My Angel - Emmett Cullen

By cherrybomb_099

192K 3.2K 292

Hi, my name is Alex Swan. My twin sister Bella and I are moving to Forks to live with our Dad. This is the st... More

About Alex Swan
Moving to Forks
First day of school
Finding out
Nearly flattened
Field trip
Port Angeles
Bella knows
First date
Saving Mom... or not
Birthday girls
They're gone
Building bikes
No more bikes
Something's wrong with Jake
They're back
Visiting mom
Council meeting crashers
A newborn army?
The battle

Bella meets the Cullens

7.3K 121 6
By cherrybomb_099

It's been a week since Emmett and I's first date, things are going great. We've been spending everyday (and night) together, I still can't believe the way Emmett makes me feel. I've never had a boyfriend before, or been interested in anyone really, this is all completely new to me. I feel like one day, I'm going to wake up and find out that it was all just a dream because it's almost too good to be true.

I haven't been to the Cullen house since last weekend but I'm going over there today because Edward wants to introduce Bella to his family. I'm glad they're finally together and that Bella knows, I hate keeping secrets from her. But I am definitely glad that she won't be bothering me every five seconds asking me why Edward doesn't like her or why he keeps staring at her all the time.

Anyways, I'm just finishing getting ready to go over to the to see the Cullens when there's a knock at my door, "Come in!" I look to the now open door to find Bella standing there with a nervous smile on her face, "You ready to go? Edward's waiting outside." "Sure let's go." I pick up my phone and follow Bella downstairs. But before she can get to the front door, I pull her back around to face me. "Bells, you don't need to be so nervous. The Cullens are really kind and as long as you be yourself, I know they'll love you. So stop worrying." I say with a gentle smile. She smiles gratefully and pulls me into a hug, "You're the best twin ever." "I know, I know. C'mon let's go, wouldn't want to keep your boyfriend waiting." I say with a cheeky smirk and follow her out of the door.

---- Time skip ----

I just barely walked through the door when I'm suddenly swept off of my feet and onto Emmett's shoulder. I can't help but giggle as he speeds up to the kitchen, he sets me down on the counter in front of him and kisses me deeply. As he pulls back, I cant help but giggle. "Well hello to you too." He chuckles and gives me a quick peck.

I look around to see everyone cooking and oh my lord does it smell good! Emmett goes back to cutting up the salad next to me and putting into a bowl that Rose is holding out with a pissed off look on her face. "Is she even Italian?" Rose sighs. "Her name is Bella." Emmett replies causing me to giggle. "I'm sure she'll love it no matter what." Carlisle says trying to calm Rosalie down.

"Get a whiff of that." Rose says causing me to send her a confused look until Esme looks to Carlisle excitedly, "Here come the human." She walks over to the door way as Edward and Bella appear around the corner. I hop off the counter to stand beside Emmett, facing them.

"Bella, we're making italiano for you." Esme says with her kind and motherly smile. "Bella, this is Esme. My mother for all intents and purposes." As Edward says that Emmett lifts his hand that's holding the large knife and waves with a childish grin on his face, causing me to chuckle and lean on his shoulder when he puts the knife down. "Bonjourno." Bella says timidly, but Esme sends her a big smile. "Molto bene." 

Carlisle turns to Bella, "You and your sister have given us an excuse to use our kitchen for the first time." "I hope your hungry." Esme says. "Yeah, absolutely." Bella nods but Edward had to make it awkward. "She already ate." Causing Bella to send him a 'really?' look. Suddenly the sound of smashing glass fills the room, I look over to Rose to see she crushed the salad bowl. Uh oh, that's not good. "Perfect." She says shortly letting out an annoyed sigh afterwards. Danny goes over to her, trying to keep her calm. "I-I-it's j-just that... I-I know you guys d-don't eat" "Of course." Esme reassures with a gently smile, "That was very considerate of you." Edward then looks down to Bella trying to comfort her, "Just ignore Rosalie, I do." "Yeah, let's just keep pretending like this isn't dangerous for all of us." Danny pulls Rose back a bit. I look down but Emmett pulls me into his chest and wraps his arms around my waist, causing me to lean back into his chest, feeling comforted by his gentle hold on me. "I would never tell anybody anything." Bella says. "She knows that." Carlisle says looking at Rose. "Yeah well the problem is, you two have gone public now so-." Danny says, trying to stick up for his mate but is cut of by Esme, "Danny." "No, she should know. The entire family will be implicated if this ends badly." Rose says crossing her arms as she takes a step towards my sister. I automatically start to take a step forward, ready to protect my twin, but Emmett pulls me back into his chest. "Badly as in... I-I... would become the meal." Bella says awkwardly causing everyone in the room to start laughing, even Rose cracks a slight smile.

Just then, Alice and Jasper jump off a tree branch and onto the balcony attached to the kitchen. "Hi Bella." Alice says in a cheery voice as she walks straight over to her to give her a hug, Jasper hanging back. "I'm Alice." As she pulls back from the hug to stand with Jasper she says, "Wow, you do smell good." I can't help but giggle. Edward gets an embarrassed look on his face, "Alice, what are you-" "It's okay, Bella and I are gonna be great friends." Alice cuts him off. "Sorry, Jasper's our newest vegetarian. It's a little difficult for him." Carlisle informs Bella. "It's a pleasure to meet you." Jasper says stiffly. "It's okay Jasper, you won't hurt her." Alice comforts him in an airy voice. Edward just looks more embarrassed and looks to Bella, "Uuuhh, alright... I'm gonna take you on a tour of the rest of the house." Edward starts pulling Bella out of the room, though I don't think she minds leaving the awkward situation. "I'll see you soon." Alice says happily. "O-okay." Edward, finally having enough leads Bella out of the room rolling his eyes.

"Cuute!" Esme gushes quietly causing Alice and I to giggle. "I know." Alice replies still giggling. "I think that went well." Carlisle says chuckling. Esme turns to Rose, "Clean this up. Now." She says pointing to the shattered bowl on the floor.

"For what it's worth, I haven't eaten yet." I say trying to keep the mood light. Everyone laughs, even Rose. "Of course sweetie, it'll be ready in a minute." Esme says with her motherly smile as she and Carlisle go back to the food.

I turn around in Emmett arms to face him and give him a passionate kiss, "Love you." "Love you too angel." I smile then go over to Esme, "Is there anything I can help with? I feel bad that you're doing all the work." "Don't worry about it. It's all done now anyway." She puts a portion on a plate and hands it to me. "Thank you. It smells great."

---- Time skip ----

Emmett and I are  in his room, being idiots, when I suddenly get an idea. "Em, I wanna try something. Lay down on the floor, I promise it's nothing bad." He sends me a confused look but complies anyway, "Okay." Once he lays down on the floor I giggle and go into a hand stand and walk on my hand over Emmett until our faces meet. When our eyes lock he chuckles at me. "Shut up." I say before leaning down and silencing him with my lips.

During our kiss I slowly lower my legs down until I'm straddling him. I pull away and look into his eyes, "Meet my Dad?" Emmett smiles at me, "Sure angel." "Good because my Dad's been wanting to meet you for a while now. Ya know, to threaten you with a gun. The usual." Emmett and I both laugh, "I think I can handle it babe." "Oh I know you can. I just think it's fair to let you know what you're getting yourself into." I giggle and peck his lips before rolling off of him and laying on the floor beside him.

"We should probably get going, if you're going to get in my Dad's good books I need to be home at a reasonable hour." I chuckle, pulling myself of the floor. Before I can even process what's happening, I'm now in the garage by Emmett's jeep. "You really need to warn me when you do that, it gives me a head rush." I giggle as I get into the passenger seat. He just smirks at me and starts driving off towards my house.

I unlock the door and walk into my house, closing the door behind Emmett. I slide my hand into his, interlacing our fingers and lead him into the living room where my Dad is watching baseball.

"Hey Dad. Emmett's here, he wanted to meet you." My Dad turns to look at me and stands up holding his hand out to Emmett. "Nice to meet you Emmett." Emmett shakes his hand, "It's good to finally meet you sir." My Dad sends him a slight smile which surprises me. I was definitely not expecting that. "I've heard good things about you, you seem like a nice young man. But I am gonna say this: if you ever hurt my baby girl I will hunt you down to the ends of the earth." Emmett smiles at him, nodding in understanding, "I wouldn't dream of it sir, Alex means a lot to me." I blush and look down at my feet. "Well, I'm glad you two are getting along but this is to awkward for me. Emmett and I will be upstairs if you need us." I say to Dad while pulling Emmett up the stairs towards my room. "Keep the door open." Dad warns and I can feel my face burning with embarrassment as Emmett chuckles behind me.

I leave the door open as requested and flop down onto my bed, "God that was embarrassing. But I am glad that he likes you." Emmett crawls over the top of me and pecks my forehead, "Me too."

We sit on my window seat talking for a while when he looks down at his phone, "I gotta go hunting. I'll see you tomorrow angel." He says before pulling my lips to his in a passionate kiss. After about 30 seconds we pull back and he pecks my lips one more time. "See you tomorrow." I say in a breathless whisper. Emmett smirks and stands up, I follow him downstairs and see him out the door. I turn back around to see Dad standing there, "He seems nice." I smile, "Yeah, he is." Dad comes over and kisses my forehead, "I'm glad you're happy sweetheart." "Thanks Dad." I say with a smile before going back up to my room.

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