Arakita x f!reader (yowamushi...

By illimin

36K 1.7K 769

A long forgotten sight. A long forgotten feeling. As a freshman you are attending the famous Yonan university... More

An Instant
New Beginning
The rude sleeper
An even ruder person
Dreamless Dreams
The awful driver
New Friend? New enemy?
And now?
It can't get any more awkward, can it?
First base???No, wait...already HOMERUN????
Even worse
Truth my ass
Pat Pat
Secret date
Confession Time
Shall we end this?
Fools (Ending 1)
Sleep (Ending 1)
It's over (Ending 1)
Ah I get it...again (Ending 1)
Memory (Ending 1)
Epilogue (1st ending)
Surprise (Ending 2)
I wonder (Ending 2)
I like you (Ending 2)
Epilogue (Ending 2)
Don't you dare ever again (Bonus chap)
For you, all over matter what it takes (Bonus chapter 2 for ending 1)

It's pointless

913 43 14
By illimin

"My dear~ It looks like we have the next lecture together again~"

You turned around only to face the perverted devil. Where was he in the first term?

"Where were you in the first term?" you blurted out, you wanted to bite your tongue off for  saying it out loud.

It sounded like something along the lines 'Where have you been all my life' and that was definitely not true.

"Oh~you wanted to meet me since then already?" he purred.

Dis...gusting. No I didn't.

"Won't you tell me?" you tried to be nice to him but he wasn't making it easy because every time either one of you spoke, he would increase the already non-existent distance between you.

"Well, I was in another department but I changed my mind and changed to physics. Actually, I wanted to do engineering like Arakita because I want to be closer to him but-" you eyed him weirdly what did he say? He looked like he said something he wasn't supposed to tell and quickly continued:

"Let's go to the next lecture. It seems like tomorrow we'll be together again," he winked at you.

"What? How do you know my schedule?" he successfully accomplished changing the topic. 

Props to that, you thought.

"It's no biggie, my girl~"

"What? Don't say that so loud," afraid you frantically turned your heads in all possible direction to see if anyone overheard you and guess what they did:

"What did you hear that? He said 'my girl'. Are they dating?"

"What? No way, I thought she was dating Kinjou."

"Don't tell me she is two-timing."

"Ew a cheater..."

What? No, that's not true, you screamed in your head. You wanted to tell that everyone but Machimiya was interrupting you.

"What's wrong? You don't look good. Are you alright?"

"No, yes. No, I mean yes I am but can't you heard what they are talking about?"

"What do you mean? I hear nothing~" Machimiya said to you with a I-don't-know-what-you-are-talking-about face but you could swear he grinned for a brief second when he dragged you along by the hand.

Although you couldn't be sure anymore because he turned his head away from you, facing the front. You tried to free yourself from his grip because now was the only chance to clear up the misunderstanding if you don't-

"C'mon, lets go."

"Wha-NO! Wait, Machimiya wait pls..." it was futile he ignored you until he dragged you all the way to the next lecture room.

'Atoms, Laser and Qubits', it read on the small screen next to the room's door with the big number 361 in white. When you entered the room the power point was already on the large screen:

"Definition of a laser. Atom-light interactions. Absorption, spontaneous and stimulated emission. Line broadening mechanisms and emission linewidth. Population inversion and gain. Laser oscillator: cavity basics and threshold; gain saturation and output power......."

And all other head aching stuffs.

"Where do you want to sit?"

"Somewhere far away from you," you gave up being nice to him, he was annoying.

"Don't be like that~"

How long did you have to endure that?


"Go away"

"Huh? What's got you in that mood?"

"Yours and your friend's face," you pushed Arakita away from you.

You were about to go back to your dorm, take a shower and just relax. After having to deal with Machimiya the whole day, because your schedules were almost identical on Mondays, and Arakita in the second period you really needed a well-deserved relaxed evening.

"I see. So no meal then, I guess," at this your ears pricked up and you slowly turned around to face Arakita who had his head turned sideways while he scratched his head. 

You thought for a minute. Should you accept or not? Arakita was basically rich so he could supply you with a generous dinner since all that awaited back in your room were cup noodles. Although, on the other hand you really couldn't afford to deal with his attitude. Exhaustion overcame you and your tolerance and patience were wearing off with every second you spent outside your bed.

"Another day."

"That won't do."

"What? Why not?" you said slightly irritated. 

"You promised to buy me food, didn't you?"

"Yea but it was for today. Not any other day. I didn't know you were that stupid to not realise even th-"

"Shut up," you hissed. You didn't let Arakita finish his sentence and started to make your way out.

"Wait. What's up with that attitude?" he grabbed your arm just when you were about to turn and that in the middle of the hallway where everyone could see you both. You could already hear them whisper again.

What's up with his attitude?

"What do you want? Why are you so eager to have a meal? Are you feeling lonely rich boy? Can't you buy yourself some friends?" you didn't mean to say those hurtful words but they somehow found their way out of your mouth. 

When Arakita heard those words, you felt his grip slightly loosen and with a swift movement you freed yourself.

"Fine. Do what you want. Not that I care." 

He continued to whisper something along the lines 'bet..something else with...' but you couldn't really understand it, so you just threw that somewhere in the back of your mind.

"Great. I wouldn't want it otherwise."

Both of you stared at each other and went separate ways. You could feel the bystanders' gazes burn on the backside of your head.

Screw them all. Want to gossip? Go ahead and try.

Rather furious you made your way to the entrance. During your little walk you shot everyone who dared to glance at you death-stares. Once you reached the entrance and walked out.

Someone screamed your name and soon you saw your friend with the blond hair, Sara, running towards you.

"Is it true that you and Kinjou are going out?"

"Huh? Where did hear that crap?"

"Would you please mind your language?"

How about you mind your own business, you wanted to tell her that but decided to bite back the remark.

"Sorry, I'm just not in the mood."

Why do I have to apologise?

"It's ok, tell me about it later but only after the thing with Kinjou!"

"What thing with Kinjou?" you said disinterested while starting to walk again, "I told you we are not dating. How did you even know about it?"

"The whole university knows about it."

"The whole university. Do you even know how many people go to our university? How about the whole department knows it? There, that's better."

"Ok, fine but??? BUT???" she stared at you with wide eyes and a hopeful expression.

"No," you stood still on the spot and looked her in the eyes to get your message into her stubborn head. 

"No, we are not dating, ok? We are just friends like already said. The rumors are not true and it would be appreciated if you tell everyone else who spouts that nonsense."

"Ok, ok. I got it. I didn't think you would," she grinned and elbowed you in the sides.

Wow, what a fast mood change.

"Then why were you like this?"

"Hmph I just wanted to test how you would react if someone asked you that."

"And? Did I pass?"


"You didn't either."

"What? What do you mean."


"What about him? Wait...don't tell me you told him that I like him and he rejected me?"

"Who knows," you ran away with your friend pursuing you.

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