More Then One Universe

By UT_FrisksArt

124 33 165

The cover is not the official cover so yeah Raye left a teleport in Gemi's universe and he found it Now he an... More

Chapter 1- The Explosion
Chapter 2- The Son Of Sky
Chapter 3- Questions
Chapter 5- Fast as Lightning
Chapter 6
Chapter 6- Alseep
Chapter 7- Skyler's Dream
Chapter 8- Lost Memories
Chapter 9- A Day With Cena Part 1
Chapter 10- A Day With Cena Part 2
Chapter 11- Yuri's nap
Chapter 12- Gamer Rage
Chapter 13- Now Parents
Chapter 14- Life or Death
Chapter 15- I Will...
Chapter 16- Working For..
Chapter 17- Family Time
Chapter 18- Yuri's Health
Chapter 19- Blood
Chapter 20- Spring
Chapter 21- The Dream
Chapter 22- Yuri's Final Days part 1
Chapter 23- Yuri's Final Days part 2
Chapter 24- Yuri's Final Days part 3
Chapter 25- Frisk's Discovery
Chapter 26- He is back
End of this book

Chapter 4- The Stars In The Sky

3 2 1
By UT_FrisksArt

Skyler was walking home with Kyo and was still holding his hand. "Everyone is probably at my house knowing them so if they try to hurt you just stay be me!" Skyler said and Kyo nodded.

"I am h-" She was cut off by Cena hugging her. "C-cena can y-you let me go, Ic-can't breath." Skyler said and he let go. "Who is this?" Cena asked. "Oh it my cousin, Kyo can you say hi!" She said. "H-hello..." Kyo said. "Where everyone else?" Skyler asked. "Oh just follow me ok." Cena said grabbing her and leading her to where everyone was at. "S-skyler are you s-sure about t-this?" Kyo asked and she nodded. "I am sure about it Kyo!" She said smiling.

They want into a room and everyone was there. When Skyler entered the room with Kyo her cousins wasn't happy to see him but Kara her little brother. "Hi Kyo!" Kara said running up to him and giving Kyo a hug. "Hi kara it been a while hasn't." Kyo said and gave Kara a small smile. "Skyler can we talk to you for a second..." Raye said and she nodded. She walk to out of the room then Raye said, "HOW DID YOU DO IT!?!?" Raye yelled. "Well I-" "HE WAS SO NICE AND STILL IS WE ARE SUCH IDIOTS?!?!?" Yuri yelled and then everyone else was screaming.

"Gemi Petan." Skyler said. "Yes what is it?" Gemi said and Petan was there and Skyler pointed at Raye and Yuri. "Calm them down at this point I can't even do anything so just doing something with your guys boyfriends." Skyler said and left the screaming teens.

"R-raye calm down." Gemi said and Raye just broke a vase. Gemi then kiss him the Raye kiss back. "Better?" "Yep." Raye said. "Let leave before you get hurt Gemi." Raye said and Gemi nodded and they left the room.

Raye took Gemi to the rooftop then sat down. "Look at the sky." Raye said. "They are nice but you more beautiful then the sky." Gemi said as a joke. "Mmhhh, stop trying to make me laugh it embarrassing." Raye said blushing a bit and looking away. Gemi sat next to him and hugged him.

"I love you." Gemi said, "I-I love you too, you idiot." Raye said petting Gemi's hair. "I wonder what it happening inside right now." Raye said.

Meanwhile inside of the house

"YURI NO PUT THAT KNIFE DOWN!?!?" Rin yelled. "NEVER MUST KILL CENA?!?!" Yuri yelled then Skyler punch him. "My god I can't leave you guys for one second." Skyler said. "Petan bring Yuri to his and you can sleep with him." Skyler said smirking at Petan. Petan blushed a bit and nodded and brought Yuri to his room.

Now back to Gemi and Raye

"They are probably fine." Gemi said. "Hey can I ask you something Raye?" He asked and Raye nodded. "How come you are always nice to your cousins even if they are jerks?" Gemi asked. "I learn that even if they are jerk to you they are still family and that what my mom will said to me." Raye said looking up at the stars. "Hmm I see now and one more thing." Gemi said. "What is it then?" Raye asked.

Then Gemi kissed Raye and fireworks went off. Raye broke the kiss then asked, "How you got the fireworks?" "Oh your cousins helped me set all of time up." Gemi said with a small smile. "Shut up and just kiss already." Raye said pulled Gemi into a kiss.

"Awww that cute!!" Skyler said taking a picture of Raye and Gemi. "This ship have set sail." Ash said taking pictures as well. "Remi have now been officially started!!!!" Skyler said and starting fangirling as well as Ash.

End of chapter
Some fluff with Raye and Gemi boi :^)

Characters in the story belongs to me and ChoromatsuSenpai •^•

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