My Angel - Emmett Cullen

By cherrybomb_099

192K 3.2K 292

Hi, my name is Alex Swan. My twin sister Bella and I are moving to Forks to live with our Dad. This is the st... More

About Alex Swan
Moving to Forks
First day of school
Finding out
Nearly flattened
Field trip
Port Angeles
Bella knows
First date
Bella meets the Cullens
Saving Mom... or not
Birthday girls
They're gone
Building bikes
No more bikes
Something's wrong with Jake
They're back
Council meeting crashers
A newborn army?
The battle

Visiting mom

3.8K 73 0
By cherrybomb_099

Bella, mom and I are sitting in the backyard, sunbathing. "Aren't you gonna miss this? To just feel the vitamin D soaking up in your pores." Bella sighs, "Yeah, I am gonna miss this." I look to her sadly, knowing that after graduation she wont feel that again. "Ya know Bella, colleges in Florida are a lot sunnier. I'm just saying, if you go to the university in Alaska... I'm never gonna see you." "They have a really great science program." Bella says timidly. "You mean Edward program." Mom says teasingly causing me to laugh. "Don't think I've forgotten about you missy. Why aren't you going to college?" I sigh, "Mom I could've graduated high school when I was twelve, I really don't need to go to college, I'll just be bored all the time becuase I'd already know it. It would just be a waste of money." Mom sighs and says gently, "I know you're a clever girl Alex. I could tell from when you were just a toddler that you were special, I just wanna make sure that the both of you are making the best choices for yourselves... because you're the ones that have to live with them." "We know mom." I say smiling. "I am so happy for you honey, I just can't believe my baby is getting married." Mom says before coming over and hugging me as I chuckle into her shoulder. "Thanks mom." She pulls back and looks between me and Bella, "Okay, enough with the heavy." She skips off into the house and comes out holding two presents, she hands the purple one to Bella and the blue one to me. "Con-graduation!" We laugh at her, "Mom you didn't have to spend any money." Bella says. "Pfft. I didn't c'mon." We open them up to see blankets made of our old trip tshirts that we collected when we were little. "Are these are old trip tshirts?" Bella and I ask in sync causing mom to smile. "Mmmhhhmmm." Mom says with a smile. "Get out!" Bella says excitedly as we both pull the blankets out. "Thank you mom, this is amazing." I say with a huge smile. "Aw, I'm glad you guys like them. I just figured ya know, when you get older and have kids, we can add to it." This causes me to frown, I'll never have children... But I shake the thought off, and Bella and I fling ourselves at mom and hug her tight. "Mom." Bella says quietly. "We'll miss you." We says in sync. "Aw babies, I miss you too."

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