Our Love Story.(a Jackseptice...

By Makerofstorys

37.4K 1K 761

It was an normal day for me just at my house making YouTube videos but I heard a knock on my door and it was... More

1:Hello jackaboy!
2: busy day....
3: mark is this a date?
4: Darkiplier
5: the great escape or is it?
6: Mark is back!
7: lets have fun!
9:Jack is back with mark!
10: Hello anti good bye jack
11: To close with anti or death
12: Mark!?
Shout outs!
14: look who came!
2 New book update!!!
15:That boyfriend stealing bitch!
A little SURPRISE!
Welcome to hell Ethan...
17:shhh...hahaha our secret.
19:A special date
20:meet my mom mark!
21:All a dream or a nightmare
22: welcome bob and wade!
23:The puppte master
25: Anti's true form...
chapter 26
27: jack is alive and well so is dark..
28: To Close...
29:A dream come true...
30: trouble begins...
31: Busy as hell night....
32:Its over isn't?
33: Emotional rollercoaster.
New book out!
A new book out 2! XD
Yay...made new story 3...fml.
Made new bs story...
34: the journal 1...
Face reveal...
35:The journal 2
37:I Won...
Happy Easter!
38:Last Of Him...
39:hugs and kisses
40: Final Story...
This is not the end!!!
The Sequel Is FINALLY OUT!


1.1K 30 15
By Makerofstorys

Jacks pov:
I woke up and I didn't remember anything after when we got into the bar it was 8am and mark was still asleep then I heard the phone ring then I picked it up.
"Hello mark I need to talk to you..." It was felix but he didn't sound happy..
"Hey felix, it's jack can u tell me what happened last night?" I asked.
"Oh jack hello, hehehe sure I will tell u what happened last night.."

Felixs pov:
I told jack a bunch of lies about last night that mark kissed a girl and that when I tried to tell him mark started hurting me.hehehe now jack will have to hate mark and move out with him and stay with me...

Marks pov:
I heard jack talking to felix I'm guessing but when he saw me he looked not happy.
"Got to go felix..." Jack said as he walked up to me and slapped me and went into the room and started to get his stuff together.
"What did I do jack!?" I asked him as he was crying.
" DON'T ACT LIKE U DON'T KNOW WHAT U DID!" Jack yelled at me with his red face.
"I don't know what I did!" I ran after jack as he Stomped around the room.
"DON'T LIE U I KNOW YOUR LITTLE SECRET!" Jack said in Anger which made him cry more.
"Jack idk what your talking about!" I said as jack stopped and turned around to look at me.
"I know u have a girlfriend... Felix told me" Jack said as he started to cry.
"WHAT!? FELIX IS LYING TO U JACK...I would never do that to u my jackaboy." I said as I moved Jack's hair out of his face.
"I'm sorry I wish I could believe u but I don't...I'm sorry mark but..." Jack said as he looked at the ground and started to cry and he ran into the bathroom.
"No,no,no,NO what have u done Felix...I will kill u." I muttered under my breath as I tried to open the door but it was locked.
2 hours later
I'm at home by myself jack left I am mad at felix I just can't control it...I see dark just Evey where I go... Telling me to kill Felix but if I do jack will hate me...So I'm in my bedroom curled up to a ball crying.but I stopped when I saw dark.
"What do u want dark!?" I asked him as he sat next to me.
" I know what happened mark...I also miss anti a little but otherwise...I hate u mark but I want to help u get jack back.." dark said as he looked upset but mostly angry.
"I hate u too dark but I guess u can help me get jack back." I said as dark patted me on the back.
" Good because I got a plain..." Dark said with a smile.
"I don't have a good feeling about this dark...." I said.
"Don't worry im not going to hurt felix....Goggle will."
Dark said as goggleplier came out of the closest with a smirk on his face.
"OK Goggle I need u to eliminate someone..."dark said with a grin.
" OK who will I eliminate?"
Goggle asked dark.
"No dark plz don't..." I begged him.
"Uhhh...Fine..Never mind Goggle go back to your closet..."dark said as he slapped me in the face and goggle muttered stuff under his breath as he entered his closet.
"Hey! Goggle looks like me so even if the plan dose work jack will find out and think goggle is me..." I said as I rubbed my face.
"Damit your right...So what are u going to do about felix taking jack from u?" Dark asked me as he stood up and flopped himself on my bed in anger.
"Idk maybe just let it be..." I said as I stated to cry a little.
"HAAAAAA! Good joke says the guy who fucking slammed Felix's head against the wall with out my help at the bar last night..." Dark said as he rolled off my bed in laughter.
"Oh right Hehehehe yea that was a joke...I got you Hehehehe..." I said as I hid my face from dark.
"W-WHAT!? u where not joking! Oh then u are screwed..." Dark said as he got up off the floor again and looked at me.
"Why I'm I screwed?" I asked dark as I lifted my head out of my arms and saw dark looking pissed off.
"Because on Twitter it says that he wants to have someone in his life to love and it's someone who is marks ex-best friend..." Dark mumbled loudly almost looking if he wants to cry which made my anger rise.
"OH FUCK NO FELIX IS NOT TAKING JACK FROM ME I-I- FUCKING KILL THAT SON OF A BICH RIGHT IN FRONT OF JACK WITH NO EMOTION! I WILL KILL HIM!" I yelled as u jolted up and Stomped to the basement and unlocked the cabinet and got a loaded pistol and a knife.
"Good idea..." Dark said as he looked at me with the pistol in my hand.
"Dark get in the fucking car..." I said as I got the keys and started to walk twords the front door.
"Hehehe can't wait to see what your going to do to felix...."dark said as he got in the car with a big smile on his face.

Jack's pov:
I have been at Felix's house for at least 3 hours now....I miss mark and his house and hehehe and how he is when he gets mad and how he cared about me.felix dose care about me but not the way mark dose no one compares to mark but after what he did to me of course I would be Angry!, Mad,hurt,sad...I walked to the guest room which Felix let me stay in I closed my eyes and went to bed.
2 hours later...
I woke up to the sound of yelling so I got out of bed and went to look around the corner of the hallway and saw mark talking angerly to felix.
"U lied to jack so for he could be with U!? U LYING BICH I WILL-just give me back jack and no one gets hurt felix..." Mark said as he looked a felix.
"Hehehehe...Idk what your talking about mark but otherwise jack will never be yours...." Felix said as he slapped mark.
"Tell jack the truth felix..." Mark said as he pulls out a knife at felixs face.
"No..." Felix said as mark looked angry and started to twitch and he got a better grip on the knife.
"Felix plz u don't want to make me the bad guy..." Mark said as he put the knife closer to felixs neck.
"I will show you that jack is mine!" Felix said as he started walking in my direction.
"NO!" Mark said as he pulled felix by his shirt coller.
"Oh try me...i have something that belongs to dark..." Felix said as he pulled out the shock collar remote.
"No! Don't u dare hurt jack!" Mark said as he started twitching more and shoved felix to the ground.
"I will press the button mark-" felix said before mark pointed a gun to his forehead with his finger on the trigger.
"Try me hurt jack and I will fucking kill u felix..." Mark said in a darkiplier sounding voice but mark had his brown eyes still.
"U-uhh m-mark let's talk about this hehehe....C-come on plz don't do this t-to me!" Felix said sounding like he is beging for Mercy.
"Then tell jack u where lying to him..." mark said as he smiled.
"NEVER!" Felix said which pissed mark off because mark pulled the trigger.

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