Coincidence |h.s|

By hxrrys_pizza

5.7K 329 23

Is anything in your life a coincidence? More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

chapter 4

243 14 1
By hxrrys_pizza

Jessie p.o.v

“Hey little sis.” Nathan says ruffling up my hair, moving my feet off the sofa and sitting down. I pull my headphones from my ears and look up from my kindle.

“Oh my gawd, are you real or am I imagining you right now?” I laugh at him.

He mocks my laughter in a sarcastic tone and replies “funny.”

I grin at him, crossing my eyes are sticking my tongue out at him. His tongue pokes out of his mouth and we both laugh. “So where have you been recently then?” I ask him “I mean you’re never in? You’re not getting ill are you?” placing my hand on his forehead, like you do with sick people.

He slaps my hand away and mocks my laughter again “hahaha, shut up. How can you be reading and listening to music anyway? Don’t you get lost in one or the other?”

Rolling my eyes at him, “the music is just background noise, idiot. Besides im not like you I can actually concentrate on more than one thing for more than five minutes.”

He punches me lightly in the side and I smile at him. Me and my brother have a pretty close relationship. We tell each other everything and he’s like my best friend, other than kayleigh obviously, but he has a lot of friends and he always seems to be out recently.

I hear a light chuckle behind me and turn to see my mum stood in the doorway, a smile on her face. I smile at her and she says “dinners ready” turning to walk away before adding “you two have the cutest relationship you know. Don’t ever change.”

I look at Nathan and we both burst into laughter. Standing, we make our way into the kitchen to retrieve our plates of food. Mum and Nathan make polite dinner conversation and I find my mind wandering back to earlier in the day, when harry helped me.

“Hello earth to jess, what the hell happened to your face?” Nathan’s voice breaks me from my thoughts. I look up to see a mixture of humour and concern on his face.

“I fell over and banged my head but im fine” I smile at him.

“Huh I thought something was wrong. I mean you don’t usually look that ugly.”

I give him a sarcastic grin in response and he laughs. I can still see the concern in his eyes and I know he’s going to question me in detail later about it. Great I think sarcastically just what I need my over protective brother worrying about a random guy that knocked me over in the street, and then helped me. I almost laugh out loud when I realise that im going to have to tell him that it was harry styles, almost picturing the look he’ll give me. I giggle bursts through my lips and I bring my hand to my mouth, passing it off as a cough.

Just like I thought, Nathan begins to question me when my mum goes to bed, Im already in my pyjamas.

“So what really happened to your head?” he asks, not looking away from the movie.

“I already told you, I fell in the street and bang...” I start but he soon cuts me off.

“Bullshit. What happened Jessie? Answer me honestly; you know you can tell me.”

He’s right, I do know I can tell him and trust him but he doesn’t see that im not lying.

I sigh “I am telling you the truth. I was walking home from meeting kayleigh and a stranger knocked into me, I lost my balance and face planted the floor.” I shrug when I finish.

He tries not to laugh as he says “you are so clumsy you know that.” I nod in response “you know mum said the same thing.” He laughs this time. “It must be true then.”

I throw a pillow at him and he catches it, throwing it back but I knock it off balance. He frowns as me again I can tell he’s going to ask more questions.

“So what happened once you fell?” his tone has turned serious again.

I shrug “he picked me up, took me into a café, cleaned me up and gave me coffee and brownie.”

Eyes brows rising at me, “he?” he asks.

Of course that’s what he took from that. The fact that my mystery helper (although not so mystery anymore) was a male.

“Yes Nathan it was a boy. It’s kind of funny actually I thought I knew him but I couldn’t place his face and then I came back here after mum called and saw him on tele and well I recognise him now.”

“He?” he repeats. I roll my eyes and he continues “and what do you mean after mum called? What do you mean you saw him on TV? How did you recognise him? You don’t hang around with boys, do you?”

I put my hands out in front of me to cut him off “wow, chill on the questions Nathan.” He nods so I continue “I got a frantic call from mum but I’ll explain that in a minute. No I don’t hang around with boys so relax, I recognised him because he’s famous and I saw him on the TV in one of his music videos.”

A shocked look forms on his face as he goes over what I just said. Eventually replying “so who was this boy then? And you have to tell me all about the frantic phone call from mum, ok.”

I nod “ok and you won’t believe me if I tell you.”

“Try me” is his only response.

Chewing on my lip and trying to delay the inevitable I sigh “it was harry styles. I know you’ve heard of him.”

He looks shocked for a second before breaking into hysterical laughter.

 AN~ i just relised this chapter is really short so sorry for that :/ 

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