300 miles||s.m.

By whenuruin

60.2K 842 230

In which a boy (Shawn) & a girl (Delaney) meet on a plane. Will they soon realize that they can create somet... More



2.1K 23 11
By whenuruin


carry on.

[10:45 a.m. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania]
[11:45 p.m. Tokyo, Japan]


It's been three week since I was in New York with Shawn, it was all in all amazing to be there with him in the big apple, I forgot how it felt to be around him until last weekend. But I knew it wouldn't of lasted when I got on the trail and left.

Everything was so bittersweet when I got on the train but he promised no matter what he'd be back and come and see me again and again. I'm counting on that promise.

"Hey girl!" I hear Lilly come into my bedroom as I was now working on doing my makeup.

"Oh hey, how'd you get in?" I not bother to look at her.

"Oh, your brother let me in" I could almost sense her blushing so I turned around and smirked.

"You really do like him!" I laugh a bit and shook my head.

"Yeah...a little bit, anyways, I wanted to come over to see if you'd wanted to do anything today?"

"Sure, like what?" I ask as i batted my lashes with mascara.

"Um I don't know, I'm not for sure actually" she laughed a bit and I smiled.

"Well we can think of something...let me finish getting ready and we can head out" I look in my mirror to see her nodding head.

I decided on wearing a denim blue cropped button down shirt and light washed jeans with my black and white high top vans, I put my hair in a high pony tail, leaving it all wavy and unbrushed.

"Okay so have you figured out anywhere to go?" I ask coming out of my closet to see Lilly wasn't in my room anymore. Hm that's weird.

"Lilly?" I say aloud, but get no response. Me being left in confusion I went out of my room checking different parts of my house.

I stopped at christians door and saw that it was shut so I decided to open it. Never mind I wish I wouldn't have opened it.

"Oh!" I exclaim and coverup my eyes at the sight of Lilly and my brother making out in his bedroom.

"Oh...this is awkward" I heard Lilly's voice say and I sensed her walking over to me.

"Yeah...maybe a bit..." I managed to let out a laugh.

"Okay...for now on don't come in my room without knocking" I opened my eyes and Christian was sitting on his bed with his face turning bright red.

"Yeah...well that wouldn't of happened if you weren't making out with my best friend" I chuckled and both their faces turned even more red.

"Okay that's enough! We should get going now...bye Christian" Lilly said and shut the door quickly leaving him probably stunned.

"Oooh, what was happening in there" I smirked at Lilly and once again her face was flushing with redness.

"Shut up! I guess I just decided to check up on him when...well...he pushed me against the bed and we just started making out...wow" she smiled and I laughed.

"Disturbing when you put it with my brother" I shook my head from the thought as she laughed when we went to the door to leave.

"Did you get your phone?" I ask her and she nodded her head holding it up.

We walked out of the apartment building and into the parking lot to her car, I got in the passengers seat while Lily started up her car to drive. I decided I'd check social medias and what not.

"Ooh my man, posted on twitter!" I say aloud jokingly.

"Ooh and what did your man say?!"

Oh I hate that I love you, cause you're driving me crazy..."

I read aloud and my eyebrows raised on my forehead.

"Hm...I wonder who that's about" Lilly turned to look at me smirking.

"Oh, gosh! Doubt it's about me!" I spit out a laugh.

"Oh Delaney! It is about you! Don't play dumb with me! You know it, and I know it! You too are adorable" she fawned over us and I blushed a bit as I liked and rt the tweet.

Shawn and I ever since New York, have gotten closer than we've had before, we talk nearly everyday when we have the time whether it be on the phone or just texting, or even in directing on Twitter. He makes me so happy even though we're not together I wouldn't mind being with him, he literally is an angel.

"Okay!" I chuckled a bit.

"I'm going to text him" I smiled pulling up his contact onto his phone.

"You go do that" she laughed.

yo dude wassu bro, how u doin man, gettin' any chicks in Japan?

I swear...if you ever talk to me like that again I'm going to block you wtf.

lol okay I'll shut up, I won't talk like that i was just trying to get your attention :(

Oh baby...looks like you've already have...along time ago ;)

oh my gosh Shawn, shut up 😂

nope! :)

you're a dork, you know that?

yep! And I'm really proud to !!!!

lol, so what's up?

I'm just getting ready to perform in Japan and all of that stuff...it's been quite an amazing time! Everyone here is so sweet, all the fans are adorable.

aww, I'm glad to see your having a great time!! I love it when they call you "chon" kdkdjdjd

Oh gosh...not again....

chon mendez, you're my favorite!! I'm you're biggest fan!!! 😄😄😄

Okay shut up...my fans don't say "chon Mendez" lmao

Oh we both know they do ;)

Eh? You may be right lol

hahahaha when am I not right though?

A lot of times actually...hahaahahaakdk

Oh you shut up!

Whatever...what are you up to?

Lilly and I are hanging out, we're going somewhere and she won't tell me :(

awe I'm sorry you have to hand out with her I know that sucks:(


I began laughing as i texted Shawn, he was something else, and my humor and his humor come together like two peas in a pod.

"Why are you laughing" Lilly looks over st me for a second.

"Just shawn...he's so cute and funny" I smile down at my phone.

"Awe! Just date already!!" She laughs.

"Yes!...I mean no... Besides...It wouldn't work out anyways, I'm trying it to miss him so much to where I come depressed and if we're dating things would just be worst" I frown a bit.

"Yeah, I keep forgetting that, I know it sucks, but at least you both have admitted your feelings for one another so you won't be so confused when you talk!" She always tried to look on the bright side.

"True, but I really do wish we could be together...maybe one day..." I trail off to see that I got like 20 notification from Shawn. Not exactly 20 I was exaggerating.

Tell Lilly I said hi bitch :)

No don't say that!

Please don't! I love her


Oh gosh, I did something wrong didn't I?

I'm sorry !!! I love you come back!!!


I bursted out in laugher as I read those texts.

"Shawn wanted me to tell you hi" I said secretly keep the rest of it hidden.

"Tell him I said hi and for him to get his butt to Philadelphia!" She excitedly says.

"Okay" I began typing away

HAHAHAHA Shawn!! I'm not mad at you! I was talking to Lilly i didn't even see those until now.

and she says hi and for you to get your butt into Philadelphia!

You had me scared there for a moment! And I'll try my best to do that...soon

Okay :( I miss you muffin.

Awe I miss you to :(

I smiled sadly down at my phone. I shook the feeling off before I go into what I call a "depressed coma" and I look up to see that we were parked to a stop.

"WERE AT DAVE AND BUSTERS??!! OH LILLY I LOVE YOU!!" I squeal a bit as I unbuckled my seat belt and hurriedly text Shawn. 


hahahahah!!!! Glad your excited, enjoy your time with Lilly, get me some sexy pizza from there!

oh I will!!

I love you, I have to go, soundcheck wish me luck!

Break a leg! Love you to :)


"Yup! I actually don't know where we were going until I looked at a sign that said Dave a busters ahead of whatever and I'm like oh my gosh I totally forgot about this place! I haven't went here in a while!" She unbuckled and gets out.

"Same! I haven't been her in about 2 years I used to go a lot though...it was my fav and still is" I laugh. 

"Let's gooooo" Lilly says as she skips along inside and i follow her lead behind her.

We got in and got our card and stuff and we decided on getting pizza and wings, since we haven't ate lunch yet. And let me tell you their wings and pizza are to die for!!

"Mhm...it's like your in heaven!" I take a bite of my food.

"Indeed it is" Lilly takes a bite of her food as well.

After we were done eating we decided to play some games.

"I'm going to beat you at basketball" Lilly laughed as we were playing two player in basketball.

"Not unless I beat you first!" I exclaimed as I was very well into the game I almost forgot that I was trying to beat her!

"HAHA I WIN YOU LOSE!" Lilly laughed in my face.

"No fair" I pouted. "I bet you cheated!" I thought up with something.

"Aw I'm sorry, better luck next time bud" she patted my back and I laughed a bit.

"Wouldn't it be fun if Shawn and you and Christian and I would go on a double date here or somewhere?" Lilly says as we were now just playing random games.

"Yes it would!" I say completely forgetting how Christian would act if I was on a date with Shawn, that wouldn't be so good. When he found out I was going to New York to see Shawn over the weekend he shocked and he didn't agree until we argued and talked about it for a couple hours and he calmed down and realized that shawn was a good guy, and no jack gilinsky.

"You look so pretty today I really should get a picture for you, the lighting of the sun and everything looks really good" she got out her phone and told me how to pose.

"You should be a photographer" I laughed and she shook her head.

"Nah, I wanna stick to my nursing stuff" she says.

She came over and unbuttoned one of my buttons on my top and she told me to bundle my shirt up a bit and hold it while looking away from the camera.

"You have to post this!" She exclaims as she rushes over to me and she shows me the picture and it was actually a really good picture of me.

"Oh wow! You could be a photographer" I laughed and she sent me the picture and I got it almost instantly.

"Imma post this real quick" I went onto Instagram.

After about one more hour of playing we decided to leave because it was a Sunday and we both had homework and some studying to do, we got in her car and we decided to

130 likes and 10 comments
@delarevalo: hmm..should Lilly be a photographer or a nurse, I think both 🤔

@lilllllywright: lol your hotttt
@sofia.gomes: dang!!!!!!! Model??
@shawnmendesupdates1: so pretty omg😍
@noelagomes: SLAY
@delarevalo: awe you guys, you're all too sweet :)
@dreamfulmendes: ^SHAWN
@shawnshumour:^^ I PEED OH GOAJSJDSH
@delarevalo: ;)
@cole_arevalo: @shawnmendes calm down...buddy.

I laughed at some of the comments and smiled at Shawn's and his fans, I really hope none of his fans suspect anything, but it looks like they've already have. We've been trying to keep everything on the low, I know he wants to date me and I know for a fact I want to date him to, but still, we are only friends and I don't want fans to think we are anything more right now.

I kept thinking about the little things of being in a relationship with shawn, it'd be wonderful and i really would love for it to happen. I actually almost forget about Noela and Sofia on how I told them that I was a fan of Shawn..I couldn't believe Ive forgotten about that, I'm going to have to stick to my plan...I have to, I don't know if i wanted to be in the spotlight of being Shawn's girlfriend and when I'm trying to finish school and do other things with life. Why does something always have to be pulling me back from him?

"Hey, you okay? You aren't talking much" Lilly says as we pulled up into her driveway.

"I was just thinking..." I tell her.

"What about?"

"It's kind of complicated...like if Shawn and I end up getting together one day...than I don't know if I could handle or want to be in the spotlight with him, I want to be able to finish school and live a normal life style, also I told my cousins that I was a fan of Shawn and fans of him believe I'm only a fan of him to and not really a fan, and than he doesn't know that I'm trying to keep everything on the low and say I'm just a fan and blah blah blah...all of this is confusing" I ranted to her as we walked inside her house.

"Oh honey...I know things are weird and confusing right now because the same thing with me and Christian, but about the fan thing you just gotta do what you want and what's best for you, I don't want anything to ruin you and Shawn's friendship or relationship if that would happen soon...I just want you not to get hurt you know?" She was the type of girl to always help with your problems and that's why she is also my best friend.

"Yeah, I guess so" I sighed. "I don't think I should tell him anything yet I'll wait later when the times right" I tell her and she nodded her head with a little shrug.

"Oh hello guys, didn't see you guys we're here yet" Lilly's mom says as she comes from the back porch.

"Oh hello, Sydney, yeah we just got back from save and busters" I smiled at her.

"Oh that's great" she smiles once again.

"Yeah mom were going to upstairs to study, love you" she blew a kiss to her mom and her mom "caught" it and I laughed as we went upstairs to Lilly's bedroom.

"Ew I hate studying and homework" I make a fake puking noise.

"Same, but we gotta do good in school ya know?" She said and I shrugged with a chuckle.

"Okay let's do this" I say as I began getting out my laptop and books.

After about 45 minutes of studying I got a text from Shawn, it was quiet in the bedroom, I was studying on Lilly's bed while she was at her desk.

hello!!!!! How was Dave and busters?

Great! I've been studying for a while at Lilly's now, ew I hate studying :(

Lol sucks for you, I'm done with school and all that

don't rub it in!

Haha I was only kidding

sure you were mendes, anyways what are doing at the moment

Well I just got done with the m&g and now I'm back in my dressing room, I have some free time right now for another 30 minutes

fun!! You'll kill it mendes :)

Thanks! I have to wear this thing in Japan called a Happi because I promised I'd wear it in a interview during the concert haha

awww, you always stick to your promises, you're so sweet to your fans no matter what culture

You're too good for me :,)

oh stop it :)

I never stop ;)


hahahahahah, a couple of your fans commented on it to

They did?

yeah, is that bad or....?

well Idk because you know i don't want them to suspect that we're together, because no matter what any fan would do that but at the same time we're not dating we're only friends so it shouldn't matter


anyways back to the photo, I think you'd be a really good model, like you're very photogenic and you flatter the camera

ahhhjj dkdkdkdk thank you, but I'm not fire sure I really want to stick to the medical field but modeling is fun I've done it in the past.

I understand, but I could always photograph pictures of you some times ;)

I'd actually really enjoy that


"Get off your phone! Stop texting Shawn!" Lilly yelled out witch startled me because I wasn't expecting that.

"How would you know that I'm texting Shawn?" I defend back.

"Oh please! That's all you ever text!" She laughed and shrugged.

"I text you a lot to" she rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, but I'm with you right now, silly" she laughed.

"I know I know! I'll stop he is about to go perform anyways" she nodded her head.

Shawn :( i have to go, Lilly's orders! I should be studying right now anyways, but good luck can't wait to see all of those concert videos, have fun, don't die or cry

Hahaha okay, bye!! I'll try not to 😂 but when I come to philly (p.s. Which will be very soon) we're gonna have a little photoshoot ;)

Okay whatever you say, bye :)

❤️ bye

After I got done texting Shawn I went back to studying, I didn't have much more to do I've studied a lot actually, so I should probably leave soon.

"Hey Lilly im going to be leaving now probably, I have to go home and clean and all that jazz but it was really fun hanging out with you, i love girl on girl time" I went over to her and hugged her.

"Awe your leaving" she pouted. "Okay, I had really fun to I'll see you tomorrow, bye love you" she blew a kiss to me and I caught it.

"Love you to"

"Wait! You don't when your car do you need a ride?"

"I'm fine, I'll take a taxi" I smiled and she nodded her head and then waved.

I got home sooner than expected and once I did I went straight into the shower, well of course first I took off my clothes. I let the steaming hot water run down my hair and my back it felt so relaxing and soothing, I really needed something like this.

Once I got done I wrapped a towel around me and in my hair and I grabbed my phone to check my notifications. I sat on my bed just looking at some of the crazy stuff on Twitter when I came across a tweet from what I assume was a fan of Shawn that had somehow got a picture of us walking together, holding hands. I gulped as I read the comments beneath it.

'Shawn deserves better'

'Who even is that bit**'

and so on on...then there were the very nice and clean comments that made me smile, but I snapped back to reality when I realized this shouldn't be happening, I can't get caught in public with him like this again, because if I wanted a relationship with him than I'd have to keep it secretive and I'd still have to pretend i am only a fan...

9:33 am

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