300 miles||s.m.

By whenuruin

60.1K 842 230

In which a boy (Shawn) & a girl (Delaney) meet on a plane. Will they soon realize that they can create somet... More



1.8K 21 8
By whenuruin

[6:12 a.m. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania]
[6:12 a.m. Toronto, Canada]


Today is the day, I'm finally leaving to go to Toronto and began the rest of my life there, and who knows where all of this will lead me but as of right now I'm going to be in Shawn's arms in 2 hours and I've never been more excited.

I was very sad though and I tried not to show it but as I got to the Philadelphia airport I immediately broke down.

"I'm going to miss all of you so much" I wipe my tear stained cheeks as I look at my family and Lilly standing all in front of me. My mom was holding it together pretty well as of right now which made me happy.

"Oh mother, I'm going to miss you so much I love you" I hug her in a tight hug and I kissed her cheek as she looked at me with almost tearful eyes.

"I love you to my sweet thing, stay safe..Shawn will talk good care of you" she smiled and I smiled sadly back at her.

"I'm going to miss you two crazy boys so much" I squeeze Christian and Cole into a bone crushing hug.

"I'll miss you little sis...I love you" Cole says.

"I love you big sis...you'll visit us right?" I nodded my head and smiled.

"Of course I will!" I than moved to Lilly who was already on the verge of tears.

"Oh gosh Delaney I'm gonna miss my other half so much!" She squeals a bit and hugs me tightly.

"Me to, I'll be back I love you" I let go of her to see small tears coming out of her eyes and I wiped them away from her.

"Flight to Toronto now boarding" the intercom said and I sadly smiled at my family once more and waved bye to them.

"I love you all soooo much, see you soon" they all waved and blew kisses at me. 

I turned around and began walking onto my plan, this was all hard but I know I got to see Shawn in 2 hours now and that was what was keeping me going.

I got seated onto my seat on the plane and I couldn't help but think of how this is how I met Shawn, on a plane. I think it's crazy how much he has impacted my life these past 4 months and now I'm moving to Canada, to be with him.

I have already got a apartment but I can't be in it until another 3 days and plus they are shipping my bed and other stuff such as the rest of my wardrobe , but while I'm in Canada I'm going to need to go get some other furniture. I am staying with Shawn and his family for the next 3 days and I'm honestly very excited about that, I can't wait to meet his family they must like me if they are letting me stay there for 3 days so I don't have to worry that much, and plus it'll be nice to hang out with Aaliyah and have someone close to my age hat is of the same sex.

I was tired since I had to wake up at 4 a.m. to pack the rest of my stuff so I decided it would be a nice 1 hour and 30 minute nap on the plane.

And soon I'll be in Shawn's arms.

I woke up to the sound of the flight attendant slowly shaking me awake.

"Hello miss, you need to wake up" she sweetly says and I nodded my head and said 'sorry' i got my carry on from above and I walked off the plane, there were a couple more people behind me so I tried to hurry up a bit.

I texted Shawn as I walked through the terminal saying I was here, I know he was probably already here and just the thought made me so anxious to go and run into his arms, my hands started feeling clammy.

I walked as I got out of the terminal and I ran a finger through my hair and examined my outfit, I was only wearing a hoodie and leggings with my nikes, nothing too fancy.

I look up to see him.

He was standing about 100 feet ahead of me with a bouquet of roses in his hands and a smile on his face when he saw me. My heart melted, I didn't know if I could run or not because this was my favorite moment in time and I was so extremely happy I could feel the radiance coming off my face.

I ran with my carry on in one hand and once I got close enough I dropped my carry on and jumped into his arms.

My legs wrapped around his waist and he squeezed me so close to him holding me so tight. I wrapped my arms around his neck playing and running my fingers through his hair inhaling his scent.

"You're finally hear my love" he whispered into my ear and I backed up a bit so I would be able to see his precious face, I touched his cheeks feeling his soft sling which led him to chuckle a bit.

"Oh I can't wait to be here now...we won't have to wait anymore shawn" I smile a cheeky smile which led him to hug me tighter.

"We should probably get going now" I laugh as he was still holding me after a minute.

"Oh yeah...ahaha I forgot, sorry" he put me down and he smiled down at me as we walked hand and hand to the luggage claim, I had to luggages full of clothes and all my other stuff yet I still have more to come, they weren't big luggages either to.

Once we got my luggages we walked out of the airport and into Shawn's jeep. He opened the door for me to go into the passengers seat and he put my luggages in the trunk I thanked him as he got into the drivers side putting the keys into the ignition and starting it.

"I hope you don't monde, but your going to have to sleep with me for the next 3 days until you move into your apartment" he told me and when he said that, I've never been happier, sleeping in the same bed as him for 3 nights sounds sooooo marvelous.

"It sounds perfect" I chuckle which caused him to smile.

"Prefect, because even if we had a extra bedroom you'd be sleeping with me anyways"
he laughed and I rolled my eyes with a smile.

"Mendes, what are we gonna do with you??" I tell him and he shrugged.

we began talking more and more about life and how we are so excited to be able to do fun things and being able to be together almost all the time.

"Are you ready to meet my family? I'm for sure they'll absolutely love you" Shawn assures me and I smile, I'm guessing we pulled up into his driveway because he was getting out and he jogged to my side and opened the door for me.

"Thanks" I smile and he gave a smile in return.

I looked up at the house it was a nice two story house on the outside, it was  just a normal two story house but it was very well taken care of.

Shawn and I walked up to the front porch hand and hand, he got his keys that also had his house key on it and unlocked the door.

"Were home" Shawn says loudly for everyone to hear. Immediately I was greeted by Karen and Manuel.

"Oh it's so nice to meet you Delaney, I am Karen ! Shawn has told me so many great things about you" she gave me a side hug and I smiled.

"Yes! It's so nice to meet you to, I've also heard so many good things about you guys" I smiled and so did she.

"Hi I'm Manuel, it's so great to meet you Delaney" Shawn's dad gave me a quick hug as well.

"Thank you! You to" I smile and just as that I see Aaliyah come down the stairs with a smile.

"Hi Delaney!!!!" She comes over to me and hugs me and I hug her back she was a little bit taller than me actually. She looked mature for her age to, only being 13.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you" I smile at her and she did as well.

"So I hope you don't mind sharing a room with Shawn...I wished we had a extra bedroom but that is now used for Shawn's music room." Karen says.

Shawn blushed in embarrassment.

"It's fine" i tell her with a little laugh.

"Well I'm going to show her around the house now, if that's okay with you" Shawn asked me and I nodded my head.

"You're parents and Aaliyah are so sweet" I tell Shawn and he smiled.

"Yeah...I love them to death" Shawn smiles.

"Okay so here's the kitchen, and that's the backyard" he shows me, It was a small backyard but had a nice patio and pool.

He showed me more of the house and including the basement which was really cool because it had a ping pong table in there and a huge bean bag chair with Christmas lights surrounding the room and a tv and a couch.

"I love it down here, this is pretty much the hang out room, Aaliyah and I mainly go down here with my friends because it has my Xbox and stuff all in here." I nodded my head, I loved hearing about Shawn's life it made me feel...closer to him.

He shows me to upstairs to where his music room was which had walls full of artwork from fans and other stuff, it also had his guitars full in here and a desk with papers and pens with a journal.

"I write songs here when I'm at home and just mess around with music and sing" he says and I nodded my head.

He showed me to Aaliyah's room and lastly was his.

"This is my room, it's simple but I like it" he shows me to it, it was a medium sized bedroom with a dark tan walls and his bed was a queen size with light tan bedding. In place of a night stand there was a keyboard piano next to it and of course there was his closet and a big bookshelf with stuff on it and a dress with a lamp and stuff on it, and there was also a large mirror that almost filled up the whole wall to. His room was well kept and clean, and his bed looked extra soft to. I looked around to see picture of friends up and some photography pictures I'm guessing.

"I like your room it's very nice" I say as he sat down on his bed and I sat down next to him.

"Thanks, are you hungry? Oh man I should've asked you earlier!" He exclaims.

"Actually now that you mention it i am quite hungry I haven't had breakfast yet" I tell him and he nodded his head.

"How about we go out to breakfast?" He tells me and I smile.

"That sounds great, you should invite Aaliyah to!" I mention and he nodded his head.

"Okay I'll ask her" he leaves the bedroom going across the hall to Aaliyah's.

I decided to text my mother and my brothers along with Lilly that I made it safe back to what is now going to be my home.

"Okay are you ready?" Shawn comes in here along with Aaliyah.

"Yeah let's go" I tell him and we walked out of his house telling his mom where we were going. I got in the front with shawn and Aaliyah got in the back on the window seat texting on her phone.

It was quite colder than what it was in Philadelphia, it was only in the 40s which it kind of weird because Philadelphia was going to be in the 60s today.

Shawn turned up the radio to whatever hit songs were playing.

"How do you like it up here so far?" He asked me.

"It's really great...different from Philadelphia, everyone's so much more friendly" I chuckle a bit.

"Canadians are pretty darn friendly that's for sure" Shawn says.

"Hey weird question by I realized out of the 4 months in knowing you, I do not know your birthday" he laughs and I couldn't believe I actually never told him.

"Oh gosh! I'm sorry!! It's may 1st actually which will make me older than you!!!" I put my younger out at him and he rolled his eyes.

"And Shawn does like older girls" Aaliyah spoke up and I laughed and he blushed.

"We're here!" Shawn stopped at which was Tom Hortons, I heard Canadians were like obsessed with Tim Hortons, well at least Shawn was.

"YES MY FAVE" Aaliyah gets out and so did I and I laugh.

"Imma order me so many muffins and hash browns he exclaimed as we walked in.

"Don't get too fat Mendes" I smirked and he pretended to be offended.

"Wow! Delaney! So rude" I lightly push him with a smile.

"You guys are too cute" Aaliyah chuckled a bit and I look over st her with a smile.

We got up in line and ordered our food shawn got two bid muffins one chocolate and the other blueberry and a hasbrown.

I decided on getting a maple pecan croissant with a cappuccino and a hash brown. As of Aaliyah got two donuts with a cappuccino as well.

"Mhmmmmm my muffins" Shawn took a bite and Aaliyah and I just did a little eye roll with a laugh.

"So Aaliyah I don't know much about you, other than basic things" I tell her.

"Oh yeah I totally forget, well I'm 13 and Shawn and I both have a lazy eye and the same birthmark on our back, fun fact ahaha, and I play hockey...and a weird thing I shawn and I have a bit different music taste but I still like his music" she says and I chuckle.

"That's nice, well I'm 18 and I was in college going to be a nurse RN and I decided it wasn't what I wanted to be I actually wanna be a model, but I like literally any music, almost" I tell her.

"Oh my!! You'd be a great model, I've seen your posts on Instagram and I'm honestly jealous like your gorgeous" she fawns over me and I blush and shawn just nudged my knee and smiled.

"Awe thank you!!! You're too kind, your gorgeous as well, I mean how does you and your brother literally look like angels?!" I exclaim and she blushes as well.

"I like you! You and Shawn better date" she winks which only led Shawn and I to blush in embarrassment and she laughed.

"Shut up Aaliyah!!!" Which only led Aaliyah to laugh even more.

We talked more and more after that, and I already felt way less nervous about staying here in Canada because I know as of right now that everything will be alright.

I have just woken up from a nap, I was really tired after Tim hortans that shawn offered me that I could take a nap in his bed, his bed was so comfortable and smelt just like him so I couldn't help but smile at the thought of him.

"Rise and shine!" Shawn smacked me with a pillow, I guess he didn't see that I was awake because I was on my side facing the wall.

"WHAT THE HELL SHAWN!! I was awake!" I laugh and he made a "oh" face and laughed. He than got onto the bed and payed on top of me, crushing me with his abs and muscular body.

"Ahh. I. Can't. Breathe. You're. So. Strong. Dam*" I heard him chuckle on top of me and he got off and laid next to me.

"How was your so?" He asked.

"It was great, how long was I asleep for??" I tell him.

"Eh? About 4-5 hours actually, I ran around and went out and stuff...my friend Matt is having a get together thing and we're having a couple close friends there, they said you're more than welcome to come, it'll be tomorrow night actually, would that be okay with you?" He asked me and I nodded my head.

"Of course! I can't wait to meet your friends" I smile at him.

"It'll be fun, I assure you" he squeezed my hand.

"Oh and about the sleeping thing, yeah I only got 1 hour of sleep haahhaha, I've actually haven't been getting a whole lot of sleep lately so hopefully tonight that'll change now that I'm with you" i flirt with him a bit.

"Awwwww, you're too cute Delaney" he pulls me into a hug and I just sighed onto his chest, breathing in his scent. 

"I'm never gonna let you go" he hugged me tighter than before.

"Well if I'm going to breathe than you better!!" I exclaim and he lets go and chuckles.

"What do you want to do the rest of the day?? He asked me and I shrugged.

"I honestly want to take it easy since I just got here into a foreign country, we could watch some movies and cuddle" I chuckle.

"Perfect!!! That's my girl!!! We'll binge watch the vampire diaries or the 100, I don't care either one I'm obsessed!" He gets up and i follow him to where there was a linen closet in the hallways, he began pulling out a bunch of blankets and when I mean a bunch I mean a ton, he pulled out one comforter and other heavy long blankets and he grabbed pillows to, my then our hands were stuffed and fool I barely could see the stairs as I walked down them.

"Go down to the basement" he told me and I nodded my head even though he couldn't see me.

We walked down to the basements and threw all the blankets and pillows down onto the ground by the tv.

He began putting all the blankets out and grabbed the comforter to put over us, he scattered pillows all around us to, to make us comfortable and warm.

"Cuddle sessions on this cozy blanket bed I made and Netflix?! How does that sound?" He exclaimed as he patted the ground next to me and I got underneath the covers pulling it up to my chin, this was actually so comfortable and warm I was actually in love.

"This is perfect Shawn..." I sink into the covers even more and he brought me into his side slowly rubbing my arm as he put his arm around my waist.

I took time to notice the little features, such as the scar on his cheek and the color of his dreamy hazel eyes, how his face isn't perfect and clear and still has pimples and scars, it just made me love him even more that he wasn't perfect and he had flaws like the rest of us, which only made him unique and perfect.

"What are you looking at?" He smiled.

"Just you...you're very cute" I tell him.

"What would i do without you?" He held me tighter.

"Eh, probably die" I joke and he rolled his eyes, his face than just lit up.

"You've only been in Canada one day and you're already saying eh?!??! You're adapting so well!!!" He excitedly says and I laugh with a eye roll.

"Oh gosh Shawn"

He got out his phone and started doing something and I got the notification on my phone and I looked to see he tweeted something. Oh no.

"You even have my notifs on! Nice!!" He points out and I rolled my eyes once again.

I read aloud what he tweeted on twitter.

"@shawnmendes said, you know you're Canadian when you say eh?" I chuckle.

"@shawnmendes also said, no offense to Canadians...I'm Canadian to which almost all of you know but it is true, we do say eh, quite a bit LOL"

"You are a dork!!" I lightly shove him and it caused him to laugh.

I decided to tweet something myself, It was a indirect towards Shawn.

@delarevalo: eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh, eh wassu eh bro eh dude eh let's hang out!! Eh?

@shawnmendes: Some people take "eh" way to far, smh

@delarevalo: haha I'm sorry :/

@shawnmendes: also here's a tip, don't say eh twice in a sentence !!

@delarevalo: too late

@shawnmendes: this may be off topic, I'm kind of done with the "eh" stuff now but, tour is coming up in a month!!! I'm excited, but I'm also elated to be home.

@delarevalo: waaa don't want you to leave

@shawnmendes: so happy I get to be back home for a month, especially as of right now, I've never been happier, honestly.

@delarevalo: :) @shawnmendes

After that we both finally turned our attention to Netflix and began watching the vampire diaries, I started to play with his curly hair and run my small fingers through it.

His hair was getting so long and soft, his hair is adorable curly at the moment.

"Mm I love your hair" I say as I cuddle into his chest more.

"I love yours to, it's so looooong and wavy" he begins to play with mine as I now was basically on top of him.

"Man, I think I could get used to this" Shawn says.

"And what must that be?" I look up towards him.

"Being here with you all the freaking time"

8:03 am


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