Dare To Risk In Love (Saudade...

By PrincessCreamyCake

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You'll never get what you truly deserve if you remain attached to what you're supposed to let go of. Maybe it... More

Saudade Series #1
CHAPTER 1: Best Girl
CHAPTER 2: El Viejo Amor
CHAPTER 3: Clifford Sanders
CHAPTER 4: Malcolm Henderson
CHAPTER 5: Travis Pearce
CHAPTER 6: Truffles
CHAPTER 7: Calling
CHAPTER 8: Wanted
CHAPTER 9: Punched
CHAPTER 10: Greatest Challenge
CHAPTER 11: Meeting
CHAPTER 12: Life Sucks
CHAPTER 13: Van and Von
CHAPTER 14: Her Favorite
CHAPTER 16: Call The Shots
CHAPTER 17: Not At All
CHAPTER 18: So Tired
CHAPTER 19: Somewhere
CHAPTER 20: Pretty Scary

CHAPTER 15: Possible Wife

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By PrincessCreamyCake

UNEDITED 2017 version.

Chocolate truffles taste like heaven.

Dana could not stop munching her favorite treat. Malcolm spoiled her by buying many boxes of her favorite truffles. Paris makes good chocolates and pastries—Dana couldn't get enough of it. Getting spoiled a bit is somewhat being a princess too. There are some things that are worth spoiling just to make a person important.

The other day, she was just so eager to call Malcolm after she heard that his under construction site in New Jersey was burnt down because of an accident. She knew Malcolm was in Paris but the distance never stopped her from calling him.

Now, Dana's too happy. Last night, he arrived in her restaurant with five boxes of assorted chocolate truffles in his hands. The happiness she's feeling couldn't be expressed in a sentence. She's about to burst with flattering emotions. Simple things make good impacts. Be crazy. Be stupid. Be silly. Be weird. Be whatever, because life is too short to be anything but happy.

People should always dare to risk in love.

Yes. Dana is still hook.

She thought she's over him—but not really. Malcolm still has her heart. She may tell everyone that she's done with him, but the mere fact that her heart still beats for that man cannot be denied. She's too transparent to be not obvious. She can see how Malcolm tries hard to make her happy, to make everything in place and make it up to her.

Nine years wasn't a joke. And, for a short span of time, he's succeeding hard.

Who would have thought that the man who snatched her from feeling happy will eventually be the same man who would bring the color back to her life? Something that Travis failed to do—though, she values whatever she has with him. They had relationship but that not's it... She loved Travis but not as great as to what she has for Malcolm. He may be away, but her heart is with him.

She's hoping that he feels the same too.

"You look like a hungry dog." The man who sat like a boss, spoke.

She directed her eyes at him and gave him a glare—but not enough to shut him up. "Why are you here anyway? You should be working and not bombarding here in my place!" She accusingly throws him a paperweight.

Clifford leaned forward with interest. "Malcolm knows how to woo a girl, huh." He leaned on and squeezed her hand, but said nothing.

"What are you doing?" She asked her brother.

He meaningfully smiled and pointed her buzzing phone. She immediately took it and she saw Malcolm's name flashing on the screen! He's calling me! She squeaks unaware-ably. She heaved a sigh and answered the call.

Malcolm's soothing voice envelops her ears, "Hey..."

"Hi. You called." She said enthusiastically.

Clifford snorted and mumbled, "Obviously, that's why you're talking to h—"Dana kicked his feet under the table and that made him growl in pain. He glared at her but Dana only stuck her tongue out to piss her brother even more.

He laughs and then she laughs, "Honey... Are you free tonight?"

Honey! He called her honey! Damn. That was something!

Dana shakes her head and begins to stutter "Uhm... I... What..." She doesn't have the right words to say!

Malcolm laughed even more. "Okay, I know that was quick." He said as if that's okay with her. She's not dumb and numb not to feel Malcolm's meaningful actions and words. He's obviously into her. "I'm asking if you are free tonight because I would like to take you out to dinner. I want to spend the night with you in a fancy restaurant." He's like courting but not declaring the shots. Maybe he's still trying to weight the options.

If he'll only say it straight to her, she'd probably say the sweetest yes he's trying to win.

She would allow him to court her!

Malcolm should call the shots. Dana's excited but at the same time anxious because she's hoping that history will never repeat itself. She's done feeling the pain and she doesn't want to encounter it again with the same person.

She's risking her happiness again, something that she did nine years ago—in addition... with the same person too.

"Dinner?" She promised Clifford that. Why not? This is Malcolm that she's talking to. Dana can always re-schedule Clifford's time just to have time for Malcolm. "Sure!"

"What the hell!" Clifford silently mumbled and stood in front of her with hands on the waist. "You are seriously going to regret this Dana!" He said without a voice.

Dana winked at her brother in return.

Malcolm chuckled, "Okay, I'll pick you up by six. Is that fine?"

"Yeah sure."

"I'll see you this evening... And, I can't wait for that." He said lovingly.

The smile on Dana's face grew even more, "Me too. Bye." She ended the call with a heart flattering feeling.

After she puts down her phone, the fuming, cute but dork Clifford gave her an angry look. Clifford looks like a walking emoji. The cute creased brow compliments his cherub cheeks. Seriously, girls would love to kneel in front of this guy and beg to be noticed.

Clifford walked like a Greek god, but he fails in the charming attitude department. He doesn't have any that. Even Dana experienced it first-hand.

It was three in the afternoon when Dana decided to go home and prepare for their dinner date. She was in pure bliss—ecstatic even. She even went to a salon to prep up. She had her nails painted with another color and had a head massage to clear all negative thoughts.

Her happy being began creating unusual acts. The moves are so foreign to her. She, who sang while driving, humming a love song and definitely smiling without any reason. People will think that she's insane if they will see her. She's so random and creepy at her state right now.

The elevator whisks her with terminal velocity to the penthouse. The door slide open and her grand foyer welcomed her. Her modern penthouse looks so homey with the view of New York in her wide glass window.

She was about to go upstairs when she saw the peacefully sleeping man in her favorite Victorian couch. She heaved a sigh. Travis' shirt has two opened buttons and his arm covers his head. Hair is aggravated in a cute way. The couch looks small for him. Travis who is like a giant with a six feet and four inches of height.

She walked to him and tapped his arms, "Travis..." She called. "Wake up. Wake up." Shaking him to the brim. He's really a heavy sleeper.

What did he do this time? Dana asked herself. He seems so worked up and tired.

Travis shifted to his position and growled, "Hmm?" A slightly opened his gazed at her. Travis scratches his eyes and he sat with sleepy eyes. He looked at her warily, "You're home early." He gulped and straightens his self. "Sorry I barged in. I need a place to crash. I'm kind of tired driving to my house."

She looked at him. "Your house is not far from mine, Travis." She pointed out. Travis gave her a sad smile. From that, Dana fished out that he has a problem. "You don't look good to me. What happened?"

He smirked unhappily, "Same old issues babe."

"They're pressuring you again?"

He nodded. "Dad said that I should get married and have kids on my own. He gave me the list of possible wife. I was like, what the fuck Dad? He gave me an ultimatum!" He shook his head in disbelief, "He's insane for thinking that I'm like any other guy who will eventually rot in hell for not being married. I'm not rushing things! He's such a freak!" He lashed out.

Dana's brow arched in amusement.

When Travis and Dana were still in a relationship, his father surprisingly called them to talk about some things. Travis brought her to their mansion and he introduced Dana to his family.

His Dad liked her the first time she went to their house. He was ecstatic to the point of already thinking ahead—marriage. She was so shocked. Travis had to send her home early because his Dad was unstoppable. He called a wedding organizer that night!

So, Dana knew where Travis is coming from.

Dana was traumatized of that incident. From that, visiting Travis' family never crossed her mind again. She is afraid that it might go beyond limitation and she will eventually have to marry Travis because his Dad wants her to marry his son.

That was a plague nightmare.

"A list of possible wife? Goodness gracious Travis Pearce! You should talk to your Dad about that! He is way beyond repair!"

"That's what I am afraid of! He's way worse than before, Dana! My Mom could not even stop him from doing anything that pleases him! I could not do anything aside from constantly saying 'no' to every proposition that he offers to me." He palmed his face exasperatedly, "Dad needs a shrink!" he frustrated spat out.

Dana knew it is rude to laugh at someone's misery. Travis' misery is petty but very alarming. She can't help but feel amused so she chuckled happily, "Tell that to Mr. Pearce and he will really plan a shotgun wedding for you."

Seeing Travis so frustrated keeps her entertained.

"Oh come on! Gun to my head and pull the trigger! Life is such a bitch!"

"Boy, chill it!" She laughs, "You look fantastically rugged. If I'm someone who does not know you, I would think you are opportunist with your look and aura today. Get a life! Or better yet, go get yourself a girlfriend! Use your godly face to lure girls. You're fine with that, right?"

Come on. He is the mighty Travis Pearce! He loves girls. He loves playing with their feelings and uses them for pleasure! He has everything and he gets whatever he wants in just a snap of his hand. Why can't he use it right now?

He gave her a death glare, "You are such a brat! How could you tell that to me? I may be playing with girls' feelings but that is just for overnight. After that, I have no more hold of them. And definitely, I don't like to repeat girls. That's just so gross!"

"Grade-A jerk!" She accused.

"Bratinella!" He spat back.

She rolled her eyes heavenwards, "You ain't cool, Pearce."

Travis snorted and pointed her accusingly too. "You fell with this not cool Pearce, Sanders!"

And the endless banter started.

These two are so kids by heart. They quarrel like toddlers and act like they don't have manners and etiquettes.

After the nonsense verbal volleyball, Travis gets to look at her from head to toe. He noticed the changes and the glow in her face. She seems happy. "What is with you today? You look so prepped up."

"Oh! This?" She showed him her nails. She smiled lovingly, "Malcolm called me earlier. We will be having a dinner date today."

After hearing Malcolm's name, Travis' face crumpled like he ate something awful. "You're having what? And Malcolm?!" His tone turned sour.

Dana was taken aback with his outburst. "Why are you shouting at me Travis? And yes, it was Malcolm!"

"You really did forgive him, huh! You forgot what he did to you Dana Ysobel!" He stood up and paced back and forth. "He was the reason why you suffered for nine long years! Have you lost your mind?"

Travis was so pissed after seeing Malcolm in Paris. He threatened him for goodness' sake! He was jealous—yes. Freaking jealous of Malcolm. Dana is for Travis only, and he tends to keep it that way.

Maybe that's one of the reasons why Travis could not fathom to find a girl whom he will call all the shots. That's it. Because of Dana. After years of being with her, the love for Dana remains in his heart. He's just afraid to ruin the friendship they strongly kept after their break-up.

"I am already done with the hatred Travis. I already let that one go! We are now okay and we settled our differences!" She shouted back.

Travis may know everything about her but that doesn't give him the right to just shout at her right straight to her face. That is an insult to Dana!

From bantering over petty things down to shouting because of an ex. Dana and Travis just ruined their day.

"That's not enough Dana!"

"What the hell Travis!" She seems couldn't understand his sentiment. She knew he was pissed but he doesn't have the final say. It is better if he will only support her with her decisions and not question her. "It's my life Travis! I get to decide whether to forgive Malcolm or not! I told you this, didn't I? I told you it's time to let everything go and be happy again. All I want is happiness, T! Why are so mad about that? Don't you want me to be happy?"

A question that stopped Travis' world from spinning. Instead of answering her, he walked away leaving her breathless.

His mind is clouded and no good thought will come out. Words are like a dagger waiting to bury deep in someone's chest. Once you've said it, you can never take it back. So, Travis chooses to just walk away than say the nastiest words that he'll regret saying in the end. Jealousy ruins everything, indeed.

That instance, Dana called Malcolm and she called off the dinner date.

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