Returning to the Past ( Emine...

By Sabl16

157K 2.5K 339

Sarah tried to run away from all her problems, but when she returns to the world that once ripped her apart a... More

The Start Of Something Wonderful ( Eminem Fan Fiction)
Returning to the Past
Working With Wayne
Working With Em for the First Time
Getting Somewhere
These Feelings
Cold Shoulder
The shady Side
You don't know me
I'm different
The Rumour
More Mature side
The Past
Please Move On
Emotions Explode
The First Meeting
The Date
Desires Finally Shown
Cheeky, Caring and Affectionate
BET Awards
The concert
All over?
Information :)
Shopping Trip
Dre's Dinner
Finally showing it
New reality
Putting everything on the line
The Deal
Scheduling work and Dates
Mood Swings
Rethinking Pt2
Poker face
Meeting complications
Meeting the Girls
Wrong Side
Guy talk
Perfect at the moment
Expected closure
Night out
The hangover
Hidden Messages
Broken Promises
Worlds apart
Pre Christmas miracle
The New Normal?
Christmas Party
Christmas in Detroit
New Years Eve Party

The Day after

3.1K 42 2
By Sabl16

Sarah P.O.V

" so is it one of your routines to have hot chocolate in the middle of night or do you just have it after being with someone" Marshall asked as he was sitting at the kitchen bench while I was getting our drinks ready. Tonight has been one of the best nights so far with Marshall, so far we have learnt more about each others lives but also we explored each other more, if you know what I mean.

" no I only have it if I am up or I can't sleep, well back home I usually have ice cream because its so hot, but since its about to snow any day, hot chocolate suits the equation better" I said smiling towards Marshall before placing the hot chocolate in the microwave. Even after having a full on make out session, Marshall still seems to look amazing as ever unlike me who has messy and black eyes from being so tired and exhausted, but as tired as I was I never wanted this night to end or the feelings I am currently feeling at the moment.

" you know hot chocolate keeps you up and energetic, Is this your way of making us less exhausted" he said while walking up behind me and placing his arms around my waist before kissing my neck gently. His touch made electricity jolt through my body as I tried hard to just focus on getting the hot chocolates ready.

" maybe for round two, where you can give me the chance to make you feel as amazing" he added while exploring the tops of my shoulders with his lips, making me want his lips on every inch of my body, but I felt he was only doing it because he felt he had to since I got him off earlier before, as much as I tried to pull away my body wanted the opposite.

" as wonderful as that sounds, I um... cant tonight" I murmured trying to hold the moans in that Marshall was making me get with his lips. I really wanted to go further but it just wasn't the best night for it. Finally getting the power and nerve to turn round to face Marshall who had trapped me between his body and the counter top.

" if you know what I mean" I lipped slowly hoping he understood what I meant by it, if he was a girl he defiantly would have realised that I meant my time of month, but It took Marshall about 2 minutes to understand what I was saying. Just seeing Marshall's face light up when understanding and registering my words was hilarious, his eyes widening and his jaw dropping while creating a little more space between us. I stood there thinking maybe i shouldn't have said anything, maybe it was a little to early to start being that open with him but than watching him it came more clearer that he did actually realize what he was doing, it was just a normal reaction from a guy after hearing things like that.

" Ooooooohh.. I get it, you don't have to say another word." he blurted out making me laugh from his expression on his face, I just handed him his hot chocolate before walking away laughing before letting it get anymore awkward. I honesty don't know why guys react so disgusted and freak out out when we mention anything to do with periods, it was a natural thing for women just like wet dreams are a natural thing for guys.
" Hailie also has hers at the moment" he blurted out while following me to the lounge so we could drink our hot chocolate. It surprised me when he mentioned that, a lot of guys try to start a new conversation immediately so there wouldn't be any more awkward and embarrassing moments, but Marshall just mentioned like we were having a normal conversation.
" Awwww that's cute that you know when it's her time of month" I said praising Marshall for being very involve in his daughters life. he reminded me a lot if my own father, who always knew when it was my time of month or my mothers, he would always make sure the cabinets were stocked with supplies and today still is making sure my mother is comfortable or not in pain when it is her time on month by cooking dinner more often and buying packets of Panadol for when the cramps start.

" Well it's pretty obvious when you have an irritable teenager walking around the house, who bites your head of at everything you say" he joked While placing my feet over his lap so he was able to start tenderly rubbing his hands all over my smooth legs. Marshall comment made me laugh, remembering those good old days of being a teenage girl, I was pretty bad when it came to periods I would always snap at my parents for no reason, i still don't understand why us girls have to go through mood swings and pain at the same time while having blood come out of us for no reason

" Haha that is why I am so happy to have teenage boys" I replied, sipping my hot chocolate, thinking about the boys and hoping they were tucked in bed. Marshall couldn't help but chuckle at my little comment knowing there was a lot to look forward to in raising teenage boys and deep down I knew he was right, so far I have been pretty lucky to be given two amazing, polite boys but knowing that there were a lot more years to go and any thing could happen.

" Please tell me it gets easier as they grow older" he pleaded smirking at me before burying his face into my neck, making me laugh from the small vibrations he was making. He already found out I was ticklish there earlier but still seems to do it to piss me off.

" Sorry buddy, but by the time they grow out of having the symptoms of periods it's usually the time they start their menopause years" I joked while trying to get his face out of my neck so I could drink me drink, but of course Marshall enjoyed stirring me up and had other plans for us.

I literally only had about two sips of my drink before Marshall escorted me back to the room kicking and screaming while carrying me on over his shoulder. He was was driving me mad especially when he started Tickling me randomly getting me all worked up and flustered than slowing it down by attacking me with sweet kiss and soft touches which turned me on even more, I knew he was doing it all on purpose, he loved seeing me laughing uncontrollably and than moaning seductively. He was in control and I was playing right into his little game.

" You're tired aren't you?" he asked softly as we laid there in each other's arms, after finally getting exhausted from the game he was playing we started calming and quietening down by talking a lot about the past. I know Marshall wasn't going to go into his childhood, but he didn't have a problem with me telling me some crazy funny tour stories. Most of them involved drugs and groupies but it didn't seem to bother me since it was me who was lying in his arms at the moment and not them.

Sarah, you can hardly keep your eyes open" Marshall whispered in my ear as I was laying my head on his chest, trying to keep my eyes awake to hear the rest of the story, but the tiredness came over so rapidly and strong that it's gotten to a point where i was having a battle with my eyes, Marshall's delicate tracing of his fingertips on my lower back wasn't helping, as soothing as it sounds.

" I'm fine. I want to hear the rest of the story" I complained lifting my head and meeting his eyes so he could see that I was actually really interested in the story that involved Dre and Snoop Dogg getting into a fight with some Germans. But from the way Marshall slowly swiped his fingers under my eyes and lightly ran his fingers through my hair it was obvious that he could tell I was tired and exhausted, it couldn't have been that hard to figure it out since I probably looked like I haven't slept for months.

" Come on I will finish the story later. Right now you need to get some sleep, you do remember you have work tomorrow" he reminded me before giving me a few affectionate kisses. Marshall is sweet and caring when we are alone, you would never even begin to think he was Eminem and Slim Shady.

" Sweet Dreams Sarah" he whispered in my ear as he turned me on the side so he could spoon me from behind. Its been so long since I have felt so secure and continent with someone. Just lying in Marshall's arm made me feel so relaxed and calm, for once nothing else mattered, no worries could stress me out because his loving touch seemed to resolve every problem going through my head.

" Goodnight" I replied as Marshall adjusted his arms around my waist and getting comfortable with me in his arms. The warmth of his hands made all the coldness I was feeling disappear, it wasn't to hot or to cold, it was just right. Everything for once felt just right.

Marshall P.O.V

Here I am finally lying with her in my arms, a place where I am exactly meant to be. My head resting on her head, getting lost in her hair fragrance of grape and apples. As much as I wanted to, I just couldn't get myself to fall asleep. All I could think about all my mind was consumed of was thoughts of Sarah,and how much I could keep doing this for the rest of my life. For once I didn't feel lonely or insecure, It just felt so right with Sarah in my arms and to be honest it scared the crap out of me, because I know it was a sign that I was falling in love with this girl and I couldn't do anything about it.

Even though I only gotten about 6 hours sleep, I haven't slept so good in my life. I could have slept all day in this position, if it wasn't for someone softly shaking me interrupting the amazing dream I was having.
" Marshall..." I heard someone groan from beside me as they continued to softly shake me, my first guess was it was hailie or Whitney wanting me to sign a permission slip or needed money for lunch, but the voice was different it was more sincere.
" babe... wake up" they continued to whisper making me come out of my dream and start to open my eyes, wondering who was waking me up. I know for sure that my girls wouldn't call me babe and wouldn't be that close to me when they woke me up.
" Marshall.. " I heard as I was trying to wake up, it didn't take me long to realize who I was lying next to, who was in my arms, but before I could say good morning or anything she was already nudging me again.
"Marshall your phone, it's ringing" she said while still facing away from me. That's when I realize my phone was the reason she was waking me up, not that I am angry or anything, like I said reality is so much better at the moment than my dreams.
" Shit sorry" I mumbled while detaching one arm from her waist so I could lean across and get my phone. I hated that I was waking up sarah since she looked so peaceful sleeping.

" Hello" I grumbled softly trying to hide my sleepiness and morning voice. I was wondering who was calling so early, but having a quick look at the clock I realized that it was near 8, I am usually up and getting ready for work by now or maybe doing some exercise, but no I was in bed with sarah a place i wanted to Stay for a while.
" Yeah I be there round about 10ish, I get the guard to let you guys in if you arrive earlier" I answered Royce's  question wondering when I will be in, I know he could tell I was still half asleep but he didn't question me anymore, he knows i must be with sarah if I am not up by now.
" Laters " I replied before hanging up and placing my phone back on the bedside table, wanting to go back asleep.

" Everything alright? " sarah asked while still on her side trying to back to sleep, quickly snuggling back into my arms after placing the phone away and lifting the bedspread back up to help keep us warm from the morning chills.
" Yeah just Royce wondering what time I'll be in" I mumbled while nuzzling my face into the back of her neck smelling the grape and apple fragrance that has been calming me all night.
" It's only 8 so we still have sometime to sleep, since we got none last night" I chuckled before giving her a couple of good morning kisses on the back of her neck, showing her that the phone call wasn't important at this moment, the only thing that mattered was me and her.

" So I will call you later" I said before kissing her affectionately, pulling her into me more closer, not wanting to let her go even though we spent the night before together. After laying in bed with her for a while sharing a few kisses and tenderly touches with each other, not really sleeping after being woken from the phone call we both knew we had to get up if we were both going to make it on time. Least we weren't both working together today, she was working with lil Wayne at her studio and I was back in my studio with Royce and slaughter house. We are going to work on slaughter house for a couple of hours than work on the bad meets evil songs.

" Yeah sounds good" she whispered while pulling away from the kiss slowly. Even though I had to leaver earlier to go home and get ready for today, I still thoroughly enjoyed this morning. The thing I enjoyed most about it, there wasn't any pressure to do another follow up from last night, we both were fine and just were enjoying each other's company.

" Have a good day" I said pulling her once more into a kiss, just to make sure I remember the touch of her kiss throughout the day, not that I won't its pretty hard to forget her soft lips and the taste of her strawberry lipgloss.
" Yeah, you too " she replied smiling showings those amazing teeth but she still managed to look down trying to hide her blush that I still caused even after being with her for nearly a two months or so.

Stealing a few glances back as I walked to my car wondering if life could get any better than this. Here I was falling for someone that I didn't have any control over, but for some reason I still was scared shitless. I honestly don't know why I am even scared, there were all these reason why she was perfect. For
1: she had a lot of money so I knew she wasn't using me for that.

2: I knew she didn't care about fame, because she has been friends with Snoop dogg and Dre for so many years, she didn't need to use me to get any.

3: just like me she has kids and is divorced so she understands that my girls come before anything.

4: she understands and is still willing to stick by me through all the fucked up issues I have with trust and honesty. Not a lot of girls will do that.

5: finally she has the same interest at me. I haven't met someone that loves hip hop who isn't slutty or old.

There was so many more reasons that I was falling for this girl and made her perfect, from her looks to her smile. So why the hell was i still freaking out about falling in love with her? because honestly deep down I knew someone can't be this perfect, I knew there was something that was going to make every crumble or break my heart.

" well look who decided to show. I am guessing you weren't alone when I called this morning" Royce joked while I came into the studio. Even though I wasn't smiling, Royce could see that I was happy and in a good mood.

" You are correct" I said smirking as I got comfortable ready for a good day at work. From just having a good relaxing morning I already knew nothing was going to wreck this day. Before coming into the studio, Lil Wayne rang up and asked if he could pop by after working with Lil Wayne, he wanted to catch up since he only got out of jail a few weeks ago.

" so I am guessing things are going good between you two. Are you guys together or just casual" he asked taking a seat next to me, obviously getting comfortable so he could drill me with questions about Sarah. I wasn't to sad about it, honestly I could talk about Sarah for hours once I get started I just get lost in it.

" yeah we're together, been officially together for a couple of weeks now, but we were casual for a couple of months before hand. So I guess you can say its been three months and everything is going great" I replied smiling to myself as I thought about how long its actually been. It might not seem that long but three months is a big deal. I know its only been a couple of weeks of officially been boyfriend and girlfriend but I guess you can say we were together for those months before hand, even though we both didn't quite know what we were back than, I do know we both didn't sleep with anyone else and in my head I already considered Sarah to be mine.

"  Aww... Marshall got himself a girlfriend" Royce teased poking my sides as he joked and goofed at me for a while. I understood he wasn't used to me having someone special in my life, so just like Fifty he took every opportunity to tease and joke around about it.

" Shut up, man your immature" I mumbled trying to act or cool about it, when really inside I wanted to laugh and smile to show how happy I was, but I still wasn't that good with the whole showing emotion things.

Royce and I joked around for a while as we wrote a few songs. Joking around really helps us with writing and coming up with funny things to say in the songs. Since Royce finding out that Sarah and I were officially a couple, a lot of comebacks and jokes revolved around us being a couple, which I didn't mind or anything because honestly the more we talked about Sarah the more I thought about last night and how excited I was to see her again. Talking about her made me realise that I should call her since I have time while waiting for Lil Wayne.

Sarah: Hello

Me: Hey, how are you?

Sarah: I'm good, how are you?

Me: Not to bad, I'm not disturbing you or anything?

Sarah: No its Fine, Wayne just left so I am just catching up on some paperwork

Me: Yeah, I'm actually waiting for him to arrive to hang out

Sarah: sounds like fun. How's the album going?

Me: It was actually quite good today, we were kind of on a roll today so we got a few things done.

Sarah: That's good, I cant wait to hear them.

Me: yeah just to warn you, Next time you see Royce he might make a few comments and jokes about us being together.

Sarah: Ohhhh so I guess he knows we are official than.

Me: Yep,  has been in my ear all day about, but I can't say it was all bad.

Sarah : haha I hope it wasn't

Me: Anyway I was just wondering if you want to have lunch tomorrow. I have to work but I can come over in the lunch break.

Sarah: yeah that sounds good, I will make something nice, since I will be home all day

Me: you don't have to go to any trouble, I can just grab some takeaway

Sarah: No, its no trouble I think we both will like something else besides takeaway.

Me: yeah it kind of gets boring having it nearly everyday. So I Will see you tomorrow around 12:30ish

Sarah: yeah sounds good, I will see you tomorrow than

Me: sure will. I will talk to you later

Sarah: see ya.

With that I hung knowing Lil Wayne had just arrived in the parking lot, and by the noise I could hear he had bought some of his friends with him. I didn't mind, it was actually good to hang out with some other people, Wayne I were friends but we weren't as close as I was with Fifty and Royce, so it was nice to hang out every now and than to catch up with him. My councillor always mentions I should try to hang out with new people to try and get my confidence back and more familiar with things outside of the box.

" Yo, Em long time no see" Wayne said coming through the studio with a few guys towing behind him. Wayne made me crack up every time I saw him, He was around my age and was tinier than me, who wore real tight skinny jeans past his butt, with a hat that covered the top of his dreadlocks.

" yeah, its been a while. How are you?" I asked while walking up and shaking his hand, I remember the days when I had three regular guys that would follow me wherever I went, at the time I loved it and it made me feel more stronger and cooler, but these days I couldn't think of anything worse than guys following me around 24/7, I love being by myself.

" I'm good, How about you man? I do have to say Your album is incredible" he said  as I greeted his friends before going to sit down in the lounge area, where we would be able to sit and talk or play PlayStation if we got bored.

" Thanks man, I'm actually doing really well" I replied before joining them, as they got comfortable. I knew the conversation would just be mostly Wayne and I and his friends would have a few comments to say, but that's what they usually do, they don't really get into the conversation they just do there own thing.

We hung out in the lounge area for a while before we moved to the studio room where we messed around with some beats and rhymes for a while. Working with Wayne has always been fun and care free, both of our songs No love and Drop the world turned out really well, so I knew we would defiantly try to collaborate again.

" so I do have to say a lot of my guys are quite jealous you get to work so much with Sarah, they are quite fond of her" Wayne said as we played with some beats that Sarah had made quickly. They were beats Dre was going to use but decided not to.,

" Oh are they  haha , Yeah Sarah is great girl. Very talented" I answered trying not sound do fond of her and trying to hide the happiness that came to surface when Sarah was mentioned, of course they liked Sarah who wouldn't , she was beautiful, smart and caring what was there not to like about her. Although hearing Wayne boast about my girlfriend, I didn't know if I should feel proud or a tad jealous and worried.

" and Very good looking " Lil Wayne added to the end of my sentence, I couldn't help but laugh while thinking how lucky I was that Sarah was mine and not theirs. I saw all the sexual lust in the guys when they were talking about her, you could tell they just wanted to sleep with her.

" haha I have to agree with you on that" I chuckled while keeping busy, the smile just appeared automatically on my face when I thought about how good she looked last night and even this morning when she had no makeup on, she was glowing with just her natural beauty.

Lil Wayne and his friends stayed for a little longer after that, we spent most of the time talking about our artist that we have signed and what's happening in the future. We talked about how T.I was coming out soon and wants to make another album. Wayne knows I have been trying to contact him for a while now after he needed help trying not to get addicted to drugs, he used to call and ask for advice which I happily gave to him knowing how easy it was to get addicted to any prescribed drugs, but since he has been in jail its been hard to get contact with him. These last couple of weeks I have meant to call again but Sarah has occupied most of my mind and time.

I know I have to stop thinking about her 24/7. why the hell is she all I can think about? I have had girlfriends before and they have never consumed my mind as much as Sarah has, maybe it was because I am sober this time round and instead of Drugs being on my mind 24/7 I use all the time to think about Sarah. Holy shit that must mean I am coming addicted to her. It true what they do say that every addict are the ones that get attached to anything really easily, once we get into routine than its really hard to get out of it, that's what happened in the old days, I started having drugs every couple of hours and quickly got into a routine.

Sarah P.O.V

Wonderful was is the only way to describe how I am feeling these days. My relationship with Marshall is going better than expected, Ryan hasn't stepped out of place since being suspended and my job was allowing me to work some of the best artist in the industry.

Now that Marshall and I are seeing each other and getting more serious, I feel I might do some more work by myself, because we all know that one of the things that breaks a couple up is spending to much time together or smothering each other, and that is something I don't want to happen, so I am going to allow us to have our own time and space apart.

I have been in contact with a guy from back home in Australia who wants me to work with some of the Australian Hip Hop artist, Somehow its gotten back that I was working with artist like Eminem and Lil Wayne and now they are hoping for me to work with an artist named 360, which I was very happy. Australian hip hop is a lot different to American Hip Hop and I kind of understand it a lot more, so working with this artist is really going to be fun and exciting. I am also working with Hilltop Hoods for a couple of songs for their new album which I have worked with before, so again that's going to be fun and something different for a Change. These new plans also allows Marshall and I to do our own thing for a while, so we don't smother each other. I know our relationship might not even last, but for some reason I have a feeling that it is going to work and its going to be epic.

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