Fire Emblem Awakening: My Sto...

By AnnaBanana813

105K 1.8K 2.3K

Found by a young prince named Chrom, Anna is awoken to the world without memories. There, she joins Chrom and... More

Authors note
The Beginning of The End
The Verge of History
Unwelcome Change
You May Call Me "Marth"
A Sister's Love
Not A Lady?!
Definitely A Lady!!
Warrior Realm
Two Falchions
Partners in Crime
Trouble on The Horizon
The Exalt and The King
Before We Leave
Moments in Between
Moments in Between: Part 2
The Wind At My Back
Our Burning Hearts
Lover's Antics
Lover's Antics: Part 2
She Needs To Know
A Tour Around The Castle
Our Time Off
Snow Days
The Trouble With Mistletoe
Fight For Her Life
We Need To Keep Her Safe!
On The Road Again
The Grimleal
Don't Speak Her Name!
Mad King Gangrel
The Coronation Ball
How Did You Fall in Love?
The Day Before
The Royal Wedding
Married Life
Married Life Part 2
Little Princess Luci
The News Of War
Of Sacred Blood
Marth No More
Disowned By Time
Before We Sail
Flames on the Blue
Smoldering Resistance
Naga's Voice
Inexorable Death
Sibling Blades
A Sword To Wield
The Conqueror
Motherly Advice
Fatherly Advice
My First Memory
Five Gemstones
An Ill Presage
Invisible Ties
My Truth
I Will Find You
His Year - Spring
His Year - Summer
His Year - Fall
His Year - Winter
My Story
Questions + What's Next?
Before Awakening

Lucina's Judgement

1.7K 20 10
By AnnaBanana813


I need to think...

I walk out into a field to clear my head. The setting sun gives the earth a fiery glow.

Just then Lucina walks over to me. "Beg pardon, Mother. Might I have a word?" she asks.

I look to her and crack a small smile. "...Lucina. What is it?"

"It's about Father," she sighs. She clenches her fists tightly and holds back her tears. "I have memories of him, you know. From when I was little. Before he...died..."

I stare at my daughter. The more I look at her, the more I see not only Chrom but myself. She has my eyes and she's also shaped a bit like me. "I see..." I murmur.

Lucina manages a small laugh and smiles. "He was courageous and kind, and everyone spoke fondly of him. People say he was brave right up until the very end," she said. "I always yearned to know him better. And now that I do... I can see that the world will be robbed of a very great man. ...I won't allow that to happen."

I smile at her. "I understand. You love him," I said. "...As do I. You, Chrom, and Morgan are my everything..."

Lucina clenches her eyes shut and trembles. "Mother, I..." she chokes on her words as she fights back her emotions. "Please, forgive me..."

What she does next makes me gasp in stunned shock.

She draws Falchion and points it at my throat.

"Lucina?!" What is she doing?! Is she under Validar's control?! Why is she pointing Falchion at me?!

"Stay where you are, Mother!" she shouts. "I have no choice. I must kill you."

My eyes widen and a million different emotions spread inside of me. "What?! What madness is this?!" I yell, my voice carrying all my emotions.

Lucina chokes down her tears. "In my future, you... You kill Father."

I already know this. Deep down I always prayed that it was just some bad nightmare and I was going insane. But hearing my daughter say it, I know it's for truth now. "No! That's insane! Why would I kill Chrom?" I cry. I can't even deny it at this point...

"I was not certain myself, until now..." she said. "I knew he had been killed by his closest friend. Having witnessed your bond with him, I doubted it could be two loved each other beyond words...and I never thought you could ever lay a harmful hand on the one you loved so dearly. But today's events make it clear. You are at Validar's mercy. I suspect it's he who forces you to take Father's life, and very soon..."

I know. I know all of this. It's old news. But it feels so new to me. Gods, it feels so new! "Lucina, wait." I try and make my daughter stop and think for a moment, but knowing she's just like her father, she won't listen.

"If Father is right, then we can change our fates. If this dark future is to be averted, sacrifices must be made," she declares.

I stare into her sapphire eyes, her emotions matching mine. "I am sorry, Anna!" she shouts, letting her tears finally fall. "I know this is matricide, I... I know that..."

"Lucina, you don't have to-"

"Don't make it harder! It...will be swift and painless," she promises. "If you hold any love for Chrom, then let this be done..." I can tell she had a hard time choking that last bit out.

My world goes mute. I feel numb. Never would I have thought I would ever stand at swordpoint by my own daughter. I know there's a different way. I know I can think of something that will make sure I don't kill Chrom.

...But what if I can't?

I stare at her, the feeling of love spreads throughout my heart and tears begin to form in my eyes.

"My life is yours. It always has been." I said.

Lucina is taken aback. "D-don't say that, Mother! Don't! That only...makes it harder." she cries.

I smile. "I would give my life for Chrom. ...And for you." I said, meaning every word of it.

"Mother, please..."

"I know you will be quick about it. I love you, Lucina,"


"...Please make sure you tell Chrom I love him with everything that I am, and that I'm sorry I could not say goodbye... And Morgan too! Tell him that he'll become the best tactician this realm has ever seen! ...And tell him I'm sorry that I'll never be able to bring him into this world...that little Luci will never have a little brother... Tell her mama's sorry that she couldn't keep her promise, too! And let the Shepherds know that they're my family and will always be in my heart." I ask. My request sounds quite silly and extensive, but I want to cover all my bases before I die.

I tuck all my stray strands of hair behind my neck and stand straight. "...I'm ready. Do what you must." I whisper. I keep my eyes open the whole time because I want my daughter's face to be the last thing I see instead of darkness.

Lucina trembles violently and struggles to hold Falchion. "I... I..."

I wait for the sword to meet wherever it may strike.

"Damn me! I can't do it! I love you too much!" she cries, dropping Falchion and running into my arms. "I'm sorry, Mother. I'm so sorry! P-please, forgive me!"

I hold my daughter close and stroke her hair. "My poor girl...there's nothing to forgive."

A few moments later, we are interrupted by a certain someone. "Are you done, Lucina?" Chrom asks.

Lucina breaks free from my embrace and turns to Chrom. "Father! I... I can explain!" she shouts.

Chrom dismisses her with his hand. "No need," he said. "You're not the only one who can eavesdrop. I heard every word. Lucina, I know your heart is in the right place... But I trust Anna. You cannot shake my faith in her. Anna and I have held fast through good times and ill...I would be nothing without her... We swore to be two halves of a greater whole. You underestimate the strength of those ties, the bonds we share. I believe in them more than some foretold 'destiny.'"

My guilt builds and builds as my husband speaks. I know he's going to want to talk to me later about this...

"That is easier to say when you haven't seen it yourself..." Lucina murmurs.

Chrom frowns. "Lucina, aren't our ties stronger here now than they were in your future?" he asked. "You said so yourself. In this flow of time we are bound tighter than ever, you and I. Not just as father and daughter... But as friends." he smiles at her. "We can change things-we already have...and we will again."

Lucina thinks for a moment, then nods. "...Very well, Father," she said. She turns to me and bites her lip. "Mother I...I hope you will find it in your heart to forgive me... And I pray... That is, I trust the both of you will prove me wrong. That the future will crack and fall apart before our family bond ever does."

I look into her eyes. "Oh, Lucina... I've already forgiven you..."

Chrom sighs. "Let's get back to camp. Now."


Once we arrive back at camp, I know having a talk with Chrom is inevitable. He grabs my arm and pulls me into our tent.

"Do you want to explain to me what the hell you were doing?!" he yells.

I flinch back. "Chrom, you shouldn't shout. The others will hear you," I said.

This only fuels his anger. "I don't care! Why were you allowing Lucina to kill you?! You and I both know that we can avoid it!" he shouts.

"But what if we can't?! What if it is just some stupid nightmare?! What is my plan is wrong?! Hmm?!?! For all we know there could be a million different scenarios!" I shout back.

Chrom groans heavily and paces back and fourth. "That's beside the point! How do you think I would have felt if I'd lost you?! How Morgan would feel?! Even Lucina! She'd never let the guilt down even if you let her kill you!"

"Chrom! Calm down!"

"What about little Lucina?!" he shouts. My expression changes and I stare at him. "How do you think I would have been able to explain that to her?! That her mommy is never coming back! That she'll never be held by her! That she'll never hear you sing to her again! That she won't even have the chance to be a big sister because we sure as hell know I'm never going to remarry!"

"Well, I'm sorry!"

I collapse into his arms and cry. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! But you have to realize I'm more than willing to die for you, Chrom! Even at the hands of our own daughter!" I cry.

Chrom's anger seems to flutter away immediately. "Anna... You know that I'm willing to die for you as well... I'm sorry for raising my voice," he apologizes. "It was wrong of me to yell at you. I was just caught up in the feeling that I was this close to losing you..."

I nuzzled closer to him. "I'm sorry... But I meant every word I said! If I did die, I would want everyone to know what I just said..." I murmur.

Chrom hugs me tighter. "Don't say that. You're not going to die! Not as long as I'm breathing!" he declares.

I laugh and look up at him. "All I wanted was for us to live a normal life together. For us to live in peace for years and years with our children, but it seems fate doesn't favor us, does it?" I said.

Chrom lifts my chin. "Now what did I just say? I don't care about some stupid fate. We can change it! We will change it!"

I sigh and lean into him. "I know..."

He gently caresses my cheek and pulls me closer. "I won't let the future happen. I'll make my own... I'll make sure everyone is safe...starting with you," he pulls me in for a kiss and all I can do is sigh against his soft lips and hope what he says is right.


AHHHHHHHHHH ANGST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 Wow, It's been quite awhile since I published multiple chapters of My Story in a day! I'm quite happy with my progress! Also, I thing I want to say. The picture of Lucina has been in my camera roll since the end of November XD I was looking at FEA things somewhere and I saw an anime style of Lucina and was like "...I know what picture I'm using for this chapter!" Even though I was still in the pre-chapter 6 chapters XD Thank you so much for reading and look forward to reading more!

Currently listening to: Kaasanno Houki: Kiki's Delivery Service OST

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