Darkness Embrace

By Nautilis

817 133 54

Before the intro: Pls thank and follow Nakura_Sakamaki who made the cover page, heading and who has helped me... More

Character Description
Character description #2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Authors note
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Authors note
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Authors Note
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Authors Note
Chapter 41
Authors note
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 31

17 3 4
By Nautilis

Heyo......how do u guys view PE? Physical Education/Gym/Torture etc

I hate it, my body aches ;-;

Anyway, on with the update while my fingers don't hurt....yet....

I look up from my sleeping position on my desk, irritation coursing through me as the class room door opens and loud footsteps with a mixture of laughter makes its way towards me at the back of the class.

"Oh come on, Irene~ He can't be that bad~" A beautiful voice rings out, as clear as a bell and as sweet as a violin.

"Ofcourse he isn't that bad, Miss Davies~" Irene replies, punching the girl with the melodious voice in the arm. "He's worse~"

"Well considering your own perverted nature, you should be a perfect match~" Another girl says, her blue eyes gleaming mischieviously as her mouth turns up in a smirk.

"My perverted nature?!" Irene exclaims as she takes her seat beside me by the window.

"Stop being so noisy." I grumble, looking at Jess and Irene.

"Yes, My Lord~" Irene replies with a mock bow that recieves a chuckle from her sister and the blue eyed girl. (Becks CHILL!! U r still my lord don't worry~)

Jess sits infront of Irene, the blue eyed girl with long pitch black hair sits beside her and fist bumps Jess.

The girl that was first speaking takes the other seat beside me.

She had long brown with flowers intricately woven into it, her hair curling around them in lush coils that snaked over her shoulder as well as down her back. Her bangs framed her beautiful face which was very pale and made her dazzling green eyes stand out even more.

She was breathtaking and apparently, judging by her scent, she was also a pureblood vampire, along with the blue eyed girl.

I hear someone clear their throat from my left and I tear my gaze away from the beauty to my right, to look at Irene, who hands me a piece of paper.

Shu, I don't mind you staring at or hitting on my friend, just don't be a creepy stalker or a perverted ass towards her.

Her name is Rachel Davies and yes she is a pureblood vampire so she can take care of herself.

Just be nice to her or you'll have me to deal with.


I read the note and look at Irene with a raised eyebrow, she shoots me a glare and puts her head on her arms, closing her eyes while the teacher talks.

I am about to follow suit when I feel a pair of eyes on me and turn to see the beautiful female staring at me before blushing and looking at the teacher.

I chuckle and write her a small note, slipping it on her desk.

Shu Sakamaki, and you are?

She replies in a neat and elegant cursive, her words practically flowing on the page.

Rachel Davies, nice to meet you~

I smile and write back

You new here, right?

Yes, my friend Luna and I moved here to be with Irene and Jessica.

You know them well?

Yes~ We are old friends~ Do you know them?

Yes, Irene and Jess are friends of my brothers and myself.

Do you know who their boyfriends are, by any chance?

Jessica is dating my brother Reiji, Irene is dating my other brother Laito.

Rachel looks at the for a moment, her brow furrowed as she writes her reply, but before she can hand it to me,

"Miss Davies, would you please come up and solve this?" The teacher says, causing her to freeze and look up.

Rachel POV

I nod and stand up, making my way to the front, passing by all the students who are either giving me sympathetic looks or smirks and nodding.

I take the chalk from the teacher who is giving me a triumphant smile, confident that I can't solve the problem on the board.

I look at the board and write out the calculation and the answer before turning back to the teacher who is looking at me dumbfounded as I place the chalk in his still out stretched hand and take my seat at the back again.

I hear a round of snickers and soft clapping from my friends, who are the only ones, it seems, who didn't doubt I could solve the problem.

I smile and bow before sitting beside Shu, who chuckles and gives me a thumbs up,"Well done~"

I freeze at his voice, my eyes widening a bit as I stare at him.

His voice is beautiful~ There is no equal, it is like a sweet symphony that sets my nerves alight. It floods my ears and courses through my veins, numbing my senses and making me long to hear more.



A voice cuts through my daze and my vision refocuses to see Shu looking at me in concern,"Rachel! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine!" I say a bit loudly and blush a dark red, turning my head away from the blonde to my left.

A chuckle one again reaches my ears and I roll my eyes, writing down notes for the lesson that I already knew.


I watch this female with the green eyes and brown hair as her brow furrows, her pen moving quickly across the page.

She glances at me from the corner of her eye before looking back at her work.

I smirk and lay my head on the desk, listening to my music again as I wait for the lesson to end.

~Timeskip cause I want to friggin skip time, get over it!~

Rachel POV

The bell had finally rung signalling that it was break time.

I sigh and stretch before packing up my stationary and books before heading out my class to find the girls.

I dodge the crowd of students flooding the hallway as I head towards the stairs that Irene had told me to meet them at.

The stairs were in sight when I feel my foot catch on something and the floor starts getting closer and closer.

I shut my eyes tightly as I throw my arms out to break my fall when I feel something soft yet sturdy connect with my hands and then my body, followed by something cold and strong, wrapping around my waist.

I slowly open my eyes to see Shu laying beneath me on the floor, his startling ocean blue eyes looking up at me with a glint that I could only describe as happiness.

"I didn't think you would fall for me so soon~" Shu says, trailing his hands up my waist to my back.

I realise then I had infact tripped over him and he had caught me by laying beneath me.

My face turned a dark crimson and I yanked back, scrambling off him as Shu sat up and smirked at me.

I stood up and brushed myself off,"Thank you for catching me."  I say softly, looking away from him.

"Your welcome, sorry for tripping you." He replies as he stands up and walks towards me.

I look up at him and blush again, a small smile on my face,"I need to go now, the girls are waiting for me, thank you again."

He nods and I see a hint of sadness in his eyes as he forces a smile and I walk past him, looking back before I reach the stairs.

~Timeskip till after break~

Lunaria POV

"Food prep, Yay." I mumble bitterly as I fold my timetable and pack it away.

"Chill Luna, it ain't that bad." Irene says, throwing her around my shoulders and pulling me close.

"We have Physics now." Jess says and I look at Irene with a smirk.

She groans and removes her arm from my shoulder and clutches her head,"Why?! Why?!"

"Chill Irene, it ain't that bad~" I tease her and pat her head.

She growls and whacks my hand away before grabbing my arm and pulling me along.

Rachel and Jess follow behind.

"I have History now."Rachel says from behind me.

"I'll take you there, Irene you sort out Luna and meet me at our class. Don't even think about ditching." Jess says and growls the last part before leading Rachel away.

Irene grumbles as she stops infront of a classroom with me,"Tally ho~ Have fun~" She says, pulling me into a hug before walking off to class.

"See ya...." I mumble as I watch her round the corner before sighing and walking into my classroom.

"Lunaria Mayonaka?" A voice says from my right.

"Yes?" I turn to the voice and look at the teacher. A tall woman with brown hair tied back in a neat bun, hazel eyes, a clean and slightly wrinkled chef shirt and black pants with tackies.

"We are doing an assessment today but seeing as you are new I have arranged for you to have the recipe with you while everyone else had to memorise it." She says as she hands me a slip of paper with a recipe for Takoyaki on it.

"Thank you ma'am, but I know how to make Takoyaki already." I say, handing her back the slip of paper.

She takes it and smiles,"Alright then~ I am Miss Claire, please feel free to ask any questions and what not."

"Thank you." I reply with a small smile as I make my way to an empty counter.

I start taking out ingredients and equipment and starting to make the takoyaki.

I feel a gaze on me and look to my left to see a red haired and green eyed boy looking at me, a smirk on his face.

I roll my eyes and go back to cooking as the boy passes a small note to me.

I sigh and look at it

Ayato Sakamaki, and you are?

I scoff and write back

Not interested in vampiric asshats that can't dress properly

I hear a chuckle and glance at him from the corner of my eye to see him cooking the Takoyaki and writing again.

What do you mean, I can't dress properly? Ore-sama is fabulous

I stifle a laugh and throw the paper back at him with my reply as I cook my Takoyaki.

You are not a God and you are definetly not fabulous, also your are burning your Takoyaki

I hear a yelp and the smell of smoke gets stronger as he takes out the Takoyaki and groans.

"Ayato Sakamaki!! What have you done to your Takoyaki?!! Assessment Failed!" Miss Claire shouts at the red head, who is looking sadly at his Takoyaki.

I finish cooking mine and take them out, putting them on a plate and adding the sauce," I'm done, ma'am."

Miss Claire smiles at me and walks over, taking in the appearance and marking me on it before tasting one.

Her eyes widen before closing as she chews slowly,"This is amazing, Luna. Absolutely delicious."

I blush and look down,"My friend Irene taught me, hers are better."

"I have tried Irene's food, I can definetly tell that you had been working with her, this is amazing." Miss Claire says and marks my work again before walking off to try the other students food.

I sigh and sit on the counter, eating the Takoyaki as I feel a presence beside me.

I look to my right to see Ayato sitting next to me, eyeing me and my Takoyaki.

"Go ahead, help yourself."I say after swallowing. "It will probably be a lot better than yours."

He growls softly but takes one of the Takoyaki and eats it, his eyes widening as a small moan escapes his lips. I chuckle and eat another one, watching his reaction to my food.

"Holy crap, this is amazing. I demand that you make me more of this." He says, eyes wide and hopeful while his voice is strong and commanding as he takes the last two Takoyaki and eats them.

"Yeah sure~ NOT!" I reply poking his forehead with a clean toothpick. 

He rubs his forehead and frowns, "Why not?" 

"Cause I don't wanna, that's why." I reply, jumping off the counter and taking the now empty plate to the sink to wash.

I scrub the plates as he stands behind me, hands on his hips and face inches away from my neck, "So you are also a pureblood~" He whispers softly, his cold breath tickling my skin.

I turn my head and glare at him, "So are you, your scent...it stinks."

"Yours smells lovely~" Ayato says, leaning in closer to my neck and kissing it softly.

I snarl and jerk back, shoving his chest and causing him to stumble back.

"Don't touch me, you filthy ass." I growl and storm out the room, ignoring the stares and complaints as I kick the door open and head back to the roof.

Sooooo.......Sorry for taking so long, I got my phone confiscated and only get it back on Thursday.....

*Growls angrily and starts beating the shit out of random objects around the room*

So I'll try update from my tab and the computer at the library or home....

Ja ne~


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