chapter 5

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It takes him a good five minutes to calm down from his laughter. There are tears in his eyes and his face has turned red from lack of breathe. Im not surprised at his response. I knew he wouldn’t believe me and I feel like an idiot for telling him.

“Seriously though Jessie, how hard did you hit your head?” he breathes out before breaking into a new fit of laughter.

“Im not joking” I reply my tone sounding like ice.

“Ok well are you on crack or…” he laughs again.

“No, I am not on crack. You may not believe me but it’s true I met him and he helped me.” Im angry at him for asking if I was on crack, I huff and cross my arms over my chest.

Once he’s finished laughing he looks at me “you’re not joking are you? You really believe it was him, that he helped you.”

I nod. He may think im crazy but I know it was harry. I recognised him, im the one that he helped not Nathan so who is he to contradict me.

“Did he hurt you?” his tone has turned serious and I roll me eyes. “I mean it jess, if he hurt you or touched you in any way then tell me I mean I know what people say about him being a…”

“Enough, stop right there before you finish that statement. He didn’t hurt me in anyway at all. He was kind, sweet, caring and concerned. Nothing like what the media make him out to be. I know you were just about to call him a ‘man whore’ but you couldn’t be more wrong he was way too sweet and ditzy to be a man whore.”I rant to my brother.

He holds up his hands in defeat “ok im sorry, im just worried about you.  I am your big brother and it’s my job to protect you jess.”

I smile “I know you feel like you have to protect me but you’re trying to protect me from nothing.”

His hand runs through his hair and he sighs. “So tell me what you mean by this frantic phone call from mum” he asks and im grateful he’s changed the subject.

I plunge into the story of how I was talking to harry when mum called me telling me about the man outside our house. He listens to me without cutting in and once I’ve finished my story he cusses lightly under his breathe.

“She called the police, right.”

Shaking my head I answer “nope, she says she didn’t want to cause a scene and disrupt the neighbours.” I roll my eyes as he groans.

“Why does she have to be so damn concerned with everyone else but not her own safety?” he asks me and I shrug. We change the subject and he tells me about his day and how one of his friends fell in the river. Talking for hours before I remember I have work in the morning.

“Shit” I curse breaking him from his words.

He looks at me confused “what? What’s wrong?”

“I just remembered I have work tomorrow but im so tired and I really don’t feel like going.” I reply.

He shrugs “so don’t go, call in sick.”

“What and just take the day off so I can spend it moping around alone with my damaged head.” I laugh.

Turning to me, “hey I have a day off tomorrow and I have no plans so me and you could chill out and have a lazy day” he offers.

A smile lights up my face “that be great, it feels like forever since we’ve spend any time together, so yeah sure why not ill call them tomorrow and tell them im sick.”

A grin is reciprocated at my words and I bid my brother goodnight before haling myself up the stairs and into bed. Falling into a deep sleep, for the first time in ages dreaming peaceful dreams of green eyes and charming smiles.

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