Fire Emblem Awakening: My Sto...

Autorstwa AnnaBanana813

105K 1.8K 2.3K

Found by a young prince named Chrom, Anna is awoken to the world without memories. There, she joins Chrom and... Więcej

Authors note
The Beginning of The End
The Verge of History
Unwelcome Change
You May Call Me "Marth"
A Sister's Love
Not A Lady?!
Definitely A Lady!!
Warrior Realm
Two Falchions
Partners in Crime
Trouble on The Horizon
The Exalt and The King
Before We Leave
Moments in Between
Moments in Between: Part 2
The Wind At My Back
Our Burning Hearts
Lover's Antics
Lover's Antics: Part 2
She Needs To Know
A Tour Around The Castle
Our Time Off
Snow Days
The Trouble With Mistletoe
Fight For Her Life
We Need To Keep Her Safe!
On The Road Again
The Grimleal
Don't Speak Her Name!
Mad King Gangrel
The Coronation Ball
How Did You Fall in Love?
The Day Before
The Royal Wedding
Married Life
Married Life Part 2
Little Princess Luci
The News Of War
Of Sacred Blood
Marth No More
Disowned By Time
Before We Sail
Flames on the Blue
Smoldering Resistance
Naga's Voice
Inexorable Death
Sibling Blades
A Sword To Wield
The Conqueror
Motherly Advice
Fatherly Advice
My First Memory
Five Gemstones
Lucina's Judgement
Invisible Ties
My Truth
I Will Find You
His Year - Spring
His Year - Summer
His Year - Fall
His Year - Winter
My Story
Questions + What's Next?
Before Awakening

An Ill Presage

811 15 42
Autorstwa AnnaBanana813


After three days of travel, we make it to the Dragon's Table.

I've kept Anna at my side like glue ever since the Lucina incident. I won't let her die. Lucina has been beating herself up ever since then, as well. Anna has done her best to make things not so awkward between the two. It hasn't exactly been working.

I think she's more concerned about Morgan finding out.

No one knows about the incident but me, Anna, and Lucina. And it's going to stay that way.

As we approach the Dragon's Table, we are bombarded by a huge wave of people. I take Anna by the hand so she won't get separated from me. "All these strange travelers... What's happening here?" I ask.

My little sister squeezes her way over to me. "Let's ask 'em!" she pokes an older man. "Um, excuse me, sir?" No reply. "...Sir?"

"...the the Dragon's...Table...our prayers...Grima..." The man replies zombie-like.

"Riiiiiight... I'll just be backing away slowly then..." Lissa said, backing into her husband who draws his sword protectively in front of her.

"Sire!" Frederick calls, making his way through the crowd.

I turn to him. "Frederick! Have the scouts returned?" I ask, gripping Anna's hand tight.

He nods. "Yes, milord," he replied, "and with grim news. Validar has moved to a great altar to Grima known as the Dragon's Table. What's more, it seems all the Grimleal in Plegia are headed there as well. It's as if they're being drawn by some unseen force..."

"Any idea what it means?" I ask.

"Who can say, sire?" he sighed. "They speak only gibberish and plod on as if possessed."

I gasp and lock eyes with my daughter, who is giving me a mortified look. "The cataclysm in Lucina's future... This shows all the signs of leading to it. Damn! This destiny is a stubborn business..." I curse.

"We cannot give up." Lucina declares.

I turn to her and nod. "And we will not," I agree. "We make for this Dragon's Table, and quickly! Come, everyone!"


Just as we're about to enter the castle, we're stopped by Validar and Aversa and an army of strong looking Risen.

"Validar!" I shout. Anna growls and readies her sword, sparks jolting throughout it. I turn to her and nod. She has ever right to be angry right now...

"Fools! Do you know where you've come?" Validar sneers.

I ready Falchion. "Return the Fire Emblem now, and we can end this!" I demand.

"Aaah ha ha ha ha! You would...end this?" he laughs.

I grit my teeth. "Yes, once an for all."

"My dear boy, we already know how this story ends-you and I both!" Validar sneers. "And yet you rush here... Are you so eager to meet the fell dragon yourself? Or perhaps your own fatal destiny-you would have that realized first? Ha ha!!"

"To hell with your destiny!" I curse. "I'll write a new ending."

"Oh ho ho, so now you believe you can change fate?" Aversa retorted. "And here I thought your exalted sister had delusions of grandeur..."

How dare she speak of Emmeryn! "We've done it already."

She flips her head back. "Your victory over sad little Gangrel? Or perhaps Walhart's defeat?" she asked. "Those were meant to happen. They were preordained. You are just another fool in motley, capering on the stage!"

Lissa steps up. "But...what about Emmeryn!" she quivers.

"You only changed the method of her death. Either way, she was planted in the ground..."

"But that was Gangrel's will... Not yours... Not Validar's..." Frederick growled.

Aversa groans. "You aren't listening. All of this- every word and action- has been orchestrated..." she said dryly. "Gangrel held the exalt in contempt, yes, so Validar and I used him. In life AND death. The king's demise threw Plegia into chaos. It drove the people to Grima... Now their life force and rancor can be laid before the fell dragon en masse."

I gasp. "You couldn't mean..."

"It is called the Table for a reason, you naive little man," Aversa sneers. "It is where Grima feeds! The Grimleal have gladly offered themselves to him for ages. Even now, they pray for his return... Today the Table overflows with bounty, and their prayers will be answered!"

All of the Shepherds gasp and some turn away to gag. I try my best not to follow. "I will never allow that to happen!" I yell.

Aversa smirks. "But it already HAS happened in our future. This moment was set a millennium ago," she said.

"How could anyone give their life willingly to that...thing? That monster!" Lucina shouts.

I point my blade at the offenders. "I will stop you! I will stop Grima!"

"Aversa, it is time. I must prepare." Validar growled.

"As you command, Master," Aversa replied.

"Validar! ...VALIDAR!" I shout. "THAT'S IT! Shepherds! At arms!"

They are way ahead of me.


Anna and I finally reach Aversa. "A final question, witch, before you die-"

"Oh? Then perhaps one final answer, boy, before you fail..." she replied dryly.

I turn to Anna. "Who is Validar? Why do you follow him?" I ask, turning back to that she-devil.

Aversa looks down. "He is...a father to me,"

Anna gasps in shock. "I have..."

"...What?! But... You're Anna's sister?!" I gasp.

"Aha ha ha! You damn fool! Not literally..." she sneered. "But he did raise me as if I were his own. Taught me everything... I was a poor orphaned wretch with dirt for food, yet Master Validar took me in. He provided when others would have watched me starve. I would never presume that he loves me... But he is everything I know of love. I would gladly die at his command."

"Even knowing his actions will destroy the world?" I ask.

Aversa prepares a tome. "But he IS the world- and it is YOU that would destroy HIM! For where I stand, YOU are the only aggressor here," she turns to my wife and scoffs. "How Anna lives with the shame, attacking her own blood..."

A grit my teeth. "Anna sees-"

"I will NEVER consider Validar my own blood!" she screams.


Aversa laughs. "Hahaha! Silly, dear... Must you be so disobedient?" she asked. "You know, we can make this easy. Submit to us and we can end this family quarrel. We can be a happy family. You belong in Plegia...not Ylisse! You belong at Master Validar's side as his child and as my sister! Embrace your title of a Plegian princess and submit to Grima!"

"You are not my place! I belong in Ylisse! And I'd rather DIE than become a part of your excuse of a family!" Anna yells. "I have a real family back in Ylisse and at my side, not with you!"

Aversa sighs. "Very well, then. I see my wishes were but dreams... I shall have no mercy on you, then!"

"I wouldn't want you to!"

Anna charges at Aversa at full speed without warning, shooting her with lighting.


Aversa tries to take off on her pegasus, but Anna stops her before she can leave. She takes out a weak wind tome and prepares it. What the hell is she doing?! I take matters into my own hands and charge toward the pegasus.

Anna stops me. "Don't hurt the pegasus!" she orders. "It's done nothing wrong! I'm going to try and get it on our side."

I stare at her for a moment, then nod. "Alright..."

Anna shoots the wind at Aversa, making the pegasus lose its balance. Aversa snarls and pulls roughly on the reigns, making the pegasus cry out in pain. Something tells me that this is not the first time that has happened.

Aversa attempts to shoot dark magic at Anna, but my dear wife's plan had worked.

The pegasus jerks around, tossing Aversa about. She tries to take control of it...

But all that results from her struggles is the satisfying crack of her skull as it hits the ground.

"That's the end of her..." I mutter. Anna doesn't seem to listen.

She runs in the pegasus' direction as it lands. "Are you alright?! You poor thing! Oh, gods! How tight did she make this bridle?!" Anna fusses over the pegasus and tends to it.

I rush over to them. "Anna! We don't have time! We have to help the others!" I command.

Anna looks at me and nods. "I know..." she agrees. "...But have you ever wondered what it would be like to fight on a pegasus?"

I stare at her. "Anna...don't tell me you're considering keeping it...?"

"I'm not considering it! I've decided it! And it's she thank you very much!" she complains.

I sigh. "I hope you know what you're doing..."

Anna turns back to the pegasus. "What say it, girl? Would you like to help me?" she asks.

The pegasus nickers and stomps its foot.

"I'll take that as a yes!" She climbs on top of the pegasus and offers her hand to me. "Let's go!"

I sigh once more and climb on, holding onto Anna's waist for stability. "Alright, let's go! Uh...Luka!" she calls.

"Luka? ...That has a nice ring to it." I said.

Anna looks back at me. "Thank you! Now, let's go!"

Luka neighs and takes off.


"Damn! We've wasted too much time!" I curse as we finish off the rest of the Dread Lords.

Luka did prove useful, Anna was able to take out enemies from an areal standpoint, and I was able to take out enemies faster. Something tells me we won't be separating from this pegasus for awhile.

"We must hurry!" Lucina shouts.

I turn to her and nod. "Right! Anna, rally the troops!" I order.

"Ok!" she replies, flying off on Luka.

I turn to the Dragon's Table, my fists clenched. "Damn..."


...Ok. I have a lot to say right now. First off, the elephant in the room. I ABSOLUTELY REFUSE TO KILL A HORSE OR PEGASUS! THEY DID NOTHING!!!!! So boom: Anna has a pegasus now. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy..........unplanned events! But seriously, I wanted an excuse to have a horse named Luka in this series. I love horses and I love the name Luka so here. WHAT A GREAT COINCIDENCE, ANNA! YOU FINALLY GOT YOUR WISH! I honestly have no idea what I'm gonna do with Luka, now XD. I'll find some use for her! Phew! That's over! Now to address another thing... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THIS NOW HAS OVER 4K READS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Deep breath* THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot believe this! Thank you! This means the world to me! I'm hoping to get another chapter done this weekend, so look out for that! Thank you so much for your support and reading, and look forward to reading more!

Currently listening to: The Ballad Of Mona Lisa: Panic! At The Disco

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