chapter 13

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Jessie's P.O.V

God I hate working the Saturday shift. It's not too bad in the day but in the evening all the drunken perv's decide to come in. I know they only do it because we have a small bar attached to the restaurant but still this restaurant is supposed to be semi classy.

I push past tables, carrying dishes and drinks to customers. Out of the corner of my eye I see movement at the entrance but I have my hands full so I motion for Alice to deal with them. The restaurant is busy tonight, like it always is on a Saturday.

Alice nods at me and fast walks over to the people as I place the food down in front of a couple. I smile kindly at them "is that all I can get you or do you need anything else."

"No were fine thank you" the women replies kindly with a polite smile so I turn and walk away.

I don't see Alice behind the counter so I walk back to it and check the orders. Someone pinches my arm and I turn to see Alice looking at me with wide eyes.

"Oh my gawd" she starts but is cut off by a call from the kitchen.

"Table 37 order up." The chef calls. Turning away from the crazy girl in front of me, I grab the plates and walk towards table 37.

A group of men are sat there and I groan internally but smile brightly at them, carefully placing their plates on the table.

"Hey darling, fancy giving me your number" one of the boys asks and I frown at him. His voice slurs and I can tell that he's been drinking. Damn it, I knew I shouldn't have worked this shift.

"No, but enjoy your meal" I say before turning away.

The creep grabs my wrist "aw come on I only want to have some fun" he whines.

I raise my eye brow and pull my wrist free "sorry but you're really not my type, enjoy your meal." Hurrying, I walk back to the counter at the same time Alice comes back with another order.

Holding out my hand to take it from her, I tell her "you'll have to do table 37 and I'll take this one table 13 because that table was full of guys and one hit on me."

She seems reluctant, "great not only are you handing me the creepy table you're also taking the only table I really want to waitress on." She pouts at me as I hand the order of three meals over to the chef.

When I turn back around she's still pouting with her arms folded over her chest. "oh come on Alice you know how I am with guys that try and hit on me" I say. Our eyes meet and we both start laughing at the memory of me throwing a group of guys from the restaurant because one of them tried to touch me.

"Okay" she sighs "but don't freak out because the person at that table is-"

She's cut off again by another table being called. Smiling apologetically I grab the plates and walk to the table on the sheet.

Me and Alice are so busy after that that she doesn't get the chance to tell me who was at table 13 before it comes up. I sigh and grab the three plates, walking carefully with them to the corner where table 13 is.

When I get there the three people are in deep convosation and I hand the two girls what I assume is there meals first. I turn and am about to put the third plate down when it slips from my hands and onto the floor and the costumer. Great there goes my tip.

He stands up instantly as I say "oh shit, I am so sorry it was an accident."

I look up from the mess on the floor and our eyes meet. My eyes widen in shock as I stare back into the green eyes that break up my nightmares and save me from my memories.

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