
By fabbb_nialler

19.1K 868 291

"Isn't it ironic? That the things we do To feel alive Can be the very same things That end up Killing us?"... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Not a chapter but read this
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 4

728 32 5
By fabbb_nialler

"I'm not lying! I hung out with him the entire day!" I whine, gripping his arm tightly, "Why the hell won't you believe me?"

Brett puts his hands up in surrender, chuckling, "I never said I didn't believe you, I said that's hard to believe. Two completely different meanings, friend."

I relax, leaning back in my seat, "Well believe it, because it happened. He didn't chase me away with a knife. We sat down and he played guitar and I sang. He even smiled a couple times. Then at the end he told me that his name was Niall, not Rec." I lean closer, "Don't you see? He's not a freak. I was right. He just needs a friend, that's all."

Me and Brett are in the school lunchroom, alone at our table in the back. Neither of us are actually eating, though. The food here is disgusting. I'm just kind of absentmindedly poking a mysterious chunk of meat with my fork while chatting with Brett. He's doing the same.

Brett lets out a big whoosh of air, "Whatever you say. I've finally come to the realization that nothing I say or do is going to keep you from that boy. Am I correct?"

"Correct you are." I nod.

"So just let me give you one last warning. If you're gonna go through with this insane obsession of yours, then do it quiety. Don't go blabbering about it to everyone at school. They'll think you're mental."

"I won't, but for the record, they already do think I'm mental." I tell him.

"What do you mean?" He cocks his head to the side.

"I've heard gossip here and there about me. People say I'm "the gay freak's friend" or "that girl that cackles in chemistry". My reputations already down the drain." I grin at him.

He shakes his head, laughing lightly, "Well, I sure know how to pick friends. How did I get stuck with you?"

"Hey, this is all your fault. You approached me, remember?"

"And you thought I was hot and then I told you I was gay. Priceless." He laughs again and I slap his arm.

Suddenly, a thought strikes me and my grin grows, "So do you have any... interests these days?"

He raises an eyebrow, smirking, "Interests?"

"You know... Do you have a crush on anybody?"

"I'm not telling you."

"Why not?" I whimper.

"Because you'll try to plan a double date with you and your freaky cemetary boy." He teases.

"Maybe I will, maybe I won't. Tell me who you liiike."

The bell rings then and Brett stands up triumphantly, "Time for class. See you soon, bestie." He walks away, but not before giving me a wink over his shoulder. I scowl and call after him, "Little piece of shit!"

I hear his loud laughter even as he exits the cafeteria.

I sigh, dump my tray, and exit the cafeteria myself.


The rest of the week went by excruciatingly slow. Nothing eventful happened, really. I finished the hair of my Zac Efron portrait. I literally almost got a detention. It looks like I didn't try hard at all, but in all honesty, I tried really hard. Even giving my greatest effort, my art continues to look like crap.

In English Literature, we've continued reading the Great Gatsby. I absolutely hate how we have to read in class every day at the same pace as everybody else. I could finish this book in a night if they let me. I guess I've already read it, though, so I'll just have to read it slow this time.

I'm doing okay in all of my other classes except Algebra. It's my second week of school and I already have a C. Yippee.

But eventually, the week did end. Today is a Sunday and me and Brett are walking to his house.

"Do you think they'll like me?" I ask timidly, referring to his parents. I've never met them before, but judging by the way Brett talks about them, I've come to the conclusion that they're very judgemental.

He chuckles, "Are you kidding me? They've always wanted me to bring a girl home. They're gonna love you."

I nod with a small smile, trying to cover up the sadness in my gaze.

Brett lives in a family with 4 older sisters. He's the only son. His parents kept trying and trying until they finally got a boy. His dad was ecstatic. He was the type of man that loved the outdoors. He wanted a son to go camping with, to play sports with, to lift weights with. Nope, a gay son was not part of the plan. So, a couple years ago, when Brett told them the truth about his sexuality, his dad grabbed a baseball bat and beat the living shit out of Brett, while his mother looked on, horrified. During this abuse, his dad was shouting terrible nicknames at him, such as "monster", "freak", "homosexual piece of shit". Brett told me that he was barely alive after the brutal beating.

Ever since then, Brett's dad has felt horrible about what he did to his only son for simply being who he is. Brett continues to live under the same roof as him in a civilized manner, but they barely interact. Brett has never forgiven him for what he did that first night Brett trusted him with the truth. To be honest, I won't blame him if he never forgives his father.

Anyways, I'm a bit worried to meet his family due to that reasion. It's gonna be awkward sitting in the same room as that man I've heard so many horrible things about. It's also gonna be awkward if any of his family members try to make it seem like we're a couple instead of just good friends, because I know Brett would be offended if they hoped he had an interest in me instead of other guys.

"But I mean we don't have to go there if you don't wanna." Brett says after a while of silence.

"It's up to you." I reply with a shrug.

A smirk plays across his lips, "Then I'll text them and say you're on your period and don't want to see people. Let's go to Taco Bell." I punch him playfully on the arm and he laughs.


It's around 7 o clock at night when me and Brett walk home from Taco Bell.

"We really need to get cars." I groan as we walk. We're still several blocks from my street and his.

"Oh come on, it's good exercise." He pipes cheerfully.

"I hate exercise."

"Exercise hates you too."

"Tell excerise to stop talking shit behind my back." I growl with a smirk.

"I'll try, but you know her. She's wild." He remarks.

I laugh, but it quickly cuts off. I stop in my tracks, running my hands angrilly through my hair, "Shit."

"What's wrong?" Brett questions.

"It's Sunday. I was suppose to meet Niall at the cemetary today!" I groan. How the fuck did I forget to go see him? I've been looking forward to this all week and I managed to forget about it on the one day it mattered? This mistake will probably cause me to loose his trust. Fuck.

"Just go next week." Brett shrugs. It's kind of annoying how easily he's dismissing this.

"No, I'm gonna go right now." i sigh and turn around. The cemetary is only a couple streets away. If I run, I'll be there in 10 minutes.

"Madison, please don't." He sighs from behind me.

"And why not?" I snap, placing a hand on his hip.

"Because it's dangerous to hang out in the cemetary at this late hour." He defends, and I almost laugh.

"What's gonna happen? I'll get possessed?" I question sarcastically.

"Just don't go there tonight."

"So your disapproval has nothing to do with Niall?" I ask.

"Stop calling him that."

"That's his name." I narrow my eyes.

Brett lets out an exasperated sigh, "You know what, do whatever you fucking want. See you tomorrow." And with that, he begins walking away from me at a fast pace.

I roll my eyes before taking off in the opposite direction, towards the cemetary, and towards Niall.


I take a moment to rest my hands on my knees, breathing heavily. I'm really not an athletic person. Running to this cemetary was only about a 2 block distance, but I'm exhausted from just that.

I force myself upright and walk through the entrance of the dark cemetary. My eyes scan the area for Niall, but it's hard to find him in the darkness. Maybe he already left?

My temporary disappointment fades into relief when I spot him sitting by the same grave he's always at. It was difficult for me to find him this time because he isn't playing his guitar. He's just sitting there, staring vacantly at the gravestone in front of him.

"Hey, Niall!" I greet cheerfully as I approach him, smiling hugely.

He turns towards me at an almost inhuman speed. A light gasp escapes my lips when his wrists are revealed to me. Both are dripping with blood.

I crouch down beside him, frowning," Why do you do that to yourself?"

Even in the dark, I can see his glowing blue eyes. They narrow and I just know that he's thinking I thought we agreed that you wouldn't ask me any personal questions?

"Right, right. No personal questions." I sigh and rip off my sweatshirt, leaving me in just a black t shirt.I press the sweatshirt to his wrists, soaking up the blood. He's not bleeding too badly, but it's bad enough to make me nauseous. I've never been good with blood.

His icy gaze stays on my face as I press my sweatshirt to his wrists. He winces slightly and I whisper, "Sorry..."

We sit in silence for a few moments. I sigh and look up at the sky, "the stars are super pretty tonight, aren't they?"

He nods, but says nothing. His gaze is fixed on the ground.

I stretch out and lay down on the grass, "Lay down with me." The words leave my lips before I can think them through.

His eyes finally meet mine. He hesitates at first, but then, the beautiful angel slowly leans back until he's lying down next to me.

"Sorry I came so late. I got caught up hanging out with a friend and lost track of time." I apologize gently.

He doesn't respond, just continues examining my face, almost as if memorizing every detail of me. Funny, I'm doing the same to him. His blonde hair is flopped messily on top of his head, like he just rolled out of bed and came here. His facial structure is perfect, as always, and his bright blue eyes are sparklng in the moon's shine. His pink full lips are slightly chapped, but still beautiful. I smile at him, a look of pure adoration in my eyes.

I turn my gaze to the night sky with a sigh of contentment. "it's really pretty out here tonight. The stars are-"

"I didn't think you were coming." He says quietly in a deep, gravelly voice. I didn't notice it until now, but he has an irish accent.

His words send sharp pangs throughout my chest. He doesn't say so, but I get the feeling that he wouldn't have hurt himself today if I had just kept to my word, "I'm sorry, I lost track of time with my friend. But maybe I'll start coming every Sunday to see you. It'll always be at different times, but would you want that? I like spending time with you..." I babble, my face starting to blush a deep red. At least it's dark so he can't see that.

Niall slowly nods, continuing to scan my face with an unreadable look on his own, "I'd like that."

I take a huge risk by pulling myself closer to him. I wrap my arms around him and give him a tight hug, burying my face in his neck. He stiffens under my touch, "I'm sorry... Don't ever hurt yourself like that because of me. Actually, don't hurt yourself like that at all please."

He doesn't reply with words, but replies by slowing wrapping his arms around me and hugging me back.

I pull back from our hug, looking him square in the eyes, "I'm serious. Don't hurt yourself like that again. What would I do without my Sunday friend?"

That adorable half smile plays on his lips and my earlier pained chest relaxes a little.

"Do you promise?"

He clears his throat and says in that deep scratchy voice, "Only if you come every Sunday."

I smile at him, "You got yourself a deal."

The half smile is back and mine only grows.

"You know, you should smile with your teeth." I suggest.

His eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"Come on, just do it once." I whine playfully, "Are your teeth incredibly messed up or something? Smile with your teeth, boy. And respond with more words. My god, sometimes I feel like I'm talking to the Pilsbury dough boy when I'm talking to you."

He gives me a look that he's never given me before, and I soon recognize it as amusement.

"So you find me funny? Then be a normal person and smile with your goddamn teeth. And respond with WORDS."I poke him in the rib cage with my finger.

Niall gives me an eye roll before meeting his gaze with mine again. His lips keep twitching and I know he's fighting a smile just to spite me.

"Arrogant little shit." I mumble and finally I'm rewarded with the best couple seconds I've ever experienced in my life.

Niall's blue eyes light up a bit more, and he lets out several small laughs, and let me tell you, it's the most beautiful sound I've ever heard. He has a loud cackle for a laugh, and it's contagious. Soon, I'm giggling with him. And his teeth aren't messed up, actually, they're white and straight and perfect, just like the rest of his face.

I eye him, grinning fondly, "Thank you."

Niall gives me a slight nod, still smiling with all of his teeth.

"You have a great smile. Show it to me more often, eh?"

He lets out a snort, and finally speaks, "you compared me to the Pilsbury dough boy."

"Well that guy just makes noises in the commercials and doesn't speak!" I defend myself, laughing with him.

I glance at my phone when I hear it vibrate. My smile slowly transforms into a frown, "Well shit, my mom's furious with me... I've been out too late." I slowly stand up, "I gotta go."

Niall frowns at me, standing up as well.

"Are you going home too?" I ask.

He just shrugs, looking down at the grave we were sitting in front of.

I lean forward and give him a light kiss on the cheek, "See you next Sunday, and every Sunday after that. Don't forget our deal."

I begin to walk away, but right before I exit the cemetary, I take a glance over my shoulder at my beautiful recluse. He's looking after me almost in awe, that same smile on his face. I smile back, and wave, before walking down road as slow as possible. I'm in no hurry to get home. Although I'm in such good spirits, I know that even one of my mom's never ending lectures can't bring my mood down.

Little did I know, growing close to that beautiful boy was going to end up being more toxic than worth it.

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