Wind of hope {FMA OC fanficti...

By All_in_Art

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The world where I am born is cruel. My country, this so small country, Amestris, is leaded by war, in hope pe... More

Human transmutation
Chapter 1 : I want to die...
Chapter 2 : Meeting the Elric brothers
Chapter 3 : Avoiding an expected humiliation
Chapter 4 : I am not strong
Religion ; a reason to live?
Chapter 5 : The town in the East
Chapter 6 : More than you can imagine
Chapter 7 : The scars in our heart
Chapter 8 : Soulless
Chapter 9 : The mines village
Chapter 10 : I watch you
Chapter 11 : New horizons
Dog of the army
Chapter 12 : Quick departure
Chapter 13 : Mysterious encounter
Chapter 14 : Hurricane
Chapter 15 : Train ride
Chapter 16 : Prelude to a new departure
Chapter 17 : The truth behind the truth
Chapter 18 : Welcome to Resembool
Chapter 19 : Aware of myself
Chapter 20 : The trap is slowly closing...
Chapter 21 : The secret of the Stone
Chapter 22 : A coin, two sides
Quick note
Chapter 23 : Forever, goodbye...

Side story : A first mission (Special Valentine's Day)

145 9 16
By All_in_Art

I woke up, yawning and stretching. My bed was so comfy, I didn't want to come out... I was about to fall back asleep when suddenly, someone knocked on my door. It was surely my teacher, we were only two people in this mansion, actually... I stood up and checked the hour on my pocket watch. Five in the morning, I really could sleep more.... I opened my door.

-Yes teacher? I asked sleepily.

-You just got a call, one of your generals. I told him to wait, she said.

She was always up soon so it didn't seem strange she was already changed. I blinked few time to be sure I was really up.

-I'm coming... I sighed rubbing my eyes.

I had my diploma the previous day and troubles were already starting... I dragged my feet to the phone and tried to sound as enjoyable as possible.

-The Hurricane Alchemist here, what can I do for you? I spoke.

-It's general Hakurou. I need you to come as fast as possible to give you your first mission.

-Of course, give me half an hour.

-Ten minutes, no more.

And he hung up. He was so rude!! How would I be able in ten minutes? The HQ was far enough from here... Maybe was it a test? I decided not to waste any of my precious time and took two minutes to pick some random clothes and wear them. Once I got changed, I washed my face and grabbed a toast in the dining room.

-I'm leaving! I shouted before running out.

The way to the Headquarters was long, mostly if I ran. There had to be faster means... The sky! I clapped my hands and transmuted an air pressure under my feet to propel me to a roof. Now, the militaries didn't seem that far anymore! Once I stepped on this roof, my foot slipped and I nearly fell. I didn't wish to, it had to be about ten meters high... I was losing time! I used the mechanical strength of my arms to pull me up and started to run. I o my had three minutes left!! As I started to panic, I fell again, and I didn't have the time to transmute anything... I hit the floor with a loud sound, my eyes closed.

I was surprised I could still open them, that meant I didn't go to heaven so fast (maybe would I rather go to hell who knows...). In fact, I didn't hurt the floor but someone. And this someone was currently crushed under my weight. I quickly stood up and gave him a hand to help him up.

-I'm really sorry! I hope I didn't hurt you!! I apologized shamefully.

The man rubbed his coat to remove the dust and gave me a... smile. It seemed to look like a smile at least. I noticed his eyes color was really strange but didn't say anything.

-It's fine! It's not everyday an angel falls from the sky and right in my arms! he joked.

I felt even more embarrassed at that. Was he a lady killer?? Like my brother?? Seemed so...

-W-well I guess, thank you.. I stuttered.

He chuckled, making me quite uncomfortable...

-Yours welcome pretty lady.

Suddenly, I remembered my meeting and automatically grabbed my pocket watch. I had one minute left!! I sighed and closed it. It was hung at my belt.

-I have to leave right now, I told him.

-I hope we'll meet once again, gorgeous state alchemist.

I couldn't help rolling my eyes, sighing. Then I realized I was right in front of the headquarters! I was lucky today... I sprinted toward the general's office and knocked on the door just as my last second expired. His secretary opened the door and he received me, a smirk on his lips.

-You were almost late for your first day, Hurricane, he commented.

-But I'm not, I replied with the same tone.

-I appreciate your personality. I bet a lot on you, so don't disappoint me.

-Of course, I won't, I promised.

-Not to mention being the Flame alchemist's sister doesn't help, he sighed.

-I'm aware of that, I answered.

The General smiled slightly at me and handed me a sheet of paper. What was it...? I grabbed it and gave a quick glance. Oh, it seemed to be a letter, sorta...

-Your first mission, he declared, you'll have to keep an eye on a prom, it's not too complicated right?

-True enough, but why doesn't this noble call the militaries.

-He did. But he wanted a state alchemist as well.

The General Hakurou looked around and leaned closer to me, whispering, a hand next to his mouth to hide his lips.

-He's strange man, he always thinks someone wants to kill him.

I nodded, a smile tugging at my lips. Strange, indeed! However, it was my first mission, my first step among the militaries! I couldn't afford to fail!

-I'll do it, sir, I said.


I first thought I would only have to go and watch, however, the letter stated I had to melt into the crowd. There was even an invitation with the letter so I could enter easily! I wouldn't dare admitting it, but I was actually very excited! That would also be my first prom after all! I smiled slightly, entering in my teacher's huge dressing after my shower, a towel wrapped around myself. It would be hard to look at every dress, but if I only picked the light green ones, that should be okay. After about ten minutes searching, I finally found one. It ended at my ankles, letting the high heels be seen, and it was small sleeves that only hid my scars without hiding the automails. I didn't think a dress with long sleeve would be okay for this kind of prom anyway. Once I was changed, I brushed my hair, deciding to braid it loosely behind my back, and put on a very light make up. I sighed, grabbing my invitation, and came out.

-Be careful. Will you be able to fight in this outfit? my teacher asked me.

-Of course, I can. Don't worry for me! I smiled.

She sighed, crossing her arms.

-And please, behave!

I laughed hard, holding my belly.

-Sure, sure! I said waving at her, bye!

I headed toward the noble's mansion. It wouldn't be bigger than my teacher's, I was sure!
A butler was waiting for the guests in front of the main door. Many nobles were invited, many cars were parked not far. I tried to see if something seemed suspicious, but currently, everything seemed normal, to me at least... My invitation was a bit special because I had to write my name on it, myself. All of that because he didn't know which state alchemist would be here for him! I handed it to the man, who read it, interested. He gave me a big smile behind his glasses, handing me back the paper.

-Mrs Karen Mustang, Hurricane alchemist! he announced as I crossed the door.

People turned themselves toward me to see what the new state alchemist looked like. The new of my recent nomination was already in the Central times anyway! Many of them whispered, they surely weren't expecting a girl this year; I was the first one in all the state alchemists' history!
Suddenly, I felt someone behind me. It was quite an oppressive presence. I didn't dare turning around, my breath got faster... It was like a monster was right behind me, ready to kill me, and I was so powerless... A predator and its prey... Finally, I turned around, slowly, my limbs shaking slightly and my eyes lightly widened. A hand was put on my shoulder.

-So we meet again, gorgeous state alchemist!

It was the man from earlier, the one who caught me when I fell...

-Oh you are....

-Claude! I hear you were Mrs Karen?

I nodded. The dark aura seemed to have disappeared... Strange, I thought.

-That's right. I'm glad to meet you, Mr Claude.

He smiled at me, putting his hands on his hips. His odd eyes were shining, with I don't know what... It made him even weirder... I cleared m'y throat slightly, feeling a little bit uncomfortable.

-Well, anyway, I'm on a mission tonight. I'm not here for fun, I told him.

-Aw, how bad... he whined.

He seemed truly disappointed at this moment, because his eyes darkened during a moment, but it was surely my imagination. His violet eyes stared at me for a while before he finally talked again.

-I only notice you have automails, he stated.

I sighed slightly, playing a little with my fingers.

-An accident, I lied.

Mister Claude grabbed my left hand and bent, kissing the top of my fingers lightly. My face heat up, entirely, as a tomato color started to cover it. I promptly removed my hand, hiding it behind my back and looking away, all flushed from the sudden touch.

-Fortunately, it only gives you a unique beauty, that no girl owns except you, he purred.

-Y-You're only trying to get me in your bed anyway! I defended breathing deeply to come back to normal.

Mister Claude answered me with a very elegant chuckle as his eyes pierced my entire thoughts. This started to become scary...

-You're not totally wrong, but you're not right either...

The man leaned close to my ear and whispered, his hot breath making me shiver.

-You're the only one I'm trying to get tonight...

This was too much. I pushed him away, blushing madly as if he said the most embarrassing thing ever, and walked away a little, turning my back to him. Why did he have to be so damn confident and insistant?? I cupped my cheek, hoping to refresh them with the cold touch of my automail. A gentle hand landed on my waist as the other grabbed my left hand and turned me around. Again, it was Mister Claude... Looking at him, he seemed in his early twenties. Why the hell would he be interested by a fifteen years old girl with automails who belonged to the army?! Was he a pedophile?? I knew I was blushing more, and more, and more...

-You cannot refuse a dance with me, he declared as the music started.

I started to seriously panic.

-I-I don't k-know how to dance.... I told him awkwardly.

-Just follow my steps and everything will be okay... he smiled.

I may have stepped on his foot countless times, but he never seemed to mind, he kept going, and his smile was still lighting his face. He didn't seem so bad after all... What was I thinking?! I couldn't fall for his little game! This was what my mind told me, but my heart was beating so fast I could easily tell it was thinking the complete opposite. This guy was truly amazing...
Once the first dance was over, he brought me out of the room, on the balcony, so we could take a little bit of fresh air. I took several deep breaths to calm myself down.

-You enjoyed it right? Mister Claude asked me.

He leaned his elbow on the balcony as he put his head on his hand. And his eyes were scrutinizing me... I gripped the balcony tightly, looking away from him. It was sure! I was a blushing mess!!

-Maybe yes, maybe not.... I replied trying to sound vague.

-I heard a yes, he smirked.

I sighed before regaining my confidence and turned my head toward him.

-There are tons of older, more mature women, than me. I'm fifteen! How would you find something in me? I questioned him.

He shrugged, turning his look toward the dark sky and the full moon.

-You don't seem to be fifteen, he spoke, you have a look that says you suffered so much more than those stuck-up women. You have a flame in those two eyes of yours.

I really didn't know what to say. I brought my hands to my chest, trying to calm the beating down, but it was no use. It would only increase, more and more... What was going on...?

-Y-you have interesting eyes as well, Mister Claude.... I stuttered.

The only thing I came with was crappy as hell, but he was amused by my embarrassment.

-You're the only one honest with me, everyone tells me they are "normal".

-W-well, their color is really strange, if you don't mind me using this word. I've never seen eyes like yours...

-That's right, he smiled, thanks for telling me.

I was about to say something, when he cut me.

-Let's dance again? he proposed me holding his hand out.

I hesitated a little before taking it, then finally I decided it couldn't hurt. I took it and he dragged me back in the room.

We danced during a very big part of the night, and I didn't notice the time running and running... My steps were light, my entire mind was somewhere else and my heart was filled. What could I say now? It was too late. All I could do was enjoying my time here as much as possible, not to forget everything that happened tonight, not to forget the fledgling feeling in me...

He let go of me. Mister Claude let go of me, all of a sudden. He disappeared in the crowd, leaving me alone, taken aback, in the middle of people and the room. It hurt. It hurt so much... I frowned, feeling suddenly cold inside of the warm room. Slowly, I walked to a wall to lean my back on it, not understanding anything. Why so suddenly? He didn't even warn me... And I thought it wouldn't hurt at all, I thought I would finally forget after few days... It was unbearable. I closed my eyes slightly, trying to calm down the pain in my chest, when I heard four words, four small words that, yet, made me smile...

-We will meet again.

The prom ended, people left. I had special thanks from the organizer, who was so happy nothing happened to him. And I was also out, walking slowly back home. But I had hopes. I knew that voice was Mister Claude's, I knew he didn't lie. We'll meet again, that was sure.
I smiled at the black cat which always seemed to follow me, stalk me, but strangely, I didn't mind at this moment; it felt familiar, it was as if I knew him a little bit more.
Another thing was sure though.

I fell this night.

//hiiii!! I was nearly late XD but it's finally out, this special story!! I hope you'll like it! With lots of loooooove!!! Bye!

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