Game Breaker

By pimpology

45.3K 2.4K 359

Newark New, Jersey You can't run their streets without looking both ways. You can't love the hood. The hood... More

Chapter 1: Newark
Chapter 2: The Bronx
Chapter 3: Chicago
Chapter 4: Detroit
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Character Uploads
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Not a chapter
Chapter 26
My apologies
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 25

589 36 3
By pimpology

For Monica the room stood still. So many thoughts ran through her brain but she wasn't listening to any of them. She could only hear her own heartbeat. It beat as though it was going to beat through her chest. She was scared to move or to look around but she didn't have a choice when a sharp pain went through her stomach causing her to bend over and grab it in agony. She started to scream due to the pain.

"Are you okay what's wrong." Shayla asked grabbing her side. Blood was trickling down Monica's leg and she looked down and passed out. Shayla fell to the floor beside her cradling her head.

"Monica wake up!" Shayla was gently slapping her face, panic started to set in and tears rolled down her cheek. "What do we do?" She said sniffling.

"We have to take her to the hospital you guys" Lyn said incoherently. "W-we gotta get her, thereeeee" She was giggling and couldn't shake off the liquor or weed.

This whole situation brought Shai's high down but no one was in the condition to drive. "We can't drive we have no other choice but to call an ambulance." Everyone agreed with her idea. Shai picked up her phone and called the ambulance while Shayla was finally coming to her senses. She had briefly passed out and awoke groggily and confused.

"What's going on" she asked holding her stomach  trying to keep herself.

"Bitch this whole time you've been pregnant and ain't said shit!" Cheyanne yelled at her and rubbed her temples. "You're going to the hospital!"

"Is it mines?" Givenchy asked turning his head away from her waiting for a response. Monica didn't say anything she just stared off into the distance. Givenchy exhaled sharply inhaled and balled his fist up tightly. "Answer me" he spoke more aggressively this time.

"Yes it is. You think I been fucking around?" Monica asked with blatant irritation in her voice.

"No that's not what I meant Mon-" Givenchy was cut off before he could finish.

"Then what the fuck did you mean by it. You know what don't even worry about if it's yours or not. Don't worry about shit that got to do with me G I'm not playing these games with you." Monica didn't get angry when she spoke or anything she was calm with every word. Givenchy figured it was because she was still intoxicated.

"Y'all the ambulance is here who's going to ride with her?" Lyn asked as she looked out the window after hearing the blaring sirens that wailed through the air. Givenchy stood up and started to walk towards the door.

"That bitch is not riding with me to the hospital" was the last thing Monica said before her eyes closed again. She had worked herself right back  up and her body went into shock.

"No no no stay with me Monica??!" Shayla was still holding on to Monica with blurry vision because the tears were now beginning to drip straight from her eyes. Just then the paramedics rushed in and started asking questions while they put Monica on a stretcher and wheeled her out. Shayla stayed with her even though she was a emotional wreck. Josh and Deonte were the two designated drivers since they mostly only smoked and didn't drink even though now everyone was mostly sober.

They arrived at the hospital right after they had took Monica in and they all went in and sat in the lobby and waited for news and to talk about the shit that just happened.

"So no one really knew she was pregnant?" Josh asked as he sat down before sighing. Everyone shook their heads no.

"How couldn't we have noticed though? I thought she was just getting a little thick not that there might be a baby in there. Givenchy how the fuck didn't you're ass know?" Shai just needed to put the blame on anyone but herself but she feels mainly responsible for ever pulling the shit out.

"I don't fucking know!" Givenchy yelled getting the attention of everyone in the hospital.  He was already mad and confused and didn't know how to react to any of this and he did not have time for Shai's shit. Shai jumped out of her seat but was abruptly snatched right back down on to Josh's lap.

"Go calm down and the come back and sit your ass down right here and don't move, let me handle it" Josh whispered harshly in her ear. He kissed her cheek and let her up and she walked out of the hospital and went to go sit in the car. Josh and Givenchy had walked off to the cafeteria to talk about what just went down.

This left only Shayla, Deonte, Cheyanne and Lyn. The all looked at each other all afraid to speak at all. "So what if she has this baby? We already have so much going on already." Cheyanne said with her head in the face of her palms.

"We just going to have to step up as family and help her. You know her mom really can't and who know what the fuck is in Givenchy's head" Lyn said shrugging her shoulders. She was liking the idea of having a baby to spoil and love.

"You right this doesn't have to be a bad thing. Let's just hope the baby makes it though. I think that would be a lot on her" Deonte said nodding his head in agreement. Shai then walked back into the hospital walking with her mother.

"Hey my babies how y'all feeling?" Mama Nica asked everyone and they all tried to give her their best smiles.

"We good ma, how's Big E?" Deonte said referring to Mama Nica's husband who had just woken up earlier today. Mama smiled and nodded her head.

"He doing alright. Since he's awake though we have to move a little faster so Lyn your parents will be here midnight tonight. Anyways I'm going to go see Monica and make sure she's alright. Y'all let me know if y'all need something." She said before walking off and Shai sat down in her seat scanning the room looking for Josh. Cheyanne noticed though.

"He went to go to talk to Givenchy calm down crazy." She said giggling and causing Shai to laugh a little bit too. "Good you laughing cause you cannot just be going off on people. I know Givenchy made you mad but I do not want to be fighting with our friends. We have to hold each other down because no one else will."  Cheyanne explained to her and she nodded.

"This isn't the first time me and Givenchy didn't get along. He just does dumb shit and as his friend I'm not going to let him think he's right for doing it." Shai responded. She was more calmed than earlier and relaxed. A doctor walked from behind two big double doors that sectioned off the back of the hospital where Monica was.

"Relatives of Monica Malotti" The doctor called and they all got up and met her. Shai rubbed her sweaty palms, Shayla swiped a stray tear from her eyes and gripped Deonte's hand and Lyn and Cheyanne casually walked together with linking arms. "Monica is stable for now. She did a lot of damage to her body and to the little one inside. We want to keep her for a few more hours. We pumped her stomach and I believe we got all of the toxics out of it but we most definitely got most. The baby is also stable and is healthy. She's awake and asking for all of you. I am not supposed to let you all back there at the same time but I'm going to let you all go ahead just try not to make a lot of noise." The doctor said nodding.

"Thank you so much" Shai said breathing a breath of relief.

"Thank God" Shayla said letting tears flow freely from her eyes. Josh and Givenchy had walked up and made their presence known. Josh came and wrapped his arms around Shai's waist and asked what the doctor had just said.

"What happened? Is everything alright?" Givenchy asked slowly while looking at the doctor.

"I've just explained to them that everything is fine. Are you the father?"  Givenchy nodded answering the doctor's question. They all started to follow the doctor towards the back to Monica's room. The rode the elevator up three floors and was right at her room after stepping off. The doctor left after showing them the room.

They went inside to find Monica half sleep watching Grey's Anatomy. Everyone was silent when they walked in not knowing what to say. Shai cleared her throat but Cheyanne spoke.

"We heard the baby is okay. They say you have to be kept for observation reasons though.." She was trying to start the conversation to  get rid of the awkward silence around the room. Monica nodded but didn't take her eyes from Grey's Anatomy.

"Monica I'm sorry." Givenchy spoke up but Monica ignored him. "Can we have the room y'all?" He turned towards everyone and asked them for permission. Shai ignored him also and looked at Monica to see if she was okay with it.

"Monica do you want to talk to him? Because we aren't going to leave unless you want us too." Shayla asked coming to sit beside her on the little rom left on the bed. Monica finally  moved her head to look around the room at everyone. There was tears in her eyes and she looked so stressed out. She nodded her head but her lips refused to move.

One by one everyone gave her a hug and a kiss on the forehead before walking out of the room. "When y'all are finished we'll be back because we have a lot to talk about Moni" Deonte said closing the door behind everyone who had walked out.

The only two left was Givenchy and Monica. Monica's mind was racing yet she didn't want to say anything. She didn't want to do anything. "Monica what's wrong why are you doing this to yourself?" He asked sitting in a chair beside  her sliding his hand over his face. She snapped her head towards him and her eyes shot daggers.

"Why did I do this to myself? Bitch why'd you do this to me? I gave you everything. My heart, soul and all my love. You threw it all away for that bitch. Always talking about how you'll never fuck with her again but you never stopped fucking with the bitch. You think I want to have your child? You must have lost your fucking mind." Monica spat harshly.

"You are not aborting my child so don't even fucking think about it!" Now they were starting to yell and disturbing other patients.

"LOWER  YOUR FUCKING VOICE WHEN SPEAKING TO ME! IM NOT JACKIE BITCH" Monica was snapping and she was highly irritated and just needed Givenchy gone. "It won't matter if I do or don't abort this baby you will never see it" Monica could see the veins pop out of his forhead as he clenched his jaw.

Anger took control of him and he didn't know how to control it. He was heated and pissed off he balled up his fist and punched the closest thing next to him, which happened to be a wooden cabinet door.

His knuckles instantly bloodied and a noticeably huge dent was in the cabinet. Monica rolled her eyes irritatingly. "You paying for that now get out!" He went to the door yanking it open to find Shai, Shayla, Cheyanne and Lyn standing at the door worried. He pushed past them and continued out the door.

All four girls immediately rushed right in. "What the fuck was that about?" Cheyanne asked as soon as she entered the room.

Monica shrugged and looked down at her fingers. " I don't know if I'm going to keep this baby" The room fell silent and they all looked at her.

"Moni you can't do that... you have people here you aren't alone" Cheyanne spoke staring straight into her eyes. 

"It's not the same y'all. What if I can't take care of this baby? Then I have to deal with Givenchy and all his lies and that bitch Jackie will not be around my children." She was rambling and they all noticed her eyes watering and the shakiness of her hand. Shai sat on the bed right beside her, Shayla sat by her legs on one side and Lyn on the other while Cheyanne just sat in the nearby chair.

"Listen. We already in this. Shit of course its not going to be easy but like Cheyanne said you are not alone. Givenchy doesn't even have to be apart of this babies life if he doesn't want to but we are. We are all here for you if you let us  be." Shai wrapped her arms around Monica and could slowly feel  her begin to break down. She started crying and shaking and ended up burying her face in Shai's chest.

"How am I going to tell my mom? She is going to be so mad and disappointed." Monica managed to get out her mouth after crying for about ten minutes. She rubbed the back of her eyes to dry her tears and listen for their responses.

"It's okay Moni we will be there when you tell her. You don't have to do it by yourself."  Shayla said and Monica nodded and smiled.

"Now wipe those tears girl. You are going to be just fine. Do you need anything?" Lyn asked laying her hand on top of Monica's. She shook her head and laid her head back on Shai's chest.

"Thank y'all so much. I don't know how we formed this bond and why but I'm so glad that I have y'all." She said right before she drifted on onto Shai's chest. All the crying and dramatics can really wear a person out. Especially a pregnant one.

"We always gone be here for you and that 's a promise baby" Lyn and Cheyanne said together and laughed. Everyone noticed how she was nodding off so when she was all the way asleep Shai laid her down and pulled the covers over her and cut out the lights. They agreed they would be back in the morning with breakfast so that she wouldn't have to eat hospital food.

They tiptoed out of the room and found Josh on the other side of the door. He wanted to give them their girl time so he just waited. He didn't really care about Givenchy storming out he just looked up from his phone and looked right back down at it. He figured everybody was going through a little something of their own. "Hey baby is she okay?" He asked as he kissed Shai's forehead and grabbed her around the waist.

She nodded. "Yeah she sleep now" She said as they started to walk out the door. "Givenchy ever come back?" She asked and Josh shook his head no.

They all walked outside in a comfortable silence until they reached the car. "Y'all we can't just leave his head ass here. Two of us should see if we can find him. Y'all call his phone and tell him bring his ugly ass to the car." Lyn said as her and Cheyanne were turning back around to walk in the building.

Shai pulled out her phone and found his contact in her phone and called him twice with no answer. Josh could hear it going to voicemail but he just shook his head. "Well while we wait I have a question." Josh said as he opened the back car door for her to slide in first and he got in right beside her.

"Wassup?" She asked as he shut the door behind him. He looked nervous and his eyes started to wander around. Shai knew this was because he had something to tell her and he didn't want  to. "Spit it out Josh damn" She said attempting not to let irritation get to her. She is a very impatient person.

"Do you ever want kids?" He swallowed hard as hell right after asking her. Shai's eyes enlarged and she turned to look him dead in the eye.

"One day. Why?" She was scanning his eyes looking for the reason but couldn't find it. Her first thought sent her straight off the handle. "BITCH YOU GOT A CHILD AND NEVER TOLD ME?" Shai leaned towards the car door ready to push it open but Josh stopped her in time.

"Stop being fucking crazy no I don't have a damn child. I have the sickle cell trait Shai damn" He had already pulled her back in the car but he didn't need to. The words stopped Shai right in her tracks. She knew she had always wanted kids someday but now she feared that she couldn't have them. She looked up at him with sad eyes. Tears were starting to form and she had no idea how to make them stop.

"I-I have it to.." the words would barely come out but he heard them.

"I know baby, I was talking with your mom about it one day. I never knew how to tell you. I'm sorry baby" He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close.

"It's okay it's not your fault. Maybe science has advanced and when the time comes we can see the options that can help us but right now let's not worry about it." Shai had snapped back already and Josh was confused as hell. The tears that was once in her eyes had disappeared you could never tell she was about to have a mental breakdown.

"Baby.." Josh knew she was going to try to hide  her feelings but she snapped at him a second time so he just let it go until they got home. Shai heart was in pain at the fact that she may never have the chance to have his child. She didn't want to lead that on though. She knew the fact that they both had sickle cell would prevent them from probably having a healthy baby.

Her phone went off and she quickly answered it when she realized it was Givenchy. "Nigga where you at?" She asked with more attitude then intended.

"Look don't start Shai but I was with Mama Nica I'm on my way with Cheyanne and Lyn now." He said right before he hung up.

"Rude ass bastard" She mumbled into the phone after hearing the dial tone. "They on their way now." She turned to Josh and informed him. 

"Gimme kiss" He said leaning in towards her face. His nose touching hers while his lips hovers over her mouth. She quickly leaned forward smashing her lips into his feeling the same familiarity  she feels every time she kisses him. It felt so good to touch his lips to her. They both had big, soft juicy lips so it only made the kisses even better. He slid his tongue into her mouth and she slid closer to him as they started to cling to one another while their hands roamed one another's body. They would have never stopped kissing if they didn't need air. Shai's hand was laying on his dick and she could feel it harden right underneath while they were kissing.

"You always doing that" He groaned in annoyance knowing he had to wait till they got home.

"If they weren't on their way here we could have got a quickie in" She started laughing until she seen big trucks start to pull in. They were black, black trucks that was almost completely closed in with the word SWAT written on the side of it. "Shit" Shai mumbled as she watched them all unload and run into the hospital. "What the fuck. This shit cannot be real."

They both quickly jumped out the car and into the hospital. "It has to be for my stepdad because he just woke up."

"Well we are about to find out. What the hell is going on." Josh said as they hurried past the swat trucks and into the hospital not knowing what was awaiting on the other side.

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