Crazier. (Lab Rats fanfic/Ada...

By thatoneperson1000

123K 2.2K 499

My name is Jasmyn Dooley. I'm 16 years old, and I'm Leo Dooley's older sister. What happens when we move in w... More

Crush, Chop, and Burn: Pt.1
Crush, Chop, and Burn: Pt.2
Commando App
Leo's Jam
Rats on a train
Smart and Smarter
Exoskeleton vs Grandma
Bionic Birthday Fail
Death Spiral Smackdown
Can I Borrow The Helicopter? Pt.1
Can I Borrow The Helicopter Pt. 2
Back from the Future
Chip Switch
Drone Alone
Chore Wars
Dude, Where's My Lab
Air Leo
Night Of The Living Virus
Mission Invisible
Concert In A Can
Mission: Space
Speed Trapped
Spy Fly
Missin the Mission
Robot Fight Club

Bionic Birthday Fail: Pt.2

2.9K 60 5
By thatoneperson1000

Jasmyn's POV

Once we finish decorating, people start arriving. Adam, Bree, and I are standing at the door greeting people.

"Welcome to Leo's surprise party. When he comes up, remember to scream really loud and pretend​ you're his friend." Bree says greeting two more guests.

Next a clown walks in. Adam gets excited, "Oh! Check it out! I ordered a break dancing clown."

He turns to the clown, "Hey, Bobby, show us some of your sweet moves."

The clown does a backflip and starts break dancing. Adam starts dancing and cheering, "Oh, yeah. YEAH! Isn't he awesome? Two weeks ago he was a car salesman." Adam finishes shaking his head. Bobby finishes, and everyone claps. Adam approaches him, so Bree and I follow. He fist bump the clown.

We then look to the door and notice to people walk in in costumes. Oh, no. Chase starts fangirling over them, and he starts telling them horrible puns. They walk away from him, and he follows them, while continuing with the horrible puns.

Adam shakes his head, "Ok, let's go get Leo." We start to turn, but Bree stops us, gasping.

"IT'S GLITTERHEAD! She actually came straight off the internet and into my living room!" Bree exclaims.

We all stare at Glitterhead. "I'm not gonna lie. She's kind of freaking me out."

Adam and I nod in agreement. Adam then pulls me to dance. We start dancing, when I notice the bouncy house arrive. I go air it up, and, when I'm done, Adam stops dancing and screams, "BOUNCY HOUSE IN THE HOUSE!"

He runs inside of the bouncy house and starts jumping. He jumps too hard and pops a hole in it. I cover my mouth when it starts to deflate.

He gets up disappointed, "Oh, man. What's this thing made out of plastic and air?" Everyone looks at him sadly.

Pretty soon, he gets over it, and we continue partying.


After the last person leaves, Adam, Bree, Chase and I sit in the living room and calm down from the party. I decide to take a small nap.


He closes the door as we all stand up.

"We threw an awesome surprise birthday party for Leo." Bree explains.

Leo! Oh crap. I face palm.

"Oh! That is so sweet you guys." Mom says. Davenport nods, "Right, hiding behind the Leo shield. Well played."

Mom looks around, "Speaking of which, where is Leo?"

Davenport looks confused, "Yeah.."

Eddie pops up on the screen, "He's right here." It then shows Leo on the screen.

He looks like he's about to explode.

"Where I've been for the past THREE HOURS!!!" He bursts.

Realization comes to Adam, Bree, and Chase.

Eddie pops back on the screen, "Yep, just waiting for the signal."

"Eddie let Leo upstairs now." Chase commands.

Eddie smiles, "All rightie, there's my signal."

I swear one day I'm gonna have him disabled.

"Let me get this straight. So you guys had. A surprise birthday party for Leo... Without Leo." Davenport states.

He starts laughing, "That's.. That's actually kind of fu-" He stops laughing when he notices the look on Mom's face, "It's not funny. It's not funny."

"Okay, well, uh, Leo's gonna be up here in just a few seconds. Why don't we act like the party's still going on?" Chase suggests. Everyone nods.

Even me, even though I know Leo's not an idiot.

We here the elevator doors open, and we all pull out our party horns, except for Mom and Davenport clearly.

Chase counts, "3, 2, 1.." Leo comes into view, and we blow our party horns and yell "SURPRISE!"

He stares at us ,angry and hurt, "I thought my first birthday party with you guys was gonna be awesome. And, you know what? It probably was, but I wouldn't know know because I WASN'T INVITED! And I can't believe my own sister forgot about me!

"Leo...", I begin before he interrupts me.

"Forget it!" He says, as he stomps away furiously. Davenport turns to us and sighs, "Ok, you guys clean this place up then go to sleep." We all nod our heads, and Davenport and Mom go to their room.

I sigh and grab a trash bag and star cleaning up the area near the windows. I pick up some popped balloons, streamers, and empty soda cans.

As I'm cleaning, I can't help but think about he bad I feel. How could I forget my own brother? I mean, I was a little distracted with Adam, but that's not a good excuse because I can't tell Leo that. I need to make it up to him, but how?


We finished picking up everything, now all that needs to be done is vacuuming.

"I'll vacuum. You guys can go ahead to bed. Well, to your caps." I say.

"Are you sure you want to finish vacuuming?" Bree asks.

"It's fine. I don't mind. Besides, I am a night owl."

The three of them nod and head down to the lab.

I go get Davenport's soundproof vacuum and start the job.

After about five minutes, I am still vacuuming the living room. One because this room is huge, and two because I'm terrible at vacuuming.

I begin vacuuming behind the couch, and I feel someone grab my shoulder. Out of instinct, I elbow them in the stomach.

They groan, and I turn around to see that it is none other than Adam. I turn off the vacuum cleaner, "What are you doing up here? It's gonna look suspicious."

Adam winces while rubbing his stomach, "Don't worry, I told them I was coming up for a midnight snack."

I nod, "Ok, well...I have to finish vacuuming."

I go to grab the vacuum, but Adam pushes it out of my reach. I turn to him, and he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. Before I can say anything, he tosses me on the couch.

I land on my back, "Adam!" I whisper yell. "Why would you do that?"

Ignoring my question completely, Adam walks around to the front of the couch and sits on it, while placing my legs on his lap.

I sit up, looking at him confused, as I'm lying down.

Adam starts tapping my shins, " You are taking a five minute break."

I look at him and sigh, "Fine."

He smiles, "Yes! So, how's my favorite girl doing?"


Adam stares at me and squints his eyes, "What's wrong?"

I shake my head, "Nothing."

Adam grabs my hand, "Come on. I know something's wrong with you, and I actually want to know what it is. Now, if you were Chase, I probably wouldn't care."

I laugh and little and sigh, "Fine. I just feel like a terrible sister because I forgot Leo at his own birthday party. I mean we've had so many surprise birthday parties together, and I don't understand how I could forget him at this one."



"Well, if it makes you feel better, you probably forgot about him because you were having fun."

"Hmm... I didn't think of that. I guess you're right. I mean, I've had fun at his other parties, but this one was just... different." I say, as I stare into Adam's eyes.

He nods.

I finally break the silence, "Yeah, so, can I finish vacuuming now? I'm kind of tired."

Adam thinks about it for a second, " Fine, I'll let you finish, but only because you're tired."

"Thank you." I say getting up.

Adam pulls me back down on the couch, "Wait, you forgot to give me a hug."

I smile a little and hug him. He smiles, and we both stand up.

I walk to the vacuum, and Adam walks to the kitchen.

"Well, while I'm up here, I might as well actually get a snack."

He grabs three cupcakes and smiles at me one more time, before he goes down the elevator and leaves.

I sigh and finish vacuuming.


The next morning, everyone is sitting in the kitchen eating breakfast.

Adam, Bree, and I are at the table. Chase is refilling his cereal, and Leo, on the other hand, decided to avoid us completely and eat his breakfast on the island.

Mom walks up to Leo, "Honey, I know your birthday was a bit of a bust, but I think I know what will make it better."

She turns to Davenport, "Donald give him your gift.

Davenport does a spit-take and looks at Mom in shock.

"Yeah, Big D, maybe your awesome, tastical gift can cheer me up after being TOTALLY FORGOTTEN!" Leo says directing the last part to us.

Davenport starts stammering, "Oh.. that gift.. You don't want that gift. know what! Just give me the numbers that'll keep the tears back."

He pulls out a big wad of cash, "What do you say?"

If I were Leo I would take the cash, no hesitation.

Chase speaks up from beside the fridge, "Mr. Davenport just give him your gift."

Adam gets up to put his bowl in the sink.

Davenport turns to Chase, "You know I would, but I forgot where it was."

Adam smiles, "Oh! It's right here. It was in the closet behind a bunch of stuff."

I internally laugh at the look on Davenport's face.

Sighing he says, "Thanks, Adam. Good eye."

Adam brings the gift out and sets it on the kitchen table.

Leo goes to it in excitement, but his excitement quickly turns to disappointment when he sees the inside.

He looks at Davenport bewildered and pulls out the broken pieces of what looked like a drone.

"Well, great Leo you broke it!" Davenport exclaims.

Everyone stares at him in disapproval.


Leo went to his room after that, and everyone, but Mom, went down to the lab.

We sit in silence thinking of ways to make Leo happy.

"I am the worst dad ever." Davenport states, breaking the silence.

Everyone looks at him and doesn't respond.

"Well don't all disagree with me at once."

Moving to the other side of the lab he continues, "You know I'm just gonna glue his hexacopter back together."

"Well, yeah sure. Now, he'll forgive you, but what about us." Chase asks.

Davenport looks up chuckling a litte, "Guys, I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm kind of in the me business."

I scoff, "Trust me we've noticed."

He shrugs and leaves the lab.

I sigh standing up, "You know what. I'll just go buy Leo something I know he'll really like and then maybe, just maybe, he'll forgive me. I might have to beg a little, but I think it'll work."

I don't wait for a response, and I run out of the lab.


It took me forever, but I finally found the perfect gift for Leo, well gifts.

I walk into the house and go to my room.

I hear a knock on the door, "Come in!"

Adam walks in, "Hey."



I show him the paintball gun, high-tech walkie talkies, and the snuggie I got Leo.

What I don't show him is the Darth Vader figurine I have under my bed because that would just embarrass Leo.

Adam nods and smiles, "These are good. Also, he forgave us earlier because we let him try our training thingy."

I gasp, "What?! Why didn't you guys wait for me?!"

Adam frowns, "Sorry, I'll let you try it on your birthday."

I pout, "Fine."

"When is your birthday by the way..." Adam trails off.

I smile, "Wouldn't you like to know."

He looks confused, "Yeah.. I would?"

I laugh, "I don't have birthday parties."

"Aww, come on. You could have the best birthday party ever, but you wouldn't know because you didn't have it."

"...I'll think about it."

Adam smiles, and I grab his hand and drag him to the door, as best as I could, "Goodnight."

He turns around with his arms out.

I laugh and hug him. After he leaves, I go to the kitchen.

When I get downstairs, I see Leo get out of the elevator. He spots me, and we make eye contact for about three seconds before he tries to run to his room.

I tackle him, "Leo, talk to me!"

"I have nothing to say to you!"

"Leo please? I even got you some gifts that I know you'll love."

He sighs, "Fine, but only because I may or may not want the gifts."

I get up and put my hand out to him. He looks at it, and he, surprisingly accepts.

I give him his gifts in my room.

He observes them, "I guess they're alright..."

I reach under the bed and grab the Darth Vader figurine, "I got you one more thing..."

He looks up and sees the figurine, "OH MY GOD! YOU'RE THE BEST SISTER EVER!"

He quickly grabs it from me and tackles me in a hug.

I chuckle, "Well, I'm glad you liked all the gifts."

He pulls away, "Actually, there's one more thing I want."

I squint, "What?"

He smirks, "And, this will give you full forgiveness...."


"...I want to know what you're keeping from me. And don't tell me you're not keeping anything from me because I know you're keeping something from me."

"Full forgiveness?"

He nods.

I sigh and sit on my bed, "Ok, well, the thing I've been keeping from you is...."

"I'm not getting any younger."

"You don't understand how hard this is."

"Well, I guess I'll still hold a grudge." Leo says turning around.

"Ok, ok. I'm dating someone!"

He turns around with his mouth open wide, "What?"

"I have a boyfriend."


"Nope, you didn't ask me to specify, that's as much information as you're gonna get."

"Omg, I can't believe this..."

"Well believe it."

"You have to tell me who it is..."

"Goodnight Leo."

"Well, just..."

"Goodnight" I say while pushing him out of my room.

I close my door and sigh, here we go.

Word count: 2353

Sorry this took so long. I'm a big procrastinator. I've also been busy with school and other things. I will be trying to write at least two more chapters before my break is over.

Once again, sorry for the wait, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I love hearing what you guys think, so don't be afraid to comment! Bye!

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