Chapter 2

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He extends his and out towards me, still not breaking eye contact. I reach up and take it and he pulls me effortlessly to my feet. His hand is warm and soft in mine and he doesn't let go straight away.

"Are you okay?" he asks me. For a second I forgot about the cut on my head and the blood running down my face. My hand flies to my head and I wince when it connects with the cut. I can feel my hair is stuck together and matted with blood.

"Um, yeah I guess... im really clumsy" I stutter out.

He looks really concerned. "It's not your fault" he starts "I was walking really fast and not paying attention, I should have been more careful. Come on, come with me ill help you clean that up." He starts to move back through the street pulling me slowly with him through the crowds of people. Surprisingly no one stopped to help or to see if I was ok. Well that's London for you I suppose everyone's so wrapped up no one really cares.

The stranger pulls me into a small café, nodding to the person behind the counter when they give me a startled look. "Harry what the hell happened." A tall, pretty brown haired woman asks from behind the counter. "I accidently bumped into her and she fell I was wondering if I could use the back room quickly" he asks already making his way back there and dragging me softly with him. The woman nods. I find myself wondering what their relationship is. I wonder if there a couple, I think to myself. It's a possibility, I suppose.

"Sit down there" he instructs pointing towards the table top. I cringe at the thought of sitting on top of the table but do as im told. He walks over to the small sink in the corner and gets out a cloth, wetting it in the sink. My legs dangle from the table top as im quite small. He turns and comes towards me, standing in front of me and softly bringing the cloth to my face.

I wince when it connects, he's trying to be gentle but it still hurts. I look at his face as he concentrates on my wounded head and I can't shake the feeling that I've seen him somewhere. My eyes are exploring his handsome features trying to figure out where I've seen him before when his eyes move from my head to my face. I quickly look away, heat flooding to me cheeks as I've been caught staring at the good looking stranger. A soft chuckle rumbles from his throat and my cheeks get redder.

I feel the cloth moving against my face again and I know the awkward moment has mostly passed, mostly. The cloth swipes smoothly across my cheek, cleaning the blood trail from it. "There you go, cute as before. The cut looks pretty deep but I don't think it will need stitches but im not a doctor so it might" he shrugs slightly "I can take you to the hospital if you like." He offers me.

I look at him. Where have I seen him before? "Um, im sure it will be fine" my voice comes out weaker than I expected "thank you for being so kind and helpful." He smiles at me and something in me goes oohhh. "Its fine seriously, um wait here ok I'll be back in a second." He walks away slowly "don't move I mean it you could have a delayed concussion or something." With that he walks through the door, leaving me swinging my feet and wondering still where I had seen him before.

He comes in minutes later carrying a cup. I frown slightly in confusion but it hurts my head so I stop. I feel a wet dribble down my face and I know the cuts bleeding again. In a hurry he places the cup on the table and raises the towel back to my head. "It looks like your gonna be unable to show any emotion for the rest of the day" he chuckles slightly. I smile at his words "oh no, how will anyone know what im thinking?" the sarcasm in my voice is clear.

He takes the towel from my head "I mean it every time you show emotion, it will bleed." I nod in agreement. "Good, here drink this" he says thrusting a cup in my hands. I want to frown at him but I refrain myself "what is it?"

"Relax" he replies "it's just a coffee; I thought maybe you should drink and eat before you ran away." He smiles pulling a chocolate brownie in its wrapper from his pocket and handing it to me. "Thank you." I remark gratefully, ripping the wrapper and taking a bite of it. "Mmm it tastes really good." I mumble around a mouthful. His laughter is a beautiful sound.

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