Hidden Love (Jace and Clary M...

By EmilyJean28

184K 2.7K 498

This is a Clace fanfic. Clary and Jace still think their brother and sister. Valentine is locked up for good... More

Hidden Love (Jace and Clary Mortal Instruments Fanfic)
Chapter 1- After It All
Chapter 2- Demon
Chapter 3- The Rat
Chapter 4- Dreaming
Chapter 5- The Note
Chapter 6- Things Come Crashing Down
Chapter 7- The New Girl
Chapter 8- Dates, Questions, and Movies
Chapter 9- Clubbing
Authors Note (Please Read)
Chapter 10- You're a...
Chapter 12- Fight
Chapter 13- Oh Crap
Chapter 14- Lisa's Side to the Story
Chapter 15- Lisa's Side of the Story Part 2
Chapter 16- Lisa's Side of the Story Part 3
Chapter 17- Goodbye
Chapter 18- Fireworks
Chapter 19- Sick
Chapter 20- Secrets Come Out
My Apologies
Chapter 21- Its Been Real

Chapter 11- The Blue Liquid

5.9K 125 7
By EmilyJean28

A/N Sorry for the no update!!! I know I'm just using excuses buuuuut I have been really busy and the weathers been really crappy and it's just.. not good. Sorry again! Love you all sooooo much enjoy :)

Will's POV-

What did she just say? Wow that's big. I've heard that Valentine had a daughter and a son but I didn't know who it was. Well now I do!

"But I hate him and I don't consider him my father. I hope that didn't scare you off" she said. God she was hot. She had the whole good girl act going on and I've decided that my new mission is to change that. This little good girl is going bad. I thought to myself with a smirk.

"Well then Clary, I guess since Valenitne's in prison so we have nothing to worry about" I said with a smirk. I focused back on the door. Once I finally heard the click we were in. I opened the door to find that we were at the edge of the club.

"Follow me!" I shouted, raising my voice above the music.

Clary's POV-

Once we were in the club Will told me to follow him so I did. We snaked our way through the dance floor and made our way to the center. We started dancing and were having a great time. We didn't really talk because the music was so loud.

"Hey do you wan't a drink!?" Will shouted. For some reason after we broke into the club I was feeling a bit rebelious so I responded:

"Sure, the strongest stuff they got!" He gave me a little bit of a worried look then a little smirk and walked off. He came back with this strange blue liquid. He had what looked like a beer.

"Cheers!" We shouted and I took the shot. Everything started getting really blurry.


"Good morning beautiful" Will said. I opened my eyes to see that I was back at the Institute in my bed. But I wasn't alone. I looked down to see that I was only in a bra and underwear and Will was in boxers. I shot out of bed and screamed:

"What the hell happened!?"

A/N hey guys just a short little cliff hanger for you :) more coming soon I promise!!!

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