chapter 16

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All the tables are clean; im happy with my cleaning skills, so I walk to the back room to rid myself of the apron I have on. Harry and his dates are the only people left in the restaurant but there waiting for me to finish. He didn't introduce me to his dates but I recognise one of them from that show keeping up with the kardashians, although I don't watch it so I can't say who she is.

"Jessie, you ready?" a rough voice sounds from the restaurant and I can tell that he's ready to leave, im just holding him up.

Grabbing my bag, I rush to the door "yeah, im ready."

He smiles at me when he sees me come round the corner, my lips turn up automatically. Beckoning me with his hand to join him so I do. Once im next to him his dates join us. I have to stop calling them that, I don't know whether they are his dates or whether this is a friendly dinner.

Warmth spreads through my lower back as he puts his hand there, surprisingly I don't try and shove him off.

"Jess this is Kendall, whom im sure you recognise" he points towards the tall dark haired girl.

I smile at her and wave awkwardly, im not good with meeting new people.

"This is Beth" he points to the other girl and he gives her a warm smile that twists my stomach.

I give her the same awkward greeting but I can't stop myself from blurting "how long have you and harry been dating."

The hand on my back tenses but doesn't move. Beth, the pretty blonde girl, looks shocked but I can't tell why. Her and harry look at each other and burst into hysterical laughter at the same time, even Kendall starts to laugh a little.

Frowning at them before turning to Harry, still looking confused "what?" my voice is quieter than I wanted it to be but his face softens and he stops laughing.

"Me and Beth aren't dating and neither are me and Kendall" he shrugs at the end of his statement and I feel my cheeks heat. So it's just a friendly dinner. Guilt fills my body for all the bad things I've been thinking about their little group all evening, I actually believed that maybe they were all on a date.

"Sorry, I just assumed-" I cut myself off before I can go any further. My eyes stare at the floor like it's the most interesting thing in the world. His hand nudges my back lightly, making me look up at him. Peering into his green eyes I see that he's not upset by my assumption, he looks glad that I know that they're not dating.

"Should we go?" he clears his throat.

Nodding just as the pretty blonde girl says "are you still giving me a ride?"

He takes his eyes off me to look at the girl "yeah of course, why wouldn't I?"

Her eyes flick to me and she smiles slightly. Harry catches on and rolls his eyes at her "come on lets go."

"Wait; Harry what about all the pap's?" Kendall asks.

Pap's? I didn't know there were paparazzi here. Mentally I smack my forehead, of course there are he's Harry freaking styles. He may seem ordinary and nice but he's still mega famous. I feel his gaze burning into my face and I turn to look at him. He still has a hand on my back as I haven't pushed him off. Green eyes filled with worry meet my blue ones and he exhales roughly.

"Shit, well were just gonna have to face them" he says still looking at me, his gaze turning questioning.

A lump rises in my throat. If pictures are taken that means rumours will be spread. The rumours will include me and so will the picture, which makes it easier for my father to track me down. I know he already knows where I live but he hasn't seen me since I was young so he has no idea what I look like but if he sees a photo it won't take him long to find me.

Coincidence |h.s|Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt