Are you my Soulmate?

By FriedChicken12

10.8K 168 120

I wake up with the chair on the floor and I'm still tied up. I try to lift myself up, but fall right back dow... More

Are you my Soulmate?
The Conversation
The Stare
Stalking the Stalker
changes of heart
Waking up
Nice to meet you
welcome back
I want the truth
So we meet again? O_o
Put a ring on it?
Trouble in Paradise
Forgive and Forget
Home Again
Wedding Bells
A Caribbean Honeymoon

The Dream

466 7 6
By FriedChicken12

Janiah's POV

          I'm at my locker getting all the things I need for my homework tonight. I'm listeing to my favorite Demi Lavato song, because I'm OBSESSED with Demi Lavoto. Anyways, I start to pack up my things in my backpack. When I turn around, Kylie literally jumps on me! I almost drop all my stuff on the floor, but , luckily, Courney and Ricky are behind me pulling her off of me. I can't believe how much energy that girl has. She is so small, but has the energy of a sports drink. I regain my balance and I let Kylie start talking.

          She tells me about her dream that she had last night. She tells me what she thinks it means, and then she asks what I think it means. I tell her I can't be sure without being in my concentrating room. When I tell her to meet me at my house around 6, she says okay and relief crosses her face.

          Kylie shows up at 6:00 on the dot. I barely have time to get comfortable when she comes knocking at my door. I take her into my room and I pull out the book on the shelf that brings my concentrating table around. It has all my things on there. All the research I did on dreams and their meanings, examples of dreams, and all of that good stuff. I bring her a chair around and I look through all the research I have about her type of dream.

            I'm not sure what the dream means, but I have an idea. "It may mean that either this will really happen, or the person you see in the dream will be what you are looking for." I tell her. "That can't be" she replies, "He doesn't even talk to me. How could he possibly be the one?". "I'm not sure" I say "But I'll tell you if I find out anything new". She looks happy, and I'm glad I could help her. I will definately have to get to this soon. If I don't, I'll never get anything done.

          When Kylie leaves, I start on my homework, still thinking about her dream.

Kylie's POV

          I can't believe this! Jay said that this could mean that that guy could be "the one". But, I'm not worried about it though. I go to school and I go to my usual clkass. When my first class is over, I'm walking back to my locker and he comes up behind me and says, "Hi". I'm stunned. I'm shocked. I don't know what to say. When I stand there for minute, I choke out a slow, "H...hi". He smiles at me and I notice his teeth are perfectly lined up and they are white as ever! He then asks, "What's your name?" I'm surprised by how much he seems interested in me now. I say, "I'm Kylie." "Kylie. that's a cute name. I'm Taylon" He replies. He smiles at me and we walk to class.

          When the school day is over, I go over to Ricky's house and she says that she's planning a party this Friday. I tell her I'd be sure to come and we start the planning.

Ricky's POV

          I can't wait! My parents are going out of town and they're letting me throw a party! Me and Ky are planning and we are almost done. The whole school is gonna be there. It's gonna be so awesome to have such a huge party with everyone in all my classes there. When we're done with the planning part, we have to just buy everything and wait for Friday.

            Meanwhile, Kylie tells me about her dream, and I can sense something is going to happen, I just don't know what yet. I hope it isn't anything bad. Anyways, when Ky leaves, I really don't have anything to do. So I call Jay and see what she's doing. When we're on the phone, she tells me what her research tells her that Ky's dream means.

        It's wierd because Kylie's so young, you wouldn't think that she'd have to be looking for someone to love at this age. I'm pretty sure that she wants to find THE right one, since it didn't work out for her parents. I don't think she wants to end up like their relationship did. I feel bad for her because she had to go through that when she was only 3 years old. I lie down in my bed thinking of all the chaous that's been going on today.*


The Next Day

Kylie's POV

          Well, this day started off just like any other day. The only difference was....It was my BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! I was so happy because birthday means special breakfast. special breakfast means happiness. happiness means good day. good day means cake. cake means yummy! I was so happy, I put on my special outfit that I bought 2 months ago, that I've been saving for this day. It has white jeans, a pink cami, pink champion gym shoes, shades, and a cool head band for my hair.

          I jumped out of bed and I did my hair, brushed my teeth, washed my face, and took a shower. Then, ever so gently, I put my new clothes on. I had to wear my belt on the 8th hole, since me being me, I thought I would have gotten taller or something. Anyways, I went downstairs and my dad was already making my special birthday breakfast:Chocolate chip pancakes with Cinnamon cream and bacon. All with a side of 2% milk. When my dad sees me, he spins me around (as always) and then he kisses both my cheeks. Then, we start eating.

          After we eat, my dad hands me a small rectangular box that says 'Happy Birthday Kylie. Love Dad :-). When I opened the box, I found something even I never thought I would get. It was the new Droid cellphone. I was so excited. When I turned it on I immediately transfered all the data from my old phone to my new one. I jumped up and down, and I gave my dad a big bear hug and thanked him. I then ran to the bus, too excited to show Courtney.

          When I got on the bus, I sat down by Courney who said Happy Birthday once she saw me. She handed me a small box that had my name on it. I opened it and it was that beautiful gold watch that I saw at the mall on my last birthday when I went on a shopping spree. I am so excited that I'm speachless. I give her a huge hug and thank her for the watch. She smiles in return and we ride the bus to school.

          When we get to school, we go to our class and part ways. I go to my class and, what do you know?!!?, Taylon's there by my locker...again! I go and say hi and he says the strangest thing. He says, "Happy Birthday". I look at him with wonder in my eyes and ask him, "How'd you know it was my birthday today?" He doesn't reply, he just smiles that gorgeous smile of his. I blush and look away from his stunning eyes. He walks me to class and it feels weird because I don't know anything about this guy. As if he can read my mind, he says, "You wanna have lunch or somethin' later?". I reply by nodding my head.

          Later that day, we go to the sushi bar around the corner from the school. We have enough time because they let everyone out early today(as if this day couln't get any better!). We talk there for a while and I learn that he has two little sisters and one twin brother. But they're fraternal. I tell him a little about myself, but not really a lot of the details that I give my friends. We laugh and I can't help feeling that I like him a little. No! I cannot let this happen. I have to do this the right way. But, i just can't fight what I'm feeling. 

          Anyways, we head out of the restaurant and he walks me to the corner. "you want me to walk you home?" he asks. " I don't live that far away but thanks." I reply. He smiles and then waits until I cross the street to leave. I walk home and I think about the day's happenings.

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