Vincent x Reader (Cute New Ni...

By Xx_DankMemeDealer_xX

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Needing a job to move out your parents house, you took up the night shift for the famous Freddy Fazbears Pizz... More

One-Shot (Pillow Fight)
One-Shot (Till Death Do Us Part)
One-Shot (Cousin)
One-Shot (Dressing For The Occasion)
Library (One-Shot)
A/N: About the next one-shot
One Last Dance (One-shot)
Thanksgiving (one-shot)
Reader Pick!
Jealousy (One-Shot)
That Moment (and news!)
War AU
News On Future Updates
Coffee Shop AU
Valentines Day (One-Shot)
Dormitory AU (One-Shot)
Hello Dankness my old friend
Mafia AU (One-Shot)
Marching Band AU
Soulmate AU
Werewolf AU
Incubus! Vincent AU
Routine (One-shot)
2 In The Morning (One-Shot)
Author's Note
YUS (Author's Note)
Face Reveal! (im sorry..)
Author's Note (Sorry)
Remedy (One-Shot)
College AU (Photographer!Reader x Mechanic!Vincent)
College AU Part 2 (Photographer!Reader x Mechanic!Vincent)
Fireworks Look Better In Your Eyes (One-Shot)
Firemen and Ice-cream (One-Shot)
Firemen and Ice-Cream {Part 2} (One-Shot)
Suggestions/Open Poll
A/N: Shitstorm of BS
Nightguard Group Chat (Crack!)
Why am i like this?? (Crack!)
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That Would Be Enough (Hamilton! Song fic/one-shot)
IMPORTANT (Author's note)
Is This Real or Just Another Crush? (Song fic/one-shot)
My memes may be ironic by my depression is chronic
Art Tag
Story Time
what the fuCK RICHARD!? (Crack!)
Ill See You Again, Soon (Angst! Oneshot)
Art Dump (Nobody cares lol :,,,)))
Greek God/Goddess AU one-shot
'It's been so long-'

I'm Showering Where!?!

1.8K 34 40
By Xx_DankMemeDealer_xX


A mix between Math and Science combined together to create something beautiful, or in many cases, explosive. Hence the reason why there are many precautions to take while performing an experiment, and others if said experiment takes a turn for the worst.

Along with the mess, you have Vincent Bishop as your lab partner (so it auto corrected to lap partner, I was crying for at least five minutes XD), the notorious bad boy who has a weird obsession with, you guessed it, explosions. However, the teacher had no intent on taking care of the matter, let alone address it.

Today's lab was a controlled experiment testing how flammable Hydrogen gas is, basically you combine two chemicals to form a hydrogen gas, then carefully light a popsicle stick on fire, shake it out, then place it over the test tube releasing the hydrogen gas and it will relight immediately. Seems like a pretty simple experiment, right? Wrong.

"Vincent, the ingredient sheet does not call for that much!" You squeaked, grabbing the much larger hand in your own, prying the bottle carefully to avoid spilling any out. He simply whined, clicking his tounge as you carefully put the right amount in the beaker.

"Come on, its not like it'll hurt anybody" Vincent scoffed, flopping down ungracefully in the inflammable chairs that littered the entire room, "Probably". Rolling your eyes for the fifth time in that class, you finished all the measurements, sighing in relief when there was no possible way Vincent could mess up anything now.

Or so you thought.

" Y/N!" A muffled deep voice spoke, causing you to turn around with a start. What else did you expect, apparently not Vincent having shoved all the popsicles sticks in his mouth to look like teeth, making walrus noises as well.

"You are so childish" you scoffed, hiding a smile as the popsicle sticks fell from his mouth when a frown started to form.

"I'll have you know I'm quite the mature man!" He bellowed, flexing mockingly as you carefully gathered all the now damp popsicle sticks in a fist. At the ludicrous comment you simply snorted, straightening your safety goggles and apron with nimble fingers before getting back to work. However, Vincent didn't seem to enjoy your attention being averted to the task at hand.

"What? You don't believe me!" He snarked, retying the much to small fireproof apron with the look of an offended child. Once again, you only responded with a noise of distrust, combing all the chemicals into one large beaker, now looking for the missing matches.

Carefully, you glanced up at Vincent, getting a lopsided grin and mischievous eyes hidden behind bulky lab goggles.

"I'll prove I can do it, watch" he stated, taking said matches from his apron pocket with a dramatic huff, now standing close enough to where waves of body heat mingled with your own.

"Alright" you huffed, already getting an uneasy feeling in your stomach now that your troubled friend was taking the reins. His movements were messy and uncoordinated, flopping around ungracefully with the spittle covered wooden sticks which were previously in the young man's mouth.

All faith flew out the window the minute he lit the match, eyeing it with an ever growing curiosity, orange flames reflecting from the scratched up goggles.

"Are you sure you can handle this, Vincent?" You asked uneasily, snapping him from the trance that the flames managed to evoke.

"Yeah!" He chirped, grabbing a stick between his calloused fingers, bringing the match to it before the flames consumed all available wood and moved on to the skin on his palms. In a flourish, the flames quickly moved onto the much longer source of burnable material, burning much brighter than before.

"Okay, so I stick it in the beaker" he smirked, hovering the lit stick over said beaker.

"No!" You almost screeched, grabbing his wrist between your sweaty palms, "That much hydrogen will cause an explosion!".

Vincent simply chuckled, elbowing you playfully. Thanks to the googles, he miscalculated where exactly his elbow was going, instead hitting something other than skin.

A clang rang off the walls as the beaker tipped over, hitting the table forcefully, but not enough to shatter. The feeling of a wet substance dripping down your back made you scream, not because of surprise, but it burned.

Quickly, the teacher whipped around, letting out a string of curses as he jumped a desk in order to book it across the room. Vincent froze, not knowing what to do as you fell to the floor, screaming and squirming around like a fish out of water.

"There was acid in that other chemical! Quick! Bring her to the shower" Mr. Cawthon bellowed, rushing quickly to a rope hanging from the ceiling. In a flash, you were gathered into strong arms, vision becoming blurry from shock and pain, students whispering.

Suddenly, another liquid was pouring down on you, however, this one didn't burn. The arms were still wrapped around you even as what you were assuming was water drenched your body from head to toe, the burning fading, but still there.

"Vincent, this may sound weird, but I think you are going to have to disrobe her" the voice of your Chemistry teacher stated, his blurry figure in the corner of your vision. So Vincent was the one clutching onto you for dear life, that explains the heavy smell of cologne.

"What!?! We can't undress her in front of everybody! That's ridiculous!" Vincent yelled, his voice just above your own ears, the sound of Mr. Cawthon sighing filled the awkward silence, the burning pain still evident on your lower back.

"We have to remove the contaminated clothing from her body, or else the acid will continue to eat at her skin" your teacher all but yelled back, motioning for someone to call the nurse quickly. Just as shaky hands grabbed at your soaked shirt, your vision returned, now cringing at the feeling of wet clothes clinging to your skin.

"I'm sorry" Vincent huffed, quickly yanking off your shirt without a word, causing a screech to escape your lips. Sure, you weren't completely naked, but being in your bra was not something you wanted your classmates to witness.

Next, warm hands unbuttoned your jeans, sliding them off with quite the hassle, curses being grunted in your ear about 'This is not the place I imagined I'd be doing this'. By now the teacher was pushing the students out of the room, looking around desperately for the nurse.

You weren't sure which was more embarrassing, that Vincent just undressed you, or you were now only in your undergarments in front of your teacher AND Vincent.

"What's taking so long" Vincent growled, heaving you back into the previous bridal style hold, obviously trying not to look at you. Suddenly, the phone rang, Mr.Cawthon grabbing it quickly, mumbling a few okay's into its speaker.

"They called in an ambulance in case it did some damage, here, cover her in this towel and bring her to the front of the building, that's where they are waiting" your teacher stated, grabbing the heavy fire blanket off a shelf and hanging it loosely around your cold neck. You grabbed it gently, somehow shifting in your lab partner's arms in order to cover your cold body in the heavy wool.

Looking up, you noticed Vincent was already out the room and walking down the hall, his chest heaving from what could be presumed as an adrenaline rush.

"Told you so" you giggled playfully, referring to his previous comment on how manly he was, that he could do a simple experiment. He only snorted, shifting you onto one arm as the other ruffles your damp hair, making it even messier than before, earning him a curse in response.

The paramedics started running in, heading quickly in your direction, bags in tow and a stretcher. However, before you were handed to a stranger, Vincent brought his lips to your ear.

"That was fun, but maybe next time I'll get to undress you in a different situation and place" he whispered, chuckling at your red face when he walked away, clothing just as damp as your hair was.

"Childish!" You hollered down the hall, earning a "I know!" Just as his figure disappeared around a corner.

Apparently, this is one of those moments that Chemistry created something beautiful.

I legit wrote this in a matter of minutes, so I am deeply sorry if it sucks, also if you have any requests for one-shots then please comment them! I would love some ideas (I'm running out)

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