chapter 28

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Jessies P.O.V

Today's the day. Today we're going to put the plan into action and free my mum. I can't stop myslef from wondering if she's ok. Picturing all the things I know he's capable of is just making me crazy. On top of all that I keep on imagining all the different ways that this could go wrong, so far I have 47. 

Harry is still asleep next to me, his arm wrapped around my waist and his head on m shoulder. Recently the nightmares havent been as bad, they are still regular but now all I have to do is remind mysel it's just a dream and that Harry is here and I can make myself wake up. That doesn't stop me from kicking him awake, or from me waking him up and him haveing to wake me up.

It's been around two days since we put the plan together, the offiicial plan that is. I wanted to put it straight into action the next day but Nathan wouldn't let me. He said we had to wait for a few days because Dad would be expecting us due to Dan's visit. We argued and he won. 

The day is thursday. I haven't been to school all week as Nathan has been calling in sick for me. Kayleigh comes round everyday after school to make sure I'm ok and to go over the plan with us, she still has to go in because her mum will kill her if she misses another day.

"Jess, you awake," Harry mumbles, his voice low and raspy with sleep.

I smile slightly, "yes, I've been awake for a while."

"why didn't you wake me," he grumbles as he pulls himself up onto his elbow so he can look at me. 

"I was thinking and you were snoring. Plus you looked peaceful and I keep on waking you up with my... dreams. I thought you could use the sleep," I shrug.

Frowning, he kisses my shoulder, making his way up my skin to my collar bone and then my neck, finally he reaches my lips and kisses me softly. Smiling slightly, I kiss him back. He pulls my arms till I'm on top of him, his hands caressing the soft sin on my hip bone under my shirt. 

"Jess, Harry you guys up?" 

We break apart as the door opens, revealing Kayleigh. She takes in the scene before her and fights a laugh, "I'll wait downstairs for you guys."

The door closes behind her so I turn back to Harry, my cheeks are red and I can feel the heat radiating off them. I move off him and get out of bed, keeping my back to him. 

"Are you embarassed?" he asks clearly amused. 

"Well yeah my best friend just walked in on us doing - that - and she prbabaly thinks we were just about to have sex. I can just picture all the dirty things she's thinking right now," I cover my face with my hands. 

He laughs, "oh you can picture them can you."

I look at him and he wiggles his eyebrows at me. I throw a pillow at him. 

"How are you not embarrassed by that," I question.

He smirks and shrugs, "I'm just not, we weren't doing anything wrong or dirty, we were just kissing. Relax baby, I'm sure she really doesn't care."

My heart leaps at the word 'baby' but i try not to let it show. Instead I grab my jeans and a T-shirt and walk out the room. I debate wether or not to take a shower, eventually turning it on and getting in. Showers are the best way to relax, especially when you're tense and nervous, which I am.

Once I'm out and dressed I go back into my room, Harry is sat fully clothed on the bed and he's on the phone. 

"I know I just have some stuff to do today," Pause, "no Naill I can't today can't you just rearange or tomorrow or something?" another pause, "Yes I'm with Jessie, what's that got to do with anything?"Pause, "I'll call you when I'm free and we can all meet up, Jessie too."

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