chapter 19

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Jessie's P.O.V

His lips are soft and warm against mine. Our mouths move in since, perfectly. My lips fit to his as they become one, as we become one. His hands are on my cheeks, fingertips brushing my hairline, pulling me closer to him. My arms are laced round the back of his neck.

I don't know how long we stay like that, body's close, lips touching. Its long enough for his hand to move from my cheeks, slowly moving down my body in till they settle on the curve of my hips. They pull me closer to him, so I move from my chair and onto his lap, straddling his waist.

He smiles into the kiss before slowly detaching our lips. The lazy smile is still on his face so I smile back. One of his hands moves from my hips to my face the pad of his thumb brushing over my cheek bone, tracing under my eyes and down to my lips. He runs it over my bottom lip and they part automatically. No one has ever touched me like this, loving, gently.

"I meant what I said you know" he whispers continuing his soft movements. "I won't let him hurt you, especially now that I've felt your lips on mine."

He leans in and captured my lips again, softly.

When we pull away I feel relaxed, happy almost. Then the worry and panic starts to creep back in ruining the moment of peace his lips brought me.

"My family" my voice is rough. I clear my throat "I still don't know where they are, or if they're ok."

"It's ok, im sure they're fine. Have you tried to call them again?"

I shake my head and climb of his lap, my cheeks flushing slightly as I realise that I had literally climbed on him. Oops.

Walking over to the side, I grab the house phone and dial my mum's number one more time. It goes straight to answer phone. I sigh and shake my head, dialling my brothers' number.  I get the same outcome, answerphone.

"Both are going straight to answer phone."

Harry stands and walks over to me "im sure they'll be fine."

I nod. Stretching on my toes, I kiss his cheek before whispering "thank you, for coming back. I don't know what I would have done if you wouldn't have."

His lips touch mine softly "anytime, I couldn't just leave you alone now could I?"

I smile at him but its weak. Im tired, worried and the panic I was feeling before has exhausted me. Not to mention the fact that I also just did a shift at a restaurant where a creepy man tried to pull me out of the place to show me a 'good time'. Nope, tonight has not been my night.

The only good thing that has come out of tonight is seeing Harry and ultimately kissing him.

I yawn uncontrollably making him laugh. "Tired are we?" his voice is teasing as he puts his hands on my waist. Ever since we kissed a few minutes ago he's been taking every opportunity to touch me and I can't say that I hate it, in fact I sort of like it.

"Yes, it's been a long night."

He nods in agreement "why don't you go to sleep then?"

I smile at him before turning away and walking towards the stairs. Im half way up them before I realise he's still stood in the hallway. I turn, hand on the banister "what, are you coming up or..."

He hesitates "you want me to stay?"

I raise my eye brow "yeah, in less you don't want to, Im not going to force you to stay if you don't want to."

He grins and starts climbing the stairs so I turn and continue. Once were in my room I don't know what to do. Sure, I want him to stay but I don't want him to think it's for other reasons. Then we have the problem of my nightmares. I don't want him to witness me having them.

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