few nights has spoiled me. I miss waking up to your smile."

"Jesus, same here Ni, you're all I think about when I go to sleep and all I think about when I wake up," Liam said with such tenderness in his voice.

There was not a day that did not go by that he did not make me feel cherished. I really was waiting for the floor to fall out. Things like this just didn't happen to me.

"Are you getting excited?"

"YES! I'm packed and ready to go. I absolutely cannot wait to get going. How long will it take us to drive there?" I asked as I saw Louis walk by the bedroom with his cup of coffee in hand.

"Depends on how many stops y'all want to make, but it normally is about two hours and forty-five minutes."

"I'm really nervous about meeting your grandparents. What if they don't like me? Or disapprove of you bringing some more guys out there! Oh my gosh, that never even crossed my mind, Liam," I said, as panic started to build up inside of me.

Liam let out a laugh. I could picture him sitting on the sofa right now and that beautiful crooked smile and him throwing his head back as he laughed. Hmm, I wish I was there right now.

"Niall, I asked them before I even asked you if it would be all right to invite you and Louis out. My grandparents have a huge ranch house with four bedrooms. Greg and I will be in one and you and Louis will be in the other. Don't worry. My grandmother is dying to meet you, sweetheart, so please do not worry."

I let out the breath I'd been holding in. I wonder what his grandparents were like. I didn't even know if they were his dad's parents or his mother's. That was something I needed to know before I met them.

"So are these your dad's parents or your mom's?' I asked Liam as I saw Louis walk back by my door. He was talking on the phone to someone and did not look happy at all.

"I never told you? I'm sorry Niall. They're my father's parents. I spent pretty much every summer growing up at their ranch. I love that place. My father has a brother who has three daughters who used to join me every summer, and boy did we all raise hell together. They were pretty much tomboys growing up with me every summer. Man how we all used to love swimming in the Llano River, watching my Grams make her famous apple pies and tend to her flower and vegetable garden. My Gramps taught me everything about cattle."

"Do they have help on the ranch? I mean they must need help; I can only imagine how much work that must be. Is your father or uncle going to take over the ranch someday?"

Liam let out a laugh. "Yeah they have help. Drake is the foreman and has been since I can remember. His two sons, Aaron and Dewey, are the ranch hands. They're a good bunch of guys and would do anything for my grandparents. Drake doesn't get along with my father or my Uncle Jim. Jim's oldest son Shane is actually getting married in the fall here in Austin."

"Why do Drake and your father and uncle not get along?"

"Not sure, but I think it has to do with the fact that they both left right after high school and never looked back. They made it pretty clear that neither one of them wanted the ranch or anything to do with the ranch. Drake and my father used to be best friends. My dad joined the Army right after high school and left everything behind, including his best friend."

I just sat there. This was the most Liam had talked about his father since I met him.

"So, Greg and I are going to be heading out in a few minutes. Make sure you pack a few pairs of jeans, a sweatshirt and boots, okay?" Liam said as I heard Greg talking to him in the background. He was saying something about Louis not bringing his whole bathroom.

"Should I pack the new swimming trunks I bought yesterday?" I said very timidly.

"Fuck yes you should pack that. Or not...we could always go skinny dippin'!" Liam said with a wicked laugh.

"You wish! See you in a little bit. Be careful driving over here."

"Always, sweetheart, talk to you soon."

I walked out into the kitchen and Louis was still on the phone. I quickly figured out he was talking to Jason. The look on his face was priceless.

"I'm not sure I'm going to have a cell signal since we will be so far out in bum fuck Egypt. Jason, really, I'm a big boy. I think I'll be fine. It's just going to be Niall and Liam and me. I'm not one hundred percent sure if Greg is going. His grandparents' ranch. Yep, just for like four or five days I think. He is helping his grandfather fix a few things around their ranch. Okay, well have fun hiking. Yep, you too. Bye."

I looked over at Louis as I poured a cup of coffee. I raised my eyebrows and turned my head down to give him a total mom look.

"Funny, sounded like you were having to explain a lot there."

"Fuck Jason. He thinks he can tell me where and what and who I can hang out with. No, sorry dude, that position is reserved for my dad only, and even he stepped down years ago. The fact that he is even upset about Greg being there just pisses me off!"

I started to laugh. God, I loved Louis. His mother had us watching more Katharine Hepburn movies the other night and filling our heads with her boy-power lectures. I see why Louis is so strong headed.

"Why would he be upset if he knew Greg was going to be there?" I asked, because I was more curious than anything. How could Jason even know anything about Greg and Louis?

Louis stopped and looked at me confused. "You know, I'm not sure why he even asked about Greg. That is kind of weird isn't it?" Louis said as he sat down and ate a banana.

"Maybe he knows Liam and Greg are roommates. Have you ever talked about them?" I asked as Louis looked at a text message he just got.

Louis thought about it for a moment. "I must have... How else would he even know? I mean, I've brought up Liam only because of you, but I honestly don't remember ever talking about Greg. Oh well, it doesn't matter. I'm not one hundred percent sure Greg is going until I see his handsome face sitting in the truck!" Louis said with a wink as he got up and walked towards his bedroom.

"I'm going to get dressed. Greg just sent a text saying they were on their way." Right then my phone buzzed with a text message from Liam.

My darling Niall...we're on our way. I can't wait to see you ;-)

I let out a small eeeepp and ran to the bedroom to grab my suitcase. I brought it back out to the living room and Louis was walking out with his suitcase. He was wearing short, blue jean shorts with a sleeveless black top. He had on toms and was putting his hair in a quiff.

"There. Do I look good enough? I mean, I know Greg is expecting me to be all dolled up and probably wanting to bring four suitcases with me so I'm keeping it to a bare minimum."

I looked at his giant suitcase and then back at him.

"Well, I know how hard it was for you to take a smaller suitcase, Louis. Are you sure you got everything?" I said, with sarcasm dripping from my mouth.

"Oh holy shit, you don't know how hard it was for me to pack so light. I had to really think about my outfits and what situation I might come up in on a ranch. It was plain torture. Fuck, it better be fun!"

I let out a laugh. I couldn't believe he was fucking serious! Louis looked at me with a confused look on his face.

"What the hell is so funny?" He said as he put his hands on his hips and stared at me.

"You! That is a huge suitcase! Did you pack jeans? Liam told me to bring plenty of jeans."

"Of course I packed jeans. What the hell, Niall? I've been to the country before!"

Just then I heard Liam's truck driving and music blaring from it. Christ, if he played "Truck Yeah" I would kill him. We walked over to the bay window and watched them park. They both got out of the truck at the same time and they were both laughing at something. My stomach took a dive and my heart starting beating like crazy.

"Holy fuck," Louis and I both said at the same time. We looked at each other and started laughing.

"Jesus, Mary and Joseph, no guy should look that fucking hot in a pair of Wranglers and cowboy boots. I think I'm going to have an orgasm just looking at his ass in those things!"

"Shit Louis, come on! That's my brother...eeeww!" I said as I hit him in the shoulder.

"Fuck me, Niall, do you not see Liam? Holy shit, that fucker is hot!"

I smiled as I watched them walk up to the house. Liam looked hotter than hot. I had to push my hand down on my crotch area to ease the ache that was present--again—from just looking at him. He had on a pair of Wrangler jeans and a white t-shirt. A tight white t-shirt just like the one he was wearing the first day I met him. I could see his tattoo through the white t-shirt and part of it was sticking out from his sleeve. I wanted to trace his tribal tattoo with my finger and then my tongue.

Argh! Niall, stop thinking like that. Oh my God, what was wrong with me? I had to shake my head to clear my thoughts.

"Hmm yum, I see Liam's tattoo. Sure as shit wish Greg had on a white t-shirt, stupid fucker! I hardly got to look at his tattoos the other morning," Louis said as he wiggled his eyebrows up and down.

"Shut up you bitch! Come on, let's get going before they see us both drooling all over them."
Greg knocked on the front door but then opened it and walked in. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Louis.

"You're wearing that?" Greg asked Louis as he looked him up and down and ran his hand through his hair.

Louis shrugged his shoulders and looked at what he was wearing.

"Yeah, why, what's wrong with what I have on dickwad?

Liam walked up to me and leaned down and wrapped his arms around me as he lifted me up to give me a kiss.

"You look beautiful, Ni. Did you pack enough pairs of jeans, sweetheart?" he said as he slowly lowered me to the ground. I loved nothing more than when he did that. To be so close to his body was amazing. I wonder what having sex would be like with him?

Wait, what? Holy fuck, where did that come from?

"Nothing is wrong if you're going to the beach or I guess the mall or something. For Christ's sake Louis, we are going out to a fucking cattle ranch. If you bend over a little I can probably see your ass those shorts are so tight."

Louis looked at Greg and gave him that signature smile of his. "Well, it's a damn good thing this ass doesn't belong to you now, isn't it? You don't have to worry about it." Louis smacked his ass with his hand and gave Greg a wink.

"Whatever squirt. If you want guys looking at you like you're some kind of whore that's up to you. Let me guess – the giant suitcase right here is yours?"

Louis smiled and walked up to Greg as he picked up his suitcase. Louis stood on his tippy toes and purred up at him. "Are you jealous that the other cowboys will be looking at me and fantasizing about how good of a rider I might be?"

Greg dropped Louis's suitcase and it almost landed on his left foot. Louis was stilling leaning in close to Greg as he gave him a wink.

"Be careful there Greg. I have very important items in that suitcase that I need to take care of...certain...needs..."

Greg looked over at Liam and me and shook his head as if he were trying to erase an image. He quickly picked up his suitcase and walked out the front door. Liam started laughing as soon as the front door shut. I mean really, I think Louis just entertains the hell out of Liam. I hit his shoulder and looked at Louis.

"Louis! That was just plain mean! You and I both know you do not own any such items. And you. Liam, stop laughing. It's not funny. He's going to give poor Greg a heart attack by the end of the week," I said as I stared at both of them. They were both trying not to laugh but doing a piss-poor job of it.

"What? I have my brush and hair dryer in that suitcase. Those are very important items to me. Jeez Niall, get your mind out of the gutter you perv."

Liam reached down and grabbed my suitcase and started to head out to the truck. "Come on guys, let's blow this Popsicle stand!"

I was so excited I could hardly stand it! I grabbed my wallet and stuck my iPod and my headphones into my pocket as quickly as I could. I followed Louis out of the house and locked the door behind me. Louis leaned over and whispered in my ear.

"Do not make me sit in the back seat with Greg or I will fucking kill you!"

I started to giggle when I saw Greg jump in the front seat of Liam's truck. "I think you scared the shit out of Greg; he wouldn't sit next to you even if you paid him to!"

Louis looked over at the truck and then back at me and we busted out laughing. Liam walked up and picked me up and spun me around. I let out a little yell as he gave me another kiss. He smiled at me and leaned in close to my ear.

"Do you want to sit in the front with me sweetheart? I can kick Greg into the back seat with the whore."

I started to laugh and hit his back. "Put me down and no! I'll sit with Louis in the backseat. I think if Greg and Louis had to sit near each other that long they would end up killing each other, and that would ruin my first trip out to the country!"

"Agreed! Let's go baby." Liam walked over to open the truck door for me.

Ohh, I secretly wished he called me baby all the time. I wasn't sure why I liked it so much. I mean, the way it came out of his mouth it just sounded so...

"Fuck, it's hot when he calls you baby," Louis said to me with a wink.

"Yeah, it is hot, isn't it?"

Louis jumped into the truck and slid all the way behind Liam's seat. Liam held my arm as I got in. Shit, the electric jolt that traveled through my body when he touched me was unreal. Would I ever get used to it? He gave me one last peck on the cheek, smiled and shut the door. He jogged around the front of the truck and got in. He looked over at Greg and smiled.

"All right! Let's get the hell out of the city and get us some fresh country air!" Liam said with a smile.

Liam looked back at me and gave me a wink and smiled.

"We have to listen to a little music to get us in the mood."

Liam hit play and "Banjo" by Rascal Flatts started to play. Greg and Liam both gave each other a fist bump and said at the same time:

"Hell yeah!"

I looked over at Louis and he looked at me.

He smiled and just shook his head.

"Men..." We both said at the same time.

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