Working for Him...

By BlissfulDream

256K 10K 2.7K

Meet Isra; a 19-year-old Muslim girl who doesn't seem to know how to think before she speaks or act. All in a... More

Working for Him...
Chap.9 - Marc's P.O.V....kinda.....idk


12.7K 529 176
By BlissfulDream

My eyes grew wide and I approached him – while still keeping a good distance –to try and comprehend what he just said.

Before I had the chance to speak, the door flung open revealing a tall, teenage girl with long blonde locks that were flying everywhere as she tried to catch her breath.

“Anaya what are you doing here?” Sir spoke, so I guess her name is Anaya. That’s a really beautiful name.

“Marc!” she enveloped him into a bear hug, not being affected by his rudeness at all.

Although Marc, I mean Sir, tried his best to look annoyed I saw a smile – a genuine smile- on his face.

I don’t care, this girl is superwoman. How did she manage to make him smile just by hugging him? I must admit though, sir looks good when he smiles. He should really do it more often. The way his facial features just seemed to look better when he smiles is definitely a stupendous view.

All this time I had thought that there was a deeper reason as to why he was such a bitter person. But I guess I thought wrong since all it took to make him happy was a visit from this girl who could be his sister or cousin ... or something. I wouldn’t know since they didn’t actually share any physical similarities.

I studied them both quietly as they conversed. The girl, Anaya, was rather pale whereas sir was fairer. Anaya is obviously a blonde but sir’s hair is dark chocolate. And the eyes; Anaya has green while sir has grey...or olive green, I still haven’t figured it out.

“Who’s this?” I was pulled out of my thoughts as both Anaya and Marc, I mean sir, turned to me.

“My assistant. Isra, Anaya. Anaya Isra,” he waved his hands between us and I found myself shaking Anaya’s hand. Wait...does this mean I’m still working here?

“Hi, I'm Anaya, his sister,” she beamed. So they are related.  I nearly choked but managed to crack a smile nonetheless.

How can this pretty nice girl come from the same family as this monster?

“Marc what happened to Amanda? This one doesn’t seem your type at all,” she continued, my eyes widened at the comment and I stood confused as she poked her brother’s side playfully whilst wiggling her eyebrows.

“Anaya, grow up. And I’m busy so get out,” sir ordered as he went to sit at his desk, not exactly affected by Anaya’s comment.

I, on the other hand, am confused as hell. I mean, first off, who’s Amanda? And what did she mean by me not being his ‘type’. And am I still working here or no?

Too busy trying to clear everything out in my head, I hadn’t noticed Anaya leave.

“Sir, who’s Amanda?” I asked, sitting in front of his desk.

I waited patiently for him to reply as his eyes stayed fixed on his computer screen.

“My assistant,” he said.

I was a taken back to say the least. I mean if Amanda is his assistant then why did Anaya make the comment about something to do with his ‘type’.

Maybe it’s just me, but I thought she was talking about the type of girls sir is interested in, in general. Like the type of girls that he dates. Or maybe I’m over-thinking things and she was just talking about the type of girls he hires to work for him and was implying that I’m different from them. However, I don’t know if I should be offended or not?

“Sir, do you have a girlfriend?” I found myself asking.

If he does then that means Anaya wasn’t talking about the girls sir likes to be in that kind of relationship with.

If he doesn’t then not to worry; sir would never look at me like that anyway. All he ever does is glare at me. I don’t even think he sees me as human so how can he see me as someone he’d like to have a relationship with. And anyway, I’m a Muslim and, last time I checked, one that doesn’t attract these creatures called men.

So either way; I’m fine with it.

“That’s my personal business,” he looked up. “Do you have a boyfriend?”

“No! No way, me having a boyfriend is next to impossible,” he raised his eyebrows as I made a disgusted face.

A boyfriend-girlfriend relationship is something I have never ever considered. Firstly, it’s haram. So that makes it a no-no. And second, I will only have a relationship as intimate with a man who’s my husband. And third, that is just stress and effort which I cannot put into something petty like that.

“Is it because it’s not halal?” he asked.

To say that I was taken back would be an understatement. Not just by the question, but also because of how sincere the question was. He obviously wanted to know and he wasn’t just mocking the laws of my religion at all. He was asking as if he wanted to make sure that he got his facts right.

“Yeah,” I managed to choke out. “How do you know?”

“From a friend.”

I nodded. Were we actually having a conversation without me being yelled at? Maybe this is Marc Edson Franklin and whoever my boss is, is just a mask that he wears to scare and terrify people I guess. Frankly, I don’t know why he’d want to do that. Personally, I would rather have people be comfortable with me, call me their friend even, not be scared of me. I guess I’ll never understand some people’s mentality.

“Sir, am I still fired or...” I trailed off, looking at him expectantly.

“Yes,” I knew it was too good to be true. I thought that bringing it up at this moment would make him change his mind but clearly, I thought wrong. “You are fired from here but you will continue to work for me.”

“I do not understand,” my eyebrows grew together in confusion.

“You will work for me but not here.”

“If not here then where?”

“My house.”

“What! I’m going to be your maid? This is not what-“

“Shut up,” I felt myself sink in the chair and a pout form on my lips. “You’ll work for me by working for Anaya. I don’t know, you’ll be her nanny or whatever,” he dismissed.

“I’m going to babysit a teenage girl who seems more than capable of taking care of herself?” I asked dryly. This isn’t making any sense to me. “It seems as if you’re giving me a job just for the sake of having me work for you. Why can’t I just continue working here?”

By now sir had gotten up and was stood in front of the window, his back facing me.

“Don’t ask too many questions because I don’t have answers to them all right now,” he sighed. 

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I huffed.

“Here,” he turned around and extended a piece of paper in my direction, ignoring my previous question.

“What’s this?”

“A contract,” he stated. "Sign it."

“Why am I signing it?”

“Because, all the legal things need to be done and out of the way before you can start working.”

“Legal things...? Whatever,” I signed at the bottom right hand side of the sheet of paper dismissively, not bothering to read over it since I’ve done way too much of that from the previous work that sir had set me. Not just that, but reading it will be like reading the terms and conditions...that is something I have never done in my life so why start now?

“I’ve signed it, now what?” I ignored the anxious feeling that formed in my stomach the minute I signed the paper and beamed up at him brightly.


Slyly, my index finger moved towards the bowl filled with mixture for a chocolate cake. Of course, my beloved sister slapped it away before I could dip it in, causing me shriek and pout.


“This is your punishment,” she grabbed the bowl and walked over to the oven, placing it in. “You won’t get any today and I hope that teaches you a lesson.”

I sighed. Neha and I were currently in the kitchen while she baked and I told her some of what happened in the office (and tried to eat the cake mixture). Just like a mother, she has done nothing but scold me and worry herself. I don’t know why she’s so bothered that I have no idea what the stupid contract says. Even though I’m pretty sure it had nothing important for me to read.

“Neha aka apple of my eye aka meri ishq(my love),” I swung my arms around her from the back just as she shut the oven door. “It’s not like I’m sleeping there, stop worrying. Look on the bright side, with this job it means I can work for that grouch without having to see him or talk to him. And Anaya is such a sweet girl mashaallah. Neha I don’t think it gets better than that.”

“Isra you’re going to be working in the house that he lives in, I doubt that you won’t see him or even speak to him.”

“I know that but I can always avoid him. And plus, he seems like the type to work till late so maybe the chances of coming across him are very, very, very, very, very slim?”

“Can we not forget the fact that he’s a non-muslim, a mahram? Isra, he doesn’t know the laws of Islam and may God forbid this but anything can happen if you’re not careful. Do you understand what I’m trying to say?”

I removed my arms from her; not exactly having anything to say. I know that sir is a non-muslim but like I said, he will never look at me like that. And now that I’ll be working in his house; he won’t even get the chance.

One thing I had noticed from my time in the office was that sir took his work seriously. And I’m not just saying that because he always looked serious but you just know from the way he is so focused. I got to see this when he made me stay in that meeting.

But a small part of me knows that Neha is right. We all know men are weak... if you know what I mean.

“I’m going to sleep,” I made my way upstairs, collapsing onto my bed when I was in my room. Suddenly I was feeling really tired and sleepy but I knew that I wouldn’t be able to get a minute of sleep without praying.

It was only a bit past 6pm and the sun was setting. I had prayed Maghreb and was currently lying in bed, awaiting sleep.

Allaahumma Bismika Amootu Wa Ahyaa

(O Allah with your name do I die and do I live)

After making the dua that I have always read before going to bed, I felt my tiredness increase and soon my body was no longer in control as soothing sleep took over it.


Whale. I think Isra should've read what the contract said....hmmm wonder what she's got herself into.

new character alert!

Anayaaaaaa; she's going to be involved alot until the end I think. 

or maybe not..


Until next time inshaallah

-Mayaaaaaaaaa x 

*insert smiley face*

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