Wings of Fire Fanfictions

由 GlorybringerAnyone

101K 505 1.7K

Hey people! As you can see from the title, I'm going to be writing about Wings of Fire Fanfictions. Wings of... 更多

Glorybringer Fanfiction
Winterwatcher Fanfiction
Claynami Fanfiction
Cleril Fanfiction
Sunnyflight Fanfiction
Ripnami Fanfiction
Blisteer Fanfiction
Moonbli Fanfiction
Clory/Glay Fanfiction
Starspeaker Fanfiction
Sunder Fanfiction
Winterjou Fanfiction
Starnami Fanfiction
Clunny Fanfiction
Gloryflight Fanfiction (a bit of Glorybringer too)
Darkwatcher Fanfiction
Turtlejou Fanfiction
Sunbli Fanfiction
Thornmover Fanfiction
Pertle Fanfiction
Fathingo Fanfiction
Thoughtout Fanfiction
Sunnybringer Fanfiction
Orgrove Fanfiction (Mangrove & Orchid)
Glorflame Fanfiction
Flamarin Fanfiction
Squidspeaker Fanfcition
Pikemone Fanfiction
Pertle Fanfiction #2
I'm in Maui! :D
Winterwatcher Fanfiction #2 (with a whole lot of other ships as well)
Turtlejou Fanfiction #2
Cleril Fanfiction #2

Clearstalker Fanfiction

1.5K 12 55
由 GlorybringerAnyone

Requested by Paytunes

I realized when Paytunes requested this fanfiction that IV'E NEVER DONE IT BEFORE AND I SHIP CLEARSTALKER!! So, I'm glad to write this. :3 Also before I start, this is taking place when both Darkstalker and Clearsight are dead but are still in that separate world able to look over Pyrrhia. So like heaven but all the dragons go there once they die no matter if they're good or bad!

It was fun while it lasted thought Darkstalker as he was killed and flew up to the light coming for him. He wasn't sad or mad. He didn't really feel any emotions. All Darkstalker knew was it was time to go. He had been alive for around 2000 years for crying out loud!

Darkstalker next found himself waking up from sleeping. He was curled up on the ground and he got up wondering how he got there. 

Oh right, I forgot. I actually died for once thought Darkstalker as he turned in a circle. No one else was around him; or anything to be exact. Ugh, I wonder how the academy is after what happened.

As soon as Darkstalker said that, the white went away and what looked like Pyrrhia was moving around really fast until it zoomed in on Jade Mountain Academy. He stayed still for awhile before saying outloud, "Uhh, find Moonwatcher?"

The screen zoomed in even more onto the school where not only Moon was there but a ton of dragonets were there also surrounding Darkstalker's dead body. Next to him also appeared a hologram of Moon listing her characteristics next to her and a bunch of other facts.

o_O "The Matrix..." stated Darkstalker (lol I don't even know😂) as he watched Moon who had tears in her eyes. Darkstalker now felt lonely if he hadn't before.

Out of nowhere there was a noise. Darkstalker looked around at the screen but couldn't find where it was coming from. He zoomed in with the power of his mind hearing the dragonets conversations down on the ground. Oh, that's cool Darkstalker thought. He moved to the right where Moon and her friends were talking.

"Why are you watching my daughter?" stated a dragon. Darkstalker turned around seeing another Nightwing. 

"Wait, aren't you Morrowseer? Moon's father. I read that from her mind when I was still alive," exclaimed Darkstalker.

Morrowseer smiled and shook his head. "Everyone's still lying to this day that they could read minds. Nothing has changed."

"I'm not kidding but you can't read minds anyway when you're dead right? Or see the possible futures?" asked Darkstalker. 

Morrowseer sighed as he said, "You're a newbie at being dead. Ok, just say read, someone's name, mind and it'll come up by their hologram."

"Read Morrowseer's mind," put out Darkstalker as a similar dragon hologram popped up with constant words scrolling down of thoughts. Why is he so big? Part Mudwing or something? were some of his thoughts.

"I'm actually part Icewing but I don't care. I could beat you in a fight anyway," uttered Darkstalker as he pulled up Moon's thoughts.

"You can't touch me anyway. We're already dead and there's no violence allowed after death," lectured Morrowseer but Darkstalker wasn't listening to him. He was listening to Moon's thoughts.

Darkstalker, if you can hear me I'm sorry for what happened. I miss you and I feel responsible for what happened even though I didn't kill you. I love you and--

"That's disgusting," butted in Morrowseer, "Pull up the manual if you need help because I'm out. And also don't feel special that you're The Darkstalker, the most powerful dragon, because you're not anymore. You're dead and everyone if they just say so can read minds and see the future and such like you can do."

Morrowseer disappeared after that. Darkstalker started chuckling to himself. Uh, I wish I could talk back to Moon. Darkstalker stayed watching what was happening for awhile as he then thought how come I was able to see Morrowseer if he's dead? Imma check the manual.

It said things like you can check info from the past and future by just stating allowed what you want to know. Say find, someone's name, to teleport to them no matter if they're dead or alive.

Darkstalker stopped reading right there. He found what he needed to find.

"Here it goes. I'm absolutely ready. It's been too long. Find Clearsight," Darkstalker finally said. Jade Mountain Academy zoomed away as the rainforest zoomed in to take its place. It was Queen Glory's territory and down below she was with Deathbringer. Other Rainwings slept around while Nightwings farther away built huts.

Wait, why'd it take me here? thought Deathbringer. Is Clearsight in the rainforest... He kept looking down frantically to find her but he couldn't find the familiar face.

"I'm not in the rainforest, I'm watching what's happening in the rainforest," called a familiar voice. 😊😊😊

Darkstalker looked up and a bit of ways next to him was his long lost soul mate. "Wow, I really am a newbie. I didn't even bother looking up," stated Darkstalker with a grin.

Clearsight didn't look at him. She was laying down, gazing, while watching the Nightwing and Rainwing couple. She smiled though which he couldn't hold in himself either.

"Aren't Deathbringer and Glory the best? They're so cute together," began Clearsight. Darkstalker shook his head smiling as he walked closer to Clearsight.

"We were cuter," responded Darkstalker as he watched Clearsight's grin get bigger. She calmed her face as she continued.

"It didn't last as long as it could've though, or what I hoped it would last until," countered Clearsight; still with that slight grin on her face even though it was supposed to be a serious moment. Darkstalker understood why though: IT'S BEEN TOO LONG. Also, they both just want things to be how they used to, even though it can't.

"I feel the same way. I just wish now I would've paid more attention to the future and how to make it perfect," commented Darkstalker. "You know, saying this now I'm not sure will help, but, I'm sorry."

Clearsight nodded, "I knew you were trying to make the perfect future. It was just that you'd do anything to get to that future. You were endangering the tribe...and I'm sorry as well. You know, for putting the bracelet on you."

Darkstalker was first thinking that she was wrong for putting the bracelet on him and making him sleep for a long time but now, he understood why. He was getting the memories in flashes. There was him putting spells on Clearsight and others (without their permission) and him telling his own father to basically kill himself. He was getting what other dragons were thinking when he did that to his father. Why is he doing this? He's scary and evil. We don't want him as our king.

"You don't have to say sorry for putting the bracelet on me. It was what you had to do. I was getting out of hand and going insane even though I protected my soul. Maybe there was no escaping what was going to happen. Maybe I was always going to be partially evil..."  expressed Darkstalker.

"Aw...not the guilt trap! You and I both know there were futures where everything was pretty good. It just, didn't end up happening that way but, I'm glad you realize your mistakes you goober," Clearsight noted smiling. 

Darkstalker smiled as well. "Ok, enough seriousness. Isn't this supposed to be...romantic?"

"Yes, it's supposed to go, "I've missed you so much.' 'Well, I bet I've missed you more!' 'I almost died being without you!' 'I knew you'd always be with me every step of the way.' 'Don't ever leave me for that long again!' 'I promise but, you might start getting annoyed with me if I'm around all the time.' 'Are you crazy?! I'd be annoyed if you weren't!' Fireworks! True love and happiness for the rest of our lives!" spoke Clearsight resembling when the two first met and their conversation.

"Ahh, if only there were fireworks," expressed Darkstalker as the two reached for one another. But, since they were both not living anymore, they went through each other. Instead, they just put their talons up next to eachother. They both said "I love you" as Clearsight motioned to Darkstalker.

"Remember when Turtle put that stone next to you at the old Nightwing kingdom? I was there, watching over you. So were Fathom and Indigo and the rest of your family and friends. Want to see them?"

Oh my gosh, I've posted. Part of me thinks I can maybe make this better but I think it's actually pretty good! IT'S ADORABLE AND THERE IS FEELS! ;D ;P If you're confused on any part, tell me and I can change it! Also, some information comes from the Darkstalker Legands books and the Wings of Fire Talons of Power if you haven't read those yet. I went to get the Talons of Power book three days after it came out in stores and it was already sold out! So I had to order it and I got it in a week and read it in a few days! It's pretty awesome! At first I was like, this seems a bit more aimed for younger kids and then it was like oh my lanta (however you spell that lol), the feels and how could you dragon so-and-so! Thanks everyone and I'll check over this fanfiction again to make sure it's at least readable! 8P I'll post next week hopefully, but you know me. It might be a bit late, but I'll try not to make it late! -GlorybringerAnyone 


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