Give me love ( a yuzuru hanyu...

By tommo_hemmo96

581K 17.8K 6.3K

In which two figure skating Olympians help each other through their hardships and eventually fall in love. A... More

Take me back to the old days
The Ghost from Sochi Past
Lunch (not) Date
Better Together
Three Olympians walk into a bar...
Netflix and Chill...I guess?
Mozart and other old Composers
New found Ice Dancers??
Purple Rain
Friday Nights
Yuzulotte's Day out
Young Gods?
Team Orser, Getting Shit Done (Kind of)
The Free Program
Meeting Mrs.Hanyu
Meet the Pooh bear Squad
Man In Black
Living with Javi
Who are you and what do you want?
Thank God For Google
Consistently getting screwed over
The Offer
Shook and not in the good way
Fortunate Events
Unfortunate Events
It Gets Worse
Is there no help around here?
Shoma Uno gets an UNO
Oh No
My Prince skates to Prince
Sailor Javi
S.S Yuzulotte
What happened and what's going on?
The First Requiem
Taking Problems into our own hands
This is Halloween
Murder House
The Three Amigos Catch a Criminal
Make a Wish Charlie
Quebec City
The Birthday Continues
The Rink Again
My Competition is the Competition
The Games Continue
The Lone Wolf
Ice Queen
Fly like the Wind
Blame the Shibsibs
Say Something
The start of NHK
You Again
Boyfriend, Meet my Ex
I still love you
Yuzulotte takes Japan
He's Real?!
The Truth Comes Out
For You
Meet the Hanyus
Saya joins the Ship
Don't Walk Out on Love
Authors note
Catch Pooh-san
A Date in the Park
Problems arise...
The Bad News Begins
Happy Birthday Yuzu!
Another Authors Note..
Happy Birthday Yuzu! (Part 2)
The Grand Prix Final
Sounds like Bad News
Quad Queen
The Banquet
The Assassins are Back at it
Keith the Personal Assistant
The Unwanted Christmas Present
What hurts the most
Bring on the Sass
Back at Home
If you can't beat em' keep fighting em'
Double Agent Charlotte
Kostner to the rescue
We have gather here today to get through this thing called the flu
Unanswered questions
Escape Routes
Wedding Day
Home is wherever you are
Student Athlete
4 a.m Calls
The Surprise
Four Continents
A Yuzulotte Valentine
The Impossible
The Exams
The Short Program
The Press Conference
Here We Go Again
Bad Liar
One Last Time
Through the Dark
Beginning of the End
Hold Your Breath
Next to You
Thank You
A/N: Pyeongchang 2018
Q & A Time!
New story!!

New Year, Same Old Bullshit

2.7K 102 80
By tommo_hemmo96

Time: January 1, 2017 

When entering a new year, most make a vow to better themselves for the future of the year. When the clock hit midnight last night, I made a  vow to myself that I would keep Yuzuru and the boys safe. No matter what. I made that decisions days ago, months ago really. I sealed the deal with myself at midnight when the clock hit 12 a.m and I pressed my lips to Yuzuru's. This was a fight between Romano and me and I'm not willing to get Yuzu in between the crossfire 

As I woke up this morning, I couldn't help but think things were a bit out of place. Like someone was here, the night before

"Mmmm" I groan peeking my head out from out under the covers

The curtains were still drawn so only a little bit of light was peeking through from under the cracks 

Yuzuru was still sound asleep beside me, his slender arms still wrapped around waist.For the past few nights after Christmas, Yuzu's been a bit distraught so I've been staying with him at night. I can't help but listen closely and hear his soft snoring. The way he wrinkled his nose ever so slightly and the way his lips parted made me smile a little. With everything I've been through, I'm glad he suck around to keep me safe and show me what love feels like

I turn my head from facing Yuzuru's and my eyes meet something sitting on my night table, the baby blue packaging catching my eyes immediately 

"Fuck" I whisper reaching my right hand forward to pick it up 

"Mmm? Charlie-chan? What are you doing?" Yuzu asks wiping the sleep from his eyes and looking over my shoulder 

I quickly shove the small box under the covers hoping his didn't see it

He's been sleeping less and less for the past few nights and it's been worrying me

I don't need him to stress out over another gift from Romano, so it might be better to hide this one from him 

"Charlie-chan, please? You're not doing me any good by hiding it" he says wrapping his arms around me tighter and planting his chin on on shoulder

"Are..are you sure?" I ask him 

"I'm sure Charlotte-chan" he says with a shaky voice 

My right hand shakily pulls the lid of the box off 

Inside lies a velvet navy blue box 

A box in a box can never be a good sign....

I pull the velvet box out and flip the lid open, revealing 24 carat gold ring

The gold band was engraved with small detailing and sitting in the middle was a giant tear shaped diamond 

"There's a note" Yuzu whispers to me 

There's always a note


I reach for the paper sitting in the baby blue box and unravel the familiar folding

My Dearest Charlotte,

This is my proposal and my promise

that we will get married soon.

Sooner than you think.

You're coming home sweetheart.



I finish reading the message and place the note back into the box

"Yuzu-kun?" I ask turning around to face him yet again 

He doesn't say anything but dig his face into my chest 

His body starts to shake and then I can feel his hot tears soak it's way into my shirt

"Yuzu-kun, he won't find me I promise. He won't hurt me or us or anyone..I-I" I stutter trying to find any other excuse that I can feed him, but I can't 

Romano is coming for me and even I can't convince myself otherwise 





"Someone get the door!" Javi shouts from the kitchen where he stirs up a pot of chilli

"I got it!" I shout dropping the black pepper and running to the door

"Charlie-chan, wait!" Yuzu shouts following me to the door 

I pull open the door and standing on our welcome mat is Keith himself

"Keith? Wait what are you doing here?" I ask him 

"Because Romano" he answers simply, pushing past me and entering the house 

"I thought you couldn't leave Japan. You know Yakuza and all?" I question

"Hey, I do what I can because I care about you ok? It wasn't a glamorous trip to get here" he answers

"What about him?" Yuzu asks, panic lacing through his voice

"He's on his way, and I need to get you guys out of here" he answers

"Wait, Romano? He's here?" Javi shouts, dumping the wooden spoon in the pot and meeting the three of us in the family room

"How do you know?" I ask

"A tracker. The only way to catch him is to track him so why not play by his rules?" Keith asks pulling his phone out from his pocket

"See here? It says he's about 50 minutes away so we have time. Let's get out of here while we can. Pack what you need and let's move' he says 

"Wait is something burning?" Keith adds getting up from the couch 

From the kitchen a steam of smoke starts making it's way into the family room

"Javi! The chilli!" I shout 

"Oh shit the chilli!" Javi shouts jumping over the sofa and rushing to the stove

"Yuzu-kun, help me open some windows" I tell him pushing the windows up and letting the smoke out

"Alright guys, I'm sorry about the chilli but we got to go like RIGHT NOW!" Keith shouts

"Alright, alright let's go pack some stuff guys" I shout rushing up the stairs to go pack a duffle bag 

10 minutes later

"Ok guys, we gotta get out of here quick" Keith shouts rushing down the stairs with our bags in hand

"Where are we going anyways?" Javi asks following suit 

Before Keith can answer, my phone beeps notifying a new message 

I pull out my phone and an unsettling shiver rushes down my spine

Unknown:  Going so soon? 

"Guys let's make our move now!" I shout sprinting to the door

Before I can reach the door, a metal object flies into the house from the open window making a clanging sound on the floor  

"What is that?" Javi asks 

And the object answers for itself when the room is suddenly filled with a misty grey smoke

"Guys cover your mouths, it's a sleep grenade" Keith shouts blocking his nose with the sleeve of his shirt

The three of us follow his lead and cover our faces, trying to see through the smoke and make it to the door awake

"Guys.." Javi shouts in a drowsy voice falling slump to the floor

"Javi!" Yuzu shouts rushing back in to get him 

"Yuzu-kun, wait!" I shout rushing back in the to help him get Javi out 

"Oh God, come on guys we gotta move!" Keith shout rushing back into the house with us 

"I-I-can't breath" Yuzu chokes out, falling slump asleep next to Javi

"Yu-Yuzu!" I cry pulling at his arm 

The smoke in the room is so thick that I can barely see anything 

"Keith help me please!" I call looking behind me to find Keith passed out on the ground as well 

And soon enough the sleeping gas had consumed my lungs as well, knocking me to the ground

I could feel my eyes rolling to the back of my head and my eyelids fluttering shut

The last thing I saw before I was completely knocked out was a familiar pair of blue eyes and bleached blond hair...

"Your coming home sweetheart" said his sickeningly sweet voice

I could feel him wrap his muscular arms around me, lifting me up bridal style

And then my eyes completely shut and it was me and darkness

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