Wanted | Niam AU

By romancestorygirl

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Verbally abused by his mother for years, 18 year old Niall Horan always believed he would never be loved or w... More

Prologue: Niall
Chapter 1: Niall
Chapter 2: Liam
Chapter 3: Niall
Chapter 4: Liam
Chapter 5: Niall
Chapter 6: Liam
Chapter 7: Niall
Chapter 8: Liam
Chapter 9: Niall
Chapter 10: Liam
Chapter 11: Niall
Chapter 12: Liam
Chapter 13: Niall
Chapter 14: Liam
Chapter 15: Niall
Chapter 16: Liam
Chapter 17: Niall
Chapter 18: Liam
Chapter 19: Niall
Chapter 20: Liam
Chapter 21: Niall
Chapter 23: Niall
Chapter 24: Liam
Chapter 25: Niall
Chapter 26: Liam
Chapter 27: Niall
Chapter 28: Liam
Chapter 29: Niall
Chapter 30: Greg
Chapter 31: Louis
Chapter 32: Liam
Chapter 33: Niall
Chapter 34: Liam
Chapter 35: Niall
Chapter 36: Liam
Chapter 37: Niall
Chapter 38: Liam
Chapter 39: Niall
Chapter 40: Liam
Chapter 41: Niall
Chapter 42: Liam
Chapter 43: Niall
Chapter 44: Greg
Chapter 45: Louis
Chapter 46: Liam
Chapter 47: Niall
Chapter 48: Liam
Chapter 49: Niall
Chapter 50: Liam
Chapter 51: Greg
Chapter 52: Niall
Chapter 53: Liam
Chapter 54: Liam
Chapter 55: Niall
Chapter 56: Liam
Chapter 57: Niall
Chapter 58: Liam
Chapter 59: Niall
Chapter 60: Niall
Chapter 61: Niall
Chapter 62: Liam
Chapter 63: Greg
Chapter 64: Louis
Epilogue: Niall

Chapter 22: Liam

2.3K 110 33
By romancestorygirl

I ended up sleeping on the sofa last night after Greg finally passed out around 2:30 am. Once I sat on the sofa, I could smell Niall on the pillows. I probably looked like a stupid fuck with the way I was cuddling a goddamn throw pillow last night.

Greg was up at six a.m. dressed and ready for a run. Not sure how the fuck he managed that, but he did. I got up and went for a quick run before I came back to make up some of my Gram's blueberry muffins.

I never got a chance to give Niall his graduation gift last night, so I was hoping to do it this morning. I was pretty sure I heard Louis on the phone and then heard Niall and Louis talking. Greg had been gone for almost two hours. I started to wonder if he was staying away to avoid the guys.

Stupid bastard.

Just then the front door opened and Greg walked in. Looking like he just had the shit beat out of him.

"What the fuck happened to you, dude?"

"I went a few rounds with Bubba up at the gym. I needed to work all the fucking alcohol out of my system," Greg said as he grabbed a water out of the fridge.

"Are the boys up yet?"

Greg sat down at one of the bar stools and started to down his water. Man, he looked like shit.

"Dude, I think you worked out too hard, you look like shit," I said as I took the muffins out of the oven.

"Fuck you, dude. I'm not the one acting like Betty Fucking Crocker!"

"Seriously Greg, you feeling okay today, you get enough sleep?" I asked, as I took a good look at him. He looked tired and his eyes were like a dead green sea.

"Yeah, I feel all right. I can't believe I drank that much last night. I fuckin' never drink like that," Greg said as he reached over and grabbed the bottle of Advil that was sitting on the kitchen counter.

"Do you, um, you remember everything that happened last night?" Shit...I hated to do it but I had to ask.

Greg looked up at me and I swear his eyes glossed over with tears. "Yeah dude, I remember everything that happened last night. Believe me, I woke up wishing I had been drunk enough not to have remembered it."

Just then, the door to my bedroom opened up and Louis came walking out. Damn, he looked just as good this morning as he did when he walked in yesterday evening. I could see Greg sit up straighter.

"Good morning!" Louis announced as he came buzzing into the kitchen. What the hell? I looked over at Greg who was just watching his every move.

"Did you make blueberry muffins, Liam? My God! No wonder Niall has the hots for you," Louis said with a laugh.

"Louis!" The sound of Niall's sweet voice caused my stomach to do a few flips. I looked up and my breath caught in my throat. He looked beautiful. I wonder if he woke up every morning looking this fucking good. He gave me a shy smile...there was that blush... I just wanted to take him in my arms and kiss the shit out of him.

"Good morning, sweetheart. Did you sleep okay?" I asked as I poured him a glass of orange juice. He sat down in the bar stool next to Greg, who was still watching Louis's every move.

Niall looked over at Greg and his smile faded just a little. When he looked back over at me he gave me that smile that would make me promise him anything in the world.

"I slept okay, thank you so much for giving up your room last night for us."

Greg shut his eyes for a second. Was he even planning on saying he was sorry to Louis and Niall?

"Look Niall, Liam made blueberry muffins. Isn't that so sweet? Some guys are just like that: caring. They know how the little things just make a guy so happy," Louis said as he leaned against the counter and stared Greg down. He had been sending someone a text message right before.

I did not like where this was going.

"Louis, can I speak with you in private please?" Greg asked as he stood up.

"Um, no..." Louis said as he picked up a muffin and started to put butter on it.

Greg was running his hands down his face clearly getting frustrated. He let out a loud sigh. "Please, I really need to talk to you...please."

Louis looked up at Greg, and I swear if looks could kill, Greg would have been on the floor. "Whatever you have to say to me you can say it in front of my friends. You know what those are, don't you, Greg? Oh wait, the type of friends that you have, you fuck them in your room during your brother's graduation party."

"Louis, that's enough, he just wants to talk to you," Niall said as he looked back and forth between Louis and Greg.

Fuck me, this was not going to go well at all.

"No, this is fine, Niall. If this is how Louis wants to have this go down, then that is fine by me. I was going to apologize for my comment last night that embarrassed you. It was very insensitive of me to bring up the fact that you're still a virgin, and that your fucking dry humping every guy at the party might give them the wrong impression you were ready to give it up," Greg said as he slammed his water bottle down.

This was like a fucking train wreck that I couldn't stop watching.

"Greg! Oh my God! How could you say that to him right now, after what you did to him last night?" Niall said as he stood up and walked up to Greg.

"What...what did I do to him Niall? I was trying to apologize, and he is being a bitch about it," Greg said as he turned to look at Louis.

Louis was just standing there with a blank expression on his face. "You slept with that guy, Greg. You knew that was going to hurt Louis...you knew it would," Niall said with a crack in his voice.

"Is that what it is, Louis? Are you upset because I slept with another guy, because the last time I checked, sweetheart, I didn't have a fucking boyfriend," Greg shouted at Louis.

"Do not call me 'sweetheart,' you son of a bitch," Louis said as a tear started to roll down his face.

"Greg, let's just back off here for a minute. Dude, I see where you're going with this and I get it but..."

"What?" Niall said as he turned and gave me a shitty look.

Oh fuck...

"So Liam, you think what Greg did to Louis was okay, because they're not dating? You and I both know they have feelings for each other," Niall said as he put his hands on his hips.

Shit, he was cute when he was mad.

"Now wait a minute, Niall; don't turn this around on me now. That's not what I was going to say. I was just saying that it is true. Louis and Greg are not dating and really he could see or date anyone he wants. I'm not excusing what he did it's just, it's just..." Oh why the fuck did I think I just stuck my foot in my damn mouth? Stop talking Liam...

"Can I just please say that I could care less what this dickwad does, okay? So Greg, have at it. Fuck whoever you damn well please, 'cause you're right, we have nothing together. Never have and you made it very clear last night, we never will. I got your message loud and clear," Louis said as he wiped a tear from his face.

"Fuck, Louis please just let me explain. I wasn't trying to hurt you last night. I just got angry and you were flirting and..."

Niall wasn't done with me though and he cut Greg off.

"So wait, Liam. Does this mean if I had been dancing with one of the other guys all night, and made you all hot and bothered, you would have gone off and fucked Michael to help satisfy your hard on? Because that's pretty much what you did, right Greg?" Niall said as he walked over to Louis who was now just as confused as I was. How the hell did this turn around onto me?

"No! Niall, I wouldn't do that to you, but they're not dating."

"Neither are we, Liam. Thank God for that!" Niall turned and walked to my bedroom.

Oh holy fuck. I started to follow him. How the hell did this just happen?

"Niall, wait a minute. How did this turn into me doing something wrong to you?" I asked him as I walked into the bedroom. Niall turned and looked at me. He threw one of my t-shirts at me and shouted, "Because you're all fucking alike! Every goddamn one of you! Even my own brother. All you do is use your dicks to think with."

Niall grabbed his bag and pushed past me and walked back out into the living room. Louis was standing there waiting at the front door. What? Where were they going?

"Niall, let me drive you both home, sweetheart," I said as Greg walked up to try and ask Louis if he could take him home.

"We don't need a ride, thank you Liam, and no, Greg, you cannot take me home so we can talk. We have nothing to talk about."

"How are you getting home, Louis?" I asked while I was looking at Niall, who would not even look at me now.

"I sent a friend a text message asking him if he could take Niall and me back to my house."

"What friend?" Greg asked, clearly annoyed.

"Josh. He gave me his number last night, and asked me out on a date. I told him no last night, but I seemed to have woken up with a much clearer head this morning," Louis said as he smiled at Greg.

"The fuck you will. There is no fucking way my brother, or you, are getting in a car with that asshole!" Greg said as he took out his cell phone. I already knew what he was doing.

"Josh, this is Greg. Yeah, I know and I want you to listen to me, you come anywhere near my brother or Louis and I promise you I'll break you in two fucking pieces you got it? Good. Lose his number..." Greg threw his cell phone onto the sofa and walked down the hall into his bedroom and slammed the door shut.

"Great, just great. I guess I'll call a cab, Ni," Louis said as he took out his cell phone again.

"Wait. Louis, please just give me five minutes." I turned to look back at Niall. I practically begged him to let me have five minutes with him in private.

I took Niall back into my bedroom and sat down on the bed while he stood up near the door.

"Niall sweee... Um, look, I don't know what the fuck just happened out there, or what I said or did that pissed you off, but you have to believe me. I have no, absolutely no, interest in any other guy but you. I already told you...I won't give up on us, Niall. I'll wait forever if that's what it takes to prove to you how I feel about you. I know we just met and you think I'm moving too fast and I promise you I won't push you, but please, sweetheart, please just don't push me away," I said as I watched his whole body relax.

I looked over and saw the James Avery box. I got up and walked over to it. I picked it up and walked over to him.

"I wanted to give this to you last night, but I never could find the right time to do it," I said as I handed him the box. His eyes lit up when he saw that it was the James Avery gift I picked up yesterday. I guess he was putting two and two together now.

"W-what is this for?"

"It's your graduation present, sweetheart. I wanted to make sure you got it this morning before you left," I said as I pushed a piece of his hair out of his eyes.

"Liam, you really didn't have to get me anything!" Niall said as his blue eyes captured mine.

"Open it...please, before you get mad at me again," I said with a laugh.

Niall let out a giggle that just traveled through my whole body. I could listen to his laugh all day.

He started to open the box and when he saw the daisy necklace, his head snapped up and looked at me. He looked so confused. Why?

"How...I mean...how did you know? The flowers at Louis's house and now this?" He took the necklace out and handed it to me to put on him.

"How did I know what, sweetheart?" I clasped the necklace and turned him around to face me.

"Did Greg tell you daisies were my favorite flowers?" Niall asked me with such a confused look in his eyes.

Well, I'll be damned. I can't believe it – they're his favorite flower! If only I could pump my fist in the air right now.

I smiled down at him, causing him to smile at me.

"Niall, when you were in Greg's truck right after the whole Harry thing, I leaned in to whisper in your ear and I thought you smelled like daisies. Every time I see a daisy I think of my Grams, who has a whole garden of them, and now I will also think of you, sweetheart," I said as I traced the side of his jaw line with the back of my hand.

Niall looked down at the necklace and then back up at me. He threw himself into my arms. Fuck, I have died and gone to heaven again!

"Oh. My. God! Thank you so much, Liam! Thank you for being so sweet to me and just knowing how to make me feel so much better. I love this! I will never take it off...ever," Niall said as he held onto me so tight. I didn't want to let him go. I wanted to take a few steps back and lay him down on my bed, and just make love to him slowly and sweetly. I felt my dick jumping... Dogs! I needed to think of dogs!

Niall started to let go of my neck. He stepped back and smiled up at me. I leaned down and kissed him softly on the side of his lips. "You are most welcome, my Niall. Now, can I please give you and Louis a ride home? Please?"

Niall started to laugh. He nodded his head and we headed back out into the living room. Louis was now sitting on the sofa holding Greg's cell phone. He had a huge-ass grin on his face.

"What are you doing, Lou?" Niall asked as he walked up to Louis.

"Oh nothin', just deleting Dan's number from Greg's phone." He set the phone down on the table as Niall and I busted out laughing.

Yep, Greg was in for a wild ride whether he wanted it or not!

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