chapter 26

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Jessie's P.O.V

A loud knock at the front door makes me stand from my bed. I'm still nervous about her reaction to Harry and having to tell Kayliegh what's happening and whats heppened in the past.

"I got it," Nate calls from downstairs. 

Before I can reply I hear footsteps on the stairs and Kayleighs voice calling "hi Nate, bye Nate."

My bedroom door flies open and I'm pulled into Kayleighs arms, tightly. She squeezes me untill my ribs hurt and says "I missed you man," into my hair.

I sigh, "it only been, what, three days. Let me go you idiot." She laughs and releases me slightly. Once I'm a good distance away from her I smile. Her smile is bright and cheesy. Finally, her gaze shifts over my shoulder, clearly looking at Harry. Her whole body stiffens and her eyes grow wide.

"Jessie," she whispers, her eyes still on Harry.

"Jessie..... I, What the hell," she says louder.

"Calm down," my voice is a whisper. She shakes her head slightly and gulps, taking deep breaths.

"I'm gonna intorduce you if you promise not be scream," I warn. 

She nods yes

Slowly, I turn away from her to Harry, he looks amused and sympathetic, I smile at him. 

"Harry, this is kayleigh my best friend," I turn to her, "Kayleigh, this is Harry." I lower my voice so only she can hear me and add "he's a normal guy."

She still looks dazed. 

"Hi love, I'm Harry, nice to meet you," he says to her holding out his hand for her to shake. 

Kayleigh's breathing increases as she holds out her own hand to shake his. I roll my eyes, she's never like this. She's the fearless one, the one who will say anything. But the second she's around a famous person she freezes. 

Eventually, when it becomes clear she's not gonna say anything, I sigh "Harry wil you take a picture with her please because I know she want's one but doesnt want to ask."

He smiles at me and then her, "sure, where's your phone?"

She shoots me an evil look before pulling out her phone and walking over to Harry on her shaking legs. He takes it from her and holds it up so they can take a couple before handing it to me, "take one for us please Jess."

I smile and take the phone from him, taking a couple of pics of them before handing Kayleigh back her phone. As soon as she gets it back she sits on my bed and scrolls through the pictures I just took of them.

Harry walks to me and hugs me, "are you gonna tell her about your mum?"

I nod my head and whisper "I think it's time."

He gives me a confused look, "time for what?"

"To tell you about my past."

Harry gives me a small smile before pressing his lips to my forhead, "it's okay, I'm here for you."

He pulls away as i say "ok, so i need you both to sit on my bed please because this is hard enough already and i need to tell you."

As Kayleigh puts down her phone, Harry takes a seat next to her on my bed. They both wear different expressions, while he looks calm and supportive Kayleigh looks worried and slightly on edge.

"What is it? Whats happened?" Kayleigh rushes. 

I sigh, this isn't gonna be easy. 

"Relax, do me a favour and be quiet. You can ask questions once I'm finished but please don't interupt." I pause and wait for a responce, they both nod their heads at me and I take a deep breath.

Coincidence |h.s|Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin