By MariaCooney

464K 12.8K 586

ROMANCE DRAMA (LIKE A SOAP OPERA) - ADULT CONTENT Shannon falls for a stranger in a coffee shop - Literally... More

KISMET Chapter 1
KISMET Chapter 2
KISMET Chapter 3
KISMET Chapter 4
KISMET Chapter 5
KISMET Chapter 6
KISMET Chapter 7
KISMET Chapter 8
KISMET Chapter 9
KISMET Chapter 10
KISMET Chapter 12
KISMET Chapter 13
KISMET Chapter 14
KISMET Chapter 15
KISMET Chapter 16
KISMET Chapter 17
KISMET Chapter 18
KISMET Chapter 19
KISMET Chapter 20
KISMET Chapter 21
KISMET Chapter 22
KISMET Chapter 23
KISMET Chapter 24
KISMET Chapter 25
KISMET Chapter 26
KISMET Chapter 27
KISMET Chapter 28
KISMET Chapter 29
KISMET Chapter 30
KISMET Chapter 31
KISMET Chapter 32
KISMET Chapter 33
KISMET Chapter 34

KISMET Chapter 11

12.9K 382 7
By MariaCooney

Chapter 11

"Liam, put me down," I squealed.

I heard the garden gate open and saw the path way under foot as I hung over his back.

"Put me down," I growled.

I heard him open the front door as he carried me inside.

"Fuck!" I said without realising.

"Ommmmmm she swore," I heard little voices say.

"Here you can all smack her bum for being naughty," Liam said. "Stand on the chair."

I couldn't move he held me tight.

A bunch of little hands all slapped my bottom as I squealed. They giggled laughing as did Liam.

"What this son?" a booming voice said.

"A naughty girl," a little voice said.

"A very naughty girl," Liam said.

"Cilla come see what Liam has brought in," the booming voice shouted amused.

"What is it? Not another stray animal," I heard Cilla's voice call.

"It's a girl," he called back.

"No way pull the other one, Liam bring a girl home fat chance. Stop winding me up and get the meat on the BBQ," Cilla called in again. I still wriggled trying to get free.

"He has, it a naughty girl," a little voice called and others joined in confirming.

"She said 'fuck'," one of them called. "But we smacked her so she won't do it again."

I burst out laughing. "Please let me down," I begged.

"Nope," he said.

"Well I would never believe it.... Let the poor girl down you Neanderthal," Cilla said.

Liam dropped me.

"You're Shannon, Bernie's daughter," his mother said as I turned to look. Recognising her as a woman my mum sometimes talks to in the street and had been at a few girlie parties with Rob's mum. She was mixed race, full figured and pretty.

"Erm yes, hi... sorry about the whole Tarzan and Jane thing, he just did it to show me up," I said.

She came to give me a hug, "Bloody Thug," she said smacking Liam.

"Ow," he said.

"How you been? I heard you went on holiday," Cilla said.

"My mum been telling everyone again," I said rolling my eyes.

"No it was Helen she showed me some pics at hers the other day," she said Helen was Rob's mum.

"Oh god," I said.

"Hey you had a good time by the looks of things," she said. "They were some hot guys."

"Yeah!" I said. "Smoking hot, you'd have loved them. Oh and that moisturiser from that make up party was brilliant over there, no skin peeling it was ace."

"Really I'll have to get some. When is the next party?" she asked enthusiastically.

"Erm next month I think," I replied.

"Cool we can get drunk again and sing like idiots again. That was a right laugh," she said. "Do you remember Bob?" she asked.

I turned to see her husband Bob, white guy, tall, grey hair, stocky and handsome.

"Oh god," I said putting my hand up to my face and turning to her. "Yeah," I said as we both burst out laughing. "I am so sorry," I said and laughed as Bob shook his head.

"Shannon fell on your Dad at a party and when I said 'get off him that is my husband' she wound me up by kissing him," Cilla said and laughed loudly. "Frighten the life out of him she did, especially when Lindsay and Tara joined in. I've never seen him move so fast."

"Bloody wild she is, no wonder he had to drag her in here over his shoulder. Needs taming," Bob said.

"I'm sorry, I'll never do it again," I said to Bob but looked at Cilla and winked.

She laughed. "Come on Shannon I've got a bottle of wine with your name on it," she said.

"Yippeee!" I said putting my hands in the air in victory. As we went to leave towards the kitchen Cilla nodded towards Bob, as he sat back down in his chair. I ran over grabbed his face and kissed him quick with a big MWAH sound.

Cilla howled laughing as Bob got out the chair to chase me like he did at the party that night, once we had let him up. I can't believe I hadn't click who they were last night when Rob mentioned them.

"You better run fast girl," Bob said.

"Cilla made me do it," I said hiding behind her.

"Get him kids," Cilla said.

He dove for me. "Quick Shannon out the back," Cilla said pushing me. I ran out the patio doors and Bob chased me.

"Run Shannon," he said.

I screamed as I ran and the children followed squealing with excitement. I ran out of places to run so I turned putting my fists up.

"Come on Bob, I can take you," I said ducking and diving like Rocky. "You're going down!"

Cilla was screaming laughing. "Shannon you don't change do you?"

I kissed my bicep and beckoned him on. Throwing my flip flops at him and bouncing around again. Chanting the Eye of The Tiger Theme tune.

The kids all bounded about copying me.

"You go for the toe stamp," I said to the smallest. "You bite his knee," I said to another. "You look like you bite bums well," I said to the next who nodded in agreement. "And you attach yourself to a leg and don't let go. We can do this!" I said and cheered sending them into a frenzy.

He put his fists up too, "Ok come on then," he said.

"Don't sing it, bring it!" I said and when he moved towards me the children ran screaming.

"Traitors!" I yelled and turned and ran after them. Listening to several of them getting caught and giving in.

"You're next missy!" he yelled after me.

"No Bob be reasonable it was only a bit of passion," I teased. "How was I to know you weren't able to handle it in your old age?"

"WHAT!" he yelled. "Right that's it.... FOR SPARTA!"

I screamed and ran behind bushed, pushing wheelie bins at him...

"I'll get my boyfriend on to you," I shouted. "He loves me and he will knock you out! He's a trained killer, I once saw him kill a man with a matchstick...." I yelled as I ran around the patio furniture.

He had stopped chasing me. Everyone turned to look at Liam who walked over to me whilst I was still wondering what the hell just happened to make everyone freeze.

"Liam I think that little guy from Heroes is here and has stopped time because everyone is frozen," I whispered as he put his arm around me.

"No you did that," he said.

"I've haven't got any super powers," I said.

"Over me you have," he said.

I looked confused.

"My boyfriend will get you..." he said trying to refresh my memory.

"Ohhh," I said. "He won't really get you Bob," I said reassuringly to a drop jawed Bob.

"Nooo," Liam laughed "The 'he loves me' bit," he said.

"Ooohhh," I said as my mouth dropped open like Bob's. "Shit I'm sorry, it just fell out," I said looking at Liam in horror.

"It's ok," he said.

"Well quick you better throw me over your shoulder and carry me back out before they unfreeze," I said.

"How about this instead?" he asked pulling me into a kiss.

As I kissed him back I heard girlie screaming from the children.

"You are a much better kisser than your dad," I said teasing him.

"Hey I bloody heard that," Bob said.

Liam laughed and kissed me again.

"Liam put her down and come help me get this meat on the Barbie," Bob said.

"Do you mind, I am in love over here, get someone else to do it," Liam said as he bent to kiss me again.

"Cilla, Liam just told me 'No'," Bob said.

Liam stopped kissing me, "I NEVER!" he said before bolting away from me as Cilla chased him with her slipper around the garden. Liam picking up children and using them as shields as they screamed in delight, he even threw a few of the bigger ones at his mother.

"RIght I am going to beat your girlfriend up instead," Cilla said running over to me with the slipper.

"No!" he said. "I'll stand still don't hit her."

I laughed as he stood still and she whacked him with it twice.

"What was twice for?" he asked.

"Because Tyson just rang to say there were on their way and Louisa told me about you turning up drunk at Shannon's last night after being an idiot to her in the morning. So that was for Shannon. Don't do it again or you will get it twice as hard," she said.

"He made me cry," I called to Cilla. "Hit him again."

She whacked him. "OW!" he said.

"Twice he made me cry twice..." I said as she whacked him.

"He made me nearly cry on about eight occasions, my bottom lip wobbled and everything," I said grinning at Liam as he stood starring and Cilla handed the slipper to the kids.

"Have at him," she said.

The kids all smacked him, one with the slipper and the others with their hands.

Bob came out with a tray of meat.

"Ok kids stop using your big brother as a Piñata," he said dragging Liam off with him.

Cilla brought out the wine. I reapplied my lip balm as all this kissing was going to ruin my lips.

"Watch his face," Cilla said. "He is thinking about what you just said, he hates that he made you cry but it will do him good to know the truth that way he will think twice before doing it again. He hates to upset people and is very protective over women and those he loves. If he had thought for one minute that Bob was going to hurt you earlier he would have got in the way and as for me just threatening to beat you with the slipper, he was straight in there to defend you even though he knows it would be in jest and not hurt you. He is such a softy but very guarded. You've done well to get to where you are with him. My only advice, don't ask or expect too much. He is easily startled like a deer in hunting season. He has a heart of gold but he keeps it locked away. You're the only girl he has ever brought home and to see him interact with you that way is a big shock to us all so I hope you don't think we are behaving strangely."

I couldn't think of anything to say in response I was too busy thinking about how stupid I had been mentioning the crying and upsetting him when he had been in such a great mood.

Tyson and Louisa walked out of the patio doors. The kids screamed running to Tyson and Louisa came over to us.

She was pretty, blonde, petite and I had met her a few times at parties.

"Hello Shannon," she said kissing the cheek of Cilla and smiling at me.

"Hiya," I replied.

"So what have I missed?" she asked Cilla.

"He loves her," she whispered.

"Ahhhh," Louisa said squealing quietly all girly.

"Shhh, don't say anything," Cilla said.

"I told you he'd fallen for her, he was in a right state yesterday because he thought she deserved better and didn't want to hurt her. Then realised he had hurt her and missed her, every minute making him pine even more. I went out and left them to it and when Tyson got home he said Liam had wanted to go check on her so they had stopped off. She didn't told him to fuck off just told him he was late, got Tyson to help him inside, gave him a key for next time so he didn't wake her or the neighbours up and then she went to make him coffee. Ahhhh, I knew it!! I fucking knew it!!" Louisa said as though I wasn't there.

"You gave him a key?" Cilla asked surprised.

"I know it is a bit quick and I have never given anyone a key before but it felt like the right thing to do. It will save him waking me up and is a bit more security for him, knowing I actually want him around," I said in honesty.

Cilla smiled. "That would mean a lot to him you know," she said.

I shrugged.

Tyson came over, pecked me and his mother on the cheek and went to sit hand in hand with Louisa. They were a lovely couple.

Liam came over, "I'm going to get changed, you ok?" he asked. "You can come with me if you want?" he offered.

"I'm ok," I said still feeling guilty for upsetting him. I could see him trying to mask it but it was still there.

He stared at me for a moment.

"She'll be fine, you go get out of yesterday's clothes," Tyson said teasing him.

I giggled.

"Leave him alone," Cilla said to Tyson slapping his arm gently.

Liam stood there for a moment.

"Oh for Christ sake, if you want her to go with you, you just have to ask her it is not hard Liam," Cilla said. "Shannon go with him will ya."

"Sorry, I didn't realise you wanted me to go with you, I thought you were just telling me where you were going, as if to say 'I'll be back in a minute will you be ok'," I said standing to take his hand. "I'll help you get undressed.... I mean changed," I said with a grin.

The others laughed but Liam wasn't he just walked us through the patio doors and out the front.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"My house is across the road," he mumbled.

"You don't live there?" I asked.

He shook his head.

We walked up to the house my car was parked in front of, the one with the Audi in the front.

"Is that your car?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Swishhhh!" I said impressed. Wow I had a hot boyfriend with a lush car and a house. Fuck me I had landed on my feet.

He let go of my hand as he turned the key to push the door. "Go ahead," he whispered.

I stepped into the hallway and waited as he picked the mail up and put it on the side table along with his keys.

I knew what he needed and I knew he would never ask.

"Can I have a cuddle?" I asked.

He turned to look at me. A frown on his face. I had confused him.

"I know you were only away from me for five minutes helping your dad but I missed you and I need a cuddle," I said smiling at him sweetly.

I put my arms up wrapping them around his neck, pulling him into an embrace. He was hesitant at first but then he wrapped his arms around me and held me tight. He was so tense. I could feel it. I also felt the tension ease as he held me close. A few moments later, I leant back and placed my hands on either side of his face, looking him straight in the eye. "I love you Liam McKendrey," I said as I kissed him slow and meaningful. He returned my kiss with a slow passion that set my engine racing but I had to hold off, we were expected back at his parents any minute. I pushed my hand up his top. "Come on you lets get you changed before we get in trouble for taking too long," I said.

He bent to kiss me again, this time with more intent. "Oooo you sexy devil," I said. "Pack that in and go get changed." He grinned then flung me over his shoulder and carried me upstairs. I screamed as I thought for a second I was going to fall. He flung me on bed with a thud. Then lay on top of me kissing me hungrily. Whoooaaa! I was lost. Too late to stop now I thought.

His hands reached up my thighs gently clawing his fingers up them. Making me moan and arch myself to him.

He pulled his T shirt off and kissed me again as I fiddle with his belt and pushed his jeans off. He pushed himself against me as I dug my nails into his back gently. Kissing down my neck as he drove me wild with want!

His hand pushing my dress up and pulling the top part down over my breasts. His hand grasping my breasts as he sucked, licked, nibbled and teased my nipples. I was panting!

His fingers brushing gently against the lace of my G string, making my body buzz in anticipation.

His head dipping down between my legs to kiss me. I jumped in surprise. He giggled.

I looked down at his face grinning as his teeth caught the string on my hip and stared to slowly remove them. He teeth tugging as I watched and he smiled at me. Good god he was fucking amazing.

He successfully removed my feeble excuse for underwear and kissed a trail up the inside of my leg making me jolt and moan.

Keeping one hand on a breast he teased the nipple as he spread my legs wide gently stroking the folds between my legs. I felt him spread the lips apart as he gently sucked on my clit, taking it into his mouth and rubbing his tongue on it. I was wriggling uncontrollably like a worm, my breathing erratic as my hands dug into the bed clothes. I was not only turned on by the act but it was more the fact that it was him, Liam, he was going down on me, tasting my pussy, making me moan, knowing me more intimately than I would ever know myself. His tongue sharp and hard as a bullet worked its magic. Darting in and out of me as his tongue fucked my pussy, sucking the lips and nibbling my clit as he lifted my bottom to start rimming me. I had never had that done before and was a bit shocked but as he rimmed me, his fingers pumped my pussy and his thumb pressed against my clit. I felt the urge to wee again. I began to panic.

"Don't fight it," he said. "Let go."

"I need a wee," I said.

"No you don't trust me, just let go," he said. He returned to what he was doing, his fingers rubbing me inside in small circular motions as he rimmed me and used his other hand to hold my pelvis still.

"I can't," I said in panic.

He started to rotate my clit with the thumb of the hand he was using to hold my pelvis still, his other hand still rubbing me inside as I started to push myself over his fingers. His mouth kissing the inside of my thighs.

I felt it, "Arrrggghh," I screamed as I felt a gush and my orgasm consume me. I had just bloody piddled on him a little bit. I hope he was into golden showers. His tongue gently lapping told me he was.

As I lay there breathless thinking of what to say he appeared above me and kissed me.

"Did I just wee on you?" I said embarrassed covering my face.

"No, don't be silly," he said pulling my hands away. "You just came that's all, not just an orgasm but ejaculated, you know..."

Then I remembered this morning in the shower, I hadn't been certain but now I was.

"Oh ok, well I have never done that before, sorry," I said.

"What you sorry for?" he asked.

I shrugged embarrassed.

"Don't be embarrassed, it is a beautiful thing and I am very happy that you saved your first time for me," he said with a grin.

I laughed gently.

"Thank you, it was amazing," I told him.

"You were amazing," he said with a peck on my lips and then popped up to get dressed.

"What you doing?" I asked.

"Getting dressed before my mum kills me," he said with a grin.

"But what about..." I started to say as I sat up fixing myself.

"I was only interested in doing what I just did," he said with a wink.

"You naughty boy," I teased.

"Yeah but I'm your naughty boy," he said as he bent to kiss me.

We got dressed quickly and freshen up in the bathroom before venturing back over the road.

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