Holder of Stars ( Comet's Bac...

By Echosight

6.5K 135 2

If you know the story Dragon Holder Rising by Nogdog95 and me. Then you know about the boy, Comet. You'll soo... More

Holder of Stars
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 22

110 4 0
By Echosight

Comet's POV

I laid in bed...It was soft, and warm...It felt safe..." I wonder how this will turn out?" I whispered to myself.

Draco, whose body was curled around at the end of the bed, looked up at me. Only time will tell, but Black Rose will be cut loose from Akiza, that's all I can tell you...he growled softly.

" That's what I"m afraid of...Draco, I worked hard with her, to get her to where she is now, and...and now I have to be the one to take that all away..." I clutched my hand tighter.

I'm sorry, I never wanted to do this either...but when her powers are taken away...her pain will come to an end...Draco growled.

" The pain may go away, but the scars will always stay.." I whispered. There was a pause...Draco and I remain silence, and then from outside the room we can hear Akiza's parents talking.

" Honey, this boy, he's just a child, how can we take the word seriously." Mr. Izuki whispered.

" Hido! Comet is anything, but a child..." Mrs. Izinski whispered back. " He has powers like Akiza, he understands her."

" He's still way younger than her.." he countered back.

" Well, Comet seemed to care more for Akiza, than the both of us!" she snapped back. There was a moment of silence, I could picture the shocked look on Mr. Suzuki's face. " He's an orphan, and Akiza, she might as well had been one to; they both had nowhere to go to, except to each other. What I'm trying to say is that...Comet may be our only chance in getting our daughter back.." she whispered.

At that moment, I blocked all of the noise from the outside. The silence was perfect, and soon I fell asleep; drifting into a sea of black.








I opened my eyes and turned around. The sky was filled with stars, and below me was an ocean of light. I looked straight and on the shores was a person. It was hard to make out in the distance, but is was definitely a man, by his voice.

" Who are you?!" I called out to him. The man chuckled, and disappeared. I tried looking for him, but he appeared again behind me. His eyes were starry like mine, and his hair was dark red...also like mine.

* Who knew that you would take after me.* he smiled. My heart nearly stopped at that, and my legs shook.

" Father?!" I gasped.

The man smiled and nodded his head. *Yes, it's me, son...I know we never got to see, or got to know each other, but yes I am your Father.* he smiled.

I shook my head. " How can this be, why now? After all those years living the life of an orphan, and now you come to me? When I'm about to do something that I will come to regret later?" I hissed at him. My anger for what he hadn't done in my life had exploded. " I had to live so many years imaging what you and Mom were like, thirteen years..." I added.

My Father looked at me, his eyes sadden, but remained strong. *It was never my plan for you to live your life like that, and I regret every moment I couldn't come to see you, but that wasn't my decision to make...* he whispered.

I looked down. " So why now?" I asked, my voice harsh.

* Well, to explain why, we have to go back to before my time..* he explained. I looked up at him. * My name son, is Night Galilei, and I am a descent of the Star Holders.*

" The Holder of Stars?"

*Yes...Now thousand of years ago the Crimson Dragon was part of the stars, and the Stars have been around thousand of years before the use of duel monsters, and the stars have seem how the world changed throughout the years. It was when darkness had entered the world, that it began to destroy the balance. The constellations that are part of the stars decided they had to call upon a force that could protect the world. The Crimson dragon came forth, and with him seven destined dragons that helped bring the light back to the world, and the darkness was locked away in many different forms, many of which are famous natural sights.* he paused for a bit, and looked at me.

" And of the star?" I asked.

*The stars brought destined seven individuals that would hold the seven dragons, and all of them were bonded to seven marks that create the Crimson dragon...but...The powers grew too much, some men turned dangerous and greedy. So the constellations decided like how they created and protected the Crimson dragon. These dragon holders needed a guide to light their path. That's how the Holder of Stars came to be. This one person was chosen to a family, a person that had a connection to the stars...My family line...*

" So, the Galalii family were the heirs to the Star?" I looked at him, with starry eyes. My Father nodded and rubbed my head.

* I feared the day you were born, that I would lose my son, and the heir to the stars.." he whispered. " So I saved your life, by giving up mine..Even losing the chance you raise you as my son.." he kissed my head. " I know you might be upset about me coming to you know, and I understand.*

I closed my eyes. Night sighed and continued the story. *So every father before me had passed down the duties as Holder of Stars, but all of them had failed...*

" Failed?"

Night nodded his head. *They could not find the Dragon Holders, or they neglected their duties..I...I couldn't not find the time to find the Dragon Holders, for you were my top priority, and the explosion would destroy some of my time as well. You thought Comet, it's quite obvious that you have a special bond with the Stars, one that none other Holder of Stars had. Draco had told me, when you were still in the womb, that you will be the One, the one that will find the Dragon Holders, and complete the legend.*

" Only the stars will control the dragon, but the stars will fall and the sky will go dark..." I whispered. " I know my destiny, but...Father was I only born to just die in the end?" I asked him my heart hurting..

Night brought me in closer. *No! No, my dear son! You are met for so much more, more than what even the stars can see..* he looked at me with starry eyes. I looked at him back, I felt safe with him, I felt like a child all over again. *The stars will always be with you, and all of the Star Holders from years before you are resting in the stars, but we are trapped there...Until you, Comet, will complete the prophecy, and rid the world...* he whispered....

" I understand, Father..." I whispered to him, smiling. He smiled back, but our time together had come to a close.

* I will always be with you, my son...Draco, and the constellation will always protect you.* He turned to walk away, but before he disappeared and smiled. * And son, don't ever be afraid to fall love, never be afraid to live outside of your mission...You still have a life.*

He disappeared and I woke up. Draco looked at me with starry eyes, and nuzzled my hand. I chuckled and petted his muzzle. " I trust you, Draco.." 

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