Being A Braun - (Justin Biebe...

By kidrauldream

733K 14.6K 3.1K

Ariana Braun, a normal girl from Colorado, has an amazing life-changing opportunity and seizes it with both h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53

Chapter 14

11.3K 246 29
By kidrauldream

I kept my promise. Jamie made me delete their numbers from my phone and he made me swear not to contact them. So for the next two weeks, i didn't. I didn't even get a chance to explain myself.

But they would still try and contact me. They were confused why i never replied and would text me often and sometimes even call me. They would DM me on twitter, but however much i wanted to. I didn't reply. I told Jamie i wouldn't.

Instead i spent my hours playing endless hours of basketball or alone, in my room with my phone turned off, song-writing. I would write about my feelings and sit playing on my keyboard and guitar for hours. My Mom knew something was up. I was even ignoring calls and messages from Scooter and Adam, in fear they would ask for an explanation why i wasn't talking to the guys. It was really awful.

I looked up and saw my Mom at my bedroom door, her cellphone in her hands. "Honey? Can i talk to you?" She asked softly.

I nodded. I set down my guitar on it's stand and took a seat on the bed next to her.

"That sounded good." She smiled, meaning the song i was playing. "Your voice is beautiful Ri."

I blushed, tucking a strand of brown her behind my ear. "Thanks, i was just playing around."

She nodded and looked down at her cell, playing with it between her fingers. "So Scooter just called." She said.

I looked down at my hands.

"He said you're not communicating with anyone over there. They're worried and confused."

I could feel chunks of my heart being torn off. I missed them. I was unable to stop a tear from rolling down my cheek. I left it there.

My Mom moved her hand on-top of mine. She looked concerned. "Honey do you wanna talk about it?"

I nodded. Suddenly a whole bunch of tears started pouring down my face. "Jamie doesn't want me to talk to them." I said, wiping at the tears with my free hand. "Justin, Ryan, Fredo and Chaz."


"Because he doesn't trust them."

She scoffed, her eyebrows raised. "And you're letting him control you?!"


"Ri you are your own person! Nobody should be allowed to tell you what to do. You can talk to whoever you want to, don't let a jealous boyfriend stop you."

I looked at her helplessly.

"Ariana honey this is obsessive. You are a strong, beautiful, independent girl, he does not own you."

Everything she was saying was right.. i just didn't have the guts to stand up ti him. I was a fool, afraid he'd dump me.

"A guy like that is not worth it Ri. You gotta stick up for yourself and what you want, and if he leaves you, that's his loss! He is not the boss of you honey!"

I nodded. "I know."

She held up her phone and slotted it into my hands. "Call Scooter at-least."

She left the room and i quickly got into my pyjamas since it was night-time and then sat crossed-legged on my bed. I pressed the phone to my ear nervously.



R- "Hello?"

"Hi Scoot, it's Ri." I gulped.

"Oh- hey pal, how are you? Where have you been?"

"Im fine, and i just- um. I've been having a little boy trouble that's all."

"Boy trouble? Why what happened?" He replied. I could tell he was frowning.

"Um i'd rather not go into it, but he just got a little jealous. It's all okay now though, im sorting it."

"You sure? Does your Mom know?"

"Yeah i just talked to her." I nodded, even though he couldn't see me. "Um could you do me a favour?"

"Yeah anything."

"Could you tell Justin and Fredo that i'm sorry, and i'll call them tomorrow? And if they could let Chaz and Ryan know that too? That'd be great."

"Of course." Scooter replied. I adjusted the phone against my ear. "I'll let them know."

"Thankyou, um i'm gonna head o bed now, but i'll talk to you soon?"

"Okay, call me if you need anything. And make sure you tell your Mom about any problems you have, she's there to help."

I nodded, a small smile on my face. "Thanks, i will do. I love you Scoot."

"I love you too Ri. Take care."

I walked through the school gates nervously, chewing on the inside of my lip. I was gonna talk to him. I was gonna stand up to him and tell hi that i wanted to talk to Justin and the guys and there was nothing he could do to stop me.

I swallowed anxiously and headed towards my locker. I was dreading it. I really liked Jamie, he was usually so sweet to me. But i couldn't deal with this. I needed to be in-charge of myself and my life.

I placed all the things i needed into my backpack and closed my locker, then i turned around to look for Jamie. I saw him, in amongst the 'populars', and he was stood next to Shontelle. Ugh. Great.

I nervously walked up to them. They raised their eyebrows up at me and smirked when i neared.

I touched Jamie's arm. "Uh- Jamie could i talk to you for a sec please?"

A smile formed on his face as he saw me and he turned away from Shontelle. "Oh hey babe, of course."

He started to follow me but then suddenly stopped, i rolled my eyes to see Shontelle pulling on his arm.

"Excuse me but i was talking to him first Braun."

I rolled my eyes at her. "No you weren't, he was just stood next to you. You were talking to Lacey." I corrected.

She clung to him. "He doesn't want to talk to you okay? Leave him alone."

Jamie raised his eyebrows and went to object. I butted in. "Shontelle he obviously want's to talk to me. Would you just stop being a bitch for a second and let him?"

She, Jamie and Lacey all stared at me in shock. I arched an eyebrow.

"Fine." She smirked. She let go of his arm and placed her hands on her hips. Jamie and i started walking away. She looked at Lacey. "She's just jealous because he fucked me first."

I stopped in my tracks. "What?" I turned around at looked at her. "What did you say?"

"I said you're jealous because he fucked me over summer and not you."

My jaw dropped, i looked at Jamie. The whole hallway seemed to stop and stare at us. It was silent.

Jamie's cheeks flushed red and he shook his head in denial. "Ri i-"

"Is this true?"

He looked down at his hands. I could feel my heart pounding hard in my chest. I shook my head, my eyes pricking with tears.

He looked back up at me, reaching out to touch my arm. "Ri it didn't mean anything i-"

I wrenched my body away, it was sickening. He followed me, his face tense and sorry. "Ariana please-"

"We're done."


I slapped his hand away. "Get away from me. I trusted you Jamie. This entire time you didn't trust me but i didn't do anything, and you were guilty.."

I watched his chest rise and fall, he watched me numbly.

"Thanks alot."

I looked over at Shontelle and Lacey, who were both smirking. "You can have him." I comnented. Then i turned and pushed away down the corridor, tears streaming down my face.

What a jerk.

"Ri?! Ri are you in here?! Open up." Sophie called, banging on the door of my toilet cubicle. "It's okay, everyone else is in class. Open up."

I slid the lock to the side and exited the cubicle. She attacked me with a hug.

"Aw Ri it's okay, it's okay. He was a jerk anyway." She soothed. I cried into her shoulder.

"I can't believe he did that."

"Me either.."

I pulled out of the hug and sat up against the sinks. Sophie grabbed a was of tissue and started cleaning me up.

"I hate him."

"Same here honey, but i hate Shonetlle more. She's such a slut." She commented.

I half-smiled. "I know. But atleast now i don't have to worry about talking to the guys.."


"In was going to confront him about it today." I confessed. "I talked with my Mom and Scooter, i was really going to do it."

She pulled out her concealer and gently started touching my face up. "Really? Well you shouldn't have had to do that in the first place. No guy should do that to you."

"I know, i was dumb." I nodded. I felt around in my bag for my phone. "You know what? I'm sort of glad im rid of him."

"That's my girl." She smiled.

"There's guys out there who treat me way better. Guys i would much rather spend my time with."

ARIANA - Im sorry.

JUSTIN - its ok. are u ok?


Jamie cheated on her :O

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