I See You

By slaymissluthor

10.4K 481 82

Kristen has feelings for Kate and Kate has feelings for Kristen but will they tell each other? Everything sta... More

Into You
Like Lightning
Everybody Knows
Can't Blame a Girl for Trying
Good Girls
What now?
On My Mind
Show Me
Come My Way
You're Such A
I've Got You (And You've Got Me)
Nothin' In This World
Dangerous Woman
That's My Girl
I'm So Excited
Hey Girl
If You Say So
Scared To Be Lonely
I Do
A Million Years


297 18 1
By slaymissluthor

Well well well look who's back! Hopefully I'll be able to update a little more frequently now, not only because Christmas is nearing but I've contracted tonsillitis so I'm currently on sick leave. I was supposed to at least work 2-3 days next week but that is now not happening. Thankfully I'm already feeling better, I got penicillin yesterday and it's obviously already working. Well I might be able to post another chapter in a few hours but for now I hope you guys enjoy this.
Kristen's POV

Two weeks passed by rather quickly. Me and Kate had FaceTimed everyday but we were always so busy that the conversations was always cut short and that just made me miss Kate even more.

I'm currently laying down on my bed staring at the ceiling wishing Kate was here. I wanna have my arms wrapped around her, snuggling, making out and maybe a little bit more. I roll around and grab my phone from the nightstand. No new messages. I out my phone down and sighed.

If only Kate was here.

Kate's POV

Me and Kristen have been so busy lately that our FaceTime conversation has always been so short, so I wanted to change that. So I had bought a ticket to LA to surprise her. This had been extremely hard to keep from her but it so gonna be worth it. I know she misses me terribly, trust me I miss her too but I've had several different people messaging me that when they've talked to Kristen the only thing she talks about is me and how much she misses me. It honestly made me both sad and happy, sad because well she misses me but happy because well she misses me. It warms a lot you know?

Anyways it was already 11am here which would make it 8am in LA. My flight was leaving in an hour and a half so I was currently stressing to get to the airport on time. I gave Nino a kiss and grabbed my bag before I headed out to get a cab to the airport.

Finally at the airport after rushing through check in and security I was now sitting at a Starbucks relaxing before my flight.

I knew Bill was in LA at the time so I had asked him if he could keep Kristen occupied for the day so I could set some things up at her place. He had sent back that he gladly would keep her away.

I shot him a text before I got on the plane so he knew I was on my way. Now I only have a six hour flight ahead of me. I shut my phone of and look out the window as the plane rolls out to the runway.

I'll see you soon babe.

Kristen's POV

My phone buzzes and I grab for it fast hoping it's Kate. My smile fades a little when I notice that it isn't Kate. But the smile doesn't disappear all together as I see that it's Bill.

Text conversation

Bill: You wanna hang out?

Kristen: Yeah sure.

Bill: Okay Imma pick you up in an hour.

Kristen: ok ok :)

I drag myself of the bed to get dressed. I grab a pair of jeans and a half sleeved t-shirt. I walk into the kitchen and get some coffee and breakfast and sit down in front of the TV. I watch the news and then put my plate and mug in the sink before I head into the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair.

Then I once again sit down on the couch to watch some TV before Bill arrives.

10 minutes later and the doorbell rings and I get up and opens the door.

"You ready?" Bill asks as he steps inside.

"Yeah let me just grab some things." I grab my phone, keys and wallet, turn off the tv and then we head out.

"So what are we doing today?" I ask as we get into Bill's car.

"Whatever you want." Bill smiles brightly.

"Why?" I ask suspiciously.

"Well you've been so down lately, mostly because you miss Kate so I wanted to cheer you up a little."

I smile.

"This is why you're my best friend."

We drove off and got some ice cream and just sat down and talked, hours passed and I didn't even notice.

Kate's POV

I was finally get off the airplane and one step closer to Kristen. I got my things and headed off the plane and into the busy airport. I went through passport control and grabbed my luggage. After our living situation talk I had given Kristen a key to my place and she had given me a key to her house and well the code to the alarm.

I get into a cab and tell the driver the address and soon I couldn't even see the airport anymore.

When I arrived at Kristen's I shot Bill another text to tell him that I was at her house now so keep her away until I'm done.

He sends me a thumbs up emoji back and I get the key from out of my bag and unlock the door.

I step in and Moose runs up to me. I turn to the alarm and turns if off and then go into cuddle Moose.

"Hi Moose." I give her a kiss on her head before I set her down.

Hmmm where to start.

Kristen's POV

It was now almost 4:30pm and I can't believe I haven't thought about Kate this entire time.

"Hey Bill. Thanks."

"For what?" He shrugs.

"For this, for getting me out of the house and taking me places. I really needed it."

"Anytime princess."

I smile at the nickname.

Then Bill's phone buzzes and he smiles at the screen.




"It's nothing I promise! We gotta go though well I have something to do some I'm just gonna drop you off okay?"

"Okay..." I'm getting very suspicious again.

He drops me off and then fast drives off.

I shrug and grab my key and unlock the door.

There in the middle of the hallway was Kate in just underwear and heels and my knees went weak right there and then. I shut the door fast and run up to her and hug her tight.

"Oh my gosh you're here!" I let go of her a little but where still holding onto each other.

"Surprise babe." Kate smirks.
Until next time :*

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