Wanted | Niam AU

By romancestorygirl

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Verbally abused by his mother for years, 18 year old Niall Horan always believed he would never be loved or w... More

Prologue: Niall
Chapter 1: Niall
Chapter 2: Liam
Chapter 3: Niall
Chapter 4: Liam
Chapter 5: Niall
Chapter 6: Liam
Chapter 7: Niall
Chapter 8: Liam
Chapter 9: Niall
Chapter 10: Liam
Chapter 11: Niall
Chapter 12: Liam
Chapter 13: Niall
Chapter 14: Liam
Chapter 15: Niall
Chapter 16: Liam
Chapter 17: Niall
Chapter 18: Liam
Chapter 19: Niall
Chapter 20: Liam
Chapter 21: Niall
Chapter 22: Liam
Chapter 23: Niall
Chapter 24: Liam
Chapter 25: Niall
Chapter 26: Liam
Chapter 27: Niall
Chapter 28: Liam
Chapter 30: Greg
Chapter 31: Louis
Chapter 32: Liam
Chapter 33: Niall
Chapter 34: Liam
Chapter 35: Niall
Chapter 36: Liam
Chapter 37: Niall
Chapter 38: Liam
Chapter 39: Niall
Chapter 40: Liam
Chapter 41: Niall
Chapter 42: Liam
Chapter 43: Niall
Chapter 44: Greg
Chapter 45: Louis
Chapter 46: Liam
Chapter 47: Niall
Chapter 48: Liam
Chapter 49: Niall
Chapter 50: Liam
Chapter 51: Greg
Chapter 52: Niall
Chapter 53: Liam
Chapter 54: Liam
Chapter 55: Niall
Chapter 56: Liam
Chapter 57: Niall
Chapter 58: Liam
Chapter 59: Niall
Chapter 60: Niall
Chapter 61: Niall
Chapter 62: Liam
Chapter 63: Greg
Chapter 64: Louis
Epilogue: Niall

Chapter 29: Niall

2.7K 105 27
By romancestorygirl

Louis and I took some time after Greg and Liam left to unpack a few things and straighten up. The morning had been blissful and I felt like I was on cloud nine. Liam had kissed me twice today and each time I felt like I was going to just melt in his arms. I definitely liked our move from friends to more than friends.

I was still nervous about it all though. I never felt like this with Harry, not even close. The more time I spent with Liam, the more I felt like I was stepping into a danger zone. The last three weeks without him were pure hell, and it felt so good to have him back in my life again.

Louis was being very quiet. I'm not really sure what was going on with him this afternoon. Greg and him got along pretty good and even bickered a few times, which was a relief. I wondered if he was worried about going to the party tonight. After all, the last party at Liam and Greg's house turned out pretty shitty for Louis.

Just then, Louis jumped when a text came through. He bolted up and grabbed his cell off of the breakfast bar. His face immediately fell.

"What's wrong? Is it bad news or something?" I asked him as I walked into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water.

"Oh, um no, not at all. It's actually from Jason. Looks like they landed in France a little bit ago and he was just checking to see how my day's been. Sweet huh?" Louis said with a small smile.

"Yep, that is sweet. You telling him we are going to Brad's party tonight?"

"I wasn't going to. I mean, he doesn't own me, I don't have to tell him my every damn move!" Louis snapped back at me and walked off.

What the hell was that about? Louis was sitting on the sofa typing out a text message back to Jason. Sheesh, he was in a mood all of a sudden.

"What the fuck? Are you fucking kidding me?" Louis shouted as he looked up at me. I was walking back into the living room and stopped in my tracks.

"Holy hell, he just told me I should probably stay home. Who the fuck does he think he is?"
Wow, I don't think I've ever heard someone tell Louis what to do. Stupid move, Jason.

"What're you going to tell him?" I asked as I sat down next to him. He was texting so fast I could practically see the steam coming from his fingers!

"I just told him he has no right telling me what I can and can't do. I mean, holy fuck. I just spent the last three weeks of my life devoted to him one hundred percent. Now he goes to Europe and he expects me to sit home and wait for him. I told him sorry, that's not how I roll. If he doesn't like it he can fuck off!"

I had to let out a giggle. A part of me was thinking Louis was hoping he would fuck off. His phone beeped again and he read the message. His whole body just sunk down in the sofa. Oh no, maybe he was telling him to fuck off?

"What did he say, Lou?"

Louis let out a sigh and looked at me. "He told me I was right, he had no right telling me what I can and can't do and that I should go and have a good time."

"And this makes you unhappy? Isn't that what you wanted him to say?"

"Of course it is! I mean yeah, of course it is. I guess I should wish him a good time," Louis said as he gave me a weak smile.

Okay, I was confused.

"Yeah you probably should. He's probably already missing you."

"He said they're leaving in the morning for their first hike so he won't be able to be in contact with me for a few days at a time until he can get a signal. Huh, what a shame. Anyway, I think I'm going to go get ready. Do you have any idea of what you're wearing tonight?" Louis said.

I had to laugh. There is no way he was into Jason at all. I would be devastated if that was Liam.

"Nope, I have not even thought about it. Want to help me pick something out?"

"Hells yeah I do! Come on, my closet first!" Louis said as he grabbed me and dragged me to his bedroom.

Louis and I spent the next two hours or so picking out what we were going to wear, taking showers and primping. Louis called Heather and told her what time we were leaving to pick her up. I still couldn't believe Amanda was dating Brad. Louis filled Heather in on Josh and I could hear Heather laughing through the phone. I was pretty sure I heard the words "man whore" in there somewhere.

Liam had sent me three text messages since he got back home. The first one said he was back home safe and sound and they were getting the house ready for tonight. The second said he was thinking about me, and the third said he couldn't wait to hold me in his arms again. I felt the heat in my cheeks as I read the last one.

Is he really for real? Sometimes I feel like I'm going to wake up from this dream to find out I'm still living at home with my mother and Liam never existed.

"You ready to go, chica? Because I'm ready to party! I have not been to a party since, well... Fuck, since the last Greg disaster party!" Louis said with a laugh.

I started to laugh at how much of a good mood Louis was in compared to a few hours ago.

"I'm ready, let's go!"

Louis was wearing a black skinny jean with a blue sleeveless shirt along with his black and white Adidas. His hair was styled up in a small quiff and he had on a backwards baseball cap to match. I also had on black skinny jean and a simple black t-shirt with my plain simple black and white Nikes. Unlike Louis, who owned ten pair of shoes in every color, I opted for just one pair of simple Nikes. I decided to put leave my hair flat since I'm sure we would be spending most of the night in the backyard dancing.

"Oh, Greg sent me a text asking us to pick up plastic cups, so we need to stop at HEB to grab some," Louis said as we made our way out to his Jeep.

Was he skipping?

"So what got your mood turned around, Lou?" I asked as I climbed into the Jeep.

Louis threw his head back and laughed. "I'm going to a party instead of the damn country club for dinner! God love Jason but he needs to loosen up a little! But hey, while the cat's away, the mice will play!" Louis said with another laugh as he wiggled his eyebrows up and down.

By the time we stopped and picked up Heather, and then the cups for Greg, we ended up getting to Liam's place around 7:45. Louis pulled in and parked behind Greg's truck. As soon as we walked in the front door Liam had me in his arms and was lifting me up again for a kiss. I'm not sure why but every time he did that it made me giggle.

"God I love the sound of your laugh!" He reached down and gave me a quick peck on the lips. The moment he put me down I was disappointed. Good Lord, I needed to get a grip. I couldn't be acting like this, needing more and more of him every time I saw him. I would have liked a better kiss though.

Liam grabbed my hand and led me into the kitchen where Greg, Brad, Josh and some other guy I'd never seen before were talking. Liam grabbed a beer out of the fridge and handed it to me after he opened it. Then he introduced me to their friend.

"Jon, this is Niall, Niall this is Jon." I reached out my hand to shake his and our eyes met mine. Wow, he had the most amazing green eyes. I tried to pull my hand away but he held onto it another few seconds. The way he was looking at me instantly made me feel uncomfortable. He looked me up and down and then finally let go of my hand.

"Niall, Liam has told me a lot about you. It's a real pleasure to meet you finally," he said as he smiled at me with a smile that would knock any girl or guy off of their feet.

I looked over at Liam, who was watching my every move. "All good things I hope."

Oh Christ, what a stupid answer that was!

Jon threw his head back a little and laughed as he ran his hand through his blond hair. He was built, but not as built as Liam or Greg.

"Do you play football for UT also?" I asked as Liam came up next to me and put his arm around my waist. I instantly felt the butterflies take off in my stomach and the heat from his touch pool in between my legs. I was praying to God I was not blushing. For once I'd like to not show it on my face what Liam's touch does to me.

Jon smiled at me and tilted his head while looking at me. What the hell? He looked down at Liam's hand resting on my waist then back up to me.

"No my dear, I don't play football for UT. I do, however, play baseball for UT. Do you like baseball, Niall?"

My dear? Okay, why was it the way he spoke to me made me feel all weird?

"Um, I guess so, but I really only ever watch football, sorry," I said with a shrug of my shoulders.

Jon let out a laugh again and looked at Liam.

"Lucky son of a bitch you are." Then he looked at me again. "We might have to just get you to start liking baseball, Niall, now won't we?"

I just smiled; I didn't really know what to say to that. Liam leaned down and whispered against my ear if I wanted to step away, and I nodded my head yes. All I wanted to do was get away from this guy. I wondered if Liam noticed the way he was looking at me. This guy totally freaked me out!

Liam took my hand again and led me to the one place I was not expecting to go...his bedroom. My heart started to pound and my head started spinning. When he opened the door and led me in I felt like I was going to stop breathing.

Oh. My. God. No! He didn't think I was going to sleep with him did he? Before I could even open my mouth, Liam had me in his arms.

"Don't think that, Niall sweetheart. I only brought you in here to give you a proper kiss in private. He ran his hand through my hair and then brought it up to the side of my face. He took the back of his hand and moved it up and down my face. All I could feel was a tingling sensation everywhere his hand touched. He then took both hands and cupped my face. He tilted my face up and smiled that crooked smile at me. I swear I felt my knees wobble. He leaned down and lightly brushed his lips against mine four times and it was driving me mad.


I felt Liam smile against my lips.

"More, huh?" he asked as he let out a small laugh.

"Yes Liam, please. I need more."

The next thing I knew, Liam's lips were back on mine and his tongue was seeking entrance into my mouth. I opened and allowed him in. He moved his hand to the back of my head and deepened the kiss so much it felt like all the air was being sucked out of my body. He slowly backed me up against the wall. Thank God, because I needed something to assist me with standing before my legs buckled out from underneath me.

God, I never wanted him to stop. The way he made me feel was unbelievable. I felt...cherished. When he finally pulled his lips from mine, I slowly opened my eyes to look at him. His beautiful brown eyes were looking down into mine. He slowly let a smile creep across his beautiful face. I couldn't help but smile back at him.

"Was that better Mr. Horan?"

I let out a giggle. "Yes, yes it was Mr. Payne. You have successfully bewitched me."

Liam took his index finger and traced my jaw line and then ran it over my lips. My whole body trembled and the ache between my legs grew stronger. All I wanted to do was push my hand down on it to ease it.

"I'm glad to hear I have you bewitched, sweetheart. I thought for a moment someone else might be trying to do the same thing," he said as he tapped my nose with his finger.

He did notice and that was why he brought me in here! I wanted to throw myself into his arms again and beg him to kiss me once more. I wanted to forget all about some guy flirting with me right in front of him. All I wanted to see was Liam's beautiful eyes looking into mine.

"You ready for a party?"

"Only if you promise to keep your dance card open for me all night," I said with a smile.

"Done!" Liam grabbed my hand and led me to his bedroom door. He spun me around and slammed me back against the door and kissed me deeply again. He pulled his lips from mine and I gasped for air.

"That's so you don't forget who has you bewitched," he said with a wink. I stepped away from the door so he could open it. My head was spinning again, but this time in a good way. As we walked out from Liam's room and through the living room, I felt eyes watching us. I looked over to the kitchen and Jon was watching Liam and I walk by. The way he was smiling felt like he was trying to look into my soul and it sent a shiver down my back. I quickly turned my head and looked up at Liam, who was smiling from ear to ear and leading us outside to the music.

Once we stepped outside, the fresh air felt amazing. I looked around and saw Amanda, Louis and Heather all dancing. They all looked happy and that made me smile. Greg had walked out the back door and pointed at some chairs for Liam and me to sit at. I still had yet to take a drink of the beer that was in my hand.

"Do you want to go dance with your friends, Niall?" Liam asked.

"Nope, I just want to sit here with you." The next thing I did was probably the boldest thing I've ever done in my life. Especially since my brother was sitting right here. Liam sat down and I sat down on his lap before I chickened out. I think Liam was just as surprised as my brother. I went to take a swig of my beer and then felt something. Oh wow, was I making that happen? I stopped my beer right at my lips as I felt Liam adjust me in his lap. Greg was busy looking at everyone dance so he didn't notice Liam lean in and whisper against my ear.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. I was not expecting you to do that and he kind of has a mind of his own."

I snapped my head and looked at Liam. Did he just say that to me? He just told me I gave him a hard on. I started to laugh and leaned down and kissed him right on the lips. Greg or not, I wanted Liam to know how I felt about him every second of the day.

"Jesus Christ, can you stop Niall? I can take you sitting on his lap, but not sucking his face at the same damn time!"

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