Give me love ( a yuzuru hanyu...

By tommo_hemmo96

581K 17.8K 6.3K

In which two figure skating Olympians help each other through their hardships and eventually fall in love. A... More

Take me back to the old days
The Ghost from Sochi Past
Lunch (not) Date
Better Together
Three Olympians walk into a bar...
Netflix and Chill...I guess?
Mozart and other old Composers
New found Ice Dancers??
Purple Rain
Friday Nights
Yuzulotte's Day out
Young Gods?
Team Orser, Getting Shit Done (Kind of)
The Free Program
Meeting Mrs.Hanyu
Meet the Pooh bear Squad
Man In Black
Living with Javi
Who are you and what do you want?
Thank God For Google
Consistently getting screwed over
The Offer
Shook and not in the good way
Fortunate Events
Unfortunate Events
It Gets Worse
Is there no help around here?
Shoma Uno gets an UNO
Oh No
My Prince skates to Prince
Sailor Javi
S.S Yuzulotte
What happened and what's going on?
The First Requiem
This is Halloween
Murder House
The Three Amigos Catch a Criminal
Make a Wish Charlie
Quebec City
The Birthday Continues
The Rink Again
My Competition is the Competition
The Games Continue
The Lone Wolf
Ice Queen
Fly like the Wind
Blame the Shibsibs
Say Something
The start of NHK
You Again
Boyfriend, Meet my Ex
I still love you
Yuzulotte takes Japan
He's Real?!
The Truth Comes Out
For You
Meet the Hanyus
Saya joins the Ship
Don't Walk Out on Love
Authors note
Catch Pooh-san
A Date in the Park
Problems arise...
The Bad News Begins
Happy Birthday Yuzu!
Another Authors Note..
Happy Birthday Yuzu! (Part 2)
The Grand Prix Final
Sounds like Bad News
Quad Queen
The Banquet
The Assassins are Back at it
Keith the Personal Assistant
The Unwanted Christmas Present
What hurts the most
New Year, Same Old Bullshit
Bring on the Sass
Back at Home
If you can't beat em' keep fighting em'
Double Agent Charlotte
Kostner to the rescue
We have gather here today to get through this thing called the flu
Unanswered questions
Escape Routes
Wedding Day
Home is wherever you are
Student Athlete
4 a.m Calls
The Surprise
Four Continents
A Yuzulotte Valentine
The Impossible
The Exams
The Short Program
The Press Conference
Here We Go Again
Bad Liar
One Last Time
Through the Dark
Beginning of the End
Hold Your Breath
Next to You
Thank You
A/N: Pyeongchang 2018
Q & A Time!
New story!!

Taking Problems into our own hands

4.8K 146 43
By tommo_hemmo96

A/N: Do you guys like the daily updates or do you want posts to be scheduled?

"Guys, we got a problem" I say pulling Javi and Yuzu into my hotel room.

"When don't we have a problem Charlie-san?" Yuzu asks.

"Ok touche" Javi says pointing a finger at his statement.

"Check this out" I say shoving my phone in their face.

"Wow you have a picture of you and Yuzu as your lockscreen? What about the selfie we to-"

"Javi ignore that! Look at the text"

I watch as his eyes read over the text over and over again.

"JR? Jordan sent this to you? How does he have your number?" Javi questions

"I don't know! I'm so confused and he won't leave me alone!" I shout

"And get this, he left this for me" I say going to grab the necklace from the desk.

I hand the box to Yuzu and he looks inside and takes out the note.

"I don't know how he got into my room, or anything bu-"

"You said he was here? At the competition?" Yuzu asks cutting me off

"Wait, he's here?!" Javi shouts

"Yes and listen. When I went to the washroom he grabbed me into the janitors closest and told me some sweet bullshit that he thought would win me over. Then his gross mouth kissed me a-"

"Wait he kissed you!" Yuzu shouts

"Listen! Yes, he did."

" I only kissed back as I dist-"I start

"YOU KISSED HIM TOO!?" Yuzu shouts again

"As a disraction because I'm an assassin and assassin's take risks!" I declared

"He didn't hurt you did he?" Yuzu asks gently

"No, but I hurt him" I say laughing

"So what now?" I ask

"Evidence, We have more evidence" Javi says all of a sudden

Then it dawns on me.

How did Romano see my performance if he was locked in the janitor's closet?

Did he escape?

"Guys, before my Requiem performance I locked Romano in the closet. The text says he saw my performance though.." I trail off

"That means.."Javi starts

"He escaped?" Yuzu questions, finishing for Javi

"Turn on the tv, there's got to be news about it!" I shout

Yuzu and I jump on the bed while Javi grabs the remote, turning on the TV to the news channel.

"At the Hershey Centre today, Janitor Kimberly Ruez, was found dead outside the arena. The cause of death seems to be a fracture to the head. The body also has major slash wounds across the chest. Suspect is still unknown."

On the screen, the camera shows the back of the Hershey Centre where a lady that is probably in her fifties sits slumped over by the trash bins.

"Oh my god..." I say putting my left hand to my mouth.

This can't be real

He killed someone.

And it's all my fault.

The camera pans closer to the dead body and I can see the large purple and green bruises trailing the body.

"Wait, there's something written on the body..."Javi says

He's not wrong.

Slashed on the stomach has words most likely written with a knife.

Love me, C


Oh, C

For Charlotte

"Guys this is getting out of hand" Yuzu says

"We go to the police. NOW!" I shout

The three of us book it from the hotel room and I grab the note and necklace on the way out.

"What if they don't believe you again?" Javi asks from the drivers seat

"They better. We have more evidence this time, plus I have the text. They can track the number it was sent from" I say from the backseat.

And off we go to the police station.

"Hi I'm here to report my stalker" I say walking to the front desk.

"Alright Miss do you have any evidence" asks the old lady sitting at the front desk, smacking her bubble gum obnoxiously.

I guess bitchy front desk ladies are a thing?

I look at the name tag sitting on her desk.

Sharon Nicols.

"Yes, I do" I say, pulling out the first letter, the tag from the dress, the note and necklace, and the text message.

"Hmm...I can see what I can do" The lady says, taking the stuff from my hands and placing them in a bin.

Oh thank god!

"Well? Did she say anything?" Javi asks with anticipation.

While I was talking to the lady, the boys took seats in the waiting area.

"She's doing something about it" I told him, taking a seat next to Yuzu.

"We'll get through this Charlie-san, I promise" Yuzu says pulling me into a hug.


"Ms. Akagi?" Sharon calls from the front desk.

On cue, the three of us walk to the desk and the lady gives us the bad news.

"We can't match the handwriting to anyone in our system and the phone number doesn't exist"She tells us.

"What do you mean? This man is in the Mafia!" Javi shouts, gaining the attention of everyone in the station.

"How isn't there a match? Jordan Romano is a wanted man!" I add

"Listen Ms.Akagi, we get it. You won the gold medal this weekend, you have enough of the world's attention at the moment" She tells me, smacking her bubble gum yet again.


"I'm going to have to ask you to leave Miss" Sharon tells me giving me a snooty look.

Well then.

I grab my stuff from the front bin and storm out of the station, the boys following suit.

"I can't believe this!" I scream as I slam the door to the back seat shut

"I know you're trying our hardest Charlie-san, but maybe if we can't catch him through the evidence, we cant wait for the police to catch the Janitor's murderer. Us and her family are out to get the same guy" Yuzu explains in our native language.

Always the smart one Yuzu.

"Ok. That sounds good. I'm just hoping they find him" I say in defeat.

"Hey chicken, don't give up ok?" Javi says from the driver's seat


I look down at my phone and surely enough it's another text from Romano.

Unknown: You can't find me babe, but I can always find you. xx-JR

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