Bitten Rogue (Bitten Series~...

By DominaAlexandra

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Four Months have gone by since Marisa left Val's pack. Living back in L.A wasn't making life any easier than... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six

Chapter Seven

1.9K 130 11
By DominaAlexandra


Watching the steam come out of her friend, Marisa stood behind her in support as they walked up the steps. Last time Marisa been at the Fae Kingdom, as it was called; she was attacked by vampires. Like a impending gloom, she waited for those dead vampires to float around, haunting her. It was never a feeling to look forward to.

Pierce stood at the double doorway, feeling her daughters anxiety long before their arrival. "What is it?"

"Not out here." Val sighed, looking about on guard as if the enemies they had not too long ago would pop back out like before. When none came, she took a deep breath reminding her wolf she, her mates, and cubs were safe beside her.

Pierce guided Val and the rest into the hall. Where a huge throne like chair use to rest was now replaced with a huge round oak wood table. Each chair was equal size.

Marisa looked around naturally curious by the new decorations throughout hall. Wall's had a new creamy paint with artwork hung up. Her admiration was cut shut by Val's abrupt words. "Ronan. You remember him?"

Holding both hands out, Pierce told Val to take a deep breath. Val was so riled up she hadn't noticed, her claws out and ears slightly curved into a shifting route. Her wolf was close to the surface. All the Fae in the Hall stood nervous and unsure of what to do.

Pierce took in her daughter, briefly scanning everyone else. Allira and Drake stood with a cub each; Spencer in the middle with their third.

It did not sit well with Marisa how scared Spencer seemed leaning closer to Drake. If anyone could make her feel safe, Drake was a good choice. Remembering that Drake was an Omega, it made Marisa smile. Being an Omega was a life that gave mild privacy. She could literally sense all's emotions and thoughts and change feelings of others to a better mood. Just the thought of all that responsibility was so exhausting.

The clearing of someone's throat in Marisa's ear made her jolt. She faced the pesterer. When her eyes noticed the new familiar dead face she groaned. "Damn you."

Everyone looked back at Marisa concerned.

Frowning, Val grunted. "Don't tell me he's fucking here right now?"

Apologetically, Marisa frowned as if embarrassed. It's not like she had control over this new life placed before her.

"You are in love with that woman?" The ghost; a.k.a Val's great grandfather, Ronan pointed to Spencer. "I remember her as a child. Her parents. It's been many years since I saw her smile. Want to be...happy, since your first arrival."

Marisa tried hard to ignore Ronan. She kept her eyes forward.

"Is this about Marisa being a Shaman?" Kathleen asked.

"She is in love with you too. I can tell." Marisa gritted through teeth as Ronan seemed to ignore her uncomfortable stance. She wished she could cast him away with just the thought. "When you left the pack four months ago, I tried shouting for you to stay. You were weak and insensitive to leave."

"If you can shut up," Marisa snarled out. When everyone turned to Marisa wide eyed, she smiled apologetic. This was going to happen often, Marisa realized. She hadn't paid attention to the fact that everyone was in the conversation Val was leading until her outburst.

Looking to Spencer first, Marisa tried not to reaction from her concerned glance.

"You think the ghost she saw..."

Marisa lifted her index finger up, cutting into the conversation. "I am currently..."

"Do you now agree that you are Shaman?" Ronan asked.

"No," Marisa blurted out.

"No what?" Pierce asked.

Marisa shook her head. "Not you."

"The longer it takes you to accept self...the longer it takes you to help this pack. Help Valerie." Ronan continued to make his input.

Sighing in submission of self grief, Marisa lowered her head. It was too complicated having two conversations.

Kathleen spoke suddenly. "I think we all need to take a moment." He shifted to a few of the Fae near the door that led to new rooms. "Let's bring food and drinks."

"I'm not hung--"

"You will not come in and dismiss offering." Kathleen frowned momentarily before sighing. "Please...I know you're anxieties up. have come at a busy time."

The sound of doors opening made Val and the rest face toward the entrance.

"Tell Val to be open." Ronan whispered in Marisa's ear. Marisa turned about to argue but he was gone. Finally.

The doors opened and in came Christof along with his kids.

Val flinched from his presence as if being physically hit. Her eyes harden, shifting to Pierce. She waved her arm out in Christof direction. "What the fuck--"

"Enough, Valerie," Pierce hissed out. She pinched the bridge of her nose, taking in a long breath. Saying her full name in that sharp tone definitely paused Val in a sudden reaction to snap back. Pierce watched Val breathe loud through her nose.

It was instinct to defend her friend. Marisa was about to tell Pierce to back off when she thought of Ronan's last words. "Val. Keep an open mind."

"Seriously," Val said harshly. "Open mind." Val shook her head. "Big mistake in coming here. I'll call next time. Continue playing house."

Val expected Allira and Drake to follow. When neither moved, Val turned sharply. "We are leaving."

Drake arched a brow. "Not like this, we aren't."

Through a half locked jaw, Val snarled. "I am not asking."

"Val..." Pierce shouted.

"Do you mean Valerie?" She snarled. Hearing Pierce call Val by her full name really stung. It was an unexpected sting. It was like Paula calling her by her full name in chastisement. Unsettling.

There was a heated look in Pierce's eyes. "You better calm down, really fast?"

"Or what? You and dad here..." Val pointed toward Christof and continued... "will ground me. Put me in the doggy cage?"

"Babe..." Drake spoke softly, not sure the root of Val's issues.

Val turned sharply to her mate and everyone took a step back. "What?" she growled.

Kathleen came to Val swiftly, and instinctively, Marisa stepped up front, protective. "Back off. I got this." Marisa yanked Val out of the Mansion sized home. A far enough distance, Marisa checked her friend out. Val's human teeth were gone, replaced with sharp canines. Ears nearly shifted to the shape of a wolf, eyes sapphire. Skin profuse with sweat.

Grabbing both ends of Val's face, Marisa gazed into her best friends eyes. "Look at me." Val's eyes wandered, mentally distressed. "You are panicking. Fight or flight. Remember that." It had been several years since seeing Val so flared up. When they were younger Val had major anxiety issues of her own; panic attacks on a regular. This time, things were different. She had a Alpha werewolf and Fae power inside her. The grass beneath Val's feet singed as if she personally burned it with all her heated rage. "Controlling myself is--"

"Controlling my future," Val finished.

Marisa smiled, patting Val's cheek lightly. "There you go.

Taking another breath, Val groaned, running her fingers through her hair. "Oh man. I freaked out." She shook her head. "I just felt this rush inside me. I can't explain. And I just...panicked." She looked toward Marisa feeling a lot easier. "Thanks for having my back."

"I won't let anyone put their hands on you at least its me."

They both laughed. Not really out of humor. Their eyes shifted to the Mansion.

"What's going on with you?" Marisa stood patient for Val to answer.

It took Val a moment but she responded. "I'm getting stronger. Powers that seem too much for one person to handle. I've been practicing ways to control it." She looked down to the grass beneath her, burned around her feet. "Obviously, I'm not doing so good. It's been hard." She flung her arm out toward the Mansion. "Seeing them." Val shook her head. "I don't understand why Pierce and Kathleen is even letting him into their home." she clenched her teeth.

Marisa patted her friends shoulder, lightly squeezing it. "There is a reason we came. I don't know what that reason is...but clearly we are meant to see all who enters that domain." Her goofy tone relaxed Val enough to take another breath.

"I don't think I can..."

"Seriously...when have you ever run from a challenge?"

Val huffed. "Right. Can't lose my hardcore reputation."


" ready for this?"

They walked back up, Val keeping a calm mind. Everyone kept their eyes steady on Val not sure of how to respond.

Kathleen walked up. "Are you calm--"

Val faced Kathleen with Alpha eyes. "Don't come at me like a child." She lifted her hand up to everyone to keep their space. " are entitled to meet up with whom ever you like. He is your brother. But if it is involving me...I should know about it. Better yet...leave me out. More so.. Don't drag my mother into your bull shit."

"It was me that requested his presence," Pierce stated. "It was long over due to face him, for me and you..."

Shaking her head, Val snarled. "It is not your responsibility to do that."

"Yes it is." Pierce voice came off soft and delicate. A sound never heard out of her before.

Silencing her mind, Val took a sobering breath. She turned to her mates. She walked to the slowly. She knew Pierce wanted to make up for all their missed years as mother and daughter. The thought of being away from her mates and cubs for more than a few days caused panic at the back of her throat. She looked both mates in their eyes regretful. She whispered softly, not caring who listened. "I'm sorry for my..." she faced them more openly. "I've never behaved this way to you two and I feel absolutely bad. It'll never happen again."

Drake brushed her fingers lightly against the side of Val's head. "That's why we're ultimately here. To start facing these concerns." Her words were cryptic with Christof near. Drake leaned in kissing her on the cheek.

"We love you and will face this all together." Allira also leaned in, kissing Val lightly on the lips.

There was still tension in the air mixed with a lot of pack and fae magic. "Can we start over?" Pierce asked. She looked to Val hopeful for agreement.

Val made a quick nod.

Christof stood with his kids mostly watching Val with curiosity. Their scrutiny made her feel awkward.

"Marisa has been seeing your grandfather," Spencer blurted out. All this dominant energy was beginning to give her a headache.

"Thanks for that," Marisa said dryly.

"Is that why you asked about Ronan," Pierce asked.

"He is clearly stalking her. Or something," Spencer added.

"Thank you." Marisa rolled her eyes. "I'll take it from here."

"Can you see him now?"

Marisa shook her head. "He left."

"Call him back," Pierce ordered.

Snorting, Marisa nodded. "Sure thing." She looked around mocking herself with sarcasm. "Hey...ghost great grandfather. Native dude. Old school Alpha dude. They are requesting your presence." She glanced out and around, waving her arms out. Marisa shouted hearing her own echo. "Come to me now," she said dryly, finally looking back to Pierce in a frustrated manner. "If I knew how to handle this new thing that has been taking over my life...I would have told Val. And she would have told you."

Pierce looked Marisa over. She knew this friend of Val's was only stressed out so she wouldn't take it personal. "What did he say to you?"

Being a human voicemail box for ghost wasn't going to sit well with her. Marisa repeated everything from before in more detail and waited for a response.

"How about we all sit? Food is ready." Kathleen offered, taking special notice to Val's dismay.

"Please, Val." Pierce voice wasn't demanding like before. She really wanted to get things out in the open and then after speak to her daughter privately. They deserved a real open conversation. Pierce wanted no secrets or grievance between them. Not like Paula and her. Their relationship would never come anywhere near close to how Pierce ended up with Paula.

Val saw the visible plea in Pierce's eyes and knew she couldn't leave without making things right. Besides, perhaps Marisa was right. She needed to be open. She nodded. "If my mates don't mind..."

"Not at all," Allira said.

Drake grinned. "I never finished my meal home. A free meal here would be nice."

Everyone agreed to stay heading up to the table. In one last moment alone with her thoughts Marisa looked across to everyone, not sure how she got here. It had always been Val and Marisa against the world. Now their were so many others. Finding a seat still open next to Spencer, she shivered. Being that close to her, made Marisa nervous. After their last conversation, Marisa's mind had been at a loss.

What could she do? Marisa thought to herself before sitting. Run or stay? Maybe for another day. All she could promise was one minute at a time.

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