Darkness Remains ( Vampire Ac...

By maggiesings24

10.5K 362 90

31 in #vampireacademy - 28.06.18 My best friend is the Queen, My lover is an ex-Strigoi, My friends w... More

01 - Connection
02 - Next time, remind me to say NO
03 - Just dreams
04 - Wait, are you serious right now?
05 - Deep thoughts
07 - It isn't real.
08 - I'm okay
09 - There are still side affects
10 - Next destination
11 - It's my fault
12 - Why?
13 - Out of moves
14 - What more can I expect?
15 - Unhealthy relationship
16 - Safety first
17 - I have my reasons
18 - Buria
19 - Would you break my fall?
20 - Where are you?
21 - Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me

06 - Homecoming

469 19 4
By maggiesings24

One second we we're standing in the doorway the next we were bombarded with hugs from every member of the Belikov family - well except for Yeva of course.

I was also crushed by two little hands on my leg and other two around my neck. Zoya was hugging me with her tiny hands and she said my Russian name a couple of times and it made my smile grow. And over to the big boy here, Paul was almost as high as me. He has grown so much I was so happy to see him and apparently he was too. "Auntie Roza you finally came. Why did you left without saying goodbye?"

I could hear my heart break by the sound of his voice, he was really sad because I left like that. I hugged him again letting him know that I had to go fast and that it won't happen ever again. He pulled away and smiled approvingly.

Dimitri was extremely happy to see them and he was really relaxed sitting between his loved ones. He wasn't the Anti-Social God he was when we were in the academy, now he was normal, he wasn't trying to control himself and that stupid mask he always wears was now gone. I, on the other hand, was sitting on the other side playing with Zoya and Paul.

"So how's school Paul? Heard you were very good in your class."

"Yes, I'm the best in class actually. You know I want to be like you and uncle Dimka one day. One of the most famous Dhampir and to protect my sister and mama and everyone I love." I looked at him with a smile, I was so proud of him. And let me tell you with me and Dimitri by his side he will be the next Russian God. "Aunt Roza, can you and uncle Dimka teach me something more? I want to fight just like you and be brave and protect Moroi."

"Of course little guy, but first you need to grow up a little more then we will work on that okay?" He stood up and hugged me again, but this time as I was sitting he broth me to the floor and we both laughed.

Zoya was nibbling onto one of her toys while drooling, her eyes focused on the cartoons that I did not understand. But then there was a cry. A baby cry. But not Zoya or Paul, it was Sonya's little girl. I stood up and i went to her playing with the baby.

"Oh hello there. What's this young lady's name?" I tickled her tummy as she laughed. She was so cute, her chocolate brown eyes sparkled and that beautiful smile of hers reminded me of Dimitri.

"Katya, she's 6 mounts old." She giggled again and I asked Sonya if I could hold her as Katya's little arms reached for mine. I took her into my hands and I was talking nonsense, but it didn't bother me because she was smiling. She's so cute, I want to have a little daughter like her, I don't know what I'll name her but I know I'll be very happy to have her.

She'll have my hair and my attitude and Dimitri's eyes and kindness. Dimitri. But I can't reproduce with him and that's the hard part of our relationship. He wanted to have kids so bad but he backed down Tasha's offer. Maybe if he accepted the offer he'd have kids now and Tasha won't be in jail for murder. Stop with this stupid thoughts Rose! Everything happens for a reason and you're happy now, cut it off.

"I never thought that you would get along with kids." Dimitri teased me but within that sarcasm there was an awe. Truthfully I never expected that I'd get along with kids that much. With my childish moments I'd be worse then them sometimes.

But I smiled at him and as I turned Katya to me I felt nauseous. I winced at the unexpected reaction and at the same moment the baby started crying. I ran to Sonya and gave her the baby. "Take everyone to a safe place, right now!" I roared at her but I knew she understood why. The panic in their eyes told me everything.

"Everyone to safety, Dimitri you're with me." I was trying as hard to stay calm and be like a real leader, like my mom and Dimitri. And it actually worked.

Damn, we got here like 3 hours ago and they are already attacking. I though that we'd be the ones to find them not the other way around. I got out of the house but they weren't waiting there they were like a mile away from us. Damn, my "shadow-kissed" effects definitely got a lot stronger.

I clicked the Red call so the others could join us. There were 7 Strigoi, fuck! Why are they working together? It's very unlikely of two Strigoi to work together and now seven? This is getting out of hand.

One came at me, fangs first. Guessing he's a younger one. I slammed the stake into his heart moving on to the next one. This one was a little stronger, for a moment from his strength and the comments I thought he was the leader. "Oh are you that Hathaway girl. We were all told to kill you so maybe I'd get a treat for doing that." He looked at my neck and licked his lips. "Well I'd get a treat anyway."

While he was daydreaming about my blood I was already on top of him. I was about to stake him but he hid his chest and switched places with me. I was laying on the ground while he was trying to get to my neck. I did not let hat happen.

In one of my hands I still had my stake but he was holding that hand down. With the Strigoi strength in my wrist, I bended my hand, out of normally, that will hurt later, and stabbed my stake into his wrist. He cried out in pain and held his hand. I took out my stake and slammed it into his heart.

I looked over to Dimitri and he was okay and fighting off a Strigoi - the main thing was that he was okay. And what was ever better was that Eddie, Merideth and Alex were already here.

We finished them without any injuries, well bruises and cuts don't count.

"How do they always need to show up whenever we are resting or happy?" Dimitri muttered and I smiled a little.

"Well isn't that their job? To ruin your happiness?" I chuckled and we went back to the Belikov's house, bringing Eddie, Merideth and Alex along.

Everyone sat in the living room while I went to the staircase where Eddie was sitting alone. "Hey buddy, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I..um don't know, I'm really stressed out lately." He said his voice breaking as he looked to the other side of the hall.

"I know." I looked down at my hands and there were cuts all over them. "I'm really stressed out too. I'm scared for Lissa. It my first time I'm leaving her while being queen. And that terrifies me. Queen Tatiana was murdered while all her guardians on duty, and Lissa's head is now on the other side of he globe. Plus this hole mission." He turned around to face me now.

"How are you stressed when you don't act like it. You're always secretive and you act calm and you're actually an amazing leader. It reminds me of your mother actually. But you shouldn't be stressed over Lissa. She's okay and both me and you know that Hans is almost as good as you. Even tho he doesn't have a psych bond." I laughed a little and hugged him tight. Eddie has been so close to me since the Siberia event. He's like a brother to me, a brother that I don't know what I'd do if he wasn't here.

"I miss him." He said and his words breaking my heart in a million pieces. Mason. Damn it's almost been a year without him. If he was here he'd probably would've made a withy joke that would make all of us laugh. And that brings back hot tears that are now dreading to come out.

"You have no idea." I muttered under my breath and hugged him one more time before going to my room.

I miss him so much, maybe if he were here he would have helped me out. It would have been easier with him.

Damn it Eddie, why did you bring him up? Tears were falling down my cheek as I sat down, my head in my hands and I was trying to calm myself down. After what seemed like forever, I stood up and went to the bathroom. I washed my face with the cold water that pushed away all those thoughts. And then I was stunned. Literally.

I looked at the mirror to see Mason. My eyes didn't move from his as he watched me carefully. Mason's ghost. But I haven't seen him in more than 8 mounts. He was at peace. He shouldn't be here.

I turned around to face him and all I wanted to do was hug him. Damn it, I miss him so much. But then the water was on and it was turned to hot, making the whole room filled with steam. So was the mirror blurry.

Then Mason was gone and the only thing my eyes were focused on was the mirror. And suddenly there was something on the mirror. Mason wrote that. And it was a warning.

"Even a white rose has a black shadow. Stay away from it!  And Rose, watch your back.                                                                                              -M"

Damn, what do you think will happen next?

I hope you liked it, vote, share and follow my account!

Love you all!

Kisses 🍩


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