chapter 17

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Harry's p.o.v

Im ignoring them for Jessie's benefit. If I reply I will get distracted and my arms will fall. I can't let them take pictures of her I know that she doesn't want that.  My jacket is held tightly in my hand and my arms are up, blocking her from the flashes while she walks along the wall behind me.

She grabs onto my jacket, pulling me along the wall with her. Walking towards my jeep, which is the only car left in the car park. "Harry, I don't have your keys" she mumbles into my back.

"They're in my back pocket love" I reply over my shoulder.

Her hand slides into my back pocket and I grin. This is turning out a lot better than I expected. The hand in my pocket is quick to grab the keys and pull them out. Laughter shakes my body and I can hear her sigh a little behind me.

When the car is unlocked she wrenches the door open, I feel her stop behind me and turn back to me. Why hasn't she got in the car? I hear the people in front of me shouting things like:

"Hey styles, why don't you show us the new slut you have on display?"

"You have to keep up that manwhore image of yours don't you, three chicks in one night."

"Seen entering the restaurant with two only to leave with a completely different girl, wow you really are quite the slut."

The comments annoy me. It doesn't bother me that they call me a manwhore or a slut; I get shit like that all the time. What annoys me is them calling Jessie a slut. They don't even know her, they haven't even seen her yet because she's with me she is automatically labelled a slut.

I hear the door slam closed behind me and then she tugs at my jacket, trying to get me to lower it. Turning his head to face her I whisper "what are you doing? Get in the car."

She shakes her head and try's and pull my jacket down again but im stronger than her so she doesn't succeed.

I see her apprehension to get in the car so I turn my body carefully to face her fully, ignoring the people with cameras. "What's wrong Jessie?"

"I don't like the way they're talking to you harry. No one deserves that and certainly not you, your one of the sweetest people I've met. They need to stop saying them things to you right now." The annoyance is clear in her voice and it warms me that she doesn't like the way there treating me.

Smiling at her, "Calm down, im used to it. Just get in the car so we can go please" I begs her.

"Fine but I still don't like the way they're treating you" she shouts towards the people behind me. The flashes are still going off but I don't care, im focused on her and keeping my arms up, which are starting to ache. Stretching on her tip toes she kisses my cheek lightly. Her warm lips feel nice on my cheek and I can feel my heart flutter a little. Her actions surprise me and by the look on her face they do her as well. I smile at her brightly "what was that for?"

"To show you that you should never believe or listen to anything them evil wankers say. Most people, me included, know that you're a sweet person and I just wanted to show you that I care." The words are rushed but I hear every single one, the ones that choose to stick in my head are 'I just wanted to show you that I care'.

"Thank you Jessie. Now get in the car, my arms are hurting." My voice sounds like a whine but it's true, my arms really are starting to ache.

Giggling, she jumps in the back seat, slamming the door and ducking down so she's hidden.

My face hurts and I don't think my smile could get any bigger or more genuine. Sure, the comments from the paparazzi hurt but im used to them and her saying those things to me lightened my mood greatly.

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