By MariaCooney

464K 12.7K 586

ROMANCE DRAMA (LIKE A SOAP OPERA) - ADULT CONTENT Shannon falls for a stranger in a coffee shop - Literally... More

KISMET Chapter 1
KISMET Chapter 2
KISMET Chapter 3
KISMET Chapter 4
KISMET Chapter 5
KISMET Chapter 6
KISMET Chapter 7
KISMET Chapter 8
KISMET Chapter 9
KISMET Chapter 10
KISMET Chapter 11
KISMET Chapter 12
KISMET Chapter 13
KISMET Chapter 14
KISMET Chapter 15
KISMET Chapter 16
KISMET Chapter 17
KISMET Chapter 18
KISMET Chapter 19
KISMET Chapter 20
KISMET Chapter 21
KISMET Chapter 22
KISMET Chapter 23
KISMET Chapter 24
KISMET Chapter 25
KISMET Chapter 26
KISMET Chapter 27
KISMET Chapter 28
KISMET Chapter 29
KISMET Chapter 30
KISMET Chapter 31
KISMET Chapter 32
KISMET Chapter 34

KISMET Chapter 33

10.3K 304 11
By MariaCooney

Chapter 33

I sat waiting feeling sick to my stomach, I was so anxious.

"Come on Liam," I mumbled to myself.

I was nearly losing my mind here..... Hurry up.

Oh I was going to kill him.... How could he leave me waiting like this?.... How long had it been?.... Ten minutes.... Ok I was being unreasonable.... Calm down Shannon.

I took a few deep breaths.

I walked to the window gently to see if I could see him in the car park.

I was actually starting to feel ill due to my own impatience, I best sit back down.

"Are you suppose to be walking around?" Liam asked behind me.

I let out a huge sigh and my hand flung to my chest. I was so relieved.

He smiled at me and came over to wrap his arms around me gently. I leant against him, closing my eyes. I could have fell to sleep.

He stroked my hair. "You're tired," he said resting his lips against the top of my head.

I nodded, "Exhausted from the wait."

"I have a surprise for you," he said.

"Yeah?" I said puzzled.

He moved back and whistled. Marvin and Joe stepped out from where they had been hiding.

"Oh my babies," I said smiling and getting all choked up. "You have got so big."

I could tell they wanted to run to me for a huge hug but knew they couldn't.

"Let me sit down so I can have a kiss and cuddle," I said to them.

Liam helped me back to the chair and the boys came over. Joe was scanning me looking for injuries or any signs of distress.

I cuddled and kiss Marvin first. "You have had your hair done," I said. His afro now corn rows.

"Yep, Uncle Tyson took me and I had to sit still for hours and then he took me McDonalds and then to the pictures and then...." he stopped for breath finally, ".... he took me to see Granddad Bob at training cos I haven't said fuck off in ages... Oh no!" he said realising his little slip up and covering his mouth. He looked up at Liam.

"It is ok, you didn't mean it," Liam said putting his hand out to fuss Marvin's hair.

Marvin moved quickly, "Watch my new hair Dad," he said frowning.

"Sorry I forgot," Liam said.

"Give me a kiss," I said turning to Joe and putting my arms out.

"Wait," he said undoing his jacket to reveal his little sister strapped to him just like she had been with Liam. "She didn't notice Daddy," he said to Liam with a big grin.

"Told ya," Liam said.

"Kiss the baby first and then me Mummy," he said leaning forward.

I giggled at his instructions and leant forward slightly to kiss a sleeping Alisha. Joe was still only small but I wasn't worried about him holding her when she was strapped to him in a sling, I knew he would be very careful. If anything he would be overprotective.

"You're such a big boy now," I said to him after our hug and kiss.

"Yeah Daddy said I am the man of the house when he is out," Joe said.

"I am man of the house when Joe is out," Marvin said nodding.

"Wow all these big strong men to look after us Alisha, we are spoilt," I said stroking her tiny head resting against her big brothers chest. She was snug as a bug and fast asleep.

"Right lets get out of here," I said looking at Liam. "Take me home please."

"My pleasure," he said with a wink and a smile.

"My turn," Marvin whined to Joe.

"Ok, hold on," Liam said. Helping Joe remove the sling and fastening it to Marvin.

My heart dropped, Marvin was smaller and like lightening when he saw something that took his interest, he would forget about her and leg it after something.

Liam sensed my anxiety as Marvin turned his back to let him secure it. Liam shook his head as if to reassure me.

Marvin was secure and put his jacket back on folding his arms securely around his sister. Kissing her tiny head and rocking side to side. He was soothing her, she was still out for the count but he was loving it. He put one hand up to take Liam's.

I stood and Joe took my hand nodding at his Dad. Obviously he was being the 'man' again. Liam grabbed my bag of things and flung it over his shoulder.

"Lets go home, Family," he said with a brilliant smile.

Alisha let out a whinge and Marvin rocked side to side again, shushing her soothingly, "Yeah lets hurry Daddy or she will try to suck my boobies again," he said.

I giggled. So they had a routine with this whole baby swap thing. Cute as hell but still worried me a little. I guess I was new to it. Liam would never put the baby at risk and he trusted them so I did too.

We left the hospital. The fresh air hitting me, I fell asleep in the car on the journey home, it was only five minutes away.

"Shannon," Liam called, "We are home. Come on lets get you to bed."

"No I want to see everyone," I said half asleep.

"A quick nap won't do you any harm and you are exhausted, please just have a quick nap. No one is here yet anyway," he said.

"Ok but what about the boys and the baby?" I asked.

"I am their father, I can look after my own kids," he said.

I smiled as he helped me out of the car. I looked at the boys running off into the house. Liam lifted Alisha's baby seat out of the car. She was still asleep. Did this child ever wake up?

As I went into the house I notice everything was unpacked. Last time I had seen it we were moving and there were boxes everywhere.

"Straight up to bed," Liam said. I wasn't going to argue I was shattered.

I walked slowly taking each step tentatively. Liam was behind me.

"Take your time," he said when I tried to speed up.

I turned to walk into our room.

My breath catching. He had decorated it. It had the feature wallpaper I wanted on one wall and the paint I wanted on the others. The bedspread was one I had loved forever but could never afford.... Who... how did he know?

"Louisa and Cilla?" I asked.

He nodded, "Yeah, I didn't know what you wanted and they said they would handle it. Jim is a decorator and he did the whole room in a day. Cool huh?"

"It is beautiful, Do you like it then? Not to girly?" I asked.

"No it is very coupley," he said smiling. "You have great taste babe."

"I know, I chose you didn't I," I reminded him with a grin.

"I thought I chose you?" he said challenging me.

"No fate chose us both remember, Kismet," I said as he pulled back the bed clothes for me with his spare hand. Our daughters travel car seat in the other.

She started to cry.

"She needs changing, are you ok?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"Hold on. Boys!" he called.

They came running into the bedroom. "Your sister needs changing and Mummy needs tucking in so she can have a nap. Who is doing what?" he asked.

"I'll get the changing stuff," Marvin said bolting out of the room.

Joe helped me with my shoes. Giving me another kiss and cuddle. "I missed you Mummy," he said.

"I missed you too baby boy," I said smiling at him and stroking his hair.

Liam helped me take my Jacket off and into the bed. Oh it felt like heaven to be back in a real bed, not a hospital one.

Marvin bolted back in the room. Changing bag in his hand.

"I'll do it Daddy," he said.

"No me," Joe said.

"Team work remember," Liam said.

They moved over the empty side of the bed and set the changing bag out and Liam put Alisha onto it. The boys removed a baby shoe and sock each then Joe undid the poppers on her baby vest pushing it up as Marvin undid the nappy. He pulled it back and looked in.

"Phew it is only a wee," he said pulling a face at Joe who also looked relieved.

I cover my mouth to stifle a giggle. Liam was close enough to supervise but not interfere.

They took her nappy off and each took a baby wipe and wiped her clean. I was gob smacked.

Alisha let out a little cry and they both soothed her. Marvin saying, "Wet wipes are cold on her fairy, she don't like them."

"Oh," I said smiling at him.

Joe lifted her legs as Marvin slid the nappy under and fastened his side. Joe then did his side, making sure it wasn't too tight. They looked at Liam who bent over and checked the nappy.

"Good work team," he said putting his hand up and the boys high fived him.

Joe fastened the poppers again as Marvin put the dirty nappy in a nappy sack ready for the bin. They replaced her socks and little booties. Pulled her dress down and looked very pleased with themselves.

"Wow you boys are amazing," I said.

They smiled proudly.

Alisha cried again. This time with more meaning.

"Oh no, it's bottle time," Marvin said.

Joe went to the changing bag and took out a little book. "What time is it?" he asked looking at the bedside table clock. "Yep she is hungry," he said.

"What is that?" I asked.

"It is the chart," he said. "We mark when she has a bottle and how much she drank so we know how big she will get."

"Oh right," I said smiling at Liam. He had made it a game, the boys loved things like this on the computer where you feed a pet and note it down and it grows everyday. Now they had a real one. A sister.

I couldn't believe how gentle they were with her, how well they were getting on with each other and how they knew when she was hungry or wet. They even changed her!


"Right lets go get her fed and let Mummy sleep," Liam said.

I had a kiss from all of them and snuggled down to sleep, I was out in seconds.

I woke to hear voices downstairs and then silence as the front door closed. I heard the boys giggling in the street. They were off out somewhere.

Liam came into the room carrying a huge vase of flowers. They were gorgeous.

He placed them on the side and sat on the edge of the bed beside me. "Welcome home," he said.

"They are beautiful," I said. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," he said leaning to kiss me gently.

"Are you rested?" he asked.

"Still tired but much better," I answered.

"If I ask you something will you be honest with me?" he asked.

"Yes," I said frowning at the strange request.

"Why did you hide your breakfast from the hospital in your bag?" he asked.

Oh shit, I meant to get rid of that before he found it.... Damn.

"The doctor said you could only come home if you ate your breakfast. Did you hide it so you could come home?" he asked.

I didn't answer my head was still trying to think of an excuse he would accept.

"Shannon," he said pressing me for an answer and hitting a nerve.

"Liam I am not one of the kids, I don't need to explain myself to you," I snapped.

"Right fine then, I will take you back to the hospital. You obviously aren't well enough to be home," he said.

"No!" I said desperately.

He took my hand in his, "Shannon, if you try to fool me how will I ever be able to trust you," he asked. "This is important."

"I didn't like the breakfast, so I hid it," I said honestly.

"You didn't like it," he said cynically.

"Yes, cold limp toast with margarine not butter and the cups of juice are like acid. That is not grapefruit juice it is foul," I said getting upset.

"Don't cry, I only wanted to know and check you were well. If that is the reason, I will accept it and go make you something else," he said.

The threat to take me back to the hospital replayed in my head and I closed my eyes. Tears leaking out the sides.

"I am sorry," Liam whispered. "I have to look after you and our children. I can't do that if I you are hiding things from me. I had to ask."

I nodded that I understood.

"Do you want me to go fix you something to eat?" he asked.

I shook my head automatically.

"You're not hungry?" he asked.

I shook my head.

"Ok," he said stroking my hair. My eyes still closed as I felt his lips press gently to mine. "I love you," he said.

My eyes opened to see his face barely an inch from mine. "I love you too Inspector Clouseau."

He chuckled at me, "Yeah well consider this your warning madam, next time I will arrest you," he said in a fake French accent.

We both giggled.

"Come cuddle with me," I asked.

He grimaced.

"What is that face for?" I asked.

"I don't want to hurt you?" he said.

"You won't hurt me and you will be sleeping beside me so what is the big deal," I asked.

"I was going to sleep in the guest room now Tyson and Louisa have moved into their house," he said shrugging his shoulders.

"No way, I have been dreaming about this. Get your butt in this bed now," I demanded.


"Don't you Shannon me," I said. "I heard the kids leave so you have time for a nap yourself. So get stripped and in this bed Mr."

He still didn't move so I did.

"Right if you won't get in, I'll get out," I threatened.

"Ok, ok, I'm getting in but I'm terrified I'll hurt you," he said.

"We will work it out, now down to your boxers and in," I said.

He stripped and I watched whistling at him. He giggled and shook his head. I sang the pink panther strip tune, "Oh Inspector you are so delicious," I said.

He crept over to the bed and pulled back the sheets sliding in gently.

"So long as your hand doesn't touch me there, I will be fine," I said referring to my C section. "It doesn't hurt, it is just tender," I said.

We found a comfortable position and cuddled up.

"Do you have any idea how much I have missed holding you?" he asked.

"I would guess as much as I have missed being held by you," I answered.

His eyes lids were heavy and dropping as I stroking his hair. I kissed him gently. He kissed me back. We shared some sweet gentle kisses before falling asleep in each others arms.

I had done it, I had made it home. I was lying here in bed with Liam feeling so much better already.

The next little milestone I set myself was to eat well and get to know my kids again.

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