Our Love Story.(a Jackseptice...

By Makerofstorys

37.4K 1K 761

It was an normal day for me just at my house making YouTube videos but I heard a knock on my door and it was... More

1:Hello jackaboy!
2: busy day....
3: mark is this a date?
4: Darkiplier
5: the great escape or is it?
6: Mark is back!
7: lets have fun!
9:Jack is back with mark!
10: Hello anti good bye jack
11: To close with anti or death
12: Mark!?
Shout outs!
14: look who came!
2 New book update!!!
15:That boyfriend stealing bitch!
A little SURPRISE!
Welcome to hell Ethan...
17:shhh...hahaha our secret.
19:A special date
20:meet my mom mark!
21:All a dream or a nightmare
22: welcome bob and wade!
23:The puppte master
25: Anti's true form...
chapter 26
27: jack is alive and well so is dark..
28: To Close...
29:A dream come true...
30: trouble begins...
31: Busy as hell night....
33: Emotional rollercoaster.
New book out!
A new book out 2! XD
Yay...made new story 3...fml.
Made new bs story...
34: the journal 1...
Face reveal...
35:The journal 2
37:I Won...
Happy Easter!
38:Last Of Him...
39:hugs and kisses
40: Final Story...
This is not the end!!!
The Sequel Is FINALLY OUT!

32:Its over isn't?

388 14 17
By Makerofstorys

(warning this chapter has the FEELS BIG TIME!)
Jack's pov:
I woke up in bed and I saw mark was gone.
I got out of bed and saw Ethan in the living room and mark was in the kitchen, then I got spotted by Ethan.
"Morning Jackaboy!" Ethan said with a smile.
"Morning guys!" I said as I walked over to mark who was making breakfast then I kissed his cheek.
"Morning babe...." Mark said with a smile.
"Do u want me to wake up the kids?" I asked mark.
"Yeah can u do that plz?" Mark said as he kept his eyes on the food.
"Ok!" I said the i walked to the recording room and saw the kids asleep on an air mattress.
I walked over to them to wake up but they didn't budge.
"Wake up sleepy heads." Said in a soft voice as I Shaked them.
"Wake us up in 3 days...." Tim muttered loudly.
"Then I guess u won't have breakfast for 3 days..." I said with a smirk.
"No we want food!" Sam said as he sat up in bed.
"Me too!" Tim said sill laying down.
"Then get up!" I said to Tim.
"No!" Tim said unhappily.
"Then u won't get breakfast and-" I said before I got cut off by Ethan who was standing in the door way smiling.
"I'll eat your breakfast! Do u want that Tim?" Ethan said.
"No..." Tim said as he sat up.
"Then come eat!" Ethan said.
"Fine...." Tim said in a upset tone.
"Ethan carry Tim and I'll get Sam." I said with Sam in my arms.
Then Ethan carried Tim then we both went to the living room and layed them on the couch.
"Dang Ethan u would make a good dad!" I said in surprise.
"Yeah...But I need a perfect mom and I think I know who that would be..." Ethan said in a flirty tone as he looked at me and I started to blush.
"Oooooooooo!" Tim and Sam said with smiles.
"Stop u two and come eat!" Mark said with breakfast on the table.
We all ate, talked, and joked but mark made sure Ethan wasn't flirty with me.
"Excuse me I need to go somewhere...." Ethan said then he left the dining room and ran to his car and left.
"Dad where did Mr.ethan go?" Tim asked with a frown.
"He's busy Tim." I said.
"Oh ok." Sam said.
"Who wants to watch movies!" Tim said happily.
"This early?" I said.
"Sure we could pass the time till night we have nothing to do today anyways...." Mark said to me.
"Yay!" Sam said then Sam and Tim raced each other to the couch,but it was a tie.
"Daddy who won!?" Sam asked me with a frown.
I walked to the couch and sat in-between them and smiled.
"U both are winners in my eyes." I said to Tim and Sam.
"Thanks...." Tim said smiling.
"R-really?" Sam said blushing.
"Really!" I said.
"Now.....What should we watch?" Mark mumbled loudly.
"Comedy!" Sam and Tim said together.
"Ok comedy it is!" Mark said with five movies in his hands.
Then he popped one into the DVD player and before the movie started I checked the time it was 10:00am.
Where in for a long morning and afternoon...I thought as the movie started.
Time skip 7:39 pm................
The 5 movie was about to end then we heard a knock at the door I opened it and saw Ethan with flowers.
"W-who is t-that for?" I said blushing as Ethan smiled at me.
"For u! I couldn't find nothing that could compare to your beauty so I just got u something simple." Ethan said with a smile.
"Awww that's so, i-I can't explain who flattered I am...." I said blushing a dark red.

Mark's pov:
You...You....YOU!!!! ILL KILL U NO ONE GIVES JACK FLOWERS EXCEPT FOR ME! ok...Ok just stay calm mark he didn't kiss jack so that's nothing...I thought in rage. Then Ethan came in the house and jack had the flowers and put them in a vase with water.
"S-so let's get b-back to the
m-m-movie s-shall we!?" I said to jack trying to stay calm.
"Sur-" jack said before he got cut off by Ethan pining jack to the wall.
"K-kids cover your eyes this is going to get ugly..." I said in Anger,and the kids did as I said.
Then Ethan looked at me in fear then he smiled at me...Then he kissed jack right in front of my face.
"I'LL MUDDER U!!!!" I Said as I ran twords Ethan to choke him but he moved out of the way just in time then I started to choke JACK!
I WANTED TO STOP BUT I COULDN'T!!! I CONTINUED CHOKING JACK! until Sam Tim and Ethan pulled me away from him.
I layed flat on the floor with Tim crying, Sam growing in anger, Ethan yelling at me and worst of all I saw jack rubbing his neck with tears in his eyes looking at me with fear on his face .
"J-jack I d-didn't mean to..." I finally said with tears forming in my eyes.
"SAVE IT U ALMOST KILLED MY DAD!" Sam said then he kicked my ribs then Stomped away in anger.
"OW!" I said in pain.
"I-I can't believe u did that...I thought u where better then that." Tim said with tears running down his face and walked with Sam to jack and hugged him.
"I-I didn't mean to i-i..." I said in fear, anger and sadness mixed together.
Then jack he bursted out into tears and ran to the bedroom not looking back.
"Jack will never forgive u for this I bet septiplier is now dead..." Ethan said with a smirk on his face then he left me on the floor alone to go be with jack.
I stayed there and cryed softly to myself.
Tim's mad at me, Sam's anger as fuck at me, Ethan is a fucking bich!
Now jack is scared of me...I thought in tears as I picked myself​ off the floor and walked to the bedroom I saw Ethan sleeping with jack in bed...
Haha Ethan was right septiplier is over...I thought with tears running down my face.

Jack's pov:
I heard foot steps and opened my eyes for a split second and I saw it was mark.
Then I heard mark walk up to me then ran his fingers through my hair softly​ and said
"Ethan was right where over...But I love u more than anything in this world no matter what because u are the best thing that ever happened to me." Mark wispered in a soft voice.
Then he left the room the i quitely got out of bed and followed mark.
Then he was in the living room and grabbed a green flower and smiled at it with tears in his eyes.
"I was fine with the men....Who would come into his life now,and again...." Mark started to sing.
"I was fine cause I knew that really didn't matter until u..." Mark sang to the green flower.
Then mark walked outside and I followed him and made sure he didn't see me.
"I was fine when u came, Hahaha a we fought like it was all some silly game over him who he'd choose,after all those years I never thought I lose... ." Mark sang with tears running down his face.
Then mark sat down on the grass as the wind blew through his red hair, and as mark looked at the green flower.
"It's over isn't? Isn't?...... Isn't all over? It's over isn't?, isn't?, Isn't over....U won and he choose u
And he loved me now he's gone!
It's over isn't then why can't I move on...." Mark sang with a frown.
Then mark stood up and started to stomp in anger.
"War and glory, reinvention...
Fusion, freedom! His attention! Out in the daylight my potential bold,precise, experimental....
Now who am I in the world with out him!? Petty dull with the nerve to doubt him! What dose it matter!?, It's already done! Now I can't be there for our sons..." Mark said in tears of anger the he sat back down in the grass.
"It's over isn't?, Isn't?, Isn't it over... It's over isn't?, isn't?, Isn't all over. U won and he choose u! He loved me now he's gone! It's over isn't! Then why can't I move on....." Mark sang then he let go of the flower and it blew away with the wind as he cryed softly.
Then I walked outside and sat next to mark and he looked shocked.
I leaned my head on his shoulder and said," it's not over...I still love you." I said to mark with a soft voice.

Top of the morning to ya laddies! But right now it's fooking night time where I live sooo yeah! Hope u liked this chapter and here is the original song I used don't judge me I found it but I changed the some of the words so it's not full on copywrite sooo the real song comes from Steve unvirse on cartoon Network and bye,bye!

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