Chapter 21

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Jessie's P.O.V

The police station is quiet and I hate it. Harry takes my hand when we he inside, I suppose it for moral support and I'm grateful. we walk to the front desk but the lady's on the phone, she holds up her hand signalling us to wait so I turn to Harry.

"What do you think he's done?" I ask him quietly.

He shrugs slightly "I don't know but whatever it is it can't be good if he's been arrested for it and held in a holding cell."

I nod and turn back to the lady behind the desk just as she gets off the phone. She's young and pretty with brown hair that falls in loose waves down her shoulders and her eyes look hazel. A sting of jealousy hits he when I see her eyes travel down Harry, checking him out. She's grinning at him as I turn my head to see him looking at me, ignoring her. I know that harry notices her eyes ogling his body and face because he slips his arms around me and pulls my back to his chest.

Fighting a smile, he says behind me "hi we're here to collect someone." His voice is polite and friendly but not flirting and I'm trying so hard not to laugh as the look of disappointment on the girls face.

Sure she's pretty and probably has. Killer body, she's a lot better looking then me, but Harry's not taking any notice of her flirtatious gaze. I can't help but think it's because he's here with me.

The girl still looks disappointed but she nods, throwing Harry another look. "Ok, name of the person you are looking for?" Her voice is soft and sort of sweet but she aims the question to Harry not me.

"Um Nathan, Nathan Evans. He was brought here yesterday or the night before I don't really know, I didn't see him all day. Someone called and told me he was here and kicking up a fuss."

She nods and narrows her eyes at me, crap it's really that bad. Her eyes flick to Harry's hands and I know that part of that look is a look of disapproval and disgust for me.

"Yes he's here, been causing a lot of chaos here and outside on the streets. Luckily the other person doesn't want to press charges so there is no bail charges and he's free to go."

Her voice has turned from semi soft to cold and sort of evil. My mind keeps on screaming bail, oh shit this is really bad if they were thinking if pressing charges.

I nod as Harry says "thank you Miss, we appreciate your help."

She smiles at him, nodding her head, her eyes have gone soft and flirtatious again. Yuck, why does she have to flirt with him, can she not see he's with me?

Wait, what? Did I just say that Harry is with me? I mean sure we've kissed but we aren't together or anything. At least I don't think we are...

He turns around, his arms shifting so only one arms is around me but it's enough to make me turn with him. I look up to see my an officer emerging, someone trailing behind him. The man stood in front of him is stopping me from seeing his face but I can see he's limping.

When the officer moves so I can see him I think I'm going to pass out. His face is busted; I don't just mean a couple of cuts I mean that he's been in a seriously nasty fight. There are cuts all along his cheeks, chin and forehead and his left eye is severely swollen. I want to scream and kill him but I also want to run up to him and hug him.

His eyes meet mine and he looks guilty but relieved. He's such an idiot for kicking up a fuss in here. Then his eyes travel to Harry, who has moved to stand beside me but had my hand in his. Nathan looks pissed, especially when his eyes move to our entwined hands.

Great, here comes the 'what do you want with my little sister' and the 'if you hurt her I'll kill you' speech.

He limps over to us and I pull my hands from Harry's so I can pull Nate into a hug. A small groan of pain falls from his lips and I feel bad so I release him an step back.

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