Fixing Him ll ♡ jack gilinsky...

By JackGilinskie

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"You can't try to forget someone who's engraved on your heart." ____ Sequel to Fixing Him All rights reserve... More

Character Visual
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
chapter four
Chapter five
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty two
thirty three

thirty one

765 25 5
By JackGilinskie


For the millionth time this month, since I returned home I have had morning sickness, head aches, dizziness and drowsiness. Jack and I did end everything that same night I left. He hasn't called, or anything. He hasn't posted on any social media only when we broke up regardless of how sad he was, I was hurt too.

I stopped talking to Justin as well, I only kept close to both my best friends Cassidy, and Anastasia. No one else, I felt like I was in depression all over again only this time with the longest stomach flu ever.

"So I was thinking maybe a little dinner date for the three of us. Jennifer has the baby for the next few days." Cassidy said I nod "that sounds nice, maybe I'll get out of the break up funk." I say picking at blue acrylic nails. I was laying on my long couch my arms on my stomach as I picked my nails. My eyes diverted to my stomach.

I had a gained weight. My flat stomach was gone. I didn't freak out, but I was confused, all this vomiting and my stomach is growing while I can't hold anything down, didn't make sense.

"Hey guys" Anastasia said, "hey" I reply "I brought you your favourite donuts," she said waving the box near me. I suddenly felt nauseous again and stood up to run to the bathroom.

I sniffed rubbing my eyes with my palms.

"Yeah, and I also bought you this." Stassy said, crouching down to my level, then handing me a clear blue pregnancy test. My eyes widened "what the he'll is this for?" I ask eyeing her then the box every two seconds. "How many times did you and Jack sleep together?" She asked.. My heart stopped "well he only had one bed-" "you know what I mean."

"I wasn't counting but I'd say one day yes, one day no I don't know." I say thinking of the days "my period" I state reaching for the cabinet I was late.

Beyond late I didn't know what was worse.

Being pregnant or leaving Jack. And then William came to mind. The baby could be his.

I can't raise the baby alone.

I refuse to be alone I need Jack now more than ever.

"Take the test, we will be right outside." Stass said walking out the bathroom Cassidy following her, closing the door behind her. Everything became faint, reality has hit me. I was going to be a mother. Whether I take the test or don't. I already knew.

My jeans were small on me, my shirts were a bit tight, my nausea, my dizziness my emotions missed periods. I didn't need a test to confirm the truth. But I know I'd need it to show the father to my baby.

How do I respond to this? I stand and stare at the test reading the bolded letters over and over again.

Time had froze all over again. Time now didn't exist. Everything else around me faded it was just me and the blue and white stick. I sat back on the toilet my gaze never leaving.

I heard faint knocks, I wasn't paying attention.


The knocks grew harder, "Allison are you okay?" It was Cassidy, reality has hit. My head in my hands before I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration or confusion and how I'd do this, or why it was me all alone now .

I always imagined my first pregnancy test would be taken next to the father of the baby right beside me sitting on the counter or tub, where we'd laugh and squeal because we were having our first child together. He'd hug me and spin me around and I giggle and tell himbto be careful even though, i know he would be. He'd kiss me and smile and look over the test and ask if it was a dream. He'd feel the life that had yet to grow. And We'd be happy, we'd be excited and plan out the future and then head to the doctors office first thing the following day to see the life growing and then wed wait for all the appointments and then meet the life we waited for.

But sadly, that was just my imagination.

I had yet to even speak with Jack.

The knocking on the door pulled me out of my thoughts.

"You okay Allison?" I stared silent at the door I knew they were waiting for a reply. One I had yet to give them. I looked back down at the test that I held with my left hand.

"Allison." They repeated causing me to stand finally and put the the test in the box and walk out.

They both stared as I glance at each individual before sighing. "What or how will I show or tell Jack we might be having a baby?" I say, or William. I stayed staring at the box before they gushed and pulled me close into a hug.

I lazy hugged them back still not amused or happy. "How far along would you be?" Anastasia asked, "for a whole month and two weeks." I blankly stated unsure.

The doorbell rang through the house as the girls stop and there smiled slowly fade. Stass smiles again looking down. I was emotionless I thoughtfinding out you are expecting is something you jump up and be excited about. All I thought of was Sam. I missed my best friend more than anything right now. Right now I wished to be in his arms. My hair was in a lazy yet messy bun a few lose strands and bangs falling on my temples and cheeks.

"I'm going out." I say Stass states at me "out? Out where? You're pregnant you can't go out-" I cut her off, "actually,  I can you know.. just as long I'm not drinking. Besides what's the worst thing that could happen I'm a single mother. And to be honest with you I don't know who the father is." I snap before tears began to fall again.

"What?" I hear a male voice before I faced the blue eyes it was Johnson "don't say anything please." I beg but he scoffed "and all this time I thought you were a good one. You are exactly what Jack unintentionally called you. That's why you were so insulted, because you are a fucking slut-" I struck him in the face

"It's insulting because I am not a whore or anything! It's insulting because I couldn't believe he thought so low of me only because he thought I was in hurry to leave him. I Walked away, but he made me. And if you disagree that's okay. I have other things to do." I cry shoving past him as i ran down the stairs .

Leaving to Sam's Cemetery.


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